HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1977-10-26CIltrTf OF SPF,I}.TG3-IEIJIf SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 0ctober 26, 1917 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CC: CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Gary Schley 1140 0l ynrp'ic Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Mr. Schley, I am writing to you concerning my visit to your home'on Septernber 24, 1977. As you know, the three large dogs you are keeping are not permitted in an R-1 (single family residential ) zone. Your property is zoned R-1. (See attached zon'i ng ord i nance. ) Therefore, thjs is your notice that by 15 days from the date of thisletter (November 11, 1977), one dog shall be removed from your property. Unless you comply w'ith these requirements, or show cause why they should not be compfied with, further action wilI be taken under the Codes of the City of Springfield, 0regon. Please d'irect all inquiries to the sprinqfjeld Building D'ivision at 726-3753. S i ncerely, ( ,,.i'i',, (-,/n ftlL'' / Sa11y Johr{son'' Environmental Control ler. Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Tom Cochran, City Manager SJ:ct i I I I I ; t-_ SPRINGTIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,' --) S tanda.rd Complaint Form Taken By .W ;7- ce dl 4 ') )-) ''/ Y -;* '<-/ /Time 3 0r'(! ) Location of Comp 1a int Type of Comp laint 0rsner of Proper Comp laintantrs Name ( L IL, )2r(.q/e_L4tf_L c':' C <-n 4.,-( Comp laintant I s Address-. 00 14 t - s'1tr7. Referred to Person Contacted Act Taken M'd6*.4'. j- LA C4v Z 7 te ri*e 3. 00ln-) / G By -77 W -t Wrr]-/e. f-I::Y - ._-t:,-*.ia-.., I l- \5-l 1-' , ( tt'S:: <t{s 78 I .1,.::1. . ,., t; u:'l ,i CTITTT OF SPH,T\TGFTELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 August 24, 1977 L-l . ... 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Gary Schely 1140 0lympic Street Springfield, 0r. 97477 Dear Mr. Schely, j I am writing to you concern'ing my visit to your home on August 23, Iyou know, the four ducks you are keeping are not permitted in an R-l fam'i1y residential) zone. Your property js zoned R-1. (zonjng ordin attached ) Therefore, this is your notice that (September ?4, t977), al I 'livestock erty. , /u-r i 977. As (single ance by an 30 days from the date of this letter d fowl shal I be removed from your prop- Please direct al I inqu'iries to the Springf ield Building Divis'ion, at 726-3753. S i ncerely, '-- .--) Sa 1 1y Johnson Environmental Control ler SJ CC r, Ron Clark, Superintendent of Building t t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER CITTTT OF SPH,I}.TG3-IEI,D SPRINGFTELD. OREGON 97 477 August 24, 1,977 Sincerely, 346 MAIN STREET 7 47-4221 Mr. Gary Schely 1140 0lympic Street Springfield, 0r. 97471 Dear Mr. Schely, I am writ'ing to you concerning my visit to your home on August 23, 1977. As yo, tno*, t6e four ducks you ire-keeping are not perm'itted in an R-l (single ?iritV residential) zone.- Your properti 'is zoned R-1. (zoning ordinance attached ) Therefore, this is your notice that by 30 days from the dat'e of thjs letter (September 24,1977), all livestock and fowl shall be removed from your prop- erty. please direct all inquilies i.o the Springfield Building Djv'ision, at 726-3753. _:.-_) ( Sal ly Johnson Envi ronmental Control I er :rjSJ CC Ron Clark, Superintendent of Bui1ding 11 r /*r, i mfEmfl@ A[!DULM CITY OF SPBINGFIELD Novmeber 16, 1977 TO: FROM: SUBJECT:NOTICE AND ORDER TO GARY SCHLEY TO GAIN COMPLIANCE ON A VIOLATION OF ZOIIING ORDINANCE #3304 The Schley's were contacted on I'lovember 15 , L977 concerning nry not'ice and order to them of 0ctober 26,1977. (copy attached) I was informedby them that one dog was removed from the property on November 11 , 1977. The schleys now have two dogs, the number allowed in an R-i Zone. The notjce and order has therefore been complied wjth and no citatjonwill be issued. -Fnuld B. Clark, Superintendent of Buildinq "'tVr'-Aa1\y Johnson, Environmental Controller D n \ ,/ APPLICATION FOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAI VEHICLE STORAGE PERMIT For the storage of one 1? L3 (Year) Registered Owner Mahkv I at //< o 01 f Applicant Signature Date q- /g By Beginning Date ?- /- 7 {Expiration Date 0 e License No. d e r/t- (Mode1-) -7s t3 ZO , Springfield, Oregon" (Make) I