HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1966-10-06p!" To the Occupant ofl 1655 Hohavrk e t regon C I IY OT" SPR i NGF I ELD BU!LD !NG DEPART}4ENT 840 Noi'th 7th Stneet r9ri_qg Youns tnulY, n Dated:ar JFR/jj city code, chapter 11, Anricle 10, Seetion l, requires that al I pens6ns maintaining plumbing uporr .property"ry!!?e-nearestUornbry I ine is with!n*one l':r.rndied"anci twenty ( l?0) feet of a publ ic'sewen lateral must eonneet to said Se.Wer latenal. At the date of, Ehis ncr;ice r^/e f ind that no conrlection for the above address has been nrade to the newly aceepted Sewer I atera I serv ing you!' ao-era. You are hereby givei"r thirty (lO) 4-yt f ronn the date of this notice to obtaln a'siiver tap pennnlt and to congleet to the sewer. !n the event thaL you are not the p!'operty'owner, please notify rhis of,f,ice, ei-the r by phone "on nnailr, giYjlg.rt the name and aldress of, the preser-,t c.r,lvre.n. (Phorre t 746-1674) " Furthermore., If VC,rJ har/e se,cu:ned a sewqf perrn it pn ion to treceipt of th!s notice, pie-,ase. disnegand thls orde!'. Joseph F. Reeves, J!' Dinebton of Bullding & Zoning C!TY OT SPRINGFiELD BU I LD ING DEPARTI.IENT .N.SJJCJ To the 0ccupant of; 1655 l4ohawk Blvd. Spr i ng e , 0regon City Ordinance No. 1623, Section 3, requires that all persons maintaining plumbing upon property whose nearest bounCary I ine i s wi th- in one hundred and tvrenty (tZOt) feet of a public sewer lateral must connect to said sewer lateral At the date of this notice we find that no connection for the above address has been made to the newly accepted sewer lateral serving your area. You are hereby given thirty (:0) days from the date of this notice to obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the sewer, ln the event that you are not the property o|.,ner, piease notify this office, either by phone or by mail, giving us the name and addressof the present owner" (Phone: 746-1674) Futhermore, if you have secured a sewer permit prior to receipt of this notice, please disregard this order Dated August 9r 1966 Yours truly, r'r,1ir-unu Joseph F. Reeves Director of Building and Zoni ng JFR/JJ 4q