HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-06-19Job tocation: ?2-Lot tl 2Aesessore Map # Su.bdioision: Otmer: Plione 74Addtess: Describe h'oYk: Additicn RenoCel 4Da,Val.ueDate of Applica tr Ne,D /,e,-zt-t9 OO{ Rcce'J" RESlDFl.lTlAL" 22 5 North stl, itonltPPLr cAT t-'i /PERttrr Springfield' }regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Date: t)1ontracfor General l.lechanica Plurnbi IiJ,ec tr ca Su erv Iilec t t:clan DE|IOLITIOI] OR :,:AWD B[i ILDI\]GS Sanilat'y seter eapped at ptoperty Line Septic tank p'"i:',ped and fi.Lled uith gra;tel Einal - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnrpleted and ahen Canolition is cornplete or strac- ture moueC and preniaes cleaneC up' e Hcmes Blocking ord Set-uP PLwtbing connections '- seute! and' uater Electrical Ccnnection' Bloeking' set-up ind olwnbinq connections rntst be appra;ed beforc requesting eleclr'ical inspeclion Aceessory Buildittg Firnl - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. are conPleted. Pege 1 of 2 It ie the reeponaibility of tle permit ho-ld3r from the stre'et, attd that the -penmt -card is *suilding Diuicion app"oxed pLan shcLL Pemdan to see that aLL inspeebions ate nade at the pro?er time' that ecch cddrees is teadable Located at the front of the- on the Burlding Sitc at aL -pro.pentYL tlnes. ALL726'3769(recorder') sl:ate your City C'esigruted iob number, job aC&'ess' tYPe of inspecliclr ready for inspection,Contt actct's oY Attet's ncne cnd phone numbcr. Pequests P€c€Lu'€d betcre 7:00 c:tPROCEDUPE FOR I, made the sane day, requests ncde after' 7:00 an uvtll be made the ncrt,,nrkins *r. a 1 1Ll 0 (/ Nwnber Is: U uou SITE INSPECTION: TO be made after INSI}LAI' ION / VAI'OR LIA R N IFR I |ISI'ECIfPN : To be nade afber aLL i-nsul'itLcn alla nequired uapor barriers are in place bui be|ore any Lath, ggpslon boarC or tnLL couering is applied' a:nd before oty insulation is conceale-d. Iour City Desigruzted Job WOODSTOVE: ccmpT;TA. After installation is P. U. E. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & utcuLitcnt: To be rnade before ang Git-li-i6oered. FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rmCe ;fr;F-ti;ncnes are etcattated and forns are erected, but Prior to pow,ing ccncrete. IJNDXRGPOUN) PLLIMETNG| SEW.ER' w.AT-qE' DRAIIIAGE: To be made Prlor to !LL- T@iFinchue. UilDERFLooR PLUIEING q. MECH-!-NIC.!L: ^T;6;ffi wlo" to instalLabion of floor ineulction ot' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to fiitiTGl{on of floon insulation ot' deckittg. ROUGII PLU!/IBIIIG, ELECTRI?AL & I4ECH; ANICAL:' No;;nt-i{ to bc couererl frtiTthese inspections hatse been nade atd approoeC. FLPEPLACE: Pri.or to placirq facingnateriali and before fratning inspec- tion. FRAIIING: ltust be requested after fiirouat of rough plttnbing' electrt- cal & neclunical. Al,L roofing bracing E ehtnmegs' ete. mtst be eontpleted, Ito uork is to be con' eeCled until thi.s inspection las been nade anC approued. ea;auatloll, but pt'ior tc set uP o fonns FINAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: rcVfrx-ilt@uitTts t" bub pt'ior to cnY taPino. MAS1NRI: Steel Locat;i-on, bond 6\ffiiigrouting or uerticals in accordotce uYtth U.B'C, Section 2415 . f be made pLace, CURB & APPRCACH APPON: AfLer forms A'e erecTAn;{nior to Pcuning eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRII'EWAI: For aLL eon- ;"ete pa,rfr-;Efrn street right- of-uvA-, to be nade after aLL eeca- oatinq compleLe & fora usork & cub- base matenial in Place. hhten conPlete -- ProuiCe or nouable sections tht'ough nLL proiect condibions, suc!': as t;he instal-Lation of stt'eet t12e-2., conPLctiot of the required. LanrTsccping, LtL-., i"t be satisfiZi-L,"folre- tlre BUTLDTN1 FIIiAL ean be requested' FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inepection mtst be requested cfter the Final Plwnbi'ng I \J Electrical' arr.d Meehanical InspecL"ions hauo been nade and approuea I */IT,L MANI|CLES AND CLEANOUTS MIJST BE ACCESSIBLI:, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I'IADE /"T T]O C1ST TO CITY I i! JOB NO. Total SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-Co c* PLan EranineT I HAVE CAREFULLy 4XAMINED the cornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby eertify tlnt aLL inforwation het,eon ie trwe and. corcect, and f furthet' certify that any ard aLL uork perforrned elwll be done in accor,- danae o-tth the Ordintnces of the Ci.ty of Springfield, and the Lass of the State of Oregcn peT,taining to the uork Cescribed henein, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCy DilL be rmCe of anA structu!,e tLthout permission of the Euilding N-uision. f further cer.tifil that otly cont"actoro @2d enplcyees ul".o axe in conplitznce u)ith oRS Z01.1Ss utLL be used on thie ptoject !!eatSetbacks P. t,llouse Canar1e Not,th Eost ll FirepLace Sotith l Woodctoue Ua:;t l LOT TYPE ! _ Interior _ Cornet _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - BedroomsZoneCrott Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lot Ccuerage I of Stortes Total Height Topography -- I'ees -- ITEM F'!'G x Va e Building Volue & Permit This pettnit is granted on the erp?esa cond.ition tlwt the said consttaction slnll', in all iespects, conform -to the Ordinance adopted 6:y the City of Springfield, inclwling the Zoning CYdinance, negulating the ccnstmtcticn atul ttse of builclt,i'.;,;, and nay be suspended or reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of aaid Ordinances. lhin ?OTAL VAT,UE s.D.c. 1..5 x * BuiLding Pernrit PLan State Date Pal d Reeeipt ll: ?otal Clwrgea Signed ITEM Lt()T LL CHARCE Plumbing Permit No pez,son shall consttuct, instal!, alter ot clan4e an! netn cr eristing plwnbing cn drainage systan in uhole o" in pa?t, unleas such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid phtnber,'s License, escept that a person nay do plwnbing uork to propez'tg uhich is oaned, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Firtures Resid.mtial (1 bath) Scni Seuer Plutnbing Pernit State * Ileu,/Ertend Cit cuits Electricol Permit Were State Lau *equires th,at the electri.cal uork be done by an 9leetrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit alall not be oaliC until the Label has been stgned by the Electtical Cont actot',Set uiee State fotal * IJLITgM LIIML L Mechqnicol Permit Eohatst HooC Ilcodstoue Vent Fcn Permit Issuqnce Mechanicel Pcrmit Seew.itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Perwit C-utbcut Sideualk h UU Electrical label Mobile ltorne ,IO?AL AMOUNT DLIE: *ed Date ffi n llatcv, -- L,NCROACIIMENT -- Pence