HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-25lane county AGRICULT'URAL PLACE,MEN f AUTHORIZATION AUTITORI ZAT NUIi!BER l\arw TWO COPIES L-OP PLOT PLANS I-l pr,uMerNG & MECHANTcAL CHECKLIST ATTACHED THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. CaII for a placement inspection prior topouring concrete, setting poles , or framing to verify location of the proposed ISSUED BY DATE: qA/P L-t:> 4An,^ an qcl{-structure on the site. MINIMUM SETBACKS: Road center line, front Property line, interior eenter line, side rear to/ P( r?,' FACILITIES: Proposed construction will not increase sewaqe ffow" Do not park on or drive over drain- fieId. MINII4UM SETBACKS: 5 feet from septic tank; 10 feet from existinq and replacement sewage disposal areas. AUTHORIZATION BY:DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF P &ITY DEVELOPMENT t6 RANGE OZ SE CTl ON 06.t.t I' OF # H,trSI LCfi /P L,\d- -? 7 It '+o sTl( I (E ItlPIOYEES (L Vfrzat b0,rrn-0- storage, maintenance, or repair of farm machinery and equipnent or for the raising, harvesting, and selling of crops or in thefeedi'ng, breeding, martagelrEnt, and sale of, or the produce of, livestock, poultry, furbearing animals or honeybees or fordairyi.ng and saLe of dairy products or an), combination Urereof inctuding tlre preparation md storage of products raisedl onsuch farm for human use and animal use and disposal by marketing or otherwise. AGRTCULTURAL BUILDING DOES NOT INCLUDE: (a) a drpcllingi (b) a structure used for a purpose other tha gro^ring plants inwhich persons perform more than Tai-horr= of Labor a weeki (c) a structure regulated by the State Fire Marsha11 pursuant to ORs Glapter 476; (d) a Place used by the public; or (e) a structure subject to sections 4or.)l to 4127, Title 42. United StatesCode (tie National Plood Insurance Act of 1968) as a[Ended, and regulations promulgated U]ere\rnder. (ORS 456.75g) I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIi'IINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION, and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correctancl I further certify that any ad a1I work perforned shal1 be done in accordance with the Ord.inances of Lane County and the Lar,rs of the State of Oregon pertai.ning to the work described herein, ar)d that No OrAlicE OF UsE wiII be made of any structurewithout first obtaining the proper perldt(s) from the Building Division. I HAVE SEAD NID CX{ECKED T}IIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY AND I FURT}IER CERTIFY THAT I HAIE READ TIIE STAIE DEFINITION FOR AGRTCULTURAL BUILDING. I understand this application in only for the purpose of locating the structure to assure proper setbacks from roads,property 1ines, and related facilities. Mct a s/r/*.NAME (please pi#tl STATE DEFINI ON: AGRTCULTURAL BUILDING iS a StTuctuTe on a farm and used i-n the ration of such farm for the FOR OFFICE USE ONLY tC!-i 125 East Eighth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 974 (s/82) T.II^JNSH I }'TAX LC/I l I'CATION ADDTiESS CITY ZIP Eoel Sqe.aqe- 2" ,.t 32<'x 20''- Ex isl ) h? Ee /d/u7s sot'o-/ x So, - VirJtra'Bu,ldirrl'Dnshes l,itlc /5'lTA.r&9 ' l'lui- tt ' b 7l'tu g.I E ,} b , 2t 23 22 il 20 l9 l8 17 l6 l.a)lls + )u 8 2 t0 9 I , 6 t a lt ttollt213t.tt5t6tt! Fgsf ,'l t ,$ e o lyat /lle k/u /e y4Ol2 ,/ot"tl., st tc. /Spr)atf?ie/d c tl? tr+ I ## ]] _t-1 LT +-+ ll_ f lane county ,ANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 6t!ri-, I KI NE I MAILING ADDRESS I E C ITY STATE -7TP_TODE __74"- 3797 HOME TELEFHONE 7-BUS INESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # ( IF DIFFERENT F RESS 3 rvlae e, PAFTeEL NIJrvtBEFI ( REQUIRED INFoRMATI0N) (from tax mapsor from tax st0) t// MNGE SMTMN in Department of Assessment and Taxation atement ) B TOt,lNSH I P MilNSFTF RTNGE SEETI0N ffi ZON I NG MINSF.Ttr RA-NGE SMT-I ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: m ZON I NG ACRESa /4 SUBDIVISI0N (if appticable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ZONE/LAND USE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE -l7t/, -l BY, --- DATE:TIME IN:-. 0UT:_ ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS '.ffi*-r*r #e b^e county AGRICULTURAL PLACE,MEN f AUTHORIZATION AUTHORI ZATIONNu!{BER l/+A I *o coprEs oF pr,or rLANS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I elurunrr.rc & r,rECHANrcAL CHECKLIST ATTACHED ISSUED BY DATE: Tf)i!'1,1 CTl ON )b OUT.I'AX LUI ^ Dra { ariJI) ,, ,P I LOTlPARC5L BLOO( # oF EMPI-oYEES TEU]PIiONT] NU}liJERNA!18 at R TET,EPHoNE Nu!BEn '/ STATE DEFINITION: AGRICULTURAL BUILDING is a structure locate.d on a farm ard used in the operation of such farm for thestorage, maintenance, or repa-ir of fam machinery and equiprrcnt or for t)re raising, harresting, and selling of crops or in thefeeding, breeaing, managenEnt, and sale of, or the produce of, livestock, poultry, furbearing animals or honeybees or fordairying and sale of dairy Products or a:r), combination Urereof including tire prel;aration and storage of pro,Jucts ralsed onsudr farm for human use and ilimaI use and disposal by marketing or otheryise. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING DOES NoT INCLUDE: (a) a &rcl1irrg; (b) a structure used for a purpose ottrer than gro+ring plarts inwhich persons perform more tha fZ? horrs of labor a week; (c) a structure regulated by the Stat€ Eire Marshall pursuant tooRs chapter 476; (d) a place rsed by t-]]e public; or (e) a structure subject to sections 4o,ll to 4127, Title 42. united statesCode (the National Flood rnsurance Act of 1968) as anEr)ded, and regulations promulgated Utereunder. (ORs 456.75g) I HAVE CAFEFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION, ancl do hereby certify tlat all information herein is trl* and correctand I further certify that any and aII work perfornred shall be done in accordance with the ordinances of Lane countv and theLaws of the state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that No CIIAIJGE oF usE wiLI be made of any ltructurewithout first obtai.ning the proper pemit(s) from the Building Dj.vision. I HAIE READ AIID G{ECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUG}ILY AND I FURITIER GRTIFY THAT I HAVE READ TI]E STATE DETINITION POR AGRTCULTURAL BUILDING. I uderstmd this application in only for the purpose of locating tile structure to assure proper setbacksproperty lines, and related facj-lities.from roads, DATENAI4E (please print) THIS fS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT.pouring concrete, setting poles, structure on the site CaII for a placement inspection prioror framing to verify location of the to proposed MINIMUM SETBACKS: Road center line, front Property line, interior FACILITIES: Proposed construction will not increase sewage fieId. MINIMUM SETBACKS: 5 feet from septic tank; 10 AUTHORIZATION BY: center line, side rear flow. Do not park on or drive over drain- feet from existing and replacement sewaqe disposal areas. DATE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT 125 East Eighth Avenue, Eugene, Oreqon 9'7401 LANE (5/82) j I RANGE L\)NJ.'RAC1'OR'S NAME AND OSR * SIGIATUR! OF Ot,iNER E4cl Squalc .2 ". , ', H./A'x 2o'-- Ex ; sl; rttT^Bu /d1 t7-s Sottcr ' a'x 3o' - ?ls I tt ed Rt, i ld r r,l1'Pns tcs lti*te. /5' t TAIL I ' l'iPe' tl'6 Tltrlt I 5 ., b J 8 ,4 a AJ;\-/ 1t5 Av 22 2t 20 ,9 t8 l7 t6 l4 It l2 il l0 c t{? tre , G s 6 s 4 6\kr' x l:34 Pasf;il t Leo)vat $Op l, ,y'ott4 sl tcc 5p r )atqf ic'/d a rloIl12131415t0lrtt tle rtiu t. y + iiillllil:l lr lirlc,(:le tht)tf] 8a-d i l : I -'1 ,f ,'l J J I x \ ), 't I C G l ,L it I I I I J, I { t--,/ r-t I I i i i(' ), I t_ l i I Lt + 0 I I I I +++ i-i- I l l i : -.1,l -l I lI -l- +:I + J' j l ( l ,,] I I c - I I .-l I I l_ ,rrI' I -: ..,]lJ I ( : 'i -l : A l I -ll I I t I i I I I I -l I 5 I i t,l. t / I :t I I I I ti I I j !, I t It l H ri ,l I :i.t_ I il t-t -'i I'1 'r ,I l i lt -L llrl+ Ll- l- a(-Ll LI 5 vl t-i F1 illl20 I t-- t_ I i rl .t I iI I t'1.,' I. t-lil J+ it]I - I _1,.J_l--l++F t.+1t-t-+ Hfl FI ff l+ J]: ri 1t_ tL 1+ +H- _I:n: -r-+--l H il+ ih rr l i",1 .L +I t, t: -t'-T -T -.1-f Il + j -I' # l-_r - -l- _tI + f ITJ -l--t- + .j + :l: td ,ra t LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD OI,INER' S NAME PHONT ER S C ET BACK REQUIRE ME C1 NTS #PL UMBING FIXTURES F SIDE I NTERI OR REAR W RK 7E DIRECTIONS TO SIT PERMIT NU FOOTING / FOUNDATION INSPECTION OR MOBILE HOME SET UP INSPECT]ONApproved Correctjon Disapproved_Date I ns pec tor CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on Di sapproved Da te I nspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDI,JORK INSPECTIONApproved Correction D'isapproved__Date I nspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correct j on Di sapproved_Date I nspector FRAMING INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on---_Di sapproved Date I nspector I-W BARRIER INSPECTIONApproved Correct'ion--D j sapproved_Date i nspector LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Correcti onr _ Di sapproved IDate I nspector FiNAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correction_ Disapproved Date Inspector FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTiONApproved Correction Dj approved Date F INAL ]S PEC Approved s a pp roved_D ate ON BUILDING Correcti on I nspector I nspector CE OC NCY CERTI TE Approved__Correcti o I C P ---D Form C74-L97 n sappr:oved Date __Inspector CY (/c qr// OOn /l/ / U 4r /442-7= SITE ADDRESS /-t