HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1967-01-13tt_ CITY OF SPR!NGFIELD APPLTCATION P.ND AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY sE}TER LATERAL HOOKUP Appllcatlon ls hereby made by the undersigned proPerty owner for per- mlssion to connect the followlng deicrlbed propeity to a-sanltary sel'rer lateral line obrned and maintalned by tG CIty of Sprlngfleld, and I agree to Pay a troot<up charge of $4.00 p.r i"ont fooi of the pioperty to-be.served by such sewer lateril ln iieu oi an assessment against the descrlbed property: PropertY descrlPtion: s[E ArT,qgHgD 38E9Jz 0regon Street Pain in full January 13; 1967 Amount of front footage: ri0 37llr]il Front Foot- Sewer hookup charge- (6 $4.00 per front foot): tl$l'Li Locatlon of CltY lateral taP-ln' Length of connectlng llne: Type of constructlon: :er.'sr io st:rve one ttou$c' Size and kl nd of pl pe: 4 ' Concr'l t i', r'i ' lnaccordancewithprovisionsoftheSprlngfi"!qgityCode,ltIsPrg- vided that ln the event a sanlt"ry r"*"r tateial shoula be constructed [n the future whlch Ir U"n"ii"i"t to the above proPerty' I further expressly agree that the aborre piJp"tt, shall be assesseb for such sewer In preclsely the same manner as though ProPerty were not Served by and hooked to a city sewert and that the above-$+.bO p"r iront foot hookup charge deposlted wlll be Ippri"J to such future assessment for sewer lateral constructlon. CITY OF SPR!NGFIELD' OREGON I ,t' ,/r'li ,/"., /Byz v-.' t,z y''l-t.l t : -' . l- ' \r' PROPERTY E}INERS: /'./', Vl-/t.-t /rr^"4 CITY OF SPRINGFTELD BUILDING Sprlr:gfleld DEPARTIIENT 0regon u9rl-!.E To the 0ccupant of: 3839* 0regon Street Spr I ngf i eld, Oregon Clty Ordlnance No. 1623, Section 3, requires that atl persons maintalning piumbing within one hundred ahd twenty (tzo') feet of anypublic sewer lateral must connect to said sewer laterai. At the date of thls notlcei we flnd that no connection for the above address has been made to the newly accepted gewer lateral serving your area. You are hereby given flfteen (15) days from the date of this notice to obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the sewer. ln the event that you are not the property owner, please notlfy tnls offlce, either by phone or mall, glving us the name and addressof the present owner. (ehonez 7l+6-1674). Furthermore, if you have secured a sewer permlt prior to recelptof this notice, please disregard tlris order. Dated August 18, lgdt+ Yours truly, Robert T. Al len Director of Bulldlng E Zoning RTA: vp LEGAL DESCRITt0N for 3839* 0reson Baxter H. Renfrq, Owner Beginning at a point I20 l'eet East and lll fcet South of the Northwestcorner of Lot 3 in Block 6 of Douglas Gardens, as platted and recordedat page 73 of volumne 4, Lane County 0regon Plat Records, in Lane County,Oregon, running thence East 75.37 feet, thence south lll feet, more orless, to the Southeast corner of Lot J, thence west 75.37 feei, thenceNorth III feet, more or Iess, to the place of beginning, in Lane County, 0regon AIso a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the Southeas€. corner of Lot 3 Block 6 of Douglas Gardens, as platted and recorded at page 73 of volume 4 Lane County 0regon plai Records, in Lane County, 0regon, thence West 75137 feet to a point which said point shall be the true point of beglnnlng of this conveyance, thence west 120 feet, thence North l0 feet, thence East l20 feet, thence south l0 feet, more or less, to the point of beglnnlng, in Lane county, Oregon. Beginning at a i: point 20.0 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 3rBlock 6 Douglas Gardens as platted and recorded at page 73, volume 4,of the Lane County 0regonPlat Records in Lane County, Oregon: thence North I0.0 feet: thence East 100.0 feet: thence North 82+ feet to apoint which is lll.0 feet south oF the North line of the said Lot 3: thence East 35.0 feet: thence 92r feet to the South llne of the said Lot3: and thence l^lest 135,0 feet to the point of beglnnlng. Al I being inSpringfield, Lane County, 0regon ----f ,rt\ CITY OF SPRINGFTELD BUILDING Sprlngfleld DEPARTI"IENT 0regon TgIl.g.E To the 0ccupant oF: 383e}S trcet Spr n9 e , 0regon Clty 0rdlhance No. 1623, Sectlon 3, requires that all persons malntalnlng ptrumbing within one hundred and twenty (tZO,) feet of any public sewer lateral must connect to sald sewer lateral. At the date of thls notlce, we flnd that no connection for the above address has been made to the newly accepted sewer lateral serving your area. You are hereby glven fifteen (t5) ,lays from the date of ttiis notice to obtain a sewer tap permlt and to connect to the sewer. ln the event that you are not the property owner, please notify tnls offlce, either by phone or mall, glving us the name and address of the present owner. (Phonez 746-1674). Furthermore, lf you have secured a sewer permit prior to recelpt of thls notice, please dlsregard tltls order. Dated August 24, 1964 Yours truly, Robert T" Al len Director of Buildlng 6 Zoning RTA: vp CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING Sprlngfield DEPARTMENT 0regon !qr. lg.-E To the Occupant of: 3$9+ 0regon Street Sprlrrgfield, 0regon Clty Ordlnance No. 1623, gectlon 3, requlres that all persons maintalnlng plumblng within one hundred and twenty (tZO') feet of any public ser{er iateral must connect to sdld sewer lateral. At the date of thls notfce, we flnd that no connection for the above address has been nade to the newly accepted sewer lateral servlng your area. You are hereby glven flfteen (15) days from the date of thls notlce to obtain a sewer tap permlt and to connect to the sewer. tn the event that you are not the property owner, please notify thls offlce, elther by phone or mail, glving us the name and address of the present owner. (fhonez 746-1674). Furthermore, if you have secured a sewer permit Prlor to recelpt of thls notice, please dlsregard tltis order. D.t.d Augrt! 18, l9& Yours truly, Robert T. Al len Director of Bul ldlng 6 Zoning RTA: vp '-T /*LVv CY Lh24-Lz fr eR-12 3 S<__-/ 27 fu* C!-'J-ru ,7u -il'rL c)-d-l-4",r e!41A u://)a, iql-/b7/,Ju7yurt'1 t-/Ll "oJ "/t C.|Jg,- E- cL/L) 3 /25 )q_ &,,',) " --'7C/r t/ 29 -*Ma 2