HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-04-17.p JOd ApDH!'SS.17s Nova S TRS, TL: 17_03_22_4_4 {l treet, Eugene 3600 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE , oregoo CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT "r .nabuDotvtslon: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: LC-834-79 Violation can 747-8754 *B same same This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be str.ictly observed. result in revocation of this p"i*ir,.li.iio-n unoer provisions of Lane County's lnfraction ordinance, and/ol other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: uontractor,s OS +, Benny C, gilmore, 2112 N, llth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 same same 26228 Total Construction Value: $37 ,837 ' 00 Sm 0 1050 .sq ft; and garage I 497 sEructures nor{ on properey: none * Bedrooms: sq ft., also lnstall SDS. Water S Ratnborv i,Iater PLANNING DIVISION ,t Em oyees r.il Zoning: RA Partitioning +r na Parcel ;; Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 6tPIiFear property line: Special lnstructions: none 3 +r Plumbing Fixtures na Parcel Size: 60t ;centerline of road, 6I PUE 8000 sq ft For information call 687-4394, Donna Lee lleigs yLT-EI^PoLLuTloN Site lnspection + 79-89 tnstatlation specif ications:uoNTRoL DlvlsloN 24t ii;;;iiuu, ot drainfierd required; max. depth of trench t00O gal. nrin. septic tank capacity; es: 30" Special lnstructions:InsEall an equal di stribution system in che aPProved eiea ET Eest holes acco rding to Plot P lan atEacired" Reserve a Septic Tank Drainf ield replaceurent area for the drainfleld"Keep drainllnes 10t from 10'-T0-eenter to center and lOt from house and proPertY lines. 10'10' 10' 100' 5', Setbacks CONSTRUCTION ;i,i,TlJiirNSP Ecfl oN Type of Construction: 5-i{ Group: R-3 Fire Zone lnstructions: See reverse for required inspections. Use Classification: SEDIGABAGE' trrt,For information call 687'3962 betwee n B:00 - 9:00 a.m., Greg GraY, R.S. 3 For plans information call 6s7-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jin Lanb CI4-1" 7-79 By becourtY @ Directions to Site: Date lssued: For Off of l{arlow Roadn and down Game Farm [(oa<l , lsts street to inspections {see back of this permit}call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m' rhe ri6hr which ls l"lrk Screet Roger L. itcGuckln/lY OEPART}",! EN T OF E N VI RO N II EI'J TA L N4 ANAG EN4 E NT COURTHOUSE i PUSLIC SEF]J,/I..1: . i ING,,-.ii 5-,:r,rt :: -\j qlll1 n Dote r]a oe lruspecroe GAS P,P I NG GROUNDII/0R|( n DrsrpeRovro n Darr I NspEcronAp pqov t o Rrurnxs SLAB FLOOR PLUFIEING GROUNU/ORK Aprhoveo n orsappnovro Rcr,ranx s ROUGH PLUMBINGn DrsappRovtD D oorrS-,U-?f-dclr.rsprctonAPPRovEo Reunnxs ROUGH GAS PIPING AF PROV E D Rrurnxs Dr SAPPRovED Drr r I Nsptcton rINAL PLUMBING APP ROV E O REurnx s rINAL GAS PIPING APP Rov E D REurnx s Wq rP*ffi Dr srePnovrD o^, c 8^I NsPtcroR DATI NSPTCTORDrsAPPRovr0 CTRTITICATI OF OCCUPANCY F.raov ro lssur 'r Rrnlnxs n Not Re rov ro lssue Cl Dare 'lNsPEcroR '' .P , . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JQB ADDRESS:I75 Nove stle6t' Eugene' oreSon CONSTBUCTToN pERMtT # Lc-a34'79 TRS, TL. U-03-22-4-4 + 3600 Subdivision: @ This permit Ior the referencd property is hereby aPPloved. setbacks and other conditions oI approval must be strictty observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane Countyt lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Benny C. gilmore, 2LL2 N. l-lth Street, SprlngfieJ-d, Oregon 97477 Owner/Address: s€lme Contractor/Address: same Contractor's OS + 26228 Total Construction Value: $371887.00 Construction approved by this permit: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 747-8754 *8 s€tme s€utre Structures now on property: none Water Supply: Rainbow l.Iater + Bedrooms: 3 + Plumbing Fixtures: 7 s Employees: na PLANNING DlvlsloN Zoning: RA partitioning +r na parcel +r [Vlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 6f PU.Ear property line: Special lnstructions: none na Parcel Size60r ; centerline of road,6I PT]E 8000 sq ft For information call 687-4394, Donna Lee Meigs WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + 79-89 . lnstallation specifications: I-000 gal. min. septic tank capacity; 24O lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 30" Special lnstructions: InstalL an equal distributton system i.n the approved Setbacks ETEiio-r property I i nes Jge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank-----T0- 10' 5', 50' Drainf ield--lo-- area qf test repl-acement a holes according to plot plan at,taehed. Reserve a rea for the drainfiel-d" Keep dralnllnes 10r from center to center and 10r from house and property l-i-nes. 10' 10'100' For information call 687-3962between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Greg Grayl R.So CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fife Zone lnstructions. See reverse for required inspections. For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., JLm Lamb 3 Use Classification: SEDIGARAGB For inspections (see back of this Derm it) call 687-4065 between B:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m Directions to Site Date lssued: lane county6l!' - Off of Harlow Roadn and down Game Farm Road, l-st street to the right which ls Kirk S treet \ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUHTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401c55-1 3 a4-17-79 By: Roger L" McGuckinllY L-c.-, 4 /- PARTNENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I,IANAGEMEN'l PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I :;$iffil Ll'l\"t Job Address , rSI:t 0rK. Appl ication for Structures now on the property ifffiii:$$Xiis#ii$#$tt'#;ti: & ffi.': ' t:t:$ ii , iril il*j,.#* ::::: /-/iffibiitgii Affidavi t: I 'r77 hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If this application is for an Lane County Code Chapter 10 ( CU tu ra u ld zoning) and for no owner of record;tract purcha 'it wil'l be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and r purpose. I have the following lega'l interest in the property: lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ing othe ser; --auly authorized S i gna tu re/Addres s the owner,rnowTEigeable of-TETs app 'I i cati on . Tel a or Date /_/ Ovrner l7 Contractor !Y: /-/ nai z1 z1 z1 Phone 74?f 25-f Hhen permit is ready notify: Owner Con trac tor Contractor's OSR{. ZA 7 Z F Plumbing by I ican DO NOT WRITE LO[.J THIS LINE If Commercial Residential: # of employees _i+,, r$t, lii $t$,lj:i /_/ Existins, BP # fr Proposed, SI #SI test holes /_t Received by Water S Proposed _ Year Instal led :*r,:iftl':t*: ,#,,.,.tt',',.$'l't+g i. /.4 - Fee (E Eez itc Total Va,luation: $ r01, i*I{ffi *:r,$i:.f ltllllSur,fr a: lff $liEf/,re:uElt::':t'onuri,:r at at oj_ 3 $ $ $ $ $ I $ $ each each 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Subtota l TOTAL .hlL sas $a9dLaffisExi sti ng PERMIT PROCESSING ZONC Minimum setbacks:t , front To be typed on permit #Parcel #Parcel Size(t, side i nt.' Use Classification <frt rear Corrnents 8y 4J Gro w Fire Zone 4CP&I Type To be typed on permit , By For plans information call (area inspector) d Directions to ite Plans to CP& I I.IPC -1- Da te /7 Planning /-/ Pub1i9 Works.//91/E14ation /_l n/a /t17dao"ers /-/ Facil ity Permit // Environmental Health FOR INF0RI'|ATI0N about progress of your application call c74-L7L ;:#, 1r4,, set( s ) set(s) Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to Date Phone permit Control Center 687-HELP $87-4357) 3o-oro J4 Va l uati on 1"'#J /-l o L// /o ready cant -- [T i +.W DE k-c_- Appl ica # Job Address Township, Ra Subdivision nge 'tion, Tax Lot Lot Appl ication for Structures nov.r 0n the property Proposed use of property: // Residential Affidavit: I, If this appl ication is an ag cul tural bu td Lane County Code Chapter I0 zon i ng ) and for no owner-----du I y au thori zed of record;. contract to act for the own IS knowl edoeab l e pu rc ha ser ;'I essee €ft S i gna tu relAdd res s or When permit is ready notify Owner Contrac tor Contractor'S OSR#Plumbing by If Commercial: Res idential : # of stories # of employees # of bedrooms SI test holes OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL 25 EAST BTH AVENUE E, oREGoN 9/401 r; ho of this appl /_/ Contractor !y: /_/ mai # of units SDS: , Existing, BP # 17 Proposed, sl # Ci ty As s i gned Block f/ Industrial /_/ Public hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. B ll / Commercia ing it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and other purpose. i have the following legal interest in the property: lder of an exclusive option to purchase; ication. z1 Da te Phone Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Vaiuation Fee Fee Code rt /-t l- r(= Total Val uati on: P1umbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at $-=-- $----- _ q $--- ( $$itc- each eachCash Received by Proposed _ Year Instal led TO, Su bto ta l 4% State surcharge Plans check fee frrllsl5 PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone TOTAL Parcel #__Parcel Si ze i nt. ;reart, side Comments To be typed on permit By Da te of trenches Date {-7-), WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation spec ifications l. tank;i nfi Directions to site Te1 ephone set set AL Requ i red To be on permit -! 1d Slip to PCC Da te Conrp I e ted Date to PCC I /-/ Pr-tb1ic Works , Elevation /_/ n/a 7-7 Address /_/ Fac: l i t-v Permi t /to l/ Environmental Health FOR INFORI1ATI0N about progress of your application call Permit Control Ceri,.er 687-HELP $87'4357) Te1 ephone s t^later Supply Exi sti ng _ #Part lci ;x t)- . $z o A I I I t F-lo lqi- I i I , .! r ri I ";-J1+------1rlr lli111i ,l!i I o7,/'ii 50- o 'rt) I r 1 I I I I $(, '1,.--'i1 tllt, I ir * l.^ t' P \\ 1 \t'l rl, fr D //l I I I I i / I I I I I I i I I I \ trl _4. {7 s' c.I I a / lane county HOLID StIP In the event a Plann'ing or some other long-term prob no control we will hold the permit until the problem from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuan 6llr-.l-APPLICATION # Name Address Zi p Code The above applicat'ion'is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: Division: Si gnature : Division: Si gnature: This application will be held untjl required above has not been furnished by at te your a Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections an the septi c tank and drai nfiel d) are nonrefundable. Sonre Date 1g {-{/ buildjng and plumbing portion of your application if cance lation is necessary Date If the information cation will be cancelled. o r appl i cat'i ons to i nstal I fund may be made on the sts over which you have olved and we rece'ive word rocess a cancellation. lem e S ce p c74-t39 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 I qw' TO PLAI'IN I NG PUBLIC I^IORKS PERI'IIT PROCESS ING FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public hlorks I 25 East Bth Avenue Eugene,0regon 687-41 95 PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIV I S ION OTHER UtUfr.rf,E(tn"6 PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTAI{TIAL IMPROVEMENT. SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF SITE ADDRESS RECOMMENDATIONS YES NO SITE LOCATION IS I^IITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE I^IiLL BE REAST)NABLY SAFE FR0l{ FL00DING. M0BILE HoME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA ( I 2 3 M.S.L. ) nEQUiRED. M.S.L.) REQUTRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOI,JNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOI4E WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELObJ THE REQUIRED MINIMUH FIRST FLOOR ELEVATiON. 4. SITE LOCATED I.,IITHIN A DESiGNATED FLOODIiJAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. E -{x ro-{ DATE c99-2L BY s.t. # TRS,11-03-22 MotsueN GnovE Subdivision APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Job Location Written Directions Nova Sr. luo KtRx Av UGENE Orr or Hlnlow Ro. AND oowN Gaur Fnnu Ro.1 sr. STREET T R G HT. Block SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Ber.ruv C. Gt ut-tlonE 2112 Nonrn 11rH Sr., Se RINGFIELOt 91\11 Phone lIrT-r I 35 Phone__'---.--=._._- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS SnMe ( ) Prefer to pick up' Call (owner' etc') when ready' Mail report to (X[Applicant ( ) Owner STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY 2 l,tgrlu BU tLD I NGS AND PUMPHOUSE TO BE R OVED. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY Rr SIDENTIEL WATER SUPPLY ?WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF NA (IUO I herebY certify that the above statements are true and accurate'and that I have the following legal interest in the property owner of record; XX contract Pu rchaser; Potential buYer; record, and that sa id owner is aware and aPProves of this action. TEST H OLES READY Fea' 26rFl realtor or agent.further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of Sign ature /s/BErurw c. clLltvtoRE oate z/zo/1% + x xQpFlcE US E ONLY BELOW THIS LINE *************************** *t+*****+**************** S LAND USE COIVIPLIANCE Zoning RA 'A.rrugu or Lot Size t48'xtoo.4'xr 1 Partitioning #NA Parcel # NA OTAL)( ) Completed( ) Pending THIS IS A PRELITVI TURES MADE IN R INARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERTVIIT' ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI' ELIANCE UPON THiiNCPORT ARE NT-iOUN OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED' SEE REVERSE SIDE' 3 +k 77 JEAN OFSTHUN AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section tlrgl 19 DATE DATE AUTHOR IZE D RE sion of Water Pollution Co ntrol LANECoUNTYDEPARTIVIENToFENVIRoNTV]ENTALTVIANAGEMENT c55-32 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 687.4061 It oAR chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(61: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of apermit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered inany manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which casl this evaluation report shall be con-sidered null and void' Technical rule changes wiil not invalidate any evaluation i.pon issued pursuant tothis section. (" Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and applyfor a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a lportion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before thepermit will be issued. only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental ouality under oRS 454.695to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owneror contract purchaser or his regular employeesmay install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issuedif persons other than the above perform the installation. ( TAT ITAI{AGEMT,I. AV T NUE 9740.1 Cl ty t loc ry:1i -. .t q- e=r-\ \,:- APPI'lca t'toi t As lropotbd use of property:/jqnes ldential tlt la Affidayit: I lf thls appli catlon ls for a agr cul tural bu I dl ng I t wl I'l be used Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose l-auly authori zed of recordi trT.lfu:ontrtct purchaseri the orner, who ls 0wner hereby certify that this informallon is true and accurate for purposes allowed by the State Building Code andI have the following legal interest ln the pro perty, purchase;see i holder of an excluslve optlon to le of this applicatlon. I s a lesr [i6iiEi-eeab S i gna ture/Addres s Te l,lhen permlt ls ready notlfy: Owner Contrac tor Contractor's OSRl I f Commercial iies idential : f of storles I of bedrooms 5l test holes [ce I ode or Orner /]/ Contractor [: l-l rwll Plumbing by # of employees \'I of units SDS: , Existlng, Bp , /-t proposed, SI I I lcant -1-+ffi# Phone --*,ffi-- + --{*-Sq. Ft. orf of Sites Va'l uatlon Fee ( Total Valuation: $ P'lumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at t 4l State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ i. /-/ Cas kt Received by o\o Subtotai ! $each eac h $ $ ( PERI'lI T PROCESSi NG Part. # TOTAL Pa rce l f .._- Pa rcel 5 i ze. intMinimum"'-a . ' ^[$nme n t s setbacks:t, r.on t, siue rea r \ (':\cr,v \ ,o be typed on perrnit ,By Da te ft. of dralnfield; max. depth of trenches: JATTR POLLUTION CONTROL lnsta l lation speci ficatlons :gal . tank; To be typed on permit Tel ephone By 0a te 01 tions to si /-/ slF0 4t Cntt Plans to ann jng l_t lu,olic I'lorks , tlevation fl nla /_-/ Address /_l facility Permtt /-/ Env i ronrnenta'l Heal th CP& I I.JPC _ set(s) :! set s Da te Requ'l red Hold S 'Tto PCC 0a te Comp l eted Da te to PCC t\ /_ Add res s hip, Rdnge.Section, Tax Lot 'lvlslon t Appl icatron rur' Structures now on the Unlt Cos t t.. ws .(p-Y {* Lo z7-ff SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET LOCATION:'rwp. /-)RANGE 0S sEcrroN L L TAX LOT # ZONING:PROPOSED USE:S'F0 SIZE OF PROPERTY: _ .94 y-q?AMOTJNT US$LE AREA:/ WATER SUPPLY: COMMIJNITY PUBLIC TNDTvTDUAL l_--] SUBD I VI S I ON/PART IT I ON LOT BLOCK IF S]TE }METS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Single Family _b? m PARCEL Mrlti-family Cournercial cpd gPd Industrial gPd cPd 8pdIns titutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench required Distribution Method: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Other: /60 /t5O gaL. E Serial No tE SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NAME:g- 4-;--- c74-t26 7 DATE OF EVAIUATION: tl SI# #T TEST .}-OLE #Z ',.-ST HOLE PROFILE PROFILE Inch Inch ScL F"I4_o 4Qc (tnt Se fi,fn3 PERCHED WATER SATURATED ZONE Res cric tive Layervvf4n, IfI r SLOPE o/ lo Layer2F ]-fI r Impervious 1Il r Mottling ]-fl r 1II r ].fi r Predicted Observed Date Predicted Observed Dat.e b0- 36- 48- 12) l rf't 24- PREDICTED WATER SATURATED ZONE Restrictive Layer _M, ].fl o ].n, SLOPE 1n Or ,Il. r yer ?^ l_ l l-fI o Impervious La Mott I ing Predicted Observed Date Predicted Observed Date 124 24- 36- 48- 60- sh(v, (SITE DOES Drainage or pond Road Test Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut. Bank /f t trr Fence DOES NOT MEET MINIMIJM STA}TDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES PdQUIRE A MINIMTJI.{ DEPTH OF: 36 inches to an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrict,ive layer 60 inches to a permanent water table 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL ON YOUR PROPERgY THE DEPTH I{AS: inches inches inches inches PLOT PI,AN: Stream -.^-Ai.!i- sf - X-X tr I t, TRS, TL Subdivision Lot PlcIt Plan Job Locatlon (Add Pernit ,l Permlt. Permi t.# For Permlt /l Permit tl- For For For For Permit For ,(,{ +"9!-\5\€t'1 Block t 3"6< *,I \ tri \-cl +BL\rooX 3\ R =. 4d? ,'l> I-.r+ \d+- \-c; \ J-c-' { \, -a qAB\K \- \a5\ \ [c, bGJ f cl-.o6/ In .* s( u rirl I I rJ'u ; I 0-r r C /-l ,n -\s Ns n 5 /l a l\u\ a'9h r + 4 zK.\q o"\ \o ). ! o c74-L50 Vlclnlty Map N q'6.e ar ) +1\ I <t - t N i 0 I t\-D \ r) o ,,1,0 L1 -0 ("J b P\ f) (:) ). > 2(/ 20'6'/ 9 L cAr\,, ot ^tU t ..t U I ,'0 1 ' '^ I(/ ^lU ,t 'gt t0 L t^ - -- ,"5 1 1, tn+ot-t I s?I :I I I o-o OL I /".c ,''7\C.'/ \Q 9 / e P I '-4r '/ &uz.-*t: ?r-r+-q <,:1 P o-kr Fh \\ o 0 1 2r0 LO CJ (A -J fr, nl 1 i, 5.,. - l"-;-" c, -'- b" -).. a a)Jl, o o& (-o 6)( q) (:j oo t I t 7 DEPARTI']ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 IAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty Lot 81 ock -- L; App l i catil0n Assigned Numbers tion is true and accurate. te Building Code and 'i n the property: option to purchase; h Job Address Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for Structures now Proposed use of Affidavit: I, If this aPPl ica Lane County Cod on the property ' property: /:/ tion is an agr e Chapter l0 (zon'i ng Residential 7 Commerc iaI l7 Industrial hereby certifY th p ,i SE nt lding o oth cul tural bu 'i t wiI I be used for PurPoses a1 1 ) and for n er purpose.I have the following hol der /'/ Public at this informa owed by the Sta legal interest of an exclusive 0n.of record;contract pu ,o act for the owner rchaser;I essee i i cant owner------d u 1y authorized t 'ls fnowTEtgeaule of-tfris appt icatiCI or Da te /_/ 1wner f7 Contractor !y: /-/ nai z1 z1 # of employees _# of units SDS: /_/ Existing, BP # A-/ Proposed, SI #-\ Sq. Ft. or Unit # of S'i tq: Cos t z1 Phone ______---_=.-.- When permit is readY notifY Owner Contr actor Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by S i gna ture/Address If Commercial Res i denti al : Fee Code Received by Water Suppl Tel # of stories # of bedrooms SI test ho'l es ready trlrrg-Liql C I ee j .| $ b eacn ) Su btota I 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL E' , rtt, :i"t /r,Total Val uation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at $__ =__ $rYe *(:} /-/ Cash /_/ Chec*lC,'1 each $ $ $ $ s Proposed _ Year Instal I ed PERI"IlT PR0CESSING Zone Minimum setbacks Existing _q #Parcel #_- Parcel Si ze int._________l Da te q., front t, side rea r To be typed on permit By $D'i rections to site / t SlfO Plans to: Lt cpat /_ t wpc /-/ Pl ann i ng /_ t WAl ic l,lorks a/ Elevation /-/ n/a /_ / Address i-/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t /-/ Lnvironmental Heal th CP&I Da le Requ i red 1d Sl ip to PCC Lla te Comp 1 e ted set(s set(s Da t-e t-o PCC I FOR INF0PJ.IATI0N about pnoqress of your application call Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) Descri ption $ $ T S,T , fl{a4g-11-,ksto o Job Location (Street, mile post Subdivision l+ YICINI TY Lot- Block FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY COMMENTS: p,System Approved fJ System Disapproved fl Needs Correction Signature: - oate: {-/(-7C FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth 70" Tank Capacity lDiogql Mlanufacture E [Vleasured distance to well from tank Filler Depth Below R,/{fr 1 from drainfield ''-7P-o - - e(! )-, a = Po( D > -l cS 5 n I e o PLOT PLAN nr \ e6 @o 0) ! o) E'(o o) E(o Z J' c := o- ulF o\ TIJEfF z(, 6 N $. tst\t \dt ^lt s '{ tN.s co a) \, \\ e,vl TJ a's \ E d o) (!Pa _= \ Q* INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SFACTORY COM When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat- isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form .", ;:'Jl[,JJ,",:::'[j f,ffx:irrrE::i,il;T;t":::1ill.J;1#anasement, $ \ Sca le: +o-m MAYl4 1g7g > Water Pollution Contrc .: l lane Lu,,ily r )J^ fr*r4 { T i J P o J 0 (r\ a / ) \ / I0tfi I /Ot Igtot L 3q Qrt I -3,/or/ I DT c55-1 1 a JOB A}DRESS' 175 llEm 3tr..t3 &1gan, os.sm TRS, TL: lr-OB-zi-h+ , 3600 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE Subdivision: E CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT +* LO-E34,79 This permit for the referenced property is hereby .DfGoeC. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation ot this permit, citation under provisions ot Lane County's lnlraction Ordinance, and/or other remedie6 allowed by law. Applicant/Address: llony C. gl,&ora. 2ll,2 Il. Iltb 8tr..cr Sprr.aCf,tcld' Orr6n 91471 Owner/Address: !il Contractor/Address: arl Contractor's OS * 26228 Total Construction Value: $37rG87.0o Construction approved by this permit: SED e 1O5O q ftl ead Srrrgc A 497 ry ft.; rlo Loctrll SDS. 8ttE.Bto. lror c pGo?Grttt @si Water Supply: it*fuik tiater + Bedrooms: 3 +* Plumbing Fixtures: 7 TelePhonp: '4'-8?5t rE Telephone: a3' Telephone: ar + Employees !l PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning + & Parcel + n& Parcel Size Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 60r ; centerline of road, side exterior: Rn ; interior property lines: 6rPffiar property line: 6tr trffi Special lnstructions: Eooe For information call 687-4394, D@r Irc lIelgr 8ff10 rq tt WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + 79-89 lnstallation specifications: tOCIO gal. min. septic tank capacity; 240 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 3{1f, Special lnstructions: Ingtall ao equrl dr.Ftrt]rutlon cyate i:a th approvad Septic Tank Drainfield erer oE tr*t holcr rerat8 to ?Iet pltr rtttcLd. btcle . rGplr.sct rlrr ffi tbc dirrrfr.ld. fG.? &rrs"ll,u l0t lrn cat* to e.Et.r .trd X,O' fru homr and ptupcrt5r l;fmo. 10' 10'100' For information call 687-3962between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Setbacks nte rior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources 10' 10' 5', 50' --lo- R.8. CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: s.'il Group: *-3 Fire Zone lnstructions: Scr nrccn lor rcryLrod lnrp*tlme.3 Use Classification sHD/Cm,ffi8 For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jtr Ld For i ions (see back of this it) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. It oirections to Site: o!! ol a.sLr f..dt rd rh c- fr'r lra. I.G ttr..! t th. rtE GlcL rr ltrt llnr.t Date lssued: hne county"0 !' - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SEBVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401c55-1 3 04-17-r9 By: Rogrt L. I.h&ctcta/ly i\ * j ,l I I i \ fjvf J,,/!//v#r/d '-) 1 ,\ -) , ..,..' , .JOB ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + Subdivision:TRS, TL: This permit tor the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can ,€sult in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit Total Construction Value Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Water Supply:+ Bedrooms:+* Plumbing Fixtures +r Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning +r Parcel + lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacksrnter.ior property I ines Jge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield--lo'- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: I nstructions: Group Fire Zone Use Classification For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county By:il!'-t- I SITE INSPECTION Apeeovro /_(/ D rsappRove o /- r- '7? tNsPEcroRDare Rruanx s FOUNDATION INSP APPRovEo Rrulnxs, T ION Dt sAPPRovEo o*, L-,/-7?I ruspecton FRAMING INSPECTION Appnov e o Reuenx s ,3/ Drsappnove o D oo* b- -(-71 I NSPEcToR LATH OR SHEETROCK AppRovro Rruanxs I NSPECT I ON Drsappnoveo Dart /,- //-77 lHspecron F I NAL I NSPECT ION APPRovEo Reraax s DrsAPPRovEo ,^r, 7,/3-ff I Nspecron a -79"< CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rerov ro lssuE RemaRx s I rspecronD Nor Rraov ro lssuE D Dor.- \ 'f f ft'x:I t:rrrl 7- [ '' 4rf ,/ 1 I {* t\,i i ! I I I I I i Ij I I ^$ t, + t' c-I '1 TO PERI.IIT PROCESSING PLAi'IN ING PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works I 25 East Bth Avenue Eugene,Oregon 687-4.l 95 PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUI.IBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS 4oJft (**6rttfu PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTAI{TIAL IMPROVEMENT. SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES YES NO NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTiONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE t^llLL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROI,I FLOODING. I''IOBILE HOME TIE DOt^lNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION iS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L. ) REQUTRED. [4INII4UI4 FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L. ) REQUIRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOI{NS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME I^JILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. - 4. SITE LOCATED I,IITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS : DATE c99-21 I 2 3 -o I x r-o ---{ -rae BY CORRECTION NOTICE IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Conslruclion Permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform lo Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codes os noted below, Ot A, RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED lnspectorc55 -7 3 FOR AP Building Permit # o","L -4- 77 I t ri.rue COUNTY, OREGON' DEPT. oF ENVTHONMENTAL MAN JOB ADDRESS TO :MENT GCIFIFIECTIGIN NCITIGE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. DATE BLDG, PERIVIT a NOTE I 3* 1^1e--r OO&c-u OE---v v7 c55-73 ,.E-tNEipEcrtoN FTE.LJTF.EE Phone ciElT-4OEiEi FoFl APPFIoVAL C/, ) ;€.*tINSPECTORvY ,