HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-05-21" RESIDL- rTlAL"SPRINGFTELD. APPLICATION/PERTLIT 225 Notth Sth Street SprLagfield, )r,egon 97477 Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 Aasessors Map #I 2. ras Lot * f-5,6l0 O i svbdioi.sion: C.G ' Address:Phone o City:Ge-o # I A.nter: /h&l o+- t-t Desct Lbe llork:lla)n ldditian I-t ia the tesponsibility of the penrit holdet to see that aLL inspections ote nade at lhe p?ope? ti,rn., thdt 2^6fi arlirsss is v2a)ai.i2 ;1,on the at?eet, anC tlnt the permtt catd is Loeated at the inant of the propertu.*Zuii,Liq D.i.uiciot acptou*ed plan sVtcLL yemain on tha Build.:.ng :ite 'at all'ttkes." rnn'r;l",r c^D r\tcD-rnLoll REQ.UEST;CALL726-3769(vecoydey) state youy City desigrated job ntmbet,, job aiiress, t'gpe of inspee=icniq,es;;a@eadyfot,inspection,Contr|actct,s"7aon.,"",oneLndpia7enunber.--Pnqun"'"recei'.ed.befcre?:00ci ;iil be matie the sane dcy, "equests nctie aftet 7:00 on urill be naCe the nest.sotking dag. RenoCel Ilobi Data of AppL ieation s -,.l-Bu CeneraL L Canstmtetictt Lender Dy.,'\.rf 4r4>er ?ENCE: hrhen cenplete -- ProuiCe gdte; o" mooable sections thtough P,U.E. @ 5aoVaLue ycu! C1:tA Desigrated Job Nutnbez, fs:(A I|ISL'LATIA|I /VAPOR EARRIER II]SPECTICII : To be naCe aftet, aLL insulaticn cnd t'eq.uired oapor bawiers ore in place but befcre oty Lath, Wpsum bcatC or tnLL couering is aoolied, and before oty irculation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)II: Tc be made after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but priot, to ang taping. I4AS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oez,ticals in accord.dtee tLth U.B.C. Section 24L5, I,|O0DS?O'/E: Aftet installation is ccrnpleted. eA?B LAPPRCACH APPON: After fornsd,. e;;;t;{b"t VAor to pourttq conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL con- crete patting uithin street right- of-ueA, to be maCe after all. erca- oating eanpLete & fotn Ltoz,k & sub- base natez"ial in place. . I 5i:3 -f.ls-:ii:--r.1.. To be nade afterlJ *ca;il;;;-rE pr.icr tc set up of rorme. - AXDE-?SLA? PLL':.BI:]G. ELECTRIC,iL At I |'ECE.1::;CAL: To be macie before cny Do?k Ls eaocted. 71 yoo:ltc I FouJD,trrcl: To be naCe'. I AfC:1 trencGs are escauated and. forms are erected, but p?ior topourirg ccncreie. - ultpsRcpoultD pLUtD tgr_Slr,Ep.- t\lELJLirq xrenehes. -1 uaoonrr,ooR zLUIETNG & nEIHANTzAL:to1 floor insuT.ation or deeking. . 1 yos.r_llZ_OU4t ro be made prLot, toI TGtiilillcTof flooz, insulZtion or decking. -----l ROUGH PLUEIIIG. ELECTRICAL & I,[ECH- I4- - until these inspections haue been maie ctd approzted. 1 rrptptncti wLor to olccira faeinoI mat;;lals antl befot,e 'froninlg Lr"pnl-tion. fr rwtmc: Irtust be requestei after 4) app"oDal of rough plwrbing, eieca,i-\ cal & neclnnical. ALL toofing btacLng E chittmeys, etc. rmtst be completed. llo ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspection has- 'been made anC apptooed. lI _l l FTilAL PLUI4BII|G FINAL I"{ECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL pnojeet eon&itions, such ae tle installation of street trees, co.noletion of tie required Landscapir4, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNG FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDIN1: The Final Bui.Lding Inspeetion nuat be tequested cfter the Final Plunbing Eleetrical, otC Mecltanical fnspecti.ona hate been nade ard approoeC. CP Saritary seuer cap?ed ct pyopetQl Line Septic totk p;,t:Ved ard. filled trith gratel linal - lt1ten c.bcue itens ate ccnpleted. anti uhen denclt-tion is eonrlete bt s*ae- iuye noued. qnc ?rerises cleenei up. Le Ecmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e? d. uatet Eleetrical Ccnneetion - Blocking, set-uc and plunbing conneetions m;st be apprc"^ei befor e requestang eleen-rical inspecliot: Aecessory BuiLCin4 Pinal - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. an,e conpleied. Pace 1 of 2 )Job Locaticn: \t)r)*fl8) *ALL I|AI\HCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUg? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIEiII TO BE I.I.4DE 1,T TlO CCST TO CI?Y T il o2 ll l lIl l l soLAR AeeESS REQ.- Bedtooms: JOB NO.L-co c t: 'v th Df House Lot Faees - % cf Lct Cottaage_ # of Stories Total Height LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cor.ne? Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac lnt Sq. Etg. Iopogrqhy -- Fees -- This permLt is granted on the exp?ess eondition that the said consttaction sLnLL, in all respeets, eonform to the OrdLnance edopted 6iy the City ofSpringfieLd, including the Zoning Cydinanee, regulating the ccnsttabticn and use of buildings, cnd may be suspended oz. reuokeC at cnA time upon oic-Lation of cny prctsisions of said 1rdinances. FryT TOTAL VALUE Date Paid I?E},1 x Value sb 9o N0.FEE au i Da? Building Volue & Permit S.D.C. 1.5 t lotal Clnrges State at / =,-::.to FEE NC FES Receipt #: Signed: :. lizttites ) ' Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuez, Plunbing Pe?rit lla,t/Eeterui Ci?cuits Sezoiee te D!;! bhanst EooC Vent Fot iJcodsto;se Permit fssucnee Meclnnicel Petmit -- ENCRCACHI4EilT -- Plumbing Perrnit No_ person stnll construct, instal'!., alter or change anA ned cr eristinc plu,nbirry or drainage sAstetn in uhole oz, in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber,'s License, eleept th,at a pbt,son na.g do plwnbing uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operateti by the ippli;-cant. Electricol Permit wete state Las teouires tl"a.t the eleetrical uork be done by an ElectriealContractor,, the electrLcal portion of this perrnit sVuLL not be oaliC untilthe Label \ns been signed by the ElectuicaL Cont?actar. Mechonicol Permit PLanz ?entrtt )tttbcut sLdeoaLk !ence ',lobile Hone r HAw 1AREFULLY EYAUTNED tlte eornpleted aoplication for permit, cnd doherebg cettify that aLL info:mation hereoi is ttue and ebrz,ect', rnC ffuttker certify that any ard aLL uork perfo,aed slnlL be do;te in aecor-dance tith the ovdinances of the city of spyingfield, and. the Lc,;s of the* State of oregon pertainina to the wik Cesctibld. hnrlrr, cnd. tllat No OCCU- PANCy dill b:e rmZe of an! structu,e uithout permission of the Building Dz-uision. r fu,ther eertify that onLy contraciot's and anpicyees uho arZ ineonpLiance uith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this project "CTAL AI41UltT DUE:a Yo.oi Date z//re I ,{ 0illE 0 .in rt} r4J tu : Unilorrn Nltrne tnspection Oate Address al Buildi ; A. \tloord Oestroying Organisms Fu i- Oacnpwood Tertnilgs g Lt!)?Brr,nne{n T$ r11rl es L};rtr*ntet Ants 5. Yfcrd.6eeties 6. Orhet lf m.Uh*ri No;. ',. I . Ves':twood ', .sellulose l Ciesrance'.. .? : *. ' Slhet ' ,.f , l$ furlflotArq there rnacceserb{a erses? PAG&;'f.. ,' :', rstsi ..,rif.::' 3 Ail h$:re* rn<JlcEted etl*!'e fffl t$ ** eh*ck*d *ii*0r Yes t'i0 favoring i^n $.Fsutty ll i\:orlrfl $r!(l$t isn.s SKETCH {e F - Fungi (Hot) DT - Dampwood Termites ST * Subtenanean Termites ' CA * C*rpsntor Ant$ WS * tFiaod'boring Eoetlos LCICATIOf{$CIF SYMBOLS ARE APPFOXIMATE td?,r.& r cL 11 , @ ./-*\- t *d+v '\r4:)I a', ,i o$Dr r}\a/ FP? afor \f ..- Prssent Ventilation X * Ventilation Ne*di:tl AW * Arsa YJells t'Jtl*ded {s/ t* ,iCilws rc ,6qujnN asua3r'l {.'J$ $1XE'. oor ii