HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1986-02-11city of springfield 225 n- 5th street SPFIINGFIELE, SI GN PERMI T APPLICATION lN FORMATION: 726-3753 INSPECTtoNs: 726-376e E . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: STGN ER.ECTOR (- r'JDP.,:ESS C1TY LI CEIISE slGN I.{ANUTACTURER CIT oTEER TI1AN EREcToR){i1A I? 5ar,|lr 9-ta bF< NAME OF BUSINESS, FIR,Y, ETC A. PHONE 1YPE OF BUSIIIESS pftl+tc_ tyvOoaz OUNER OF SIGI.I (IF OTHNR 'I.1{A}I PROPERTY OUII.IER)Sa-rt TA.\ LOT .I Bi- LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRISTiON OIINER, OR PROPERTY ADDRESS zrP Al4oZ ADDRESs Skttte, Tl?E OF WOR.K: X ERECT AITER RELOCATE OTHIIB, B STP.UCTURAT TYPE OF SIGN; Luau FREEsrANDrlrc ROOF PROJECTIIIG -**nurE T'NDER I,{AROUEE OTT'JR USE AT.ID CIIA"IACTER OF SIGN: _IDEbrTITY _INCrDElrrAL DOUBLE FACE >( s:ucr.e recs YIILTI-EACE PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD D. . I.,ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL wIRl,i.IG? TJd IT YES, !.NiICE }.PPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII _rLLrJ'!{TNATED (rNDrp-EcTffi lrcgreo) ELECTRICAI coIJTP,AcToR O,I o H ADDRESS NA DII.IEIISIONS, UISIALI.ATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIOH TorAL HETcHT ABovE GMDE /6' VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SicN 1n,t HORIZONTAL lrIDTll Or SIGN 3^' DI}IE}ISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOV OF sIGN ID TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTE - DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? -YES .LNOIT YES, DI}!E}ISION BEYOND PROPIRTY LII{E NOTE: IF PR.OJECTIOII IS IIORE IIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPEP.TY TIiX SICN ERECTOR, I.ruST TILE WIIII THE BUILDI},IG DIT/ISION COPIES OF HIS/}IE.R, LIABILITY Ai,iD PP.OP- ERTY DA}1AGE I}ISUP.AIICE PCLICIES. E DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SICN 15 CONSTRUCTED OT. t. . VALUE OF SIGI{:K Aoao* 'srTE rNFOFltA,TioN (LArrD USE) -- EXISTTNG USEoF BUILDIlic oR LA.lrD (OR IAST USE rr VACANT) y-rlroooe Bus rNEss _ouTDoo?. I,IERCEANDT s IllG P!.OPOSED USE OT BUILDING OR I,Ar\D: J . I HAVE CAREFULLinfornation is accorCance withSoringfielC and Creqon perrainir cense ..riEh Ehe i 8-2-5(3) and 9-pe:mic. Y L'{,L\lIllED che compleEed applicacion for permit and do hereby certify thac all Erue and correct, and I furcher cer,-Lfy E.hat all work gerforned shaLl be done inrhe Springfi.eld Sign Ordinance, the Uniforn Sign Code as aCopced by rhe CiEy ot,all other Ordinances of the Cicy of Spriaqfield and che laws of ;he Stace ofnq co t-1e worli clescribe( i1c!cl.n. I further certLiy EhaE nv 51":n CcrEractor Li- !iqf 9f Springfietd is in fuLl force and effecc as'recuired by-springfield Codes7-20(2). I will requesE all required sign inspecEions' Iisced'on Ehe approved DA tu u SIGNATUP.E NA}IE (PLEASE PRI}IT)EL0 ADDP.ESS G.EXISTING SIGNS ARE TITEP..E A}IY E(ISTI!]G SIGIIS? YES NO SIZE IN SO AIL EXISTI}IG SIG}IS rOR EUSINIISS, ETC. na?f LISC.NUMSER PICIIE A,o PLEASE READ 1) Seoarace SIm 4oolicacion: A separaEe application ls required for each separate slgn as definedffiGEEsn-;?e. z)Electrical: EEe suppfy wi trusc be n^de and excernall dlnance. 3) Any p_erudc lssued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign stlucEure,,res for connecEion rsusE be covered on an electrical p-erait.- Electrical donnecciononly by a StaEe Licensed Eleccrlcal Concractor. Illuurinated signs (boch incernallyy) musc conform co Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign 0r- Plans Required: Ttris_applicaELon ls Eo be submj.tted with two couplete sets of plans showing dl- ElensLons and height of sign; adverEising message on slgn; location of stgn on property with-di.-uensions Eo properEy llnes, sEructural decails of supgort fraaing, bracing and foot.ings; rraterlalsof conscruction for slgn and sign sEructrure; electri.cal equipureni and ligEciog; size ind locationof exisEing signs on property for Ehe same busienss, all is required to deceraiaq comgllance withthe Sprtngiield Stgn Ordinante (Artlcle 7 of the Springfield Ciry Code). Also,.dhow the follow-iog inforaalion on che ploc plan (plan sbowing properry llnes and locarlon of signs):, a) Show che locatl.on of all exl.sELng slgn(s) as well as proposed slgn(s) b) Show the, length of che street frontage taken up by Ehe business or bullding. For wa1lsigns, show che lengch of the building frontage. c) Show the locacion of enErances open to the public and drlveways. l,lhen-required, because of design,_ si.ze, etc., engLneered drawings and calculatioos utrsc be pre-pared-by-a licensed englneer or sha11 eoafo::ar to destgn standards on flle at the Building Divi-slon Offlce. Pl.ans of lnsufficlent claricy or detaj.l will be reftrmed to the applieant wirh no percrit beinglssued. Signs unrst.Ereet corfler visloo clearance requiremeacs ag described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. I9TE, No,sign nay be erected which is less chan 12 feet horlzontally or verttcally frorn overheadeleccrlcal conducEors ln excess of 750 volEs, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overheadelectrlcal lines whlch are energized at less thao 750 volts. If a sign ls noE lnstalled wlthin 60 days after tbe date of lssue of thts pe:-rit, the perait shallbe void. Inspections: a) SiEe Insoeccion - to be made before the slgn ls placed. Usually, the Footlnq Inspectl.on TIr€jjDDEaoTq'rraybeoadeatthesamat1ieasthesie.Inspeelion.@Eion ls co be --de after hole(s) i.s e-cavaleri, but, prior Eo Ehe placetnent of concrece. b) FLnal Inspeccion - to be oade upon corylecion of all work. c) Ilectticalr - all electrical-signs must !e inspected for eleccrical hook up after the signis erecceo and before the sign is Eurned on. OR MEIIIOD OF ATTACHMENT 4) s) 5) 7) 8) e) &uJ. FoR rr{E RTQUIRED INSpECTIoNS 0N rrIE 24 1{0UR INSPECEoN LINE AT 726-3769 srcN DrsrRrcT (- nkt /L(^,ZONE DISTRICT ToL{L SqUAR.E FoOTAGE Or SrGN @' _srrE/LocAtr0N ELECTRICAL OTHIR SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1! tsE SATISTIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: A.DDITIONA! INFORYAIION NEEDED BETORX PERT{IT I4AY BE ISSTIED: APPROVED BY:DATE FOOIING L/rruer. ELECTRICAI PERHIT FEE: 47. STATS SIIRCI{ARGE: TOTA.L: c B, RECEIPT 00 SIGN PE8},GT FEE: JO8 # DATE gLEBK SECTION:RINGFIELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE I 521 Mohawk Bl vd. HYI \ ffiY-T{YT I