HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-12-09SIrrFi -tf,trlELO II'iF,I't-] STREET U %C "l tl PBRH uruber IT API'LI CATIONB{1') \ 5 PRT lNSP EISCTRICAL City Job NNGIIIULD,OR$GoN 97471 Ogl'iON REQU EST: 726_$?6r9rizcdS,gnarii 0FFICU t 726'3759 i 1,0F CA'IION AITLATT^oN trnpy'./'fr/-f /g Ttzt O c LEGAL DES CRIPTION J DESCRi ION 3. COHPLETE FEE SCHiDUI,E BELOq Ne',r Res icien r iaI-Stngle or l,1ul t i-FamilY Per dvelling uni t ' Se-i-vice Included:I tems Cos i Pern j ts ?.re tron- (ransterable and expire i f vork t-s not started vi thin 180 days of 1s-suattce or :f vor-k is suspended for I tiO days. 2. CONT]LACTCR I}iSTALL{TION ONLY Signature of Supervising ElectricianL-.- 4 zz'1'-'4 Uvrters Nirttlc a./ zptd f/7{ Acidress ZJ Z0 n z,r/ t //4 1-: trr A phone 7 tr/ ,/ I F/ OVNEIT INS'I'ALI,ATION 'Ilre !nstailatiotr is bel'ng ma<ie on puopertS'I opn wltich is not intended lc:: sale, Jease or rent ' Or,rners Signature: E DATE: KlrLU l, 1000 sq. ft. or less Each addilionai 500 sq. ft or Portion Ihereof Each Hanuf'd Home or ltodular Dvelling Servi,ce or FeeCer Sei.-vices or Feeders InstaJlat,ron, Aiterations or Rel.ocat ion: 200 amps or less 20I amps to 400 arilPS - 401 anps to 600 amPS - 60i amps to 10C0 amps-- Cver l0O0 amPs/volts - Reconnect 0n1Y 200 ainps or less 201 amPs to 400 amps - Ovet' 401 to 600 amPS - 0ver 600 amPS or 1000 volts D. Branch Circui ts Cne Circuit i Eacl'r Ad.di tional Circui t or ui th Service ,or Feedeu Permi | / SUBTOTAL OF AI}OVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Adr:ri 11i s t ra t ive Fee TOTAL Nev, Alt,eration or Extension Per Panei B $ 85 .00 s 1s.00 s 40.00 A DOVE Iiec tri caI Col] iractor ABLE ELECTRIC /rdc r ess 55I i l''1ArN $ 50,00 $ 60,00 $100.00 $130. c0 $300 .00 $ 40.00 Ci t1,SPRINGFIELD Phone 126-67C1 Su1>ervisor License Number 3023S Ur:.p iratrcrtt Date l0-i-se Ccns t r Corr (:'. Nunrber ?-Zl!!- Temporary Services or Feeders insi"tlaiion, Alteration or Reloea(:on I1>:p: ra t i on Da t.e , -rr-5 ?8 C $ $ se 40.00 55.00 80.00 g ItBrr MiscelJaneous ( Service/ feeder no t irrciudec l -Each ins tallation pump or irrigation. i i9-9!Sign/Outl:ne-Lightitg-- i 19 99Limi ted EnergY/Res I zu ' uu $ 3s. oo: //00_ s 2.oo t dl ,2.o o -.77--77-RIICDIViiD D TgT- :i.:-..