HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-10-13.. RESIDET- TIAL.. APPLICATIOII/PERILIr 225 llottlz Sth Stneet Springiield, 2regon 97477 Build.ing Dioision tlZO-i/i,) ob Locaticn: lBsessor.s lrrap #l'7 0 3 ,-ubdiuision: .:Jnc?: ,&ir.ess.' DeseyLbe Nork lia-, SPIIINGFIEI.D t! o15l ,qhqq&I\l @ Add.iticn !!cbiLc lic"::c Z- Date of nppr."rtt"* /o- /s'&L ooValue Icr Iot #O Q/o 3b Phone: ansar\eticn L:nier : is the.resconsibilltu o! the oerni! hciier xo see thet a1'1. inspecxions are nade dt ihe ?"o?er time, that eceh;;i-ess is re4;!'--: .on xhe ax?eea, dd tildt the DerrLt ca--g is LceateC dt the frcnt of xne orooetcg:ti!c't:'4 iivr:io- dpi?ob*ed plcn s'r:=Li- r'ei3.;-r. ot ti-;; Eutla:.ni S!a3 ca cLL'xines. ;CALL 726-3769 (ycecrtier) sicxe ltou? Cz.xit desiat':ateC job r:to:ber, jcb ccitess, tV=e ol :-r.:ce:=icn -t:n.s rre-----'^y< vc DC rOAeu fcr its>ccxicn, Cont"r:clc?s c? (tarcts na.e Z"t =ro,ne ntmbcr.- .2"qre""s receil;e:'ce;c.: ?:Ct =.i.L be nade t'ne sane dcy, reouesys ncie citct 7:00 cn u-iLL bc naie d';e ncst'sor<ir-: c::. lcur City Desig'ra.ced iob iiumbcr Is:8ao r)zq :--: -.;ji:-----,.' iO ae nCAe Ciae? - ez.ca,saticn, cux pricr tc set up of ,rirn.Der ,. t-r,taf t,- =!::?P::,,.L c ].2C::.1;l lA-: ;o. Ee rr.a.ae De:o?e cnl DO?K LS COlareA. Pa?!.r:;G , ?3r::D,iTIC::: To be nace ajxe:' xrencnes ate esca;laxed anC fcnn,; are ereexed,, cut prior to pourlr4 ccnete.e. ,rtra:D^5^r'rrr lr r:r-ttt^ c=iF, l,r^614 -.-.,-..-t t,.1- _.., -.,^.,. .Ff^.. /|.',,.: =..c'-- ?tte+r^F'^!.. -=!,^' i--at. _, r,^I-- ;'.-- --"- ^ -'J..-LL---., L-- -'-ri -- D-!-J-ri:fo oe naae aj'xer aLL insulaxicn *xi rcou:-red vdoor bcriers are in p'tace but beicre ory l-axh., Wpsun bcard or oeli cooet'ing is cVclz.ei, axi bejore oty it*ulaxion is concealed. t D?:'|';LL fiLsPSa:rf0.r.'.' ?c be made.._-. aIXcY OLL CIlllDatL LS Ln DLACe' but pr{or to any tapirq. !!!E!!!t Steel Toeation, bonC De@xs, a?ou+-ing or uerticcls in aecord.otce DLth IJ.B.C. Section 2475. Sani;aty settet eqaei ct proger-a Lir.e Septic tank p'*7ea a:i filleC u'.th Vc:;e- ?incl - lrriten cbarc iiens ote cc::t.clexei ctzd then i*tcl'-tion is cc:=Leze or s;---:- tute noued ac prenrlses elesnei u2. l l l l I) I) l I) I ) D:;I;i;Ca: -c De nai.e pricr xo iil-Lirq xrenehee. fllln?D=f ^a) Df rtraflt^ o t,-^t'a'tf ^.f .U;;rJ:i: LV"-,. .'tU..2Jt,J a tr:'.ih,,/o^-. fo be mace orict xo inszcllation of ftoor insulcticn or deckinc. PCS? Allt EiA!.1: To be naic prior to installaticn of floor insulation ot' deckiq. Pat.,,;ii ?!t-1 :? : ::3. !T,!::.1 :. ;.: !, I Tci - l;;iCtL: ,),o uorj: is xo oc cou^e?ed --. ur.til tnese irspeetiors izaue been notie arui accrouci. FfPE?LACE: PrLor to plccir4 facingmcterials arul bcfote fronina inspee- tion. !t.t:fr: !,!uct be requesteC after approual of rouah plunbing' electri.- cal & neci*znieal. AL! rooiing braeing f, citimcys, etc. nrrst be comoletci. lio ucrk is to be eon- cecleti until this inspection las been marie ani apptoted. FII]AL PLU!.IBIIlC PII;AL II"IIA:IICAL ?INAL EL!:iSICAL V wloosToi,E: Aftey installztion is V\] ccnnlexcd. CLTRB A APPRCACII AP1ON: Aftet forms - al'e erectes, Dux Prlor to Pou?Lrq eonctete. SIDYqALX 8 DFr\T1.1.^.!: For aLL con- - crete pauitq uixh'tn sx?eet right- of-ucy, to be maCe after aLL ese.a- uatina cawlete & fora r'sot'k & sub- base nzctertal in plaee. t.^;;1 - L^--- Bloeking otd Set-:,tP Plunbing eonnections -- aa,te? o.l uc?et Eleetriccl Ccmnection - Blockir4' se;-u= and plwttbing ccanections n:st be cV>rcte: beforc requesting ei,ec:rical itspec=ic- Aeeescory BuiTding Pinal - l,ften pcrckes, skirting' decks, etc. dre cornple2cd. lEI]CE: oat ea P.U.E. hhen conplete -- PtoPiCe or mouable eections tizrough tPn-+,tuffi to- l3 ()O3 AIL pro.ieet conditions, suc\ as the i.nstallaxion of st?eet t?ees, conDlet'ion.oi tne requircd Lanisccpitg, .t"., r*ut be aatisiiid bciore the BUILDI\|C FIlilL ccn be requestcd' Fii:AL BLILDINC: The Einal Buildittg Inaoection nust be reouesteC cller the FineL Ph'tt:bir4 i;;;;;"1-,-'od ueciur.ical rnspecxlons 1uvc been mad,e arui aoProuei' ?4e1o!2 X .ALL I.'ATEELES AED CTJ;ANOWS Tr.Jsl? BE ACCEI.,SIBLI, ADJUn:!!:I! ?O 3E IllDE I.I EO '!57 TO CI:Y ,fuU-oK I\ -- cUwdffie'&'yw,* -(_ tr ctttr"L o JOE "" 860{: s SOLAR ACCESS REQ..L-co c* n Crat-:'/Corst ^+ C- n+-ve e.l. .1. cf lct Ccueragc of Storles otal lleight 'coogrcphy LC! ?WE _ fnterior _ Co?ne? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac haru:i: Hoocatov.: Ftrcoiocn L Sotr :1eaa -- Fees -- Lot Faces - Scthae" P.L itou sc Ca?ao c /.ccess llortil Eos t South Ilest 1a/st Hool F+ F- )isto)e -rF.!, h^-^--' a esalk ?CTAL VALUE ,CLUC Building Vcr Iue & perm it ?his -permtt _is granted on the ezp?ess eondition that the said eonsttwetionslta.Ll' in all resoccts, eonierm'to the ordirance "irel;r ii-lnZ- ci."y or ?\O:1fi.L!: ine!'udtno th-e 2oning cvC.nar"i, reaulcting the ccnstr-rct;cn T:r:: -"J bui!.dinqst. otd n_ay b.e_ suspend.ed or reuokeC Lt "-y trme upon vic-taxlon o!-dny p?cDislons of said Ordinances. Euildinc Penrit ?otcL Chatgea sienticl (i. c=tk) :-ixzt> Se-*ey Plt:bt,:3 pesit nfa<- PZan 'ea Reecipt #: ;',) Plumbing permit Ilc cercon sLnil consttwct, tnsJai!, cLte: or chanoe Gnu neD cr c:,s.,itc.: i::.:ry -l drainaae susteix in ui,tole or in- par;, unless "u.a ,urloln"ii, t;r"Le-gaL.Dossessor of a ualid. olumber's Lieens'e, e,ceat tl"-, i rr."." naz ico_zu-bing uork to p"oDe"tu uhi.;, i" orzez, 1;L";-;;'"r*""1a'Z', ";"";>rli-cent. Electricql Permit hrne?e siete Las teouires x'ttx the elecxrieal uork be cio,e by ce Jiec:ricaicon:lcctcr, xhe eLec=*caL.zo*iot: ":- .ir"-o"ia;;;_:"";';";.rl'r":," ,.,,=i:xize -tabel itas been eLgnec by xhe iZl.oi.."i Can.r.c.c?. -:/aztetg Cirgtits 7 Stzte Srlrci"cxde Total Cr:tces > fr/iec h onico I Permit ^/* a.tr*z/ { 4,*/ Z Perr*t Issuanee Me:itanieel pe"nat -- ; 't^a.t..rrt.tt-: P LA17 Lionlner. - Cncrocs ":yy.,'H:,i'i",;y#!'i,'#,*::3.:'i:"i":x?.1:"1!11n_f o.reentt.cnc,ic funtherccrti"f "-tiir-onyoholt,nti-;;;;.';.'0":'*7TuZ.i::2,r.*rlor_ciance vtth the otdine-nci: "l ":: city.L|.'iw::tfiii,;;d-l;.; i*s of thcstaxe of oreacn pcrtaininc to the uoik ieseribcd he*eirt, cnc :i*.t ;.J cccr- !-4',!1.'- "il! ( '1dc of a1!! st?uctu". uithout pernissiott of the Suird.ina Di-ulslon. r furthen ".llii:: -rtul -orly .ontio'tot s c;d ."pi";;;"-;ho are incanpliance aith oRS zol.b'ss u;.tt ti""i"i"o, "n " pro1cet L ile Hane O.)3- Y I'a Lu: i ...-.....E I s.oa J5rc,ba/ -:,_J5 .bo AL A,I!OI!ii? DIJE:'3o.bo a [tate deaf'oor:s: