HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-17#.'RESID, ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 t'lov,th ;th Street SprrngfieLd"" Cregan 97477 Bu'\. Ldlng DLU'|,9'LOY! t/ZO-D/OO l3c.e Plumb ing 1 It is the responsibility of to aee aL! inspections ate nade at the propet tine, that each adlrees 'i,s v2aiafii2 SPFiTNGFIELD 'nl|\P 1nu fion the*auilding etreet,and tlwt the t cad i.e Dioicion approx'ed sltELL remai.n Located at the fzont of tle g'oPe?tY. on tlp Building Site at aLL times. pRocgDUpE FoR INspEcTIoN R*l.wsTiCalf- 726-3769(tecotdet) state your city designated iob ntziibet', iqb aCltess, \ae1 of inspe-cti-cn eadyforinspecti.on,cofLt?dcto?so7an,.,"-,,c,,e-andptanemlnbel.Requestsrecei,xedbefcre7:00a.n'*"tll be nade the sante day, requests mcd.e after 7:00 on uLLL be nade the nert:,nrkirq dt,fitv) 4R,3yot. cita Desigr.ated. Job Nunbet' r"t t [['t J T (\ t J Reati.nei Tn sn eef.i. cns JobLocati.cn 3 95b J'cE LoX #Aesessore Map # Subditsision: tYl a".l u s5Asner: Addtess: 3 Phone: ')ttb- 37 7OlLCIo @bz 5 7 7zt2 IOrzCity:br DescrLbe Wotk: fflou; t9 € )(; sl i +\ b.-;lAi,to, i), lb{L fo bz celoeo-fed a,.- ?nopzr[y Date of AppL t--t Na) Value w t50O6ri'/ -3c> - Additicn RernoCel Pro.'n tb9l la,> Gener Srr ece Page 1 of 2 7t) poornG & FIUNDATT1N: To be nace 6) A$;;-trencA;are escattated and E fortns are etected, but pt'ior to pourLng ccnc?ete. AND1RGROUIID PLUMBING. SE''IER, W,4?84, onnfanCz: fo tZ made Prtor to fi,L-lirq tueirchee. UTIDERELOOR PLU'EfiG & I,IECEANTCAL : o1 floot insuT,a.tion or decking. f-v1 posr AND BEAM: To be made pri,or to AL ) mtAml;of floor insulation ot decking. ROUGH PLA.EIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: ANICAT: io aork is to be eo,^et'ed .&iT-these inspecttons ltatte beer' made md approueC. $:.EPLA!E: Prior to plcci.rq facingnat;i;T; and before f"CIri"S inspeb- tion. ERAI.IilQ: Must be requested after @fFoo-al of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALL roofittg bracing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be . completed. Ilo ucrk is to be eon- . cecled until this inspeetlon hws 'been made anC approoed. , DRYT|ALL INSPECTTON: TC bE MAdE @ev'dT@ndTts in p|,ace, but prior to arry taping. SfTE INSPEC?I1N: Io be nwde after etcao;tlon,Tt priar tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTPICAL & MCH/-\|[CAL: Io be nade before any G[7ii6rsnz.ed. FTilAL PLUI{BIIIG PTNAL IIECHANICAL PINAL ELECIRICAL TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn ed required oqor borie?s @e 4n Place but before ory Lath, Wpslon bcotd or taLL cooeting is qplied, and before ay iwulation is concealed. Sanitoty seuer capped at propertii Lite Septic tutk gal'rped and filled urith gz'a;sel Final - Ilhen abctse itens are eonpleted ard uhen Cettolition i.s cornplete o? s'ttuc' ture mooed atd premi,ses cleaneC up- Hcmes Blocki.ng ord Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aare? od. uatev Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plutnbing eonnections mtst _be appr,ct:ed before requesting eleett'tcal inspectioti Accessor.J BuilCing ?i-nal - After pcrel:es, skirting' deeks, etc. a"e eornpleied. MASONRI: SteeL Location, bond difrijg?outing or oettieals in aceord-qtce tLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415, I'to2DSTOI,/E: @mpGm. After installation is CTJRB & APPRCACH APPAN: AftET fOTNSee et ei,cteC but prior to pourtng conc?ete. SfDEilALK & DRf'"WAI: Eor aLL con-cret;na,rfrAffi street right- of-DcA, to be nade after aLL erea- oating cornplete & fonn uot'k & sub- base naterLal in pl.aee. IENCE: hlhen conplate -- ProttiCe gates or mottable seetions tht'ough P,U.E. ALL ptoject conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co,:pletion-of the ,nq".t"na-ii"a"ceping, Ltc., mtst be satisfied befo?e the BUTLDTN? ErNAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building fnepection mtst be requested aftet the linal Plwnbing Electnical, and. Meclnnical Inspecti-ons haoe been made and apptotseC' *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!'IENI TO BE MADE /.T NO CCST TO CITY Lace DT House Lot Faees - Ileat Range Lot Sq. Pcg. % cf Lct Corserage # of Stories Total Height ?opograPhY LCI TWE _- fntericr Cormet' T Panharrlle _ CUl-de-sac =soLAR ACCESS REQ.-d Gro,Zcnc 9E2a-/52 o-?€2a, JOB NO.L-CO Bedtoons: ITEM x Value Building Volue & Permit This perni,t is granted on the espress condition tltat the said-constntction slnll', in aLL r,Zspeets, confortnio the h,dinance adoptedliy the Citg o-f spiLngqte4' includ.ing- the 2oning Cvdinanc-e' regulathtg the ccnstmtcticn *rn ;"L of Luildirqs,'*td ^ry be suspended oy, reookeC at stA time upon oic' Lation of anA prcrtisions of said ordir'ances. IOTAL VALUE s. D. c.L.5 c Building Perwtt -2 ?o Date Paid:State !.t. ?otal Clargea -)*Signed rTEM NO,FEE CEARGE Plumbing Permit No peteon stwll eonstruct, install.'- altet or elnnge.anA n'el-c? e*i'sting il**li or dtainage systan in ahole or in patt, unles3 such petson is the Tegol p"osses"oo o1"o uLlid plu"rbnt,'s Lic-ens,b, ergept tlat a pe"son^oA 40. ptin tkg uork to Woperta ,hi"h i" oLmed' Leased or operated by the dppli'- eant. Fi,rtutes Resilznti,al (1 bath) Sazzi Setet -? era a* Pltanbing Pernrtt 4O 9tate 2s ?otal Electricol Permit wlere state Lan requires tLnb the electrieal uork be ilone by -an Electtical Controotoo, the elictt ical portion of this pernit shall rot be oalil. until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor. EEE IotaL eu\ a-gs\l\E Neu/Ecterd Circwtts Set'uice -4' 4 FEE CEARCEITEM ,{ Mechqnicol Permit kltanat Hood llcodstoite Vent Fat Perwit fssuance Meclnnical Permtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sec"n'itu Deposi,t Storaee Ma'intertance PermLt Cutbcut Sida,talk Fenee Electnieal Ia.bel Mobtle Horne S'-21:7o Dafe Total f EAW CAREFULLY EXLMINED the eonpleted application for fenrtt' and do lereby certify t?nt aLL infonnation hereon is trwe attd correet, cnd f fur,ther eettify that any ard aLL uork perfomted slnll be -done in aceor'- dance ttLth the- 1rdinancbs of the city of Sprtngfield' ard the Lads of the* State of 1regcn pe?taintng to the uotk Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 oCCU- pANCy titl bL ,,ad.e of attg" sttactute r,tithout pernission of the Buildi,ng DL- oision. f further eZrtiiil that otly contractoos md *nplcyeee uko ee in eonpliance dith cRS ?01.055 uiLL be usedron thie proiect 7/a-a a {aF 7 eFt/a/ryr 2=-a-'y'za7s fup4rz.*!- TAron',7-e /2>.---r.v'e 2r< ,Tszzrr d-/7-70 TO?AL AMOUII? DUE:*///.6 Signed Date '),/- e41 Watar 4r;; F hfrnaeP- P'lU I S ITISPECTIONS 726.3]69 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 North Sth Street BUILDING MOVING PERI\IITIBUILDING DIVISION NEIV ADDRESS BUSINESS 726-3753 1d ng Div.OLD ADDRESS /6a t tc.b3 r UTNIS e( t U Le Des cript ion Legal Des cri-ption ry\ro-rb \_1 \4\ C Building Owner tllauar Address 5? oo fiv,o,^-- Phone CL Ats l"loving rm Srrrra- Lics 9zos q Exp. ry'- ctQ,,, Description Inten Use I ('o Address !orc..c1n. /{iwrt-,f 9rr rr"2) e Description of Route l,'. /',9 ' ,l{oilrr"t CITY DESIGNATED J /L77rnP, --2rD ./L+rp- ?o* - ()*t6d\t Description of Buil{ing Square Footage lnlovin g Leng th Li(l Number 0f Sections Being luloved NOTIFICATION NIOVE: The Building Division City limits shatl have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. I,{oving Width zt, Hei ght 0n Doll /?,L,, 0f Constructionlv, l. YALUATION PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES: Prior to rece will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HOI,IEVER, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secure the approval of aIl appropriate municipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. SEIVER CAP: Buildings mov rom w n the SEPTIC TANK ing a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must : 1,. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Submit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. 0btain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- cabl e. Prior to nov D8, owner sha11 have all sludge from the septic tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, and sha1l fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the Director or his authorized r esentative ect, that all req uired contacts have v- ./ t I CERTIFY TFIAT the above information i been made and authorizations obtained, on f,'l*1 'LA and will be comp s true and corr that the move leted by 't will begin -qto'c1ock 6-n/ o o t clock pm pm on and@theroutewi11bemadewithoutcontactingtheBui ding also certify that I have been informed that N0 PER.I4IT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5ltl0R HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the Builderrs Board is force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exempt the b NAItIE Cllctt Sc*04 SIGNATURE ision. I KING DAYS in fuIl asis is DArE 5 - lf.fu FOR OFFICE USE Type of Constructi ONLY ",, VNJ cy GroupZone Stori es Flood Plain Living Units \ touare Footage VALUE Application fee $18.00 -- Date Paid Permit fee $60.00 -- Date Paid 3 Receipt Number \1C)D.Y\-\ Receip t er Number^of.Blosks over 6 0 .60f-foloJe4+ q\K/lr Sewer Cap $1500 + 56 State Sur charge -- Date Pa Amount id _OTHER -- speci ionPolice Department Fire Department Northwest Gas Ittillamalane Park and Recreat Rainbow ltrater / SUB -Group ltr Cable _LaneCountYA&T Pacific NW Bel1 -Lane Transit District \c noted hereon. Basis for Builderrs Board Exemption: I BUILDING MOVINT-JRMIT Applicant to furnish (except as indicated)A. 0ld address for buildingB. Legal DescriptionC. New address for building (Building Div. will furn'ish)D. Legal DescriptionE. Name, etc. of building ownerF. Name, etc. of moving firmG. A description of intended useH. A description of proposed routeI. A description of the building Applicant to contact property owners if trees involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary. A site or plot p1an, and foundat'ion plan must be submitted for the new s'ite (2 sets) Plans must also be subrnitted for any other work relating to the relocated bui'lding. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at timeof appl i cat'ionB. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permi t i ssuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF FOR OFFICE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT CLER b fr\1 \qrl II. III. IV. V. VI. 4*"/W q-(7-?d Date TRAFFIC DIViSI0N REPORT' ". E n u, Da q ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT B.y Date ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : By Date ( laf sr. i;.*{S^s.nit ".. . ' x IASY r -J "r, \ NO ztn D.tqz,tt lr PINF. ... .r .i:r .i..,- : :,: tr ' : r i.:, : . ril.:. ) rL.srL VA c t' (l o t,) lrrq t i 0 -lI ]tt! ,l] :WA i.t 1 I ( )) o P?o Vt c t: ilI I t,: :. -: ..:. iar....:i;:"i ',r ':.. .t: ,i I 5fx t lrt v. ,.1 ,ll toil WAYI , D ht t,o af 19 t I ah 7tH an t I l Io I fifHsD s2No !o .'a 37fH f 55fH T = (!, :r +rl .cdJJIirr]D T rsr t tlJtsft :1.,i...,. so :J ) ... .1.':,i::,.,...... I aa Cit ofS iln fi May 14,1990 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT: Li sa Hopper, Bu'i I d j ng Techni c'ian Dean B'i shop, Traff i c Techn j c'ian Building Moving Permits #900483 and #900484 The following comments apply to permit #900483: 1. Thjs move will be perm'itted only between the hours of 0430 and 0900 on Sunday, May 20, 1990 to avo'id congestion on the des'ignated route. 2. Special care needs to be taken at the intersections of Mohawk Blvd. and 0'lympic Street and 28th Street and Majn Street to avoid damage to the suspended cable signal heads. The following comments apply to permit #900484: 1. Th'is move will be perm'itted only between the hours of 0430 and 0900 on aSunday. The permit currently lists Thursday, May 24, 1990 as the moving date however this will create a number of traffic related problems, especially on 28th Street. 2. 0nce again special care needs to be taken at the'intersections of Mohawk Blvd. and 0lympic Street and 28th Street and Ma'in Street to avoid damage tothe suspended cable signal heads. The following comments apply to both permits: 1. After cross'ing under any traffic signals the contractor shall monjtor thesignal lights to insure they are working properly. In the event a signalis damaged the contractor shall immedjately contact the City's Traffic Maintenance Technjcian, Mr. Gene Butterfield, at 998-3667. 2. For both the above permits, the mover will be responsjble for placing and removjng "No parking" signs as needed to prov'ide for a safe move. 3. Both permits appear to have the wrong addresses. Permit #900483 lists 166l N. 16th but should read 1663. Permit #900484 lists 1683 N. 16th but should read 1681 N. l6th. 4. The contractor shall be responsible and liable for any damage to cityproperty caused by the movement of these houses. PMT 3 SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION PERMIT AND APPLICATION ffi HIGHWAY DIVISION SINGLE TRIP TWO LANE: NONE FOUR IANE; NONE S€E BRIDGE BOX 38 BELOW CARRY THIS PERMIT IN THE CA8 OF THE POIYER UNIT AT ALL TIMES. CONTINUOUS TRIP EXPIRATION OATE RECEIVED: $ 7.00 OVERALL LENGTH 75'0" GROSS WEIGHT' n L PERMISSION GRANTED TO DUPLICATE LOCATION ORE PERMIfiEE: (Name and Address) Chris Schoap Build'ing Movers Eugene, 0R COMMODITY t,Jood Frame REAR OVERHANG FROM: WHEN CROSSING HIGHWAY ROUTE Enter from north McKenzie Hwy. at 28th travel east to 40th and exit south . PILOT VEHICLE HEOUIREMENTS FRONT FRONT REAR REAR SEE ATTACHED RIOER XX EQUIPMENT LIST ATTACHEO tr t.D. NO. DR864HC593346 FIRM NO. DATE HOUR 11 :30 A.M.PI,056878 APPLICANT NAME Chrj s Schoap APPLICANT SIGNATURE 29'0" WIDTH HEIGHT SEE PARA.6 17,o',, coMMoorw LIST ATTACHEO LOAO LENGTH 44'0" HEAVY HAUL LEGAL WEIGHT TABLE OF VEHICLE OR COMBINATION TY 2 & std. housemovi ng do1 1 i es 197 2 YEAR MAKE Rio P.U.C. NO.LICENSE NO. r425344 Ed ./ SPECIAL PROVISIONS Move to be made on a d off by 7:00 AM GENERAL PROVISIONS The lollowing provisions apply to this permit unless otherwise noted. ln case of conllict between special provisions and general provisions, the special provisions shall take precedence. 1. TIRES All wheels must be equipped with tires of suflicient size that the gross axle and tandem axle weights of any axle or tandem axles of a vehicle do€s not exceed 600 pounds per inch of lhe tire width. Self-propelled or towed conslruction type equipment fitled with low pressure flotation type tires (15'; or larger) permitted 700 pounds per inch of tire width to a maximum ol 36,000 pounds single axle or 43,00O pounds tandem axle. 2. PERMITTED WEIGHT The gross weight ol a vehicle or combinalion ol vehicles where the distance belween the f irst and last axles ol the vehicle or combination ol vehijles is moie than 1g feet shall not exceed that determined by the formulaW = -x (L + 40) whereinW equals thegross weight in pounds and L equals the distance in feet between said axles. ihe gross weight of any group oJ axles spaced 1B leet or less apart of anyvehi' cle or combination of vehicles operated under this permit shall not elceed that determined by the ,ormula W = - x (L + 40). ln no case shall the gross weight exceed: 1.Vehicleorcombinationolvehicles-;2.lndividualaxle-;3.Tandemaxles-orlhesUmo'the permissible axle, tandem axle, or group ol axles' weights, whichever is less. ln a combination of vehicles other than a truck-tractor-and semi-trailer,.excess weight may be allowed on the towing or towed vehicle but not botn, providinl tn" gro.r weight ol the combination of vehicles does not exCeed the statutory table of weights or as authorized by OBS 483.525. 3. ERIDGES whenever a movemenl authorized by this permit has any axle weight in excess 43,000 pounds and/or combination ol vehicle gross weight in excess of 96,000: A. Movement shall not exceed 25 MPH on any bridge or structu re. B. Movement shall not exceed 5 MPH on any bridge or structure. Movement shall cross bridge or structure by traveling along bridge centerline and all traffic shall be held by flagman-escort until ol 21,500 pounds and/or tandem axle weight in excess of OREGON TBANSPORTATION COMM ISSION By Slate H igD,\ray Engineer COUNTERSIGNED BY Office Manager movement has completed crossing of bridge or structure TITLE *puc REpoRTING REouIREMENTS: report all trips that exceed 8o,o0o pounds at the actual weight of the trip. Adequate records must be maintained for all trips. For more information call PUC at 378-6655. FORM 734.3251X (10.85} INSTBUCTIONS CONTINUED ON REVERSE L'-' tr FBONT OVERHANG m EXTENOEO' I-I WEIGHT TABLE I I tr D ):' at f(D i, ',Jg HIGHWAY DIVISION pRovtstoNs coNcERNtNG MOVEMENT ALONG AND/OR ACROSS THE HIGHWAY The additional provisions are attached to and made a part of Special Permit Number STP 1 . Notwithstanding the provisions of paragrapl'r 8 of the Special Permit to which these provisions.are attached, the actual movement of'the Suirbing or structure over the described section(s) of state highway shall not be made on Saturday' in the area of the move 10. This permit is nu, and void for non-compriance with any of the terms, conditions or descriptions 2. The entire movement of the building or structure wherein it occupies the right of way of the state highway shatt oe completeO *itnin-u-ptiioO ot ' 1,9-l]l' from the time it enters upon it. fUovement'rlifi Ot made 5"t*."n the hours of 6 AM and 7AM 3. Unless otherwise indicated, the highway shallnot be blocl<ed from generalpublic use at any time' and, during the progress of the.m.ove'ment, two-way triitic sharibe maintained by the aid of fragmen herein r6.titi.o. The buirding;iiilitrre sn'attoe moueo along the extreme right-hand side or tne nisnw!!"iil]lili.i,lig ;h!'i;;;;;:"r"s" ;!l';rid wnie tne moverirent is in prosress bv the aid of ftagmen and ippro'ed traffic direction signs' 4. When crossing the highway,lyo flagmen Tr,,,p.?9d-yith hand stop signs shatl be provided to direct and safeguard iraffi6. rne fladmen skrari b" station"t on tn'e ni-gnwgv 300 feet in each direction trom *ie crossins. rt sha1oJilil,l.i,v;i;#i;li"il6p.no ndro ,rr'"pproachins trarric until the ,or"rJn1'nui ii"ui"o the highway at the point of crossing' 5.AllexpenseforsignsandtrafficcontrolfurnishedbytqstateHighwayDivisionshallbepaidfor by the p"r,,..*,ui*.ni:;d iffi;i ffiru;ho"'*,tnin-iJn o"ir torrbwins submission to said permittee ot a si#m;;i "i sucn exfenie by the state Highway Division' 6. The permittee sha, assume fur-responsibirity for.providing sufficient overhead crearance of terephone uno joil",. *ireJ ano t"i &il"r'"r"in.lo'.*;;il;"". ilt-under the iurisdiction of the state HighwuvbiL"itn'ir"t ,"ignii.i;;6;*iin in" uninierrupted movement of said building or structure throughout the entire ror",i"nio.*I'!g:.:Ji"g. ih" P"iT]tJ::.lerebv suarantees to provide sucn uiimpaired clearances before commencing ifit;o'"ment over or a*oss the State Highway. n[ "*p"IJ". i"iuiiu" tn"r"io shall be paid by the Permittee' 7. rt is strictry forbidden to cut or trim trees or shrubs growing on the highway right of way unless sPecificallY endorsed herein' 8. No building or structure shall be moved onto the highway right of ry"Y ynl!-?ll conditions specified herein nave oeenlatisfied uno urilioiiiv"to i.t-""dnu. [,"Jn giuntei oy the rocar respresentative of tn" State HighwaY Engineer' g. The permittee shar give timery notice of the move to the localFire Department having iurisdiction herein 734-2005 (9-84) #R