HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-03-29Rceei t{ .. RESID-NTIAL"SPIIINGFTEI-D,\ APPLICAIT-N/PERI'II I ZZs North ;th Street Building Di'uisio.n Loca.ticn: ielso?c llaP # I o ?r bdittision: lfie?: Adtiress: LL AdCiticn Rernoiel Date of App Lieaticn E. ?di lpt # OD +O 5 r'c Dtc 4qut ltt 1 2r.11 Describe Notlc: /U er,-s /4 a /<-r- fr-- lJu ; /c/,>7 t-7zt bLoTiec d)41fuu,- Date: ,1-A ? -Ef Value Aoz?ess PhoneJ GeneraL Pltnbing ELectr'[ccL It ,:s the teaponsibility of tle petrit hoki* to aee that aLL inapeetioaa ee nade at tte pro?er tine, tLat ecch cddrees i8 reaz^^i. frun tte att;et, anC tha.t the penrit ca$ri ia i.ocated at the frcnt of tile ptoDe"ty.Building D;-uisior: ayq%-ed plot shcll remain on tha Building Sitc at dLL times. PI?OCSDUPE FO!? fits?anrcil RleLtrST.'CALL726-3769 (recordet) state yout City Cesiqnated job ntmbet, job a;iness, tyae of ir*peclicti reeuesteci at;a at:en gou uiLL be reaciy for ir.soeetion, Cont?aeto?s or Aners nste cnci phone rutnbcr. p.equesxs receixed befcre 7:00 c.'siZL be nacie the oone &y, "equeata nctie after ?:00 an vtLL be nade the nezt:,nrking acg. your City Deeigr.ated Job l,funbet, Is:78o ai a-/Romti no.1 r- :-l si:3 J.\',3?SC:rO::: 7o be raae after ) acav;;;;;-rG prior tc set up of lormg. --1 ailDsRSLAs pLur.s!i:G. tL!::pIC,1L I I l.,rcL';.:;;:;:: To be maae ber'ore cn,t ,/WK LA Colc?ed. -l FCOTfitC 4 FOUND,ITIC:]: Io be r.aCe _) cj'cer xyenches are ezcauatei ar,.C.. fotms are enected, but pyior xopw-ir,g ecncrete. - u!':DlRGpi:'::D pLU:zri,'1. .ss[:.?. Lii:s.i. I DRALI;;C:: To be ma.ic DrLc! xo iti-Lir4 trenches. TilSULATIOI| /LIAPOR BARRIIR II.SP|CTIO\| : To be maCe after aLL insulaxi-cr ed. requrz,ed oqor ba'rie?a dre in pla.ee bttt before oty 'lath, Wpsun boati or rnLL eouering is cpplied, od. before oty insuLation is concealed. nat,af 76tntt nJ \,atE^ Soti2ey setter eapped at Wopatw^ Line Septic totk p-,t::ped a,d filled trith gza-se: Final - I{hen abcoe ite:ts are cataleted an<i uhen ietclition is eorcLet.e o? st?uc- tuy'e moDed ati prenrtses eleanei up. l/cbile licnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)et od. uatet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, aet-uz ani plunbina connections m:st be apprc"^ec before requesx;.ng eleetrical inspeetio:,: Accescor-i BuiLC'-ng Final - Aftcr ocrekes, ekirting, decl<s, etc. are comole)ed. l l l l PL,U|EIiIC 2. naAe prlo" to Lnsxa LaXLOn floor insulation or deckinq. P2ST AIID BEAI.:: To be nad.c ptior to instalLation of floor insulation or deckiry. DRYWALL INSPEfrI)N: Tc be made after aLL aryuall is in place, but prior to cr.g tapir,g. l4AS0ll2I: Steel iocation, bond beans, arouting or ueytiecls in accorci.otce vLth U.B.C. Section \iO1DST),/E: After installation is amp'Leted. CUP9 fr A?PRCACU APPl^-: Aftc. formsee erecteC but prior to pouring cot1,2"ete. SfDEtlAl,X t" DRflEllAy: Fo" aLL eon- crete pauing uithin street right- of-18y, to be maie aften aLL esca- oatinQ conplete & fotn .-rk & sub- base nctertal in place. AIIICAL: iio FII]AL PLU\.EII:C '!!a.t:- to De coa"erec. D Gli-these inspee.-iot:s i,;aue becn nad.e ani aoorovei. FIPEPLAC!: PrLor w plccirn fccin:mcterials and before ironing inspee-tion. -1 rnnl:r:::;: l,luct be reouestec afier ) appr"val ci rouoh plunbint, e'Lectri-cal d necinnieal, AL!- rocfim brasirut E chinmcys, ete. i.tst be : conpletcd, tlo ucrk ie to be eon-..-cecled until thta inspeetLon laa'been ma<ie anC approued,. l lEllCE: hrher eonplete -- fuouiCe gaxe6 o? mouable sections through P. U. E. ALL pto,iect eonditions, such aa the i.nstallaxion of street trees, conoletion of tie required Lancsccpir:g, etc., Dntst be aatisfieci before tl",e BUILDIT;G FI1IAL can be rzquested. FIIIAL BUfLDING: The Final Building fnepection trust be reauesteC clten the Firuzl PlunbingElect"ical, anC Meclwniecl Inspecti.ons ltauc been made anti approvad. 1 runer, uEaHANTcAL' Lrq lrrneL ELEc?prcAL l o .ALL i.IA!:I]CLTS AIJD CLEA\:OUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIE!,E, ADJL'57:!::]T TO 3I T'JD| /.? I:O CJS? TO CIIY Page 2 of 2 tr JOB NO.sotA8 ACCESS REQ._L-co c+ AceessDfHouae [ot Facea - l,1o"th East Fireo T?T TWE _ Interiot Coraer _ Panhand.le _ CUl-de-sac x Lot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lot Caveragc I of Storiee Totat Eetght Topoglphy lbin bace Ca..?crt Accessoru ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. .I.5 e I Be:to*s :ieaa I,Jaoasto"-e -- Fees -- a a Building Volue & permir \is..oe'.'nt-ia granted on the eo?ess condition thdt the sai.d, consttttctiotzt":::,^::,1r1.?espe.e.ts, eonforn to the Or<iinance acioatei by the City ofb!\Ln.qileld, includ.:.nq th.e Zoning Cydinance, reoulcting tlle ccnstrtcticny..\:_" -! building.s,. otd n-ay b.e- euspen"d.ed, or revokeC Lt c-y tzme upon vic_tittlon of @1y prcuisions of said Ouiir,ances. Buildinq Penntt State ?otal Cheges I JJLT. Resiietttial (1 bcth) PL;nHng Perrtt State Plan Date Paid t# Sio-ed: Plumbing Permit Ng pereon slnZl constract, ins!al!, alter or chaqe Gn! ned cr e:lstingplrnbing or drainaae Bystel in i,titole or in pott, unless auch Verson is tre Legal possessor of a oalid plumber's License, escept th,at a De:son nq do ,Hr.O"n uork to p"ope"t! uhieh is or.meC, Leased or operated by the qppli-Soi,itant Sezter Vctet Electricol Permit Ithe?e State lan reauites tiu,t the electrical uork be done by an Slecdcal Contractcr, the elecrrical portion of ;his pernix shall rot be valii wttil the Label iu,s been signeti by the Electrical Cont"ceto?. N€1;/btend Cireuits I IaiDct@lt Seruice Stcte C|an,ces ( Pbr (r €+- tol4 '*a.p €4, 5") I,l1 J.-1, U3 I?.F;:Mechonicql Permit tbhalst HooC Vqtt Pot i,looCstorc Sectri Storaoe !'lctn Pcnrit Totel Cmraa:. eDbczta si.da.lalk Pen,ttt'Issuorce Me:innicc! Penlzt -- E:|CRCACHT!!:,'T -- a I I'Lant Lxontner Uarc f HAW CARIFULLy SXLUINED the eonnleted aoplication for oernit, @td do hereby certify that aLL it:fottation hereott is true anC eorrect, anl, f funther eer+-ify that any ard aLL uork penforaed. si"";Zl be ciote it ae=or- <iance vith the Ordinances of xhe City of Sot-intfiel,L, and, th: La;s of the State of Oregcn pcrtaining to the tsork Cescribcd hcrein, cnC :Ir.ct N0 OCCI- Pl.llcy vtll be nade of any sxtuctura uithout permission of the 3uild,ing Di-uision. I further cetti'f'! ttuzt otly contr.actors at;.d etplcyees uho arZ in canpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project 3 llobile Hsne a:TIAL AIfiUi!? DU!:'d4 -o/J GJ Signed Date ,r