HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-09-03Aueust ll 1981 lane colrnty Re RV 81-194 The abcve referenced applicatjon to plac e a mobile home at a distance of 41r * from the centerline of Nova Street in an RA zone which req uires a 60 ft. setback from Variance ApPl i cat'ion No. (Appl i cant) (Address ) (Map & Tax Lot) Mary J. Lucker 88 Nova St. , Eugene , 0R 9140L 17 -03-22-44 / 5sO0 the centerline of a countY road.has been: xx approved with the st'ipuiatjons and conditions stated below. denied. The dec.isjon rvas based on the findjngs of this offjce (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisioni-ot Lun. Code 15.9=0=O(2), '. The dec'ision wjll become final on g/3/sL untess appealed to the;ffiETTi:d body fBo+rd-oF{ou+br{ornr*i's*-i<xre++) m;*iffi g;ii;irii'on or before tirit date. An appeal may be fjled bv vou, vour representat'ive, o.'unV other-intereited or affected person. in-accordance with the provis.ions of Lane code 1:.?00i8) _.* The appear is to be fired with th'is office and must state how the dec1sion Js-lT error. if an appeaf is.fi1ed, yo-u and the adjacent propert!."owneri-wirt ue iavit.a or the date,'t'ime and place of the hearing before the aPPellate bodY. IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPRoVED a not'ice is being sent.to adjacent property owners to advise them of their appeal rjghts. For any questions on this matter please contact this office. Pete Watson,Planner * Your appe al .nust be accompan'ied by a $195.Ogfi1ing fee' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None I.ANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION / COUR IHOUSE PUBLIC SEBVICE BUILDING I 125E- 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE' OR 97401 / {Y)3) 687 4186 Appllcant: Mary Lucker Journal Number: RV 81-194 (b) REPONS OT' TINDINGS Prepared 81: Pete Watson CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW }IUST BE MET FOR A VARIA}ICE TO BE APPROT'IED' 1. Cornpliance uith any otte of tlw folloui'ng c"tteri'a: h) ?lut a et?iet or Literal interpretatton and enforcenent of the speeified tequirement WuLd result in practical difficulty or unnecessatg hardshtp atd uould be inconsistent tvtth tlv obiectiues of this Chapter. Date:t24 1981 Location of septic system limits the location of the residence. Enforcing the ordinance literally would unnecessarily limit the size of the residence. That there are eseeptiornl oy 2rtraondinaty circwnsta-ncea o? eondtttons applicable to the property inuolued oi to th, intend.ed uee of the property whteh do not aoply genetully to bther pioperttee in t'he eone zoning district. (c) Z. Ihat the gyanttng of the Daytanee uiLL not be detz"inental to th-e publie ltealth, -safety or uelfare oi naterialiy injurious b pz,operties or tmpnouanents tn the near oicinity. Nova Street is a deadend road and is unlikely to be widened within the foreseeable future; granting the variance would appear to have a negli- gible effect on neighboring properties or the public welfare. That etu'ict or Lttetnl intetptetation atd enforeement of the specified tegulation uould deprLue the applieant of priuileges LegaLLy erujoyed by the ouners of other propez'ties claesified ti ttre ea'ne zonirq distnict. August l(, 1981 Re: Variance App lication No. RV 81-194 (Appl i cant)Mary J. Lucker (Address )88 Nova St., Eugene, OR 9740L (Map & Tax Lot)L7 -03-22-44 / 5500 The above referenced app lication to place a mobi le home at a distance of 41t + from the centerline of Nova Street in an RA zone which requires a 60 ft. setback from lane county the centerline of a countY road. has been approved for the property indicated above, subiect to stipulatjons listed below. Th'is decision was based on the fin (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code According to our records, your property abuts the subiect property. If, in your op'inion, the granting of thjs variance adversely affects your property,,you.have ti.re rigtrt to ippeal lnis action to the appellatL body $oar"d-o+4orl{t+Y{omrni{;6.+{x}€r.5-) (Heapings Off ifiat ). If not appealed on or before 9l.3lB.L the approval will become final. An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other interested or affetied perion in accordahce with the provisions of Lane Code ts=.9.00(8) ,.* The appeal is to be filed with thjs office and must state how the decision is in error. if'an appeal is fjled, you and other adiacent property owners w'ill be adv'ised of the date, time, and plale of the hearjng before the appellate body. If you have any quest'ions on th'is matter please contact this office. Pete Watson, Planner * your appea'l must be accompan'ied by a $f95.00 f i f ing fee. the cond'it'ions and dings of this offjce 15 .900 2) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. t.ANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION i COUBTHOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE EUILDING I 125E, BTH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / (503) 68/ 41IJ6 \-..# t * ccrrtylilIIGrE!6 t0l: _Setback froo gpe D road, 15.075 _Dedlcatlon and Iuproveuent Requlreuente, 15.105 APPROVAL OF BUILDING SITE Property sbutttng end of road, 15.120 Fec I lt ty Pormlc // Bulldtng Pernl cil loDIrrcATIoN oF IAI.IE CoDE CHAPIER 13, "LAlrD Roads,13.055(15 _Utlltty & Watercourse Eaeements, 13.060 PedestrLan & Blcycle lfays, L3.065 _Parcels 0 Iots (unzoaed areae), 13.070 _Zoned area, LC 10._ Preparation, Survey & Monunentation of Dlvlslone, 13.100 Sewerage Faclllties, 13.075_ tioalng ls lnvoJ-vedl lrootage,15.115' Access _Publlc Roade, 15.045 _Prlvate Roade, 15.050_ -Prlvete Acceas Easeoenia, 15.055_ lp ur! cooB crArlll 15,'88" ft11og unless e p#tt 070 fcc,, 1!t. _Exlstlnt lot or parcel, 13.030(4)- Bulldtng Pcnalt ( DIVISION,. _Dangerous Areaa, 13.085 _Gradlng, Ercavatlon & Clearlng, 13.090 P1an, l.lap & Plat Speclflcaclons, 13.105 Mlnor Partltlon Procedure, 13.125 -tlaJor Partltlon' Procedure, 13. 130- MaJor Partltlon Map Procedure, 13.135 -subatvlslon Tentacive Plan Procedure,-15T4O- IIater Supply, L3.080_ PROPOSAL:E TI t^{o !>{OBLLE hEAL L\J-AI.I RA-:ETLL The prorielon(e) checked above, lf etrlctly or llteraIly unneceseary hardship or practlcal dtfflcultles because o enforced, would cause lo/ 50 \3.ta W }J <. r=aT 6t?E rj Bo rct:O tND Tu"MEEr 'RtAurRED 12r3T*N<.e s€PTtc TANI<,.-R.N e 5 lhe property, or the Lntended use thereof, is subJect to exceptional circumstances or condirions not generally applicable to other ProPertles ln the and f.)9, sMALL I.aT AND NEED TO ?OT same vlclnity, tAR6ER namely, Hopte ( ) AtEached are_copies of a site plap shoplng dlpeJrsions, existlng and proposed buildings and lndication of uce, and ( ) Legal.descrlptlon of the subject property. ASSESSOR,S MAP AND TAX LOTS I-? AN 22, PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY PROPOSED USE points of ingress and egress, ro or easement locations 4oo .T+ ZONING Appllcantrs Slgna ture Address A Leeal Interest ln this ProDertY: Ornerrs Name, 1f dlfferent from above EI R Addressr SA}JtE clty ZIP C0DE ,non"7*7 -3?36 .r., E 6€^rE ZIP CoOE:4-tZtOt RECORI) Date Actlon Taken: d. Bv:Appeal Fl1ed:__Hearlng Date:-_ Actl"on Taken: Act{on Taken By ENVI - EffectLve Date:Order Appllc Addres Effectivelt ant: ss Reference:_---.--a: ENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / I2SEASTATX AVE, / EUGENE, 9F 97401 ,\1".-, / PHONE {5O3t E74186 .(lLc-A (ervlrr >/ gcJg--" L rlf n! )' Glrae F*e\A t<P' T\) Rt.-l Tcs NouA €rr. a6 + 86 Nov k r+R,h,\ o x] l(tRt< Sn a-v I ciJA. \D?t 0 3o {4 { d 2(r $: \t, ,t GeME +2 m L C-r' Fire Numb $ R(*l-fq 4 Fi el d Check Planner (", t e g- Appf i cant UCt<A Map & Tax Lot Addres s Descri pti on of property: Structures , terrai n etc. Al so slrovr structures on adjacent properties if pertinent ( setback vari ance) - a4-- -a-<7<J n b \A. /{" 4 :. --1.),, ',:,:.',:. 4\M w.1+ Conurlen ts : L o-4 !l o Plcrt PIan Subf,ivision Lot Job Locatlou Permlt iI Permlt Pennlt For TD FIt.oFf o? rY)ogE AprKoX. +l - +3 h feet Pe:nnlt # Perult Pernlt 5TKEE T Feon C*rre., o{ r.oaP Ct€AI.l ho For For For For For Block + Z t <.='+ o (\4 n GnR, I I I I I t I I +7',r c74- 150 VicLnlty Map N Qit-1t _-t I I I I I t I I I t t f' CERTIFICATION OF MAILING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I,Jana Houehton derved notice of the administrative decision to deny the application of a Road Var initiated by Mary Lucker: RV BL-L94 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to the applicant dnd owner (if different) of the subject property in the said letter, by placing i-n sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter, and delivering said envelopes to the duly authori-zecl postal agent for the Lane County Cour'thouse on thls 24tt.day of AugusF , l9---B1-. Subscribed and sltor'n to otary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this 24th d ay of 19, 8t-. My Commi'Expires:1/2184 \ LUCKER: RV 81-194 Howard & Alma Dickens 53 Game Farm Rd.'Eugene, 0R 97401 Margaret Thompson 67 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, 0R 97401 Richard & Karen Kirsch 3287 SE Milbrook Pl. Albany, OR 9732L Burton & Doris Temple 99 Game Farm Rd. 2 Eugene, OR 9740L Dustin & K.S. Weiland 115 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, OR g74OL T.H. & f'aye Fredericks 133 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, 0R 9740L Doyle & M.A. I'arnsworth 155 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, OR 9740L John Andreas 167 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, OR 97401. Dorothy Moore Box 269 Spf1d, OR 97477 Thomas & Connie Aldous 175 Game Farm Rd. Eugene, 0R 9740L ' Randy & Diane Cook 130 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Cecil & Nora Stickney 81 Nova St. Eugene, OR 974OL Wayne & Joy Gilliand 2634 Wayside Ln. Spfld, 0R 97477 Gary Konold 75 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9l4OL Kenneth & Betty Farset 2630 Wayside Ln. Spfld, 0R 97477 Kenneth & Ida Hodgin 61 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Harry & Edith Jones 584 City View Spfld, OR 97477 Deborah Dehart 16 Hayden Bridge WaY Spfld, 0R 97417 Jehovahrs Witnesses West Unit of Springfield 56 Nova St. Eugene,- OR 9740L David Koeltzow 64 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Darrel & Martha Nelson 72 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Pacific lst Fed. Sav Box 1759 Eugene, OR 97440 Donald & Donna Bond Box 79 Thurston, 0R 97482 Paul & Rhonda Foshay 493 Conestoga Way Eugene, OR 9740L Charles & Shirley HinkleY 96 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Alfred & Helen Reeves 3879 W. 18th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402 Albert & Mildred Symonds Box 948 Marcola, OR 97454 Steven & Lynetta Moir 97 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9740L Ronald Farmer 2836 Lrayside Ln. Spfld,0R 91477 Mark & Marilee Truebe 2822 Wayside Ln. Spfld,OR 97477 Eddie & Eva Delay 2732 Wayside Ln. Spfld, OR 97477 Ross & Mearl Buihner 2686 l,layside Ln. Spfld, OR 97477 & Loan Lawrence & D. Moore 279 Country Club Rd Eugene, 0R 9740I Mary Lucker 88 Nova St. Eugene, OR 9140L a IN RE MATTER OF: b __3tu 3 JouRNAL No. PV a l-le+ Ma+*tburu-' 11.'oa zz,4 -4+ 5:oo Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers It *@ o o o o o oo zo o A.r. n,.A-v O0**.cr Stu.**r+ 8..rrrsti Ml 4-0t Z3 oo '1/} -t IN RE MATTER OF JOURNAL NO. Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers Ma,<,t Luc Yez 11,b3-22.4"4* Sboo ?ar oo __5Ao_a -fr:O-*2 \o *"on\ Sgq 0^-k , \ ), fr"- \sfQ.A Qc'r^L-+\n\$ou tr=q\t \ \ \ -d-\ Mt 4-01 41 a t).^ n 2 CONSTRUC. T ION/PLAC E M ENT PERM IT CO}IPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. POR OFFICE USE ONLY AppIic Permit f! rro Copj-es of Plans fl rwo Copies of Plot Plans f]laechanical Checklist f! ntu*Ui.,g Checklist Ietan Check Info Sheet "pb7/ rowNsHrp /7 I *'"" 23 SECTfON - 2-74,4{OUT OI'5{a/LOT BLOCK t ,/"4SUBDIVISIapP Sesidentiat ftrndustrial I commercial Inou:-ic $ VALUE OF Proposed Exi sting WA?ER SUPPLY*oF iur4 ^&ron 7//'32.2/ TELEPHONE NUMBER7?rV €--9 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do herr:by .rcrtif, that all inf.)rmatiorl herccn ir; truc and corre.t and I further certify that any and alL work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordiuances of l,ane County atrd the Laws of Lhe Stnte of Ar4tl.rl I,,)ttajrrinq to the work descrj,bed herein, and thag No occUpANcY will be nade of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. r further certif,' that registration with the Builder's Board is in futl force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is notrd hereon, and that only subcontractors and enployees who are in co(pliance with oRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AllD CIIECruD THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. (please print)DATEc I q- 8 -8t ffi,.., fl Contrac*-or ! ag..,t I pr.auurxc/ZoNrNG:Partitfon # , side':_- Parce] #e Parcel Size I'lili f c"i-nterior rear V.*g n FLOOD N:In fl hazard area? Xd SAI{ITATION: GRID COoRIINATE NRURAL AD SS Inst.a Ilation Specifications: .(-" ! v"s, see attached sheet Date: Date: Date: ,. ,. r /7rr2'L{ rnsrullarro:, i.:ori lssrue'-l? $v". I o':o O45+Yr4?m-r Gal Ion Lineal- Feet of Drainfield Maxrmum Depth of Trenches E W s. r. # Conments PLANS EXAMINATION: TyPe GrouP-___=-__Use 14H- Date r Comments: SEE RR'ERSE SIDE G PERMIT AND REAUIREI,lENIIL Date CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer,/Storm Drain/water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY By: Date: -7V/-$ $ e $ $ $ $ -a_-&-10n Sq. r't TOTAL VALUA ION $ PERMITS FOR ALL ELECfRICALWORK SHALL EE SECURED FROM THE STATE OF OREGON, DEPARIIIIENT oF ooMMERCE, ELECTRICAL SECTION. ,N -72--e_-_- -__:__--_6_JO, - %,a PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (PET ORS 456.805 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9'740I C74.Lg4 SEE REVERSE I C eWlrA/oo u Lo',r'/' lZ lt ,YPO"*" tr SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, cITATIoN UNDER PRoVISIoNS 0F LANE CoUNTY'S INFRACTIoN 0RDINANCE, AND/oR oTHER REMEDiES ALLo!,IED BY LAt,l. wHEN READy FoR INspEcrIoN cALL 687-406s. A MTNTMUM 0F AT LEAST zq HdirR ADvANCE NoTrcE ron rnsprcrion REQUEST MUST BE wil I be ready,GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit nuinber; job address, type of inspection, when ityour name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 'r)F0UNDATI0N INSPECTIIN: To be made.after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundatjonare delivene$ on the-job.'l,lhei{e'concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used,materials need not be on the Jgb. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDEN:ILIIR IJ,ISPECTION: TO e after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment,. ipment items are in place but before any concrete is pouredr. 3) Ig4U-Uq-8,-rtiuLAJrbN rNsPrcliolls:. To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are i'n ptlace andall-pipe1., firep)aces- and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. Allwall +nsulation-and vapdr.barrier are in p1ace. 4) LA.TH AND/0R GYPSUM B0ARD INSPECTI0N: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place. ' orbeforegypsUmboardjoinisand--fastenersaretapedandf.inished... 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the buiiding is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shalll be done on any pant of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shallilglv.e,bqgn:qede of, each successive step in the construct'ion as indicated by'eaah of the inspections requi red. i. .; , . ,...,. : , r,J i N0TE: Al1 building permiffSbgui.neiinspections for the work authorized, such as but not lim.i ted to: A. BL0CK HALL: To be niade after r'einforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for.each.bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbifg and electrical inspections have been made and approved. i ' l B. td00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installat.ion is eomolete. Installation shal'l be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions. C. l,l0BILE HOME: An r'nspection is required after the mobiie home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connect i ons . condui t, pi pi ng: accessori es"and . other anc i I Ior floor itrbathing initailed, iiicluding the be mad ary equ subfl oo (l) Footings and piers to comply with State founda.tion requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer(2) Mbbile home minimum finish f'loor elevation sha'lI bd certified"when required by a floodplairl ,. \management letter. : \ \-i r (3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, qn( skirting shall be instal1ed and ready for ihspeitioh ' within at least 30 days after occupan{tr" Tiedowns and skirting shalI be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Beiow grade when steel is in p'lace and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool, is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT l,lILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT I.IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR"ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYoNE PR0CEEDING PAST THE P0INT 0F REQUIRED INSPECTI0NS TJILL D0 S0 AT HIS otlN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (l) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. (2) Upon completing the construction for r^lhich a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply vtith such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion.to the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory -..: ..tsompletion within a reas-onabie gime constjtirt"es a violation of ORS 454.605. to 454:,745 and.,J.[tis nu1e., . Setbacks - Subsurface..Sewaqe .Di,sposal .i From: . Interior prgperty iines Edge of road iight-0f,-way Building foundation t,lel''l s; other water . sources , Septic Tank Draifjelil -T0'-'ir16i.. 5' .?U _--lT- 'I 0' l0' ]00'.. ::, I'^-iELLATION rtu\,,_)yl HOR I ZAT I PER}1IT #slrt0N '* ,)NAME (PLEASE pnrnr) ADDRESS X -/ APPL I CANT or.,NER ( ) c OR ( REASO FOR CANCELLING PERMiT SIGNA E DATE FEES PAID FOR WASTE. DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ( SITT INSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTICTANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARIt-v llottnrruNDABlE. soME REFUND MAy BE 0N THt BUTLDING AND pLUtlB- ING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT PROCESSED. AUTHORIZATION FOR P OSSIBLE RIFUND:% BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ (% MOBILE HOME FTE % PLUMBINC PERMIT FEE $ ,6/C N % PLAN CHECK FEE tI % STATE SURCHARGI FEE $ /.,30 % SEPTiC DISPOSAL FEE $ % SITE INSPECTION FEE $ MINUS $2S.OO FOR PROCESSTNG FEE $ Zt.j7 S I GNATURE TO: DEPART OF FINANCE BUILDING PER},IIT REFUND $ STATE SURCHARGE REFUND $ SEPTIC DISPOSAL REFUND $ SITE INSPECTION REFUND $ TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ PLEASE MAKE YABLE TO NAME TOTAL AI1OUNT TO BE REFUNDED 67n $R2 DATE z2 /, 30 24-08-24/ACCT 42120lPROG 021 Receipt # 24-08-24/ACCT 42.l24/pROc O?1 Receipt # 24-0e-24/ACCT 42133/pROG 033 Receipt # 24-08-24/ACCT 42.l34/pR0G 031 Receipt # l-4- DTP RMTMEIIT ENVIR NI'1 IMENT COURTHO PUBLIC SERVIC ILDIIIG ADDRESS 1 25 EAST BT AVENUE, EUGENE, AL REGON 9740I ) ?/ 7/a -'l yp; , y- l'7-OV^22 . -t \ !7DO Plcrt PIan Subdivision Lot Block Job Loeatlon Permit lt j.i)Z?:81 For Lu Permlt /l For Permit For Feon C*rrc.. "8r.onPF |\ao9 h f*t lTD fF.6i'tt o Armox.+l-+3 ho For - For For +:>t+ Pernit /l Permlt PernLt \r--\ DATE (f APPROVED fur.ncst> (+ Z \ iu$ \SH\C\ 1triluL I ,lI o Co I ;-' Gnn" W tf +1' \p \5TK )c74-t50 Viclnlty Map N 8o' I _& I .I I /7-O3-22.q.1 6@/*\ LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECOKU O[,JNER'S NAME PHONL.NUMBER L DIRECTIONS TO SITE V.<-ttl.-t SITE ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER FOOTING / FOUNDATION INSPECTION OR MOBILE HOME SET UP ]NSPE CTION Approved y'_Correcti Di sa p proved_Date // -,>q -g/ __I ns pec tor Insp ector C C U ER. FL EApproved Correction_ D'isapproved Date INDER-TLATIPTUMS I NG GROUNDWORK I NSPECTI ON Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Date I nspector NMGF-T LNFIE]XTI NS P E CT I ONApproved Correcti on Di sapproved-Date I nsp ector FRAMING INSPECTIONApproved Correct'ion Disapproved Date--Inspector INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INsPECT]N Approved Correction -D'isapproved Date-Insp ector YPApproved Correction Djsapproved IDa te I nspector FINAL PLUMBING NSPECTI ON Approved Correc t'i on Di sapproved Date i i nspector &e_@ FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I NSPECT I ON Approved I iCorrectjon DisaPProved Date Insp ec tor I N ECT NB Approved Correction S d e I ns pec tor CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC Approved_--Correction- Disappr:oved TEMPORARY CE RTIFICA TTIT OCCUPANCY I ns pec tor Form C74-L97 Date L -./ *r/r4r* Zt '4t '/ S DE REAR €n,{U r:ua /u<rl Z,L/- lane countyr..Environmental Management^. ACTIV;^fY INEORMATION .,HEET COMPLETE THTS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED: 6r - () c-Lo (\SQ ( { Lr rctdeR- PERSON I{A.KING R.AOUEST tvl J PROPIRTY f<9< ^)OdAMAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS Er"OA 97Vd/ CITY STATE ZIP CODE crrT STATE ZIP CODE 7{7- 3a3L 7rt7- Ea 36 BUSTNESS TELEPIIONE NUMBER TIOME TELEPHONE NUMBER BUSINESS TELEPIIONE NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER I ; ; i i '' @ rax MAP/PROPERTY DESCRTPl'ION NUMBER (from tax maps in Department of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement): Irap & Parcel Numben 17 - OS -11:!yl'own-shjp Range Scction rax Lot(s): &- ,fEOA- ! out of rL #--.--- By Partition #__ Tax Map & Parcel Number of Adjoining Property in Same ownership: T*r"s|lp' "*rG- 's..t.o. Tax Lot(s): ffio.u f, unknor., @ SunorvrsrOu (if appricabre):BLOCK Lor, - @ ngQugsf (briefty describe information needed): THIS SECTION FOR LAND CONSTRI]CTION APPLICATIONS ORP SEE *NOTE BELOW.**FOR STAFF USE ONLY** NUI,IBER: DATE: q ^fr Flfra usE I ROPOSALS rrME rNrrroruo, IC4OE GHECKEID BY: 4* ATTACHED EXI]IBTTS: I erot plans (2) I Cor,=tr. P]ans (2) I sit. r1.., f]copy of rax Map flot-ner SCREENING VERIFICATION : ily t Date: Time fn: Out ? _ I accept I neiect Routed to *NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF iax lrep; sHow EXrsrrNG STRUCTURES AND TAX I,OTS oB- a7 Q- b1 (D TOrAL CONTiGUOUS PROPERTY rN SAME OWNERSHTP: @ pnopsRry ADDRESS, ?v nsot* O pnesnur usE oF pRopERry: R eStdentr rtL @ NuMgnn oF srRucruiiEs oN PRoPERTY: standard home Modular home RV in use as residence carage_ y' , shop- 6 accrss ro r)iroiliRTY: pubric Rcact Name.. UOUS S*8,eg.f acres ptobile none y' widthRoad Easement @ r'rna DrsrRrcr: L Privatc Road Name @ otnnn EASEUENTS ovER PRoPERTY: Other (specify) @ relloruc PERMrrs oN PRoPERTY: O wntrn DrsrRrcr: Storage__ . Barn *of Users I ?rL',dY9/81 REV 807- a8 IN y /9/ ** ildJ* _,/y a,, R.r,*tt rl W / "o*o*,THIS SECTION FOR I,AND USE OR CONSTRUqTION APPLICATIOIV)**FOR STAFF USE ONL ** @ nnoeosrD usE op pRopERTv rx Ynrarl flesrl eltlr4l. - Se plilce ZUL\L D 5t- By: Date t Time fn:lut @ aurr.orxG REeuESrs: " , Contractorls #(for nobile home setup aLso) I accept I neject f Rlanning Application l-l construction Permit App fl lnformation onlyDirections to Site:Fr+t, Dour$ $srlaul flosn' €rrl cnq NorrI Zoning: Comp. Plan Designation: SANITATTON: Date: Time In.: _ Out: _ ! accept I nelect fl Constr. Permj-t rssue I site Evaluation rssue PERMIT fSSUED (SAI4E DAY ONLY) Permit # By: Date: Time fn Out: Check the type of permit requested: fl nwelling: I tlew I neplacement I additional; ! eaaition n arteration; flMotturar Home Eldobile Home - ,uu.r3 $t*j , ngl f]nv Istandard construction; Ief.r, Check only Commercial: Use Floor Area l-l agricuttural: Use [-l oth.r": use Floor Area I-l crru.,ge of use - How? , By @ uuuarn oF BEDRooMs 3 NUMBER OF STORIES @ senrrarroN RE9UESTS: ! sit" evaluation for SDS feasibility I me* system instatlation f nePair,/rePlacement I alteration/re location' Elfioox to existins ADDTTIONAL INFORMATTON: UOf ;tt gP"flc- t9 4LLowe,o tuA ^lED Nd6t LE IPHE A$D - Re The above referenced appf ication the centerline of Nova Street RV 81-194 I.lary J. Lucker BB Nova St ene 0R 9740L 11 -03-22-44 / 5s00 tO place a mobile home at a distance of 41r * from in an RA zone which requires a 60 ft. setback from Variance Appl ication No. (Appl icant) (Address ) (Map & Tax Lot) the centerline of a countY road.has been: YY approved wlth the st'ipulations and conditions stated below. den'i ed . The deci si on tvas based o with the provisions of L 9/3/8L unless appeale Geaii ngs 0f f i c'ia I )on o representative, or anY o provisjons of Lane Code and must state how the d adjacent proPertl' owners before the appellate bod ec'ision 'is in error. wi I I be advi sed of th If an appeal 'is fi1ed, you and the e date, time and place of the hearing is being sent to adjacent ProPertY For any questions on this matter n the findings of th'is offjce (copy enclosed) in accordance ane Code 15.900(2) --. The dec'is'ion will become final on d to the a-ppellate 6oOy ({o+r'd-of,-Gou+fyaomrni'..+ione++) r before that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your ther jnterested or affected person in accordance with the 15.900(B) The appeal is to be filed w'ith this off ice IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED a notice rrwners to aCvi se thern of thei r appeal ri ghts. please contact this office. Pete Watson,Planner Your appeal 'rust be accompanied by a $195.00fj1in9 fee.* CONDITIOIIS OF APPROVAL None. l/rlJECOUNIYPt-AlrNi['JGt)lVlSlON i (.()UlilllOUSt PUtlt.lCSttiVl(.t: llUll-{)lNG / 1251.. ti]lrAVTNUL / EUGENE.OIi9/4O1 / (y)31 C)tl/4ltJi, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ,ii. DEPT. OF ENVTRONMENTAL MAU. :MENT CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. P/DATE BLDG. PERI\IIT CG,FIFIECTIC,N NGITICE JOB ADDRESS T NOTE c55-73 '.E-tNsPEcrloN FlEoulFlE., Phone erE3T-4o,Ei,5 FoFl aPPFlovAL F/ I-- INSPECTOR I