HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Occupancy 1975-02-10{,ertititutt o f @ ccup ilfiW CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUITDING DEPARTMENT This Certifcate itsued pursuant to the reguirenents of Section 306 0f the Unifortn Buildiitg Code certifying that at the time of issuattce this structure rnas in conryliance witlt tlte uaious ordinances of the City regulating building constrttctian or ttre. For tlte following: F III N ire Zo lII .Use Zon c-2 Occ. Grou Type Constructio Owner of Buildi Center Devel ent of WA.ddr Vancouver, Washington Building a46rur. 1950 olymPic street -Bldg. permir 6s65 Dote Z-to-75 Building ciol POSI IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Na , ('l'It IED LL'l'TER Iune 19 , Lc-,32 jj-cara Hanel;rn,S,r Da i s1., . i ingf i=rd. uit :ub-ject: Occupr3p61, In-spectic,n at 195O Olf irpic Street Springfie1d, Oregon. i -aFo.s€d L.se: ijay Care b-acilitt' , ":a r i'ls . Honenan : :.1 ]'our request, the Springf ield Building Safetv Division conducted anrirSp€ction of the buildittB(s) at the aL',oi'e adciress. Tlre purpose of theinspection Llas to deterrnine the suitabilitt'of the building(s) for the ,,i-oposed use as indicated. :,.3s€d on the proposed occupancl.'r ttie e.xisting conditions xliich are-=ntioned belot.'do not ineet the minimum Buitding Safet], Code r-equirements. ' ,lrrective neasures must be taken prior to occupanc-v to install, repair,i',-pIace cr nodifl. the foIIoi.'ing itens in order for tlre Lruilding to confor-r,r , ,l apirlicaL'r1e saf ett' codes: ', i.i-uctural OEVELO P MENT SEFIL''CES PUBLIC WOEKS M ETR A PA LITA N WASTEWATE R M A N AG EM E NT l(o signific:ant conditions r{ere noted that tlode requirements for tlre proposed use.nechanical equipr:ient requirements nilI beret'ierl, pI-cces.s. SPFtI'JGFIELO 4l: a,rru c;^--T r-.-=.\r:--/D i,1 J-t. :t--,_: f . deviate frorn the BuiIding SafetvFire Departnent. exiting, and addressed through the plan eliTs L i,-.ctrical 'firi: esi.sting eler-tI-ir-:at r.,irillB cOnfor-l-,,S rrith tlre intende,l uSe. .1n-va'l.jitit,rrs clr'(-iJal)3es in t!re r.,irin'3 svstetr sjra11 confot'n to 199'J Editie.n r-rf the ,-,rr-'gc.n El,:ctr-ical S1:ecialtl' (lr:de (State addendu::i to 199U i(.E.C. )tl.k..S. )1S-j9{-,-r_ii,.,. and i99,.i l.J.E.tl. I {e FIease subiniI plalis sltc't'rirrg I'lechanical S1'stens fer tire for Plan 1P1:igr.'. the iirterided cllanges Lo proposed alterations 11'hen - r :-.' Ltre Fluri,bitrg atrii stlbnit t ing rJc'cunent s (rrbAra ilotretnan :rIre 19, 199'' .rge 2 i umbitig ) + : All unused Plumbing dr"ains shatl be properlY Plugged or sira1l lre pr-ot'ided with oPenToilets in PubIic restrooins iie abor-e iteirrs are requirenetrts for the e.xisting structure an11:. :iems sucS aS palking, paving, site irprol'enents, Sidewalks' etC.' ,,ot been addressed as part of this inspection, and il&5r be required ,l€ site review process. Please contact the Planning Division of ,ffice regarding anlr necessary impror-errents to the site' , i \.ou need an}, further information or have any questions regarding .-:boi'e requireinents, please contact the appropriate inspector noted ,-etueen fne hours of S:00-9:00 a.m., 1:00-2:0O p.m.r or 4:00-4:30 p 25-3759. - i ncerely , capped. f ront toilet seats. Ot her It at'e through this tlie belopl m. at l-om llarxtsuilding Inspector ('c: Ralph Shar^r Plumb.,/llech. Inspector Dave Puent. Building Official OCCIIPA}.ICY INSPBCTION APPIJCATION DATE:t/JOB NUMBER: ADDRESS OF INSPECTION:€O otY e si-. s t'4 '3 t6a?k L?seEf-e{nEfiis A tgeBrso u:g PHONE NUHBER ot) ? r.s- 66 zs ADDRESS:Ba 7o $ otSE t 7o APPLICANT . BNR Bffi ,q H0 N OrurA *r APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: SO ['d s r./aR "7+2a? FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHoNE NUMBER: BoGFR SIElI+.qv 3 ?S _ > 3 6I odL Hr*F PROPOSED USB:Dav cAR€ LEn TF;v2 t A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THB TIME OF APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM BY THE OVNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE PECTED. , /*t * ),*r,r/ r+v/ilwtrw q*r g OF c+ffiR 4L 'fSous, tNL- POR OFTICE USE ONLY DATE PAID: DATE OF INSPECTION: -72-RECEIPT NUMBER: DATE OF REPORT: UCtz- DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMHEMS: -.-< trr rs€.