HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-03-05SPRINGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Fublic Works CEPJIFIED LETTER March 5, 1982 Union 76 1657 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, 0regon RE Sign at 1657 tlohawk Blvd., Springfield, Oregon97477 Dean Sign Owner: rn the planning stages for thnee yeal?s, the Spningfield-sign-o::dinance is a product of the combined efforts cf a speciar sign subcommittee forrned by the Planning Commis- sion, nepresentatives of the Sp::ingfiefa CnamUen of Commelrce' and the Spningfield Com- mittee fo:: Citizen Involvernent. A numbe:: of publie hea::ings also occured fo:: fu::ther citizen input. Then, in January 1981, the sp::i.ngfield cj.ty council adopted the new Sign Ondinance. Section 9*7-22 (S) of the S,ign Ordinance ::equines specific violations to be conrected by the sign o,*nen on lesso, *itlit one year of the date of its adoption' F'otating or ml,ring siE-ns, signs with blinking cn flashing tights, banne::s, flags, posterso pennants, ribbons, st::eanreis, signs which are located tco close to cvs:head pcwe:: lines ol? con- ductons, and off-po"*iIu signs (adventising a business cn activity not conducted on the premises whe::e the sign is iccated) ane among the signs made non-confo::ming by the new Sign Ordinance. As a ::esult of the r^ecent City-vide sign survey' the following violation .was found on your proPerty nelative to the one year compliance time Limit: A rotating pole sign is Located at the above referenced address. By t5 1982 the aboye ::eferenced violaticn of the spr.ingfield sign nance must be ed. Becau se the sign survey was comPlet ed in JuIy of 1981, it is possible ycu have a1::eadY taken steps to cor:rect or: have complet ed cc::r^eeting this violation. If this is the case,please contact this office as soon as possible. 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 SpningfieJ-d Sign Crdinance Page 2. The Buitding Board. of Appeats is. empowq:ed to hea:: and grant va::iances to the Sign Ond.inance, pr.o','id.ed a r..::ritten appeal is subnitted to the Supe::intendent of Building within 10 days of the date of receipt of this letto:. The Boai"d of Appeals may g:,ant a variance with negand to the unusual size, shape, on dimension of a site on because of existing structures ther.eon in ::elation tc a sign cn its placement. The Boar"d of Appeals may NOT gnant a va::iance based on economic hardship. Fo:: mor:e detailed infor:mation neganding Sign Ordinance ccmpliance, please contact the Spningfield Building Divisicn at 726-3753. Pe::mits, if naeded, may also be applied fL:, ai the Spningfield Pt:b1ie Wc::ks Depa::tment 225 North Sth Street. Your anticipa- ted cooperation is appreciated. Since:'e1y, 11 .') ,/,/ /:./ / .i /2j n-C'? e7'ir-r{-n-,.r-*---= Sa1ly Johnson Sign Inspector cc sJ/rs RonaIC B. C1ar"k, Superintendent of Building Jcseph J. teahy, Assi-stant City AttonneY