HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-02-10SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works McKay Investments 2300 Oaknont WaY Eugene, 0regon 9740L Si erel y, February 10, 1984 Dear Business Owner: The Springfield Bui'lding Code Administrat'ive Code requires that, in order for a_permit to remain-vaiid, constrlct'ion lvork authorized by'it must begin with'in 180 days from the date of purchase oi th. permit. If work'is suspended or abandoned during-the course of construction for i p"iioir exceeding 180 days, the perm'it will automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded on. y.u",'a permit to itart or resume work may be purchased for one half the i..-..qrirea io. a comparabie new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the orig'ina1 plans and/or spec'ifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permi.t holder anticipates the need for more time to begin constru.iioi' work', the superihtendent of Bu'ild'ing may choose to grant a one time extensjon of the permit not-i5-.*...a 180 days upon ieceipt from the perm'it holder of a wrjtten request exp'laining why the extension 'is necessary' The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construct.ion activitt ;;a;atatea"'*iih t;;; pgiryjt. Please advise this office of vour inientions w.i*,'..ii"a-i;-ih;-p..*ii uv ten'(10) days from the date of this letter' please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Bui'ld'ing safety Division at 726-3659' Hopper'ing Sa Li Bu 'il d fety Division attachment Springfield, Oregon 97 477 lh 225 North 5th Street a 503/726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER - JOB ADDRESS:1521 Mohawk B1vd.JOB #: February 22, 1983 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: 830282 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: VAL I D:However, you permit will exp ire on If you wish to request an extension of your perm'it, p'lease notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. xx EXPIRED: Your permit expired on Augrtst 22, 1983 If you p'lan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must beappl ied for. *If the "expired" box, a bove, is checked and we do not hear from vou bvt9r_(10) days from the date of this t.it.i,l, *6jnformation with regard to the permit. * February will clearour lh eso a re !l't{Cuz I trtom rE j{ iEoGImo z C,ot|l,{!nt(, (coltst LT PoSTMASTER FOR FEES) r. The following service is requested (check one). *t!"* to whom and date delivered E Sho* to whom, date, and address of delivery.. aD nesrRrcrED DELTVERy (Tle r*rictd delivery lee is charged in addition to dte renm rcccipt lee.) O SEI{DER: on reverse. TOTAL t ,2,3, in the items 4.and Add address ..RETURN TO"your sPaoQ -c_v -6 McKay Investments 2300 Oaknont Way Eugene, Oregon 97407 3. ARTICLE ADOBESSED TE .. WPE OF SERVICE: Eacosmneo ft nsuRso EtsHrED E coo Llermess rer ARTICLE I{UIIBEB 32996977L of addre$ee or tr fl Authorized agent above. 6. AU)f,ESSEESAODRESS 7. UIIABLE TO T'€LIVER BECAUSE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL EUSINESS SENDER INSTBUCTIONS Print you, mfllt, rddaq rnd ZIP Codc h hc epacc below.. Compht! ltcm! l, 2, X rnd I on hc nverre.. Att chlolro.rtoluliclell.p.cep.rmll$ othcrrirc rtlir lo brcl ol artlcla. EndoEa ilIcl0*Betum Recd0t Rlqu$ted" adlrcanl to n$bcr. PENALTY FOR PFIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYIIENT OF POSTAGE, S3OO RETURN TO Y l I' (City, State, and ZIP Code) (Name of Sender) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 NORTH Sth STREET SPRINGFIEI.D, ORE@N 97477 ( .,