HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-03-05SPRINGFIELD
Department of Fublic Works
March 5, 1982
Union 76
1657 Mohawk Blvd.
Springfield, 0regon
RE Sign at 1657 tlohawk Blvd.,
Springfield, Oregon97477
Dean Sign Owner:
rn the planning stages for thnee yeal?s, the Spningfield-sign-o::dinance is a product
of the combined efforts cf a speciar sign subcommittee forrned by the Planning Commis-
sion, nepresentatives of the Sp::ingfiefa CnamUen of Commelrce' and the Spningfield Com-
mittee fo:: Citizen Involvernent. A numbe:: of publie hea::ings also occured fo:: fu::ther
citizen input. Then, in January 1981, the sp::i.ngfield cj.ty council adopted the new
Sign Ondinance.
Section 9*7-22 (S) of the S,ign Ordinance ::equines specific violations to be conrected
by the sign o,*nen on lesso, *itlit one year of the date of its adoption' F'otating or
ml,ring siE-ns, signs with blinking cn flashing tights, banne::s, flags, posterso pennants,
ribbons, st::eanreis, signs which are located tco close to cvs:head pcwe:: lines ol? con-
ductons, and off-po"*iIu signs (adventising a business cn activity not conducted on the
premises whe::e the sign is iccated) ane among the signs made non-confo::ming by the new
Sign Ordinance.
As a ::esult of the r^ecent City-vide sign survey' the following violation .was found on
your proPerty nelative to the one year compliance time Limit:
A rotating pole sign is Located at the above referenced address.
By t5 1982 the aboye ::eferenced violaticn of the spr.ingfield sign
nance must be ed. Becau se the sign survey was comPlet ed in JuIy of 1981, it
is possible ycu have a1::eadY taken steps to cor:rect or: have complet ed cc::r^eeting this
violation. If this is the case,please contact this office as soon as possible.
225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753
SpningfieJ-d Sign Crdinance
Page 2.
The Buitding Board. of Appeats is. empowq:ed to hea:: and grant va::iances to the Sign
Ond.inance, pr.o','id.ed a r..::ritten appeal is subnitted to the Supe::intendent of Building
within 10 days of the date of receipt of this letto:. The Boai"d of Appeals may
g:,ant a variance with negand to the unusual size, shape, on dimension of a site on
because of existing structures ther.eon in ::elation tc a sign cn its placement. The
Boar"d of Appeals may NOT gnant a va::iance based on economic hardship.
Fo:: mor:e detailed infor:mation neganding Sign Ordinance ccmpliance, please contact the
Spningfield Building Divisicn at 726-3753. Pe::mits, if naeded, may also be applied
fL:, ai the Spningfield Pt:b1ie Wc::ks Depa::tment 225 North Sth Street. Your anticipa-
ted cooperation is appreciated.
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Sa1ly Johnson
Sign Inspector
RonaIC B. C1ar"k,
Superintendent of Building
Jcseph J. teahy,
Assi-stant City AttonneY