HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-03-15,?- c "ity of springfiel ?25 n. 5th street A. SPF!TNGFIET.E)I N FO RMATIoN : 726-3753 INSPECTTONS: 726-376s SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION LOCATToN oF SrcN (ADDRESS)J ,{. LECAL DESCRIPTION O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CIF OTHER THA}I PROPERTY olrNER) ADDRESS ( TA.\ LOT rt_r*:44.t2/ PHONE ./2 // g -t {at .,_, I t' }IAME OF BUSINESS. rIRM, ETC. U /-.r,OT BUSII:ESS D.USE AT.ID CIIA.RACTER OF SIGN: ZIDENTITY INCIDENIAI l ooust.c rece / SINGLE FACE !{LTLTI-rACE 4rD ,, floo PEA BOARD BILLBOARI) 3a -7z4oz DATE b VENDORS, SIGN - a- . ..|DDPESS d/ CITY LICENSE SIGN I.TANUFACTURER (IF OTHER TI{AN ERECTOR)pl a^h tr-- . TYPE OF I"IORK: EREcr {ar.trn - RELOCATE OTH}:R B STPJ'CTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: rrALL X rnresmNDrlrc ROOF PROJECTING MARQUEE . I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTHER rq c. (, DU,IEIISIONS, DISTALIATION & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TOIAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOT{TAL WIDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TlucKltEss oR DEprx e4 DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYONDPRoPERTI LrNE? _yEs _L noIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERIY LINE I9iE, rr PRorEcrrolr IS troRE rt*]E-o_yER puBt.rc pRopEpJy rI{E srcN rnucioR.!rusr FrLE r.rrrr{ THE sunorNc-Dryi5iongglrE! oF r{rs/}rER r.rasrr.rri erro-ii.oi;-ERry DAr'rAcE rlrsup"ANcr poiicrr-i: - "-- E t2' DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN ISCONSTRUCTED Or. . VALUE OF SIGN:// lo- I K ADDP.ESS Cregon perralning to t:1e worll descri,bgd ne.r:rn. I 'L EJ(ISTING SIGNS ARE THIRE ANy H(rsrutc srclrs? _fuzs _no ,./, AIL LXISTING SIGNSIOR DUSINESS, ETC. >b ,*-*tu*/- . I'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL IIIRITIG?(j-114--__--IT YES, MIICH APPLY?ELECTRI CAL SIGN -ILLUMINATED (INDIPJ cTF LIGI1TED) G. H J .L . SITE INFOF,}{ATIO}I (I.ATID I'SE) .. EXISTING USEoF BUrLDrltc oR r.AND (on ubr usE rF vacani> ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR ADDRESS LISC. .i, INDooR BUSINESS _OUTDOO3, I,IERCIIANDISING PR.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: l rA t)r t-.a . I HAVE CAREFULLY H(AUINED Ihe completed apPfurt,lication forher certify Pe'tha rmic and do heret all work gerformed byc be done inthat alltnformation ls Erue and correc t, and Iaccordance with theSorinqfleld and all Springfiother Or e1d Sign cl].nances Ordinance, the Uniforr:r Siof the Clry of fie I and the I Code as ertify shal I gn dcert!.fy thaEfulI force and eff ecE as recuir ed by Sp ringfield Codes cense wich Ehe City8-2-6(3) and g-7-20 of-spr adopced by rhe Cicy ofaws of che SEace ofSprinefurchernv 515n Corrraccor I-t-ingfield is inwill requesc listed on Ehe approvedpermic. NAHE (PLEASE NT) (2).I all required sign i.nspeccioni - s- ,/:t I E. '.f t q 3) 1) 2) 4) s) 6) 7> 8) e) seoaraEe Sisn Aoolication: A separace applicatlon is requlred for each separare slgn as deftnedfn-EE-e s-IEn'ToaE:- Eleccricll: Any per:uit issued under this application will include wiring i1 or on stgn sEructure,Ene supply wires for connecrion rDr.rsc be covlied or, ".r "i."cii""r;.;;;. Elecrricar connecElonutusc'be made onlv by a sEate Licensed Elecrricir-co.,iro"tor. r1lilmi.n;;ed signs (boch incernarlyel;.fX::."ally) irust conform ro-iuliio""-i:7:q-iai-d-ir> "na g-TIrlitor-tt" springfield sisn or_ Plans Reouired: Ttris-apprication is to be subElicted \rlth Eero coErplete seEs of plans showing d!-mensrons and height of-si.gn; advertising message-;;-"it"l !o""iioi-oi-"ig.r-o" plop"itv",.,ittr ai-mensions to properEy linei, "t.rr"i.r.;l e.a;ii;'or-""i99rr framing, bracing ancl foocings; r,rarerlalsot consEruction fof_"is,t and sign-sir,r"c.r""; erectrilil equipmenc and lighcing; size and rocacion ;i:'iii!iE?'ii5"3.3!,qiii;;::*'ii,i*;:;F"'i:il;i;*,:H]l.fa*;'el.:ililii:ri.:l,iii.rii,*!ning lnformation on che prot pr"i- <piin "t"rin!--pr;;;;;y rines and locagion of signs): a) show the location of all exisrlng slgn(s) as welr as proposed slgn(s).b) Show che lengch of the screeE f!si.gns, "i.r--Ei,. r".,!r[;i-il;;;il!ifi; !i|:t.;E.bv the business or building. For warr c) show the locacion of enErances open to the publtc and driveways. when required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and_calculations Erusc be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi itratt ionsoil r;-e;;ig" srandarEs o"-rii" ar Ehe Building Divi-sion Office. il]::o:t lnsufficient clarity or detail will be reEurned ro rhe applicant wlrh no permir being Signs oust lneet corrrer vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the springfieldComprehensi.ve Zoning Code. N9TE: No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically fron overheadereccrLcal conducrors in excess of 750 volis;;; i;";-than 5 feer in'any direcci.on fros overheadelectrical lines whlch are energizei at ress'tt""-i5o;;il": 'EEL a'a^r) # i.ili is, not installed within 60 days after the date of lssue of rhis perrait, rhe permir shall PLEASE REITTT ,/roorrnc oR METHoD or ATTACHMENT A'r:cs,tt Ins tions a) b) c) Slte rnsoecrion - to be *de before the sign rs placed. usualry, the Footinq rnsoectionrtr-€j-Ea-oreTmayb.en"aeai-ttr.-""'"tiieasthesiteInspect1on.@tion is .to be made- afEer hore(s) ls-;xc.vat"al-4"'i-plior to the placeuenr of concreE,e.Flnal Inspectlon:- to be uade upon coqletion of a1I work. i*=HH* ;.e'i.?:::'H!"lr;1T: H*":""r-nspecred ror erecr.rical hook up arter rhe sisn CAIJ. FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIIE 24 HOI'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT (:TI1 mTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ) INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LoCATIoII tzELECTRTCAL ')ot 1Y r0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIO}TAL IMORI,'ATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSTIED: AIPROVED BY ELECTRICAT PERMIT FEE: TOTAL: s'7 ?66 CLERK €P-f/. oq 11 JOB # SIGN PER},[T FEE: g oo STATE SURC}IARGE:d 'ts SECTION:o.-.L,.*,1 (-J- s{€trcRBr+I*}icE