HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-10-24SPRINGFIELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 0ctober 24, .l984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Glenn Hatleberg Alert Electric ]970 N. 28th St. Springfield,0R 97477 tSo.r l1 o I'ra^J k Subject: Taco Bell Store on Mohawk Blvd. Dear Mr. Hatleberg: 0n September 3, .l984, an inspection request was received from your company for a rough'inspection at the Taco Bell store located on Mohawk Blvd. That'in- spection was done on the following day and several corrections were requiredto be made. These corrections were written on a standard correct'ion sheet and posted on the job. Since then, I have been in contact w'ith you and your secretary on three different occasions concerning condujt that has not been buried at the proper depth. A recent casual inspection of the jobs'ite has revealed that the remodel job has been completed and is being used. We have not rece'ived any request for further inspect'ions. This has put you in v'iol a-tion of ORS 479.5.l0 through 479.990, known as the Electrical Safety Law. Let's get together and see if we can correct th'is s'ituation as soon as possible. This course of action could prevent the issuing of a c'itation to you for viola-tion of one or more of the appljcable statutes. Tjme, however, is of the essence and this matter must be resolved within ten days if we are to avo'idfurther actjon. Enclosed with this letteris a handout which you are urged toread. Thank you in advance for help making Springfield a safer place to live. S i ncerel y,);>u Ri chard C. Sel I ers Electrjcal Inspector RCS: sk Encl osure Pat F'itzgeral d State Enforcement Div. cc 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon97477 o 503/726-3753 t o SE}{DEE: &mplete ltoms l, 2,3, aN 1. Md pur address ln tho "BEIURN T0" spac0 0n r$rofso. !o 'no =: C!6 cc @oN (coilsuLr PoSTUAEIER Fon rEE$ l. The tollorxhg soryho ls requostod (chock ono). f,I Sn* m rrto, and dat delhnrsd D Sm, m *trrn, dato, and addross ol dellvery .. e. D nrsrncreD oEIJVERY........ fin t,{0frtd *tsf frc B cttswtt frt fr,M,! lrr, rltrr r!6t, b., mrI 3 o E')E co I 0 J {.J.> ,ln c,2,llto E! 3. ARTICLE ADDBESSED TO:-bTEnn -Hafliltieirs/Al ert El ectric I 970 N. z8th St. Snrinofield- 0R 97477 l. tvpr orEeRvrce: ERrersrenro .Ebennneo Eapness uul ARTICII IIUMEEB 329 968.l09 DrrusuReo Ecoo (Alrayc obhln slgnature ol rddrcsres or tgont) I haw rsctlyed lho artlcle described SIGIIATURE DAddr.ssee Etutnod,eo agent 5. sTB 6Ur 00 c).;egoAoDRESS (ort /r6. 7. UIIAETETO IELIVER EECAUSE: rGP(} rS8,:Ltlg!S3 t UNITED STATES POSTAL,SERVICE oFFtctAL 8US|XE88 l(.J!lllilt, U.S.MAIL^EG) PENALTY FOF PRIVATE usg g!00 RETURN TO ? .AIn{ r)tr .qPRILIGFTELD SENDER lNSf,RUCAOil8 ',) Iont lln , rddn[. md !P Gqh h tht r[C. lrlor.r ComDbb lbm 1. 2. 3. a0d 100 Ur. ,trrut!. o Albdlo lrgnt d dcb I rDlc. Drmlts,oti.rrbr rrft lo !.cl ol f,ild... Enrhnr ilth5 "R&m R.c.lDl [.{urbd',. adFcant b oumbtr. ftlnt bspoerr-ri,{treP StIe*l?& vtuc n xE SPRINGF 477, .i ,b-rar/'ffi ,qry.*e