HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1991-07-23city of springficlrl 225 n.5tlr street =;T'T.ItTV GFIELE'I NFOR.MATION : 726-3?53 I erqN@ INSPECTtONST 726-376e SIGN LOCATTON 0r' SIGN (ADDRESS)o LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I IT APPLICATION . .l PERM A. rcr. .I O}INER OR PROPERTT Tkao ( @obttt )PIIONE ?L b'-^ ?c,z g o or.INE& Or SrGr{ crF oTltE& Tll tl PRoPERTT owNER) . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: D. uss AND cM.itAcrER oF srGN: t)y'rro*rr"v INCIDETIIAL; DOUBLE FACE [/stlrclu rncu YITLTI.TACE t'; .. .P.EADER BOARD:-. . _BILLBoARD . i. E Gu 6r)9t 'fitatN +85, ,551L SIGN STP.UCTURAL TXPE 'OF SIGN: ' 3Lv*r, --;FREESTANDTuc ROOT PROJDCTI}IG MAROUEE - UNDER l,l RqUEE OTII.ER .B- urn oF woRK: ALTERVsw.cr _REL0CATE oTttf,R er6 ?"tl 9qrt ,z+ G. NO q H ? IT YES, IJIIICI: ,ztl.l.utrnnrtro ELECTRICAL o 7 LIGHTED) - ZZINlIMNFNLISC. .I'ILL SIGN IIAVE ELECTSJCAL D(ISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERN ANY EXISTIIIG AI,L D(ISTING SI,GNS roR EusrNEss. ETC. vEP.TrcAL DLlrENsroN oF srcN -3':6' lloRrzoNrAl wrDflr or srcN 3W DCES SIGN PROJECT DEYOND PROPERITr LrNE? _TES IF YES. DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE TILAN 12" 6VEE pusl.tc PRoPEP.TY THE srGN EREcroR }IUST TILE WI,TII TIIE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/IINR LIADILITY AI.ID PPOI'- ERTY DA}I,AGE INSURA}ICE POLICIES. E ll'-er" TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII. DU.IT,IISIONS, IIISTALLATIO}I TOTAL IIEIGIIT ADOVE GITADE & CONSTRUCTIOII /5'' o" DI}IENSION TROPI GRADE TO I}OTTOM OF SIGN _5" Il. DEscRTBE TypE oR vATERrALs.srcN rs CONSTRUCTED OT. 2,5n75-o$o iePP & IJ. srrs rNFoFl{ATrou (IIttD usn) ---ExrsrrNc usE olr DurlDr,ltc on r.ruto <on-tl3r usE rF vAcANT) -glruooon DusrNuss -curDool I4ERCIAIIDISING,I . ' 9A oJ tfut 0R IAND:-OT DUILDINGPROPOSED UsE I 1*oz..t DDILESS o CITT LICENSE TIT':.IBER - 255 ct-, srGN tt NUFACTUREII (rr OTllEIt ,r^ u*aroo) ADDP.ESS V ULE 'to-t-a, - Ltp€ ,: ,l i1 slG J ilf i{haiFmrtfi il!6"r--Fr*r {rt "* I . .t. .i,t ;. ',' ' 'h aDDREss " PtloNEL N ME or BusrNEss, rrRM, Erc. fnii'hgt* nPE or tusntess'Fft5T frio'? ,. : l;, , I ;:' : Zo. }.PPLY? ) K'rnru, oF srcN. Vt@'a I.l ,,.1 r,li,t;,,tr, PLEASE REA .' , ,-; ')l t i '.. ' Separale Stg,n Appltcatlon : D d'I i .,'rr,' ,i l.: r, ri l-l 1) It t;'ri i 1,,'r. 'r'r r., I .,. :.1 !, itji hil 1) 2) I separace applica ls requlred for each separeEe slgn.as deflned ln che Sign eode. Electrlcal: Ehe supply musc be mad and exEerne dlnance. 3)!f,ans Reqrlt_!:qd_:- Thls appllcatlon le to be subnltted wlch Euo compleEe secs of plans shoulng -dt-ffin_ffi;'sj-if-6'elght of iign; edverElslng message on slgn; locaulon of slgn on,ProperEy wlthrdl- mensions co propircy 1lnei, sEructural detalls-of supp6rc frauing, braglng and fooClngs; r:taEerlals of construcEion-for-sign Bnd sign sEructure; elecfrlial equipmenc and ltghtlng: slze and locaElon of existing eip,ns on pioperty Eot Ehe samo buslenss. all as requircd t,o deEermlnq comPllance wlthih.-s;;i;;Er.iE--iriii biai"""L.-(erirctu-z or *re ipirninerd ciuy code). Arso,.ihow the fo1low- lng lirformaElon on-the ploc plan (plan showing propcrty llnee and locac,lon o.[ slgns): Any perurlc lssucd under thls applicaElon will lncludo wlrlng 11 or on slgn scrucEure, wlres for connection musu be covercd on an elect,rical porrniE. Electrlcal connecc,lon .,... ,e only by a Scace Llcensed Electrlcal ConcracEor. Illurninaced slgns (boch lncernallylly) musc conform co Secrtor.r.: 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of chc Sprlngfleld 51gn,Or- . .i .i ,,i1.,i.] rl1ir6.' For wal1' { .r. ,i a) Show Ehe locaElon of alL exlstlng slgn(s) as well as proposerl slgn(c). b) Show the lengch o( che acreec frontage taken up by che buslness or bul1slgnsl show Ehe lcngch of the buildlng fronEage. c) Show the locaclon of entrances.open Eo thc publlc and drlvewayel i 4)l.llren requlred, because of deslgn, slze. etc., englneered drawlngs and calculacions musc be p pared by a licensed englneer or shall conform to doslgn sEandards on flle at, the Ilulldlng Dlilon Offlce. , ., i , rf g- vl- 5) Plans -of lnsufflcr.enc clarlty or detalL wtlL be reEurned to the appllcanE wlth no p lssued. ., . : ,,., , .-: i ersdE being r"i 6) Slgns musc ltreet corner vlsloo clearance requlremenEs as descrlbed ln Figure 9 of, Che Springfleld .. Comprehensive.ZonlngCorle. : ! i 7) NOfq: No slgn nay be erecEed whlch ls Less than 12 feet horlzonEally:or vertically from'overhead i' El6Ecrlcal conductors in excess of 75Q volcs, or less Ehan 5 feet, in any dlreccion froo overhead I elecErlcal 1lnes whlch are energized aE less Lhan 750 volus B) If a elgn ls bs votd... , , nou lnscalLed wlthln 60 days after the dace of lssue of rhls peruiE, the pernlE shall ,I "e)Ins ec lons : a) 51te Inspectlor! - to be nade before the sign ls placed. UsualLy, Ehe Footln8 Inspectlon che SlEe Inspectlon. ilhc foocing Inspec- ut, prior to Ehe placemenE of concrece. all work. ced for electrlcal lrook up afcer the slgn CALL rOR TuE REQUTRED INSPECTTONS ON r"HE 24 llotiR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOIAL SqUARE'TOOTAGE OF SIGN lrat,lon aFFfi-ca6le) may , is co be uade , be uade ac rhe saue tl,me as af,ter hole(s) ls excavaEeri, b b) Flnal Inspeccl-on:- to be made upon corpteiton of c) .$lectrlcat - +11 elcctrlcal-slgns musc be lnspecfs er-EiAEEeA and before the sl,gn ls turned on. @,r .SITE/LOCATIOII X*OIT'"-K""u.*rr* , *rry" OR METIOD OT ATTAC}IMENT O1}IER SPECTITL CONDITI,ONS TO BE SATISTIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIoN^L INroru,!\TIoN NEEDED BEro&E PERMIT MAI BE ISSTIED: t.,' ll t, ( AIPROVED BY: ,t rrr. ' I(.1 TOT\L: ,ffi JOB SIGN PER}IIT FEE: DA]tr CLE&K SECTION I SIGN ORDINAIICE ' i.',t .' :t I . ,'! : , t rl',,' 225 PIFTH SI3BEf, SPRTNGFTBU), oRBGoN 97477 INSPBCTION RBQIESTT 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 I.BGAL Permi t s are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contracto@ Address\\\O \\ b.S\ c i t y tF e.rlsc=srs-:sPhon"]if\i}}\} Supervisor License Number 3-fD\5 Expiration Date \o\q* constr contr. Number 'bS*5=t- Expiration Date \o\l\"rt Signa of ising Electrician 0vners Name Address Ci ty one OIINER INSTATLATION The installation is being made on property I own vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATB: RECEIPT BI.,BCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Number 3. COHPIJTE FBE SCEEDULE BELOS A. Nev Residential-Sing1e or HuIti-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost $ 8s.00 st,nrNGFtELo 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereo f Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder atu Sum $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 B.Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0n1y C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation D. Branch Cireuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Pane1 One Circuit S 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrBrr above s s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 E 5 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ Sign/0utIine Lighting-T $ Lini ted Energy/Res _ $ Limited Energy/Comm $ SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL not included) 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 m CD Ott"o RECEIVBD BY: 'r\t?ffi'ot.rnAtn () I CITY OF 225 TIFTH STREBT SPRINGPIELD, OREGoN 97477 INSPECTION RB0UEST: 726-3769 0PPICB: 726-3759 1 SP}IINGFIELO BLBCTRICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION City Job Number 3. COHPLBTE trEE SCIIBDUIJ BBLOV A Nev Residential-Slng1e orMulti-famlly per dvelling unlt. Servlce Included:Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less Bach addltlonal 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf,d Home or Modular Dvelllng Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 3s.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: IJGAL DESCN PTION Sum JOB DBSCR,IPIION Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork ls not started wlthin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COT,If,RACTOR INSTALIJTTION ONLY Erectricat conrrac ,o, il{ryf 4ffi t'7to Z8r1+L00 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Address 00 00 00 00 00 00 9/,Cl ty Lh €d4^"^" Supervlsor License Number J43 s Expiration Date (o*l -?z constr contr. Number ZDSTC Explration Date /c-l ^7/ ture of ing Blectrician Name Address CIty Phone OVNBR INSTALI,/\TION The installation is belng.made on property I own vhich is not lntendedfor sale, lease or rent. 0vners Signature: Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation 3 $3s $oo $e0 $130 $3oo$rs $ 3s.00 $ s0.00 $ 1s.00 ee trBtr aSove c 200 amps or less $ 201 amps to 400 amps - $ Over 401 to 600 amps _ $ 0ver 600 amps or 1000 volts s 3s.00 40.00 80.00 D. Branch Clrcuits New, Alteration or Extenslon Per Panel One Circuit Tvo to ten Clrcults Each Addt,l ten orportion thereof SUDTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL i B. Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Slgn/outllne Llghtlns- $ 36.00 Slgnal Clrcuit or limited energy panel $ 36.00 DATB: RBCBI PT RECBIVBD III: 5 /L CO M M ERCIAL/I N DUSTRII.- PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fitlh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 SPFlINGFIELO JoB NUMBE^ a, /a7 I NSPECTION LIN E: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP '74) 7.? 57a ) L)TAX LOT: zte, ?27a./STATE: OWNER: ADDRESS CITY: ADDITION VALUE,(+-DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIPTION OF WORK: NEW- REMODEL MECHANICAL: NAME ADDRESS PHONE EXPIRES PHONECONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT: ELECTRICAL: ADDRESS @ PLUMBING GENERA CONST. CONTRACTOR # PLU MBING NO.FEE CHARGE Relocated Bld (new fix. addtl s ) Water Service ft. Sanitary Sewer ft. Storm Sewer ft. Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT MECHANICAL NO trtrF (:HA EIGtr /Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs -/ oob. Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Stationary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duct Vent f rom System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct G,qs Srrrt+o .-) a-a Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT ra/r'/.->?aF ,\UNID *N _ OFFICE USE ZONING HANDICAP ACCESS LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER * OF TJNITS: LAND USE: OCCY GROUP: * OF STORIES: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: FLooD PLAIN: ' /. $/SQ. FT.VALUESQ. FT. /frAo rorAL VALUE OF PROJECT ?/ae €7 . 7 SQ. FTG X X X SQ. FTG MAIN SO. FTG OTHER PLAN cHEcK FEE /?€,76 Rcpr, fteB / oerc {'26-?/BY 153,?a BUILDING PERMIT /?7*PLUMBI NG DEMOLITION 5% State Su rch arg e ?.6.f'5% State Surcharqe MECHANICAL -.r 4- alc,FENCE VALUE $ 5% State Surcharoe /- 2s SIOEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITS PAVING CURBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 4a?AD.11-) . TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL a?z PHoNE: #f-u^t Single Fixture 5,zae -REOUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holderto see that all inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, call 726-3769 (recorder), state your City designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. \/SITE INSPECTION: To be r ROUGH PLUMBING, PAVING: After gravel is in made after excavation, but ' ELECTRICAL & place but prior to placing prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete. be covered until these UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, inspections have been made SpECIAL INSpECTIONS: ln acoordance ELECTRICAL & and approved. Section 306 0f the State Specialty Code MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel in place, but prior to placing concrete. CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed. UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be made prior to covering or f illing trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or f loor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with UBC 2415, ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to installing any roof covering. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing inspection. X FRAMTNG: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering is applied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and f inished. a special inspector shall be employed by the Owner/ Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 PS.l. (306 a.1) STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the job. (2722 t) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installation and ti ghteni ng operations. (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U.B.C. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AN D FILLING: During earthwork. (306 a.11 & Chapter 29) GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnspection Certificate by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed. (2501 U.B.C. STDS. 25-1011). STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a.7) *ln addition to the inspec- tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. I / SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAYT Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the p street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the Si gnatu Date roper time, that project address is readable f rom the approved set of plans will remain on the site at alltimes duri nstru c VALIDATION VED:453 7aAMOUNT REC RECEIPT *: DATE PAID: RECEIVED FINAL PLUMBING x FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT J SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot stri ping, etc. must be completed before requesting this inspection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, etectrical, mechanical and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: -PLANS REVIEWED DATE s-7 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUpANCy will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employeeswho are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. r v