HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-25INSPECTIONS 726-3769 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 North Sth Street BUILDING MOVING PERIIIITIBUILDING DIVISION BUSINESS 726-3753 DRESS (ished by Building Div L 6D LD AD SDRES i(4 a //, /6 t gal pt NEI'JI scr on \r0nl\ Legal Des tc1r Building Owner /'/n,xrr, f-.rs ,qos ,)+€.6au Address Phone I'loving rm ka,*' scr]-p t 10n Inten Addres s cs 3zta Exp.e 7/r,^ r r /u,tolN o '{ )'/"e " j., BEReCITY DESIGNA JOBa;q Description ol t lt.'rl !'.It.t c - - /,Oc,y^3,. Route Uy' N )l/; L{l Description of Building I'lovi ng Length 4 \Moving Width 0f Construction \N Square Footage Number 0f Sections Being I'loved ncil 2P)ght on Do1l \r\ '1, ,'Hei VALUATION IFI TiON ITIOVE: The Building Division will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HOI'JEVER, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secure the approval of all appropriate nunicipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. SEIVER CAP: Bui I City limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. PLANS, FEES, AND CFIARGES: Prior to receiv- ing a permi-t to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative nust : 1. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Submit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/nechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- cab1e. owner sha11 have all sludge from the septic tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, and shall fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the Director or his authorized resentative, lngs mov rom w t 1 n the SEPTIC TANK REQUIREI\,IENTS: PT 10r to moving, I CERTIFY THAT the above information is true and correct, that all required contactq have n at { o'clock '!an/pn,,/p@)ggo, ng the Building D$isio'n. I ISSUED BEFORE 5 I\IORKING DAYS Builder's Board is in full hat if exempt the basis is DATE fittfr been made and authorizations obtaion ,,1*1 g4 l4Qt)and will be ned, that the completed by . move will begi ?a 'r orclock and that no char{ges in the route wi1 1 be made without contacti also certify that I have been informed that N0 PERI,IIT WILL BE IIAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 7OL.O7O, and t noted hereon. Basis for Builderrs Board Exemption: NArltE cil*r, Satrr,o STGNATURE f ,,\ zor," L,DP- rrooa prai n_____Jype \qo6t!%\Hfler 6 G .oo+Ma,o Sewer Cop $L6.00 + 1fo State Surcharge -- Date Paid FOR OFFICE USE ONLY of constrr"tio, V NJ 0..upancy R3 Stori es_Living Units_Square Foot age Application fee $18.00 -- Date Paid 5- Permit fee $60.00 -- Date paid VALUE unt Receipt Number Receipt Number a /PoIice Department _fnir" Depaitment Northwest Gas Itrillamalane Park and Recreation -Pacific NW Be11-J,ane Transit District uz?ainbow lVater / SUB -Group W Cable _,;!aneCountyAGf OTHER specify ) j I I A description of A description of A description ofII. Applicant to contact involved, and secure intended use proposed route the building property owners if trees authorizations from 5-&5qO +i l tbcl -,ERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT CLE BUILDING MOVING -.MIT Applicant to furnish (except as indicated) 0ld address for building Legal Description New address for bu'ilding (Bu'ilding Div. will furnish) Legal Description Name, etc. of build'ing owner Name, etc. of moving firm A B c D E F G H I III. IV. V. VI. other jurisdictions as necessary. A site or plot p1an, and foundation plan must be submitted for the new site (2 sets) Plans must also be subrn'itted for any other work relating to the relocated building. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at time of appl i cati onB. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permi t i ssuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF FOR OFFICE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agenc'ies BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: w {- TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: x 0 /u Date ENGINEERING DiVISION REPORT: SLLII-I bP-Y sE-.rrNEcZ--rr2 -f,(-4loL t s NwNlt AElt: Efl- \SSE65N\E qrt-6.P C)EOB/E].Bl :r.,u_11-tna-Y SuDaL_ -+.?* oN FlotLTr€flI-Y 45 oY PaDWS-y By T).{2- Date ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : By Date s-)5eD O,QEGCffCITY OF SPR'AIG z,unc-+DQ SPRIi.GFIELO ELBCTRICAL PERUIT APPLICATION225 FIPTE STREBT SPRTNGFTELD, OREGON 97 1 OF TNSTALLATION w-z-tti{ INSPEC:rIoN REQUBST' Tlfirgt$g OFFICE: 726-3759 Job Number 3. COHPLETE FEE SCMDULE BELOS Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Serviee Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular- Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: rp ryfix n t/A TEGAL PTI o2- JOB DESCRIPTION -SsPvtcE - AeohaA Permits are non-transfer:able and expire i.f vork is not started r.'ithin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18C days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical- Contractor Address /o4 J Ci ty PnoneTT-/@ Supervisor License Number ?45 Expiration aate /O-/ - ?S Constr Contr. Number eO-J <- Expiration Date,/)-?4 Signature f Supervising Electrician amps or less / amps to 400 amps amps to 600 amps amps to 1000 amps 1000 amps,/voIts nnect Only Sum B 50. 60. 100. 200 201 401 601_ $ s $ $ s $ r^& -Y', 00 130.00 300.00 40.00 40.00 55.00 80. 00 ee rrB* a66ve 00 00 Over Reco c Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -0ver 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000-ToI-[s $ $ $ s 0vners Name Address T|OO O Ci ty d Phone 7( 6t?17 OT]NER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Owners Signature: DATE: D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or uith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2,00 E. Misceflaneous (Service/feeder not incl-uded) lkt.,,,,l fel t%S S /€1rr I 40.00 40.00 20.00 50-€5 -Each installation Pump or irrigation S sign/outline Lighting- $ Limited Energy/Res $ Limited Energy/Comm S SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTALRECEIVED SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT AND APPLICATION '+3 ".F:."; m SINGLE TRIP TWO LANE: NONE FOUR LANE: NONE SEE BRIDGE BOX 38 BELOW tr CONTINUOUS TRIP EXPIRATION DATE June 3, 1990 RECEIVED: $ 7.00 CARRY THIS PERIIIT IN THE CAB OF THE POWER UNIT AT ALL TIMES. OVERALL LENGTH 75 '0" GROSS WEIGHT' HIGHWAY DIVISION PERMISSION GRANTEO TO DUPLICATE LOCATIONLSrl field COMMOOITY Wood Frame REAR OVERHANG FROM: WHEN CROSSING ORE PERMITTEE: (Name and Address) Chri s Schoap Bu'il di ng Movers Eugene,0R HIGHWAY ROUTE Enter from north to McKenzie Hwy. at 28th Street, travel east to 40th St. and exit to south PILOT VEHICLE REOUIREMENTS FRONT FRONT REAR REAR SEE ATTACHEO RIDER EOUIPMENT LISTATTAcHED U l.o. No. DR864HC593346 FIBM NO. 056877HOUR 11:15 A.M. xmx oArE 2 55/Wej APPLICANT NAME APPLICANT SIGNATURE HEIGHT SEE PARA.6 17,0" WIDTH 29'0" coMMoDrw LIST ATTACHED LOAD TENGTH 44',0" HEAVY HAULmLEGAL WEIGHT TABLE FRONT OVERHANG OESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE OR COMBINATION 2 & std. housemoving dollies R'io MAKE 72 LICENSE NO. r 425344 P.U.C. NO. Valid x SPECIAL PROVISIONS Move to be made on a Sunday and off highway by 9:00 AM GENERAL PERMIT PROVISIONS The following provisions apply to this permit unless otherwise noted. ln case of conf lict between special provisions and general provisions, the special provisions shall take precedence. 1. T]RES All wheets must be equipped with tires of suf licient size that the gross axle and landem axle weights of any axle or tandem axles ol a vehicle does not exceed 600 pounds per inch ol the tire width. Self-propelled or lowed construction type equipment litted with low pressure flotation type tires 1't5'; or larger) permitted 700 pounds per inch ol tire width to a maximum ol 36,000 pounds single axle or 43,000 pounds tandem axle. 2. PERMITTED WEIGHT The gross weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles where the dislance between the f irst and last axles of the vehicle or combinalion ol vehiclesismoiethan18leetshallnotexceedlhatdeterminedbytheformulaW=-x(L+40)whereinWequalSthegrossweight in pouncls and L equals the distance in f eet between said axles. The gross weight ol any group of axles spaced 18 leet or less apart ol any vehi' cle or combination of vehicles operated under this permit shall not exceed that determined by the lormula W = - x (L + 40). ln no case shall the gross weight exceed:1.Vehicleorcombinationolvehicles-;2.lndividualaxle-;3.Tandemaxles-orthesumolthe permissible axle, tandem axle, or group ol axles' weights, whichever is less. ln a combination of vehicles other lhan a truck-traclor and semi-trailer,.excess weight may be allowed on the towing or towed vehicle but not both, providing the gross weight of the combinalion of vehicles does nol exceed the stalutory table of weighls or as aulhorized by ORS 483.525. 3. BRIDGES Whenever a movement authorized by this permit has any axle weight in excess of 21,500 pounds and/or tandem axle weight in excess of 43,000 pounds and/or combination of vehicle gross weight in excess of 96,000: A. Movement shall not exceed 25 MPH on any bridge or structu re. OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION By hway Engineer B. Movement shall not exceed 5 MPH on any bridge or structure. Movement shall cross bridge or structure by traveling along bridge centerline and all traffic shall be held by flagman-escort until TITLE Office MAnaqermovement has completed crossing of bridge or structure *PUC REPORTING REOUIREMENTS: report all trips that exceed 80,000 pounds at the actual weight of the trip. Adequate records must be maintained for all trips. For more information call PUC at 378-6655. E^a^, 72/_?rE1y /ln_QRl tr{qTRttcTtoNs coNTlNUFr' oN RFVFRSE tCOUNTERSIGNED BY tr tr tr EXTENDEO' t_I WEIGHTTABLE. I I uk "^^ l[ .a.t4rysroef,tr HiGhIVAY DIVISION The STP PROVISIONS CONCERNTNG MOVEMENT ALONG AND/OR ACROSS THE HtcHWAy tolqryi1g additional provisions are attached to and made a part of Special Permit Number 056877 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8 of the Special Permit to which these provisions are attached, the actual movement of the building or structure over the described section(s) of state highway shall not be made on Saturday. 2. The entire movement of the building or structure highway shall be completed within a period of wherein it occupies the JU mtn. right of way of the state from the time it enters upon it. Movement shall be made between the hours of.9 AM 1 and 3. Unless otherwise indicated, the highway shall not be blocked from general public use at any time, and, during the progress of the movement, two-way traffic shall be maintained by the aid of flagmen herein specified. The building or structure shall be moved along the extreme right-hand side of the highway permitting the free passage of traffic while the movement is in progress by the aid of flagmen and approved traffic direction signs. 4. When crossing the highway, two flagmen equipped with hand stop signs shall be provided to direct and safeguard traffic. The flagmen shall be stationed on the highway 300 feet in each direction from the crossing. lt shall be the duty of each to flag, stop and hold all approaching traffic until the movement has cleared the highway at the point of crossing. 5. All expense for signs and traffic control furnished by the State Highway Division shall be paid for by the permittee and said payment shall be made within ten days following submission to said permittee of a statement of such expense by the State Highway Division. 6. The Permittee shall assume full responsibility for providing sufficient overhead clearance of telephone and power wires and for other overhead structures not under the jurisdiction of the State Highway Division that might interfere with the uninterrupted movement 6f said building or structure throughout the entire movement or while crossing. The Permittee hereby guarantees to provide such unimpaired clearances before commencing the movement over or across the State Highway. Allexpenses relative thereto shall be paid by the permittee. 7. lt is strictly forbidden to cut or trim trees or shrubs growing on the highway right of way unless specifically endorsed herein. 8. No building or structure shall be moved onto the hig herein have been satisfied and authority to proceed of the State Highway Engineer. hway right of way until all conditions specified has been granted by the local respresentative 9. The Permittee shallgive timely notice of the move to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area of the move. 10. This permit is null and void for non-compliance with any of the terms, conditions or descriptions herein. AM 734-200s (9-84) L # 225 llorbh 5th Strcet Spr"Lngf'Lalci, C)"egon 97477 Bzti.Lding Diuision 7 28-37 53 :. RESIDE TIAL.. APPLICATI0N t ,'EElLfT 4J SPRIruGFIEI.D rn tutk A,met,:o*ll s Address: ? Ci@: 5 /.1 Ore 021- Plumb l.lechanic It ie the rceponeibility * Building D.iti c iott approt; ed sltcll renain on tle BunLdLnA Situ at catd ia leated at the frcnt of the propetty. aLL times.fi.at tle at?eet, and tlnt Reouired fnsoccticns do Otsz 64 ,+Phone ) .t 6 ^ 3> ? > zip: ? 2.t 2 to see that all inspectiona @e nade at ttle ptope" time' that each addteas is vsaCahi2 PRocgDURE FoR INspEtrfoN RgSWSTlCalU 726-3769(yecotdet) Btate you? City Cesi.gmated. job runiber, job aCCtess, type-9f lnspe-ci-i-cneanyforitlspectiott'contadctarsiroDne"srulneandp7tonenumbe.Peq.uestslecgiz;edbefcne7:00an t'vi1,L be nade the eane dc.g, ?equeats ^* ,":t* 7:.00 on trLll, be tmde the nest tmtkinE qufa tayoto Cit! Desigr,ated Job Nunbet'Io:- Tct Lol; # 3 sbLJob Locaticn: Subdixision: Assessore Map # fo bz y.lr*fxcf a4 +(J> fxof'.^{Y Date of npptiootion AP^'' l '3o - 1o ' 3 il, tt" t-t Na) TI VaLue Xt I /r\aLI hr-dldrbuo,L5,t5 5Additicn RemoCel \LCOao rS General ect,r El-ec tSrr w ff Posr mo wau: To be made priot to W ffitiTatlan of floot, irauTZtior, or deckittg. ROUGH PLANBIIIC. ELEC?RTCAL & MECE: ANICAL: No aork is to be eoueredwttil these inspections haoe besn nnde and approued.. FIPEPTiAqE: tuion to pkctrq facingmc.terials and befot,e froning inspee-tion. FRAMNG: lhtst be neo-uested after dppiooil of rough pLwnbing, elech,i-u.L & neclwnical. ALL roofing btactng & chirmeys, ete. rrust be . eonpleted. llo ucz,k t)e to be con- . cecled until this inspection ?ns'been nade anC apptooed. SfiE fNSPEC?I2N: Io be nnde aftet, e""arratlon;ffi prior to set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & I'ECH4-i\fCAL: Io be nade before any ttollk ie cotlet,ed. W)TING & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be ttpCe @;;ffis at e qcauated'and. fortns are etected, but ptior to pow'ing ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLTJMEING. SEWR. W,LTER, DRAfilAGE: ?o be npCe pt"ton to fil- @-66n"hee. AilDER?LOOR PLUT,DING & MECqANTCAL : o1 floot insulation or decki.ng. FNAL PLUAEITIG PINAL MECHANICAL PINAi ELEC?RICAL TNSLLATT2N /vAPoR BARRIEB ryslLcllp! Io be nade after aLL insulati.cn and. required oqor boriera @e in place . but before ang Lath, Wpsnt boarC or tnLL cooer'lng is applied, atd. before oty iwulation is concealed, DRWALL INSPEIfON: Ic be nade -. after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any taping. ITIAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, g,r,ouling or oerticals in accordance LtLth A.B.C. Section 24L5. ilOODSTOVE: a,npTetea. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON: OR BUILDIiICS Sanitatrl ser,ter eaprped et ptoperQl Lire Septic tutk Vanped ad. fi.Lled ti.th gratel Final - I{hen abcrse itqns are cctnpleted arid uhen d.qnolition is canplete o? sttac- ture nooed atd. przrrises cleaneC up. Ecmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aaie? otd uatet Electtical Ccmnection - Bloclang, set-up and plunbing connections tntst be apprc"^ed before requesting electyical inspectior: Aeeessor,"' BuilCnng Firal - After pcrckes, skirtiry, deeks, etc. ara- eonp!-eted. ee ev,ecteC but prior to antct ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRf',WAI: Fot, al,L con- creteVat WAffi stu eet fight- ef-txA, to be made aftet aLL e*ca- oating canplete & forn tsork & sub- base npterial i,n p'lace. After .forns' pourlng PENCE: gates P.U,E. Wen conplete -- ProuiCe or motsable eectians through VT,uo *-ul-'\t ALL project conditions, such as tlte installation of street t7ees, eonpleiion of the required Land.sccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC EINAL ean be requested. 1t\ FINAL BaTLDIN7: The Final Building fnspection mtst be t,equested after the Final Plunbing Y_/ Electrieal, otd Meclunical fnspeetiona haue been made atd approoeC.a *ALL TLANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS MaSr BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EN| TO BE t44DE nr tto CCST TO Cr?y Date: tr Peselof2l Access Heat P, L.House Lot Faees -LOT ?YPE ,[' tntet'ict, Cclnel' Panland.Le - *L-d.-"oo JOB NO.d v4 G,. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Bedtooms I-at 5q. ftg. % cf Lct Cctserage # of Stori,es Total Height Iopogrcphy -- Faes -- Value Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is granted on the etpress condi.tion tlnt the said-consttaction stnll', in all n"espects, eonform to the Crdinance adopted Liy the Ci'ty 2f Spiinglield., inchding- the Zoning Crd.tnanc,e, regulating the ccnstmteticn ,;,,n ;; of -buildittgs, utd may be suspended or neookeC at cnA time upon oic- lation of anA prcoisions of said ot'ditwnces. TOTAL VALUE FTG xITEM DCS.D.C. 7.5 c Reeeipt PLan Date Paid: Building P&ttt Iotal Clarges State Plumbing Perrnit llo petson slull constmtct, inetal|-,- alter ot clurtge -artg neD-c? existing il**l.i oo driirog" systal in uhole or in patt, wt1es' s.ueh penson is the iegal p"osses"o, o7"a tt"alid plunbet"s Lic-ens-Z' eogept ttnt a P?"s7n '*a 40-pt'it;jrg uotk to propertg ihiot i" ouned, Leased or opetated by the dpPli- cant. Plunbing Pemrit NO.DFF State Fi.otttres Residznti.al (1 bath) Saner cA cr7> % 4 Electricol Permit llhere State Las requires th,at the electrical uo:,k be done by -an Eleett'ical Conavctor, the eleett"Lcal portion of this pernit slnll not be oaliC until the Label las been aigned by the Electrical Contractor' NO, CIIARCENC.FEE * Mechqnicol Permit *t \1 \8', Neu/Ectetd Cit'cuits Sewice aA Eleetriea tuhalet HooC I'lcodstote Vent Fdt PermLt Issuqrce Mec?nnical Pefiiit .& -- ENCROACEMEN? -- Sec,ritu Deposit Storaqe Maintenance Permtt airbcut Sideualk Ia.bel Mobile llcme ra- -: TataL f HAW CAREFULLy E0A],\INED the completed app|i'cation fot peltnit' afld- do t"i"ti iirti.fa tt*i-itt-i"ii.r-t;b" hereoi is t"ue atd cotrect, atc r n l-tl* irt'i.ly tiat arra i"a on uork perfo*ned etnll be ilone in accor- dance vLth ttre o"ainic'."*'lf lirL VltA Zt'sprLngfield, .attd the .L6;s of the * State of Oregcn p"",iii;ig io the ,,totk- Cesbo|bed herein, e1d. tlldt NO OCCU- pANCy ilLLL be nad.e ;;';;;'";*r;i,*,e dtnot permisaion of the Buildins Di- tision. r futther ;;7;?! ir,at o"l'y eon-traitot's a'd enplcyees uho ore in'"^p1.llr*"b;'.tt, cas zot.b"ss uiLL be- used on thie proiect 7J/aaa z'aP? eF /'rzrzsa;a'4z4rD.4qnaaffi.r frran'2 />>ob.u oF /evPv7- 2 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:,fr:o= Date {. Z5? Vetp-t, /t,1e4->n*t Zz;,qz ?otal Charaes Floe 9a- fta- E,F-rrrr Ssnt .,/1 F I State Swelatqe fotal Clotces Itttnnaa PTll'S ?otal Clwroes State