HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1999-10-29J CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 il1.726.3759 NOTICE OF DECISION . LIMITED LAND USE. SITE PLAN REVIEW DATE October 29, 1999 JOURNAL NUMBER 1999-06-146 APPLICANT Robert L. Shaw 656 Charnelton Street, Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 PROPERTY OWNER John Hammer PO Box 2266 Eugene, OR 97402 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE APPLIGATION The applicant has submitted a Site Plan Review application to the Ci$ of Springfield for the construction of a drive in lubrication facili$ and car wash (Jifff Lube) (SDC f 8.020(2Xd) and (i)) for automobiles with parking, interior circulation and landscaping. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC); the Metro Plan Designation is Major RetailCommercial (MRC). Springfield Development Code (SDC) 18.020 states: "Site plan Review shall be required unless specifically exempted elsewhere in this Code." Since the Site Plan Review is not specifically exempted for this application, the automobile lubrication facilig and car wash proposed above is permitted only upon approval of this Site Plan Review application. LOCATION OF PROPERW This property is located at 1657 Mohawk Blvd. (Assessor's Map 17-03-25-31, Tax Lot 5800). This application is within Springfield's city limits. DECISION This Site Plan Review application is approved, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Refer to a summary of the conditions of approval beginning on Page 13 of this staff report. OTHER USES THAT MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION None. Page2 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 SITE IN FORMATION/BACKGROUN D This property (Tax Lot 5800) consists of 0.49 acres of land that currently is vacant. The last use of this properg was a Union 76 service station that ceased when the building was demolished in 1992. The property is relatively flat. This properg is within the boundary of the Mohawk Boulevard Specific Development Plan (MBSDP), a refinement of the Metro Plan, adopted earlier this year. This property is located in the MBSDP's North Mohawk Subarea that includes "... retail commercial uses fhaf benefit from visibility and close access to the Eugene-Springfield Highway, is the logical place to accommodate automobileoriented busrnesses, including, automotive serviceq pafts, and supplies." The proposed use fits the description of uses planned for this Subarea. The MBSDP is mentioned because as stated on Page 1 of this report, the zoning of this property is CC and the Metro Plan designation is MRC. !n planning terminology, this is a'plan/zone conflict'. ln this case, the CC zone allows the proposed use but the MRC designation requires MRC zoning that does not allow the proposed use. The MBSDP has been adopted as stated above, but implementation measures, including changing the MRC designation to CC for this property, have not. The implementation measures are proposed to be adopted in early 2000. Since the zoning allows the proposed uses and the City's intent is to change the MRC designation to CC to resolve the plan/zone conflict in the near future, staff will allow this Site Plan application to proceed without requiring the applicant to apply for a Metro Plan amendment. Adjacent properties consist of: North: A small CC zoned vacant property owned by the Oregon Department of Transportation. Note: The plan submitted shows Tax Lot 5700 to be owned by "city of Springfield Parks". This is incorrect and must be changed to the Oregon Department of Transportation on the FinalSite Plan. South: A vacant 6.48-acre property zoned and designated LMl. West: Mohawk Blvd. and properties zoned CC, and designated MRC. East: 18th Street and properties zoned and designated MRC. WRITTEN COMMENTS Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of propefi owners/occupants within 100 feet of the proposed development allowing lor a 14-day comment period prior to the staff decision. No comments were submitted. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. SDc 31.060(1)-(4)). sDC 31.060(1): ,COMPLIANCEWITH THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEIVIS OF SECTIONS 3.050 AND 31.050 OF THIS coDE." This application was submitted on June 10, 1999. On June 14, 1999 staff sent a letter to the applicant stating the application was incomplete and that additional information was necessary prior to City acceptance and review. Staff received the additional information and the application now addresses the submittal requirements of SDC 3.050 and 31.050. The application was considered "complete for review' on August 9, 1999, triggering the 120day review period time-line. The term "complete for review" does not mean that the proposal complies with allapplicable Ci$ regulations. The 1204ay review period time line to process this application, including any appeal, expires on December 6, 1999. Finding: Upon receipt of the additional information requested from the applicant, this application addressed the submittal requirements of SDC 3.050 and 31.050 and is "complete for review". Therefore, this application complies with SDC 3f .060(f ). Page 3 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 SDC 3{.060(2): ,PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF.SITE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AS SPEC'F'ED IN ARTICLES 31, 32, THE APPROPRIATEZONING AND/ORZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN.' PROPOSED ON€ITE AND OFF.SITE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS WATER SDC 32.120 stiates: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development. Fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshall and the utility provider." The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is the water provider within the city limits. The plan submitted shows water lines along the west and north property lines. SUB submifted two letters dated August 25, 1999 with comments regarding the proposed use. The first letter, by Bryan Brewster (541.726.2396) states: "Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: 1. The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and cunently receives water from the Spingfield Utility Board (SUB). lf the existing 1" domestic seruice is inadequate, please contact us about additional seruice. 2. Spingfield has seyera/ wellhead protection areas. One hundred percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. ln every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. Contact Chuck Davis at Spingfield Utility Board Water Engineeing Departmentfor details at 746-8451, ext. 3730. 3. Bacffilow pr3vention devices will be required for this service. Please contact Bill Scott at 746-8451, ext. 3397 prior to installing water seruice. Bill can help in the selection of the most economical device and installation. Water service will not be provided until a backflow plan has been submifted fo SUB Water Engineeing and approved for installation. 4. This propefty lies within the 1 to 5 year time-of-travel to the 1dh and'Q'sfreef Well site. Ihis sife r.s being held for future development as an additional source of Springfield's drinking water supply, and water quality protection is a citical part of Springfield's Drinking Water Protection Plan. A. SIJB requires submr.ssrbn of a detailed building plan indicating how potential spills and/or leaks from the lubicating process(s) and gray water from the car wash will be contained. B. Runoff from paved surfaces on this property are shown to discharge to the storm water system through catch basins located in the pa*ing area. Because storm water recharges the aquffer, SUB reguesfs that a wellhead protection area sign be placed near the roll up doors to aleft the facility of the importance of repofting and cleaning up any spills. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and SUB Electric Division." Page 4 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 The second letter by Bart E. McKee, PE states: "ln order to reduce the number of questions and problems related to installation of bacffilow prevention deyrbes in the Spingfield Utility Board seruice area, we are providing more detailed information about your requirements than was prcvided in the site Plan review lefter. The following requirements address fhe issues we most commonly have with backflow p reve ntion dev ice i n stall ation s. 1. As sfafed in the site plan review lefter, SUB requires submisslon of a detailed plan for installation of any backflow prevention devices. The pan need to include the type of device(s), brand and model numbers, speciftc location(s) in relation to the water meter and buildings, type of structure housing or coveing the device(s), and clearances around the device(s) 2. All backflow prevention devices shall be installed above ground, protected from freezing, with a bore - sighfed drain to daylight, in accordance with EWEB/SUB Regional Design Sfandards. 3. All proposed backflow prevention devices shall be reviewed for approval by SUB pior to installation Vaiances from the regionaldeslgn standards must be made in witing prior to installation of any deyices. 4. All new device installations shall be inspected by SUB before water seruice is provided. SUB sfaff may ask to be present for all initial testing of the device(s). ln cooperation with the City of Spingfield Plumbing lnspector, we are asking that a copy of the test slip be attached to the device. Ihis tesf s/rp will be collected by the Plumbing lnspector prior to the approval of the installation. lf the device is in an exposed location, please place the fesf sfrp in a sealed plastic bag to protect it. 5. Water service shall not be provided until detailed plans for installation of all deyices and any requested variances have been submitted and approved. Please ensure that any contractors or subcontractors who may be involved with the installation of backflow prevention devices on this project are aware of these requirements...." SUB has stated that the proposed use will require a backflow prevention device. ln addition to SUB's requirements, the location of any required backflow prevention device must comply with the vision clearance standards of SDC 32.070 that state the 1S-foot vision triangle at the driveways must be free of vision obstructions, including the backflow prevention devices and signs. Nothing over 2 112'teet in height can be in this area. Screen any required backflow prevention device with landscaping. Findinq The applicant's submittal and SUB's comments demonstrate that this property can be served by water in accordance with the SDC for the provision of key urban services. However, SUB's and staffs comments must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 31.060(2). Condition I Water On the FinalSite Plan show: The size of the existing service. Provide a notation if the size was increased from 1 inch. Any special requirements for groundwater protection, especially indicating how potential spills and/or leaks from the lubricating process and gray water from the car wash will be contained. lf necessary, attach a separate sheet to the Final Site Plan. The location, size and height above ground of any required backflow prevention device demonstrating compliance with SDC 32.070, vision clearance standards. The location of the required wellhead protection area sign. a a a a a Page 5 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 Demonstrate compliance with any remaining issues in both SUB letters dated August 25, 1999. ln order to obtain final occupancy of the project (since some of the issues cannot be addressed until the proposed development is near completion, submit a letter addressing all issues raised by SUB and how they were addressed). ELECTRICITY SDC 32.120(2) states: "Whenever possible, all utility lines shall be placed underground...." SUB is the electric provider within Springfield's jurisdiction. There is no underground electricity that serves this site. The plan submitted shows a power pole on the west side of 18'' Avenue, near the southeast corner of this property in concurrence with SUB's correspondence. SUB Electric also requested a 7 foot-wide PUE (public utili$ easement) along the frontages of both 18"'Street and Mohawk Blvd. This condition will be addressed under "PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS', below. Contact Ed Head at SUB Electric at 541 .726.2393 if there are any questions. Findinq The applicant's submittal and SUB's comments demonstrate that this property can be served by electricity in accordance with the SDC for the provision of key urban services. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 3f .060(2). However, since SUB's PUE request will be addressed under'PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS', below, there will be no condition under this topic. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS SDC 32.120(5) states: "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the Gity and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the devetopment. The standard width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights-of-way shalt be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 10 feet unless otherwise specified by the utility provider of the City Engineer...." The local utilities have directed Cig staff to require a 7 foot-wide PUE along all street frontages during the development review process. As stated above, SUB Electric has requested a7 foot-wide PUE the length of the frontage of this property along both Mohawk Blvd. and 18th Street. SDG 31.070(1) gives staff authority to require PUEs as a condition of approval of this application. a) A 7 foot-wide PUE is required the length of the frontage of this property along both Mohawk Blvd' and 18h Street. The PUE must be shown on the Final Site Plan. b) The PUE must be on a City form and recorded at Lane County at the applicant's expense. The original recorded PUE must be returned to the City with the Final Site Plan. Findins The applicant's submittal and staffs (and SUB's) comments demonstrate there is a need to serve this property with various utilities now and in the future. These utilities require easements because they cross private property and serve other nearby properties. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 31.060(2). Condition 2 Easements o Submit the originals of the recorded PUEs the City with the Final Site Plan. . Show the required 7 foot-wide PUE on the FinalSite Plan. Page 6 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 SANITARY SEWER SDG 32.100(1) states: "...sanitary sewer€ shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to new mains. lnstallation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Ghapter 2 of the City Gode, and Department of Environmental Quality (DEa) regulations...." Adequate sewer capacity exists within the existing sewer main in Mohawk Blvd. City records show an existing sewer stub to this site from the existing main. The applicant must locate and reuse the existing stub to serve the new building. Since Mohawk Blvd. was paved in 1998, no cuts in the new asphalt paving will be permifted. The plan submitted does not show the existing sewer system correctly. The Final Site Plan must be revised to correctly represent the existing system and show the existing stub. No additional public sewer improvements are required. Contact Ken Vogeney of the Engineering Division at 541.726.3688 if you have any questions. Finding The applicant's submittal and staffs comments demonstrate that sanitary sewer can serve this property in accordance with the SDC for the provision of key urban services. However, the Engineering Division's comments must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 31.060(2). Condition 3 Sanitarv 9ewer Show the revised sanitary system and the existing stub on the Final Site Plan.a STORM DRAINAGE SDC 32.100(1) states: "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the Gity's storm drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer. The storm water system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system...." The site is currently partially paved with asphalt and concrete, with the balance of the surfacing being dirt and gravel. The existing lot drainage appears to run over the sidewalk and onto abutting property, which is unacceptable for a new development. There is an existing storm drain in Mohawk Blvd. and one in 18th Street. Either of these existing systems have adequate capacity to serve this proposal. However, the plan submitted does not show these existing systems correctly. The Final Site Plan must be revised to correctly represent the existing system. The applicant proposes draining the site to the existing storm drain in Mohawk Blvd. This proposal is unacceptable because the street was paved in 1998 and no cuts are permitted in new pavement. The applicant must redesign the site drainage system to either connect to the system in 18th Street, or to connect to the back of the existing curb inlet near the southwest corner of the applicant's property. The new roof area must be designed to drain to a drywell, with an overflow connection to the site storm drain system. Drywells must be located under landscaped areas, a minimum of 10 feet from any property line or building footprint. Page 7 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 The plan submitted shows the site storm drain piping running underneath the new building. This proposal will likely not function given the fact that the building has a basement for the service bays. The FinalSite Plan must include a grading, paving and drainage plan. This plan must be based upon an actual City benchmark, not an assumed datum as used for the tentative site plan. The plan must also show existing and proposed grades on the site as well as along the sidewalk and gutter along both street ftontages. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide design calculations, prepared by a registered engineer, for the proposed site drainage system. Storm Water Quality measures will also apply to this project because the pavement area exceeds 5,000 square feet. Furthermore, the storm drainage system that this site willdischarge into flows directly into the Q Street Channel, which is an inventoried wetland. Prior to the approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant must submit a revised drainage plan that incorporates the following additional Storm Water Quali$ Measures: All of the proposed site catchbasins must be a multi+hambered design, and must include an oil-filtering medium in the inlet chamber of the basin. All of the inlets must be connected to a single connection point with the public storm drain system. A shut-off valve must be installed on this connection line, and a sign posted indicating its location. All of the site catchbasins must be stencilqd with the following legend: .No Dumping - Drains to River.' Signs must be posted in the parking lot and on each building face to tell patrons and employees that if there is any kind of spill in the parking lot, they are to notify store management immediately. The store management then will be responsible to close the shut-off valve, and clean up the spill from the site and the storm drain system prior to opening the valve. The store management must document the type of material spilled, estimated quantities spilled, the time and date of the spill, and location on the site. \Mthin 24 hours of the incident, store management must notifo the Springfield Environmental Services Division that the spill has occurred and the clean up measures they employed. The applicant must collect all of the storm water runoff from the new roof area and discharge the water into a drywell. Dry wells must include an overflow connection to the site storm drain system. The Pre-Wash area shown on the plan submitted must be covered and graded such that this area will drain to an inlet connected to the sanitary sewer, while preventing storm water runoff from flowing into the Pre-Wash area. The trash enclosure must be covered and graded such that the enclosure will drain to an inlet connected to the sanitary sewer, while preventing storm water runoff from flowing into the enclosure. Contact Ken Vogeney of the Engineering Division at 541.726.3688 if you have any questions. Findinq The applicant's submittal and staffs comments demonstrate that storm sewer can serve this property in accordance with the SDC for the provision of key urban services. However, the Engineering Division's comments must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDG 3{.060(2). Page 8 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 Condition 4 Storm Drainage On the FinalSite Plan show: o The correct existing public storm drain system.. Either the connection to the system in 18th Street, or the connection to the back of the existing curb inlet near the southwest corner of the property.o The drywells for the roof drainage.. The grading, paving and drainage plan based upon an actual City benchmark prepared by a registered engineer show existing and proposed grades on the site as well as along the sidewalk and gutter along both street frontages provide design calculations.o The incorporation of Storm Water Quality Measures described on Page 7 of this report. lf the information cannot be placed on the Final Site Plan, the information may be submitted in letter form. LANDSGAPING/STREET TREES SDC 31.140(2) states: "Except in the LDR District (single family and duplex dwellings only) and as specified in Subsecfion (3) of this Section, at least 65 percent of each rcquircd planting area shall be covered with living plant materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant materials shall be distributed throughoutthe required planting area." and that shrubs must be "five gallons or larger." The plan submitted shows 3gallon shrubs. The Final Site Plan must show that Sgallon shrubs will be planted. SDC 31 .140(3) states; 'Parking lot planting areas shall include one tree that meets City street tree slandards in accordance with Section 32.050 of this Code and at least 4 shrubs, 5 gallons or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right of way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot shall genenlly not exceed 2 1/2 feet in height at maturity. Parking lotplanting areas shall include: (a) Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district; ..,." The applicant must demonstrate how this standard can be met. The square footage of the entire planting area must be calculated and the actual number of each type of shrub must be shown on the Final Site Plan. SDC 31.140(4) states: 'Except where planted with native species or plant communiti*, all new required planting areas on private property shall be provided with a permanent underground inigation system unless exempted by the Director. lf permanent irrigation is exempted, a landscape architect or ticensed nursery person shall submit written verification and a program to ensure inat tne proposed plant materiats wilt have at least a 90 percent sulival rate over a 5 year period without an irrigation system. The Devetopment Agreement shall require the owner to water'and maintain the tanclscaping, recognizing that speciat attention will be needed due to the lack of a permanent irrigation system. Whenever possible, non-irrigated planting shall occur during October or November." No irrigation plan was submitted. Notes on the plan state that an irrigation plan will be submitted for building permit review. The irrigation plan must be shown on the Final Site Plan. SDC 32.050(2) states: "ln addition to required planting as specified in Section 31.140 of this Code, streettrees shall be required for all developments approved under Type l, Type ll, lll, or lV procedure in accordance with the specifications of this Section. The intent is to have tre*lined sfreets throughout the City...Except where there are physlcal restrictions, street trees shall be spaced at 3O-foot lnteruals. Street trees shall not be planted closer than 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of lntercections of streets, nor within 5 feet of alleys, private drlveways or fire hydrants....' Page 9 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 The applicant must demonstrate how this standard can be met. Trees shown in the landscape areas along both 18h Street and Mohawk Blvd. Are considered street trees. Additional trees are required along bothltreets. The tree proposed just north of the 18h Street driveway is questionable because of its proximity to the driveway and the pedestrian walkway into this property. All revisions must be shown on the FinalSite Plan. Finding The applicant's submittal and staffs comments demonstrate there are landscape plan and street tree deficiencies for the proposed development. The landscape plan must be modified, an irrigation system is required and the number and placement of street trees must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 3f .060(2). Condition 5 Landscapinq/lrriqation On the FinalSite Plan show: . Compliance with the landscaping requirements of SDC 31.f 40(2)-(4).. The irrigation plan on the Final Site Plan.. Compliance with the street tree requirements of SDC 32.050(2). Trash Receptacles. SDC 31.160(1)(d) and (2Xd)3. require trash receptacles to be screened from view. The trash receptacle shown on the plan submitted is screened (refer also to the comments on Page 7 of this report). STREET DEDICATION/!MPROVEMENTS Mohawk Blvd. - Existing Gonditions. Mohawk Blvd. along the frontage of this property is shown as a minor arterial street in SDC 32.020(4Xb) and is cunently fully improved with curbs, gutters and sidewalk. Mohawk Btvd. - lmprovement Needs. No additional dedication of right-of-way is required along Mohawk Blvd. However, the applicant states on the plan submitted that the existing curb cut on the southwest corner of the proper$ will be removed because a new driveway is proposed. This area must be replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk 18s Street - Existing Conditions. 18h Street along the frontage of this property is shown as a local street in SDC 32.020(4)(d) and is currently fully improved with curbs, gutters and sidewalk. l8s Street - lmprovement Needs. No additionaldedication of right-of-way or street improvements is required along 18h Street. Contact Masood Miza of the Transportation Division at 541 .726.4885, if there are any questions. a Page 10 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 Findinq The applicant's submittaland staffs comments demonstrate that public streets can serve this property consistent with SDC standards cited above. Transportations Division's comments concerning the SDC standards must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 31.060(2), Condition 6 Street Dedication/lmprovements Replace any driveways proposed to be closed with curb, gutter and sidewalk. A notation must be placed on the Final Site Plan. sDc 31.060(3): 'INVENTORIED NATURAL (INCLUDING REGULATED WETLANDS) AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF rH,S S'TE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY COruS'DERED IN THE PROJECTDES'GA'." The Metro Plan; the Mohawk Boulevard Specific Development Plan, the draft Natural Resource Special Study, the NationalWetlands lnventory Map, the draft Springfield Wetland lnventory Map and the Hydric Soils Map; the Washburne Historic District and the list of Historic Landmark Sites, have been consulted. There are no inventoried natural features on this property. There are no historic features on this property Findins There are no inventoried natural features and there are no inventoried historic features relating to this site upon review of the above cited studies or documents. Therefore, SDC 31.060(3) does not apply to this application. SDC 31.060(4): *PARKING AREASAIVD "VGRESS-EGRESS PO'A/TS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SOAS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CO'VGEST'ON AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREETS AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31,32, THE APPROPRIATEZONING AND/ORZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN.' PARKING AREAS SDC 18.070(1) and (3) list the parking requirements for automotive related uses: There are none for areas not occupied by humans, and 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area for minor repair. The proposed use is a car wash and a Jiffy Lube. The plan submitted shows the car wash will contain 978 square feet and Jiffy Lube willcontain 2,108 square feet. SDC 18.070(1) does not require parking for the car wash. However, the Jiffy Lube will require 8 parking spaces. The 8 required spaces are shown on the plan submitted. Findinq The applicant's submittal and staff s comments demonstrate that the proposed parking is consistent with SDC standards cited above. Therefore, this application complies with this portion of SDC 31.060(4). Page 1 1 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 INGRESS/EGRESS POINTS WHTCH FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFEW, AVOID CONGESTION AND MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS INGRESS/EGRESS POINTS SDC 32.080(1)(a) states: "Each prcpefi ls entitled an approved acce$r to a public sfreet oralley." SDC 32.080(2) states: "Driveway access to local strcets is genemlly encounged in prcfercnce to access to sfraets of hlgher classlfication. (a) Driveway accelrs to aftertal and collectorstreets may be permitted if no rusonable altemative st/ee[ access exists or where heavy use of local streets ls inapprcpriate due to tnflic impacts in rcsidential areas. (b) Where a proposed developmentabuts an existing or proposed afterial street, the development d*ign and off-site improvements shall minimize the tntfic conflicts." The plan submitted shows one ingress/egress point (driveway) is proposed along Mohawk Blvd. and another is proposed along 18h Street. 18m Street is a busy local street and is used to access the shopping center to the east. Mohawk Blvd. is listed as a minor arterial. Nevertheless, staff will allow a second driveway to serve this propefi from Mohawk Blvd. However, the south end of the Mohawk Blvd driveway must be moved 10 feet to the south and the driveway width must be reduced trom 42 feet to 35 feet consistent with SDC Table 32-2. The reason for moving the driveway south is to allow the existing raised concrete traffic island in Mohawk Blvd. to perform its safety function and prevent south bound left turn movements into this property. ln addition, the driveways shown on the plan submitted appear to be 'curb return" driveways. The proposed use does not produce the volume of traffic necessary to justify curb return driveways. Therefore, the driveway design must comply with SDC Diagram 32-C. Finally, the planting areas immediately abutting the driveways must comply with the 1O-foot vision clearance standard specified in SDC 32.070. Contact Masood Miza of the Transportation Division at 541 .726.4885, if there are any questions. Finding The applicant's submittal and staffs comments demonstrate that ingress/egress points on the plan submitted are not consistent with SDC standards cited above. Transportation Division's comments concerning the SDC standards must be addressed. Therefore, this application must be conditioned to comply with this portion of SDC 31.060(2). Condition 7 lngress/Egress On the FinalSite Plan show: o The driveway serving Mohawk Blvd. has been moved 10 feet to the south and that the driveway width has been reduced to 35 feet.o The redesign both driveways so that they comply with SDC Diagram 32-C.o Compliance with SDC 32.070. PEDESTRIAN SAFEW An internalwallo,rray system must be installed to connect to both Mohawk Blvd. and 18s Street in order to meet Transportation Rule 12 requirements under OAR 660-12-045. The purpose of this walkway system is to separate pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffic. The plan submitted shows the required walkurays. Page 12 Jo. No. 1999-06-0146 Findinq The applicant's submittal and staffs comments demonstrate that the proposed internal walkway is consistent with SDC standards cited above. Therefore, this application complies with this portion of SDC 31.060(4). ADDITIONAL ISSUES The following issues are raised for the applicant's information and are not considered conditions of approval for this application. OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED Prior to commencing any work on this project, the applicant must obtain: A Land and Drainage Alteration Permit for grading A Sewer Hook-up Permit to make the sanitary sewer and storm drain connections for the site. A Driveway Permit for the proposed driveway curb cut modifications. SIGNS No signs were shown on the plan submifted. Signs are regulated by the Springfield Gity Gode, 1965 - Article 9, Chapter 7. The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The locations of signs on a Site Plan do not constitute approval from the Communitv Seruices Division. A separate sign permit is required. Please contact Kaye \A/ilson at 541.726.3664 if you have any questions. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - REMINDER Systems Development Charges for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage and Transportation Systems will apply to this proposal at the time permits are issued. Estimated SDC's for these items total about $18,000.00. Actual SDCs will be determined prior to the issuance of building permits. Contact Ken Vogeney of the Public Works Department 541.726.3688 if there are any questions. CONCLUSION All applicable Glenwood Refinement Plan goals, policies and short-term transportation strategies and SDC Site Plan Review criteria of SDC 31.060(1)-(4) are addressed in this evaluation and found, as conditioned, to satisfy these applicable criteria, therefore, the Director finds this Site Plan Review application warrants preliminary approval. ".3:i,::'t*s-06-0146 SUMMARY OF GONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND NHAr NEEDs ro ii ri6mE ex THE APPLTGANT'-'io oerntN FINAL slrE PLAN APPRoVAL? Four copies of a Final site Plan, drawn to scale, is required within 90 days of the date of this letter incorpoiating the following conditions of approval: Gondition I Water On the Final Site Plan show:o The size of the existing service. Provide a notation if the size was increased from 1 inch. . Any special requirements for groundwater protection, especially indicating how potential spills and/or baks from the iubricating process and gray water from the car wash will be contained. lf necessary, attach a separate sheet to the Final Site Plan.o The location, size and height above ground of any required backflow prevention device demonstrating compliance with SDC 32.070, vision clearance standards.o The location of the required wellhead protection area sign.. Demonstrate compliance with any remaining issues in either SUB letter dated August 25, 1999. ln order to obtain final occupancy of the project, submit a letter addressing the issues raised by SUB and how they were addressed. Condition 2 Easementso Submit the originals of the recorded PUEs the City with the Final Site Plan.o Show the required 7 foot-wide PUE on the Final Site Plan. Condition 3 Sanitarv Sewer. Show the revised sanitary system and the existing stub on the Final Site Plan. Condition 4 Storm Drainaqe On the FinalSite Plan show:o The correct existing public storm drain system.. Either the connection to the system in lBth Street, or the connection to the back of the existing curb inlet near the southwest corner of the property.o The drywells for the roof drainage.. The grading, paving and drainage plan based upon an actual City benchmark prepared by a registered engineer show existing and proposed grades on the site as well as along the sidewalk and gutter along both street frontages provide design calculations.o The incorporation of Storm Water Quality Measures described on Page 7 of this report. lf the information cannot be placed on the Final Site Plan, the information may be submitted in letter form. Condition 5 Landscaping/lrrigation. Compliance with the landscaping requirements of SDC 31.140(21-(4)o The irrigation plan on the Finalsite Plan.._ Compliance with the street tree requirements of SDC 32.050(2). ' Replace any driveways proposed to be closed with curb, gutter and sidewalk. A notation must beplaced on the Finat Site plan. 9ondition 7 lnqress/Eqress On the Finatsite ptan show:o The driveway serving Mohawk Blvd. has been moved 10 feet to the south and that the driveway widthhas been reduced to 35 feet. ' The redesign both driveways so that they compry with SDC Diagram 32-c.. Compliance with SDC 32.070. Note: The plan submitted shows Tax Lot 5700 to be owned by "city of Springfield parks,,. This isincorrect and must be changed to the oregon oepartmLnt of rransportation on the Final sitePlan. APPEAL lf you wish to appeal this Type ll Limited Land Use Site Plan Review decision, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. Appeals must be submifted on a City form and a fee oi$25o.oo must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. Page 14 Jo, No. 1999-06-0146 PREPARED BY Planner lll