HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1979-01-01_->r L.D. l>. CE,EJJ
This Agreenent entered into thJs _ day of _. , 19 79 , by
and be tween the Lane Coun ty Hous tng-Rutnori ty ai?-UFE?t-Re newal-Rgenly,
herei nafter ca'll ed the "Local Authorj.ty', and the Clty of Spii ngjld,d- ,
liereinafter ca'lled the "Municipality", witrresffih:
In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, theparti es hereto do agree as fo1 'lows
'l . llhenever used in this Agreernent:
(.) _The term "Projectt' shalI nrean any row-rent housing hereafter
developed or acquired by the Local Authority with financial '
assistance of the united states, of America lcting through theSecretary of. flousi ng and Urban Deve'lopment (herer'n cal'led the
"Governmelt") i excluding, lrowever, ahy low-rent housing project
covered by any contract for loans and annual contribution's entered.into betweon the Local Authority arrd the Government, or its pre-
decessor agencies, prior to the date of this Agreern6rrt.
(b) The term "Tax'ing Body" sha'l I nrean the state or any poi i ti ca1
subdi vi s'ion or tax'ing uni t thereof in wh'ich a Project j s' si tuated
and which would have authority to assess or levy ieai or personal
p1o-perty taxes or to certify such taxes to a taxing body or publicofficer to be levJed for its use and benefit with iespelt to aProject if it rvere not exenipt from taxation.
- The term I'shel ter Rentt' sha'll mean the totar of a'l 1 chargesto al'l tenants of a Project for dwel I i ng rents and nondrve'l I i n6 rents(exc)uding all other income of such project), less the cost to the
Loca'l Authori ty of a1 I dwe'll i ng and nondwel i i ng uti'li ti es .
it 2, Thti Local Authori ty sha'l I endeavor:
". (a) to secure a contract or contracts r,rj th the Government for loans
and annua'l contr"ibutions covering one or nore projects comprlsingapproximately 35 units of low-rent housjng and;
;o devel op or acqu'i re and adrrri ni ster such project or projects ,f whi ch shal I be located withi n the corporate 'limi ts of the
pal jty, The obl igat'ions of the parties' hereto shal'l apply to
uch Project.
J (a) Under the const'itutjon and statutes of the State of Ore gon,
q I Projects are e xempt frorn al I real and ersona'l property taxes andP
sP 'ia'l assessments levied or i rnposed by Taxi
Body. l,li th
Project is owned
any(i)respect to any Project, so long as ei ther
bya public bo(y or g overnmenta'l a gency and i s {.lsed for I ow-rent
hous j ng PurPoses, or (ii)any contract betvrccn the Local Authori ty andthe Government for J eans or annua'l contributions, or both, in con-
nectjon with such P roject remaJn un pa'id, r.thi chever peri od i s the
l ongest, the Mun'ici
any real or persona
a1i ty agrees thrty taxes or s
at it wil'l not 'levy or irnpose
pecial assessrnents upon suchProject or upon the L Autltori ty wi th respect thereto. Duri ng
such period, the Local Authority shaII ma ke annua'l pEyments (herei n
.i a ,LU.-l J. LUAJ:
ca'lledrlPayments in Ljeu of Taxes(') in lieu of such taxes and special
assessments and in Payment for the Publjc services and facilities
furnished fronr tjnre to t'ime wi thout other cost or charge for or withrespect to such Project.
(b) Each such annual Payment ln Lieu of Taxes shall be made after
the end of the fiscal year establJshed for such project, and sha'li bein an amount equal to either (i) ten percent (]0S) of the Shelter
Rent actually collected but in no event to exceed ten percent (.I0%)
of the SheJter Rent charged by the Local Authority in respect to
such Proiect durjng the'12 nronths period ending June 30th before
such payment js nrade or (ii) the amount permitied to be pa'id by
lpplicab'le state'law in effect on the date such payment is made,
wh'i che ve r amoun t i s the 'l owe r .
(c) The Lane County Assessor shall distribute the Payments in Lieuof Taxes among the Taxing Bodies in the proport'ion wh'ich the realerty taxes which would have been paid to each Taxing Body for
year i f th t exempt from taxation:,Provi ded,
however, that n
ar shall be mad
real property taxes which would
e to aqy Taxi ng
have been paid to such Taxing Body for such yealif the Project were
s uch e Project were no
o payment for anyof the amount of
not exempt from taxation.
t(d) Upon fai'lure of the Loca'l Authority tormake +ny
Lieu of Tared, no lien against any Project oi.assiits
Authori ty shal'l attach ! nor sha'll any i nterest or pbn
or attach on'account thereof
Payment 'in
pf the Local
al ti es accrue
4, Durjng the period connnencing with the date of the acquisitionof any part of the site on sites of a1y Proiect and continu'ing so iong as
e'ither (i) such Project is owned by a public body or governmentai agency
and is used for'low-rent housing purposes, or (ii) any contract between
the Loca'l Authority and the Government for loans or annual contributions,
or both, in cDnnectjon with such Project remains in force and effect, or(iii) any bonds issued in connection with such Project or any monies due
to the Government in conrrection with such Project remain unpaid, whichever
period is the'longest, the Hurric'ipality wjthout cost or charge to the
Loca'l Authorjty or tlre tenants of such Project (other than the Payments in
Lieu o1= Taxes) sha'I1:
(a) Furnjsh or cause to be furnished to the Local Authority arrd the
tenants of such Project public services and facilities of the same
character and to the same extent as are furnished from time to time
without cost or charge to other dtvellings and inhabitarrts in the
l'luni c j pal'i ty ;
(b) Vacate such streets, roads, and a11eys within the area of such
Project as may'be necessary in the deve'lopment thereof, and convey. without charge to the Loca'l Authority such interest as the Munici-
paf ity may have in such vacated areasl and, irt so far as lt is ]aw-
fully ab'le to do so without cost or oxpense to the Local Authority or
to the Mun'icipality, cause Lo be removed fronr such vacated areas, in
so'far as it m.ry be necessary, all public or privat,e utj'lity lines
and equi pmentl
f c-D, L). LUAJ
(c) Irr so far aS the Municipalitv ma! ta.wfyl'ly d? :o'-(l) grant
iuin atriat1ons from the Uul\aing codl of the l''lunt-c-iPality as. are
reasonable and necessary to prom6te economy and efficiency tn the
developmunt-ind adminisirat'ibn or such,ff?i9tt' and at the same
. iinu iiieguuiJ n".i.tn and saiety, and (1i) make such changes in anv
ionins oi-t[i-rii.'ira-irrrounding territorv of such Proiect as are
reasonab.l. ina-nu.uiiiry for [ne ieve]op6ent and proteetion of such
ProJect and the surrounding territoryi
(d) Accept grants of easements necessary for the development of
such Proiect; and
(e) cooperate with the Local Authority Py such other lawful
action or *.yi ir-in. llrni.ipality ano tire Local Authority rnay find
n..iiruiv in" conn..iion with' the ieve'lopment and administration of
such Project.
5. In respect, to any Project the MuniqiPlljty further.agrees that
withiri,a reason.[i.'time aiter ieceipt of a written request therefor
from the Local Authori tY:
(a) lt wi'l'l accept the dedi cation of all i ntelior streets,
ioia., a1l.Vs, unh adjacent sidewalks with1n the area of suc[
project, tdirlin.i-wiifi at] storm and sanitarY sewer mains in such
aedicatla ui"u=, after the Local Authority, at jts own exPense,
nii iompf.tiO-lnu-Sruail9..'imProvenenl, Plving, a!'19 install ation
thereof i n
wt [n spb.i fi cations acciptab'l e to the Muni ci -
(b) It will accept neces.sary dedications, of land for, and will
Si.a., improve, pive, and provide sideYralkl foF, 0ll streets
boundlns rr.h-Pr[iuii oi necossary_tg PIov'!de adequate access theret0.
(in consia.rltion"n6.r.of i[u-Locil,Authority shail pav. to,the ' ' , i
Municipatiiv-iucn amount ui ,,ortd be assesse-d agajnst tha 'PrbJecf site
i;; ;rE['*oi.f-ii ruif, site were privateiy owned); and. "'
( c) i t wj I 1 provi de, or cause tg bq.provi ded,, water maj ns ' and
itirm arrd sanitaiy-i6w.i miini, 'leadilg to such lH::..lltrlllYlrnslne uoundins itreets lhereof (in con3ideration wh!f,e!,| .11.:rhg:i{jnijir.,[iidi'!f,ar r- pu/1a the r'1uni ci pd't i ty such anlount 'a's 'v,'orr'ld .b-el
assessed against' the Proiect sit;'i;; "suclt wo'rki ii--il.gl,..-,:jtg-,wefEi)
pri.vatelY owned)
or cause
agreed he
Authori ty
Cl ny'
by reason of the l'luni ci Pa 1i ty 's fai.lure or refusal to furnish
or facilities whic h it hasbefurnished any Pub)ic se rvi ces
nder to furn'ish or to cause to
r ,to the tenants of any B.roi ect
Q,,.sucfr,s ervi.
d 1
ih.h.bijs'i n9 .p f_qi'gqEs owned or oPera
---#!-' !
rrt j
or a
7., .No Coop.pation Agreemerrt heretofore entered into botween tho
tlun'icipa) i ty and tlrc Local Authori ty sha'l'l be construed ro apply to anyProject covered by this Agneenrent.
B. No nletnbcr of the governing body of the lrlunicipal,ity or any otherpublic officia'l of the Municipality who exerc'ises any iesponsjbililies orfunctions tvith relpect to any Project during his tenure or for one yearthereafter sha'l'l have any'lnterest, dinect or jndirect, in any projlct or
any property included or plarrned to be inclurled jn any projeci, or anycontracts in connection wr'th such Proiects or propelLy,' li any 5us6 lovern-ing bodv member or such other public offic'ial bf tne ftqnic'ipality invoturrtarily
lcqujrg: ?r had acquilgd Prior to tlre beginrring of his tenure any such interes'r,he shal'l jnned'iately disc'lose such interest to the Local Authoriiy,
9. So long.as-any corrtract between ilre Loca'l Authority and the Govern-
ment for 'loans (i1c'ludilg prelinrinary loans) or annua'l cont-rjbutr'ons, or both,in connection with any Project remains in force and effect, or so long as anybonds issued in connection wjth any project or any monjes dre to the 6overnrrincin connection with any Project remain unpa'id, thii Agreenrent shall not beabrogated, changed, or nrodified w.ithout the consent 6t the Government. .The
privi'li9es and obligations of the Municipality hereUncler-sha'll remojn in fu'llforce and effect.with.respect to each project-so long as the beneficjal tiileto such Proiect'is he'la !y Lhe Loca'l Authority qr ui-anv other public body oigovernmentdl agency, .inc'ludjng. the Government-, iuthlrji-rrO fry law to engugi in
il. 3:y:I?PTult, or admin jstrat'ion of low-rerrt houring projeZts, rt at-ini rimethe beneficial title to, or posses.sjon of, any Projeit' js helc,l by such otierprb]li.uody or governnrental igen-y, in.irliig'ti.re enn, the provisjons hereofshall inure to the benefit of and may be enf6rced Uy,'srll btn"r pubt.ic bodyor governmental agency, including the pHA. ,
IN l.lTTNESS HHEREOF the Municipality'alrd the Local Authority have res-pectivel.y s'igned this Agreeillent and caused their sea'ls to lie atfjxed andattested as of the day and year finst above written,
I OF,larpl
Corp 0 e aIne o un ci I ly
" (Seai )
Attes t
aTa u-e 1
Houslng Authority and Urban Renewa'l
ame o
rP ra te
11 nnan
oca t o