HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-05-07.. RESIE \TIAL.. . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 ELeetricaL Mecharieal Conajfiig,t ton_Lender SPRINGFTEI-D Date t^t ie the reeponsibi-LilA oi_tle permit |pller to aee that aLL inapections ate nade at the prope! ti,me, that each adlress is reaCab'-e f.yu1-t1g etree.t, and tlut the-perrnit-catd ie Located at the fu,oni of the Wope?ty.*EuiUitg Nuiciott approxed pl.cn sTaLL xemain on tlp Building site 'at aLL' tofmes.- P.Roc DUPErEoR. IySPECTT1N,!?-3!|ES?:CALL726-3769(vecorder) state Aou! Citg designated job nronber, job aC|ress, type of inspee=i-cnr-equested ard.uhen gou uiLL be ready fo_r inspection, contraetays ol, atners-rrorr"Lrd plolte rutnber.' -p.equests rcL"li:Za bZ1cre'?:00 an'*'LLL be nade the sane dcy' requests made aftet ?:00 on urLLL be nade the nett rnrking'd,ay. BLIO3 7__Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nunbey fs:Reati.rorl Tn ?.>r/1- S,/Job Loeaticn:5 Q Aesessors Map #Tc,t Int # Subdioision: Z52rmer:s 7- ?777Address:Phone city: FP /t trenr-/< O K DescrLbe hlotk: c-o}\E611=D - 8qDate of App Neu rbr>-$\aJ.E$ec\L Fo n .r/+/, ix value & 2* oO Additicn RernoCel GeneraL Blockirq od, Set-up Plunbing connections -- aane? otd, uater Electu"ical Connectiott - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing conneetiont ,rust be apprc"^-eC b efor e requesting e! eelrical i.nspeblio;t Accessory* Buildnng skirtittg, decks,pcrekes, Leted. Final - Afte!etc. ate comp. Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be rmde after ercantation, but pt ion tc set up of forne. INSALATTON/V/I,POR BARRTER NISPECTION :lo be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. tequired oapor bmriera @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsltn boatC or unLL eouering is dpplied, and. beforeoty iraulation is concealed. DEtoLrrralt 0R :.:ow) Scnitoty seuer capped ct propertg Line Septic tank ptltrped and filled ttth gz,a;sel Final - hLten abotse itene ate ccrwleted arid uhen dq,olition is corplete bp sfuae-hpe nooed od. ptenrises cleaneC up. Mobi e Hcmes : Tobe eoueyed. FTP.EPLACE:mat;i;G tion. PTilAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELEC?RICAL ana *4eacCe DRY\IALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be made aftez, aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any tapirq. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or uerticals in aceordorce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415,T @ lblldzg, -M-a+,. UNDERGPOUIID PLUMEING. SEWR, W.ATER, DRATilAGE: To be nade prLot to fil-lir4 trenehze. IIPERFLOOR PLUI,IBTNG & MECHANTCAL :Io be nod.e priot to installation of floor insulctian or decking, P0ST AND BEA!4: To be nad.e pr\ot, toffititatli-o1 floon insullation or deckittg. ROUGH PLUtlBnlc. ELECTRTCAL & I4ECH-ANICAL: Mutil these inspeetions haue been nade ard. cpptoueC. WO)DST1VE: Aftet installation ieanpleted. CURB & APPROACH APP.ON: After fomsee erecteC but prior to pouting coTerete. STDEIIALIL & DBrWilAy: Eor all con- er.;tenat @Effi street fight- of-txA, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating conplete & form uotk & sub- base rnaterial in place. ?ENCE: When cornplete -- ptouiCe gates o? mouable seetians thtough P.A.E. ALL proiect conditions' such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conoletion of therequit'ed Landsccping, atc.' tmtet be satisfied befote the BUIiDIN:G FLNAI can be requested, FTNAL BUTLDING: The Final Building. Inspection m$t be requested cfter the li,nal plwnbingElectrical, and. Meclwnical fnspectlor "hqun been naie- and'ipp"ri"d. Prtot to plaeirg and befot,e fi,anring faeing LnApee- PRAIII,IG: l,tust be requested after app,rooal of rough plwnbing, electni-eal & mechanical. ALL roofingbtactrq &- ehinmeys, etc. rntst be cotflpLeted.. llo ucy,k is to be con_. cealed until this inspection has'been made anC approoed. r *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCES|IBLE, ADJUSTITENI ?O BE TL4DE A? !1O COS? TO CNY l u r T T JOB N ?otal soLAR A^aESS REQ.-L-co c f llAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eonpleted appli,cation fo? perwit' and. do lereby cettifA that aLL infonation hereon is true attd correct' and f further certifg that any ard aLL dork pevforned slnll be dote in aecot'- dance tith the Ordinanebs of the City of Springfield, aad. the Laas of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wotk Cescribcd herein, e.nd that N0 OCCU- PANCY titl bb naCe of any struchne ttithout permission of the Building DL- oision. f further cet'tifg t?rct otly cont"actoPs otd etplcyees uho are in conpl'lance uith ORS 701.055 ui-ll be used on this proieet ,( J+-irccnr' Lot Faces - DT House # of Storiee Total Height Topography LC? TWE Corner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage NEM FTC x VaLue tlain TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 7,5 c cc>PLanqo qo Building Volue & Permit Ihis pertnt,t is granted on the ecp?ess eond.ition tlut the said_construetion sLnLL, in al.L nespects, confonn to the Otdirnr,ce adopted biy the City of Sprirqfield, inoT-uding the Soning Crdinanee, regulating the ccnstracticn otd. use of buildings, urd mey be suspend.ed or teuokeC at €nA time upon oic- Tntion of my ptcttisione of said 0tdir,ances. * * Building PezmL ?otal Clnrges State NO.FEE CHARGE Pi.rtures Resi.d.ential (1 bath) Sazd Sa,set Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consfuact, inetal?., alter or ehange ang ne?, cr eristingpltnbing or drainage syste"n in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plutnber's License, escept th,at a pe"son nay do pltnbing uork to p?ope?tA uhich is oumed, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Perrtt Na,t/Eetend Circuits Sertsice Electricol Permit Where State Lal requires tl",at the eleefu*Lcal uotk be done bg an Elecdcal Contraetor, the electrLcal portion of thts permi.t slwll not be oalil. until the Label lws been sig:ned by the ElectrLcal Contractot'. Permit State ?otaL NC,FEE CI]ARCE khanst HooC Vent Fan llcodstotte * Mechq nicol Permit Petmit fssuanee Meclanieal Penntt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Perwtt Asbeut Sideualk L Mobile Hone Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Signed: TOTAL lIT4OUNT DUE: *\O .*o Date N \ llatet \\N State Swchange ?otal Clnnaes Seetrttu Deoosit Storaae Mai-ntennnta ?ence- SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1885-1985 Sprjngf eld Centennial year November 19, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Curtis Robbins 40174 Little Fall Creek Road FalI Creek, 0regon 97438 Dear Mr. Robbins: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatical 1y expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original p]ans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Bui'lding may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request exp'laining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfie'ld Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Si rely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oreqon 97477 o 503/726-37Os JOB ADDRESS:3775 Oreoon Street JOB # i RLn?22 Mav 25. 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED:T.,AST ACTIVIfi DATE: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS OF PERITIIT: xx VALID: However, your pernit will expire on November 25- 1984 If you wish to request an-extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. *If the itexpiredr box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we will clear our files of all related information with regard to the permit. * !v,'no 3 j. q c @ coN Complete Add your spacS 0n items 1, 2, 3, and 4. address in the "RETURN T0" reverse. o SEIICER: (colr8ulT P0sItaAsTEn Fof, FEES) t. Tha lollowlng sorvlc0 ls requostod (chock ono). E Sho, to *t o, and dats detivsred I Snow m wnorn, dalo, and addross ol deth€ry .. a. O nesrnrcreo o€ltvERy........ (flp n6nfr,d 6lwl la B ctatg& la tddituo b tt eirn tdil lr,) T(lIAL --c_0 _0 3. ARTICTE AOOEESSED TO: Mr. Curtis Robbins 74 Little Fall Creek RoadI f r oolz 0R q74?R1'l40F: 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: DRrolsruRro 0lcennrrEo Drxpnrss ulrr- Dnsuneo Ecoo ARTICLE NUUBER P329 964 L49 (Alulys obhlo slgnlturo ol add,essre or rgaot) I luve rscohrsd lho articlo descrlbed aboro. OF DELIVERY 6. ADoRESSEE'S AooRESS (onr,, 5. (nay sld.l SIGIIATURE DAddrosseo flAulhorized agenr 7. UNABLE TO OELIVER BECAUSE:7a. EMPLOYEE' Ir{rnArsUH S !,lt{c,zamo tr! t 1982.37$593 I $_1.s5 ill ll lUNTTED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SEilDER IilSTRUCTIO}I3 hlnt yonr l!ma, ad.trctt, md aP Cqh h tia t9lca b0l0r.. Com9l.b ]bmt 1, 2, 8, lrd a otl ltt r.rrnr.. Anlah t0 lifi[ C n0ct. ll tp.c. Drntt.otlurhr rrfr lo llGk ot rthh. o E0dort.rlk| "B.Om n!a!B n quamd". rdFoil b ou[b$. RTBRN ? PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usq $00 bgPlnrrttENT oF PUBLIc woRKS 22J$qgn$rP.gtBoOTR SPRINGJI +