HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-06-05SPFITnfGFIErJ'I N FO RMATTON 2 726-37s3 INS P ECT tONS: 726 -3 Z 69 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATTON city of springfietd 225 n.5th street ,, DHef A. ztP ? TAX LOT */ 7-aa-#'3/-o*Ve OI"INER OR ADDRESS NAME OF BUSINESS, TIRM, ETC. LOCATIoN OF SrcN .(ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION oI.INER 0F SIcr{ CIF oTIIER THAN pROpERTy OWNER) ADDRESS 'ilu/*b%,DITPE OF .BUSINESS B. ryrs oF woRK: X"*., AL,ER RELOCATE OTHER STP.UCTUBAL TYPB OF SIGN: -'ALL Xr*uroroNDrrrc ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IARQUEE OTIIER c.USE AT{D CEARACTER OF SIGN: )( ruuurrrv INCIDENTAL Xoouoln mcu SINGLE FACE I{LTLTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD D. CITY LICENSE TIWBER FYD . DATE E PIIONE IP rj . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ' .ADDPJESS SIGN }IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TTIERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS G _NO ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR DUSINNSS, ETC. l/aobm /n, _rLLu{TNATED (rNDrp*EcTffi ucuruol ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR ADDRESS *rrRr*c? ( r/A:eluarorco -ELECTP.I,CALH',r* srcN HA'E IF YES, Iil{ICH APPLY? LISC. NTJI,IBER DU,IEIISIONS, UTSTALIATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIO}T TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YERTICAL DI}4ENSION OF SIGN IIORIZOMAL I^'IDTTI OF SIGN DII.IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKNESS OR DEPTII NOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS I{ORE THAN 12,' 6VER pusr.rc pRopERTy rex srcN EREcroR I'ruST FILE IIITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/TIER LIABILITY AI.ID PROP. ERTY DA}TAGE I}ISURANCE POLICIES. E YES DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE Xrr'rooon BUsrNEss _ourDooR lrERcHANDrsrNc . VALUE OF SIGN:PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: J K vAcANT)sJes(oR rasT usE rF . SITE INFOF}IATIOTI (I.AIIO USE) .. EXISTING USE OT BUILDI}IG OR DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OP. A ood 'I HAVE CAREFULLY E:GI'IINED the completed applicatlon for permit and do hereby certify rhat allinformation ls true and correct, ind I fuither certify that all work perforired shali be done inaccordance with the Sprtngfield Sign Ordlnance, the Uiltform Sign,Code- as adopted by rhe Ctty of,Soringfield.and all other Ordinances of the Clty of Sprlnafteld and the laws-of rhl Srate oipertalnllB Eo ttre work describecl hcrr:rn. I further certlfy that ny gtgn Contractor -r.i-lEh Ehe 9i!y _gI Springfield is ln fu1l force and effect as- requireit by-springfield Codes) and 9-7-20(2), I will request all required stgn inspections- llsted- on the approved Cregon cense w 8-2-6(3permlt. NA},TE (PLEASE SIGNATURE -r t x,rl -s-q>- @ i-tvF----.-\--: _\_ PLEAS E REA-,- 1) Separate SIen Application: A separate applicatton le requlred for each separate slgn as deflnedffiffi D Elecrrical: Any perurlt issued under thls application will include- wiring !l ot gn 91gn sErucEure, Eferupiltwires ior cor,ne.tion musE be covlied on an electrical-p-ermiE.- Electrical connectlon must b;'made only by a State Licensed ElectrLcal Contractor. Itluminated signs (both internally and exEernally) irust conform Eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dlnance. 3) $e1rs Requlqqd_: Thls appltcatlon is to be submitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing -d1-mensions and height of 'sign; adverEising message on sign; locatlon,of sLgn on-PloPetty wlth di- mensions to propErcy 1inef, structural Eetails-of supp5rt framing, bracin-g ancl-footings; maEerLals of construcEion'for-sign and sign structure; electrlcil equipmeni and Ligtrting; size and location of existlng signs on pioperty for the same busienss, aL1 as iequired to determinq_ comglliance with rhe Sprtngflelii Stgn Ordinante (Articl-e 7 of the Springfield City Code). Als-o,._show the follow- tng tiiforiratlon on-Ehe plot plan (plan showing prolerty llnes and locatlon of signs): .-'E) Show the locatlon of all existing slgn(s) as well as proposed slgn(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by Ehe busLness or butlding. For wall si.gns, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the locacion of entrances open to the publlc and drlveways. 4) 5) 6) 7> 8) e) When required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a Llcensed englneer or shal1 conform to design standards on flle at the Buildlng Divi- sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficlent clarity or detail wiLl be returned to the applicant wlth no permit belng ls sued. Signs must Deet corner vlslon clearance requirements as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the Springfteld Comprehenslve Zoning Code. NOTEr No sign nay be erected which l"s less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertlcally from overheadEEtrlcal c6nduc'tors ln excess of 750 vo1ts, or less than 5 feet in-any dLrection-fron overheadelectrical lines whlch are energlzed at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not lnstalLed within 60 days after the date of lssue of this permit, the pernit shaI1 be void. InspectLoBs : a)Slte Inspection - to be rnrde before the sign ls placed. Usually, the Footlng InspectLon EfaPFIE6'rilmaybemadeatthesame.tiieasthesiteInspection.@.dfon ii to be made-after hole(s) ls qrca'vateci, but prlor,to the placexoent of concrete. b) c) Flnal Inspection, - to be made upon coqletion of alL flork. Electrical - all electrical signs must be lnspected for electrical hook up after Ehe signii erectea and before the sign-is turned on. CALL rOR TnE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TrrE 24 IIOUR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN V REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: SrTE/LOCATTON _FOOTTNG OR METHOD 0F ATTACHMENT ELECTRICAL $'** i' SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISUED CnLty AAICN S cl1U) ADDITIOIIAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT UAY BE ISST]ED: APPROVED BY:DATE (- ) ELdCTRICAL PERMIT FEE: OO 0d TOTAI RECEIPT CLERK b*tz JOB 5% STATE SURCIIARGE: SIGN PERMIT FEE: SECTION:SIGN ORDINANCE lc t0 nU i l.t ;r t "N) Ll\B\cf\, I