HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1995-07-26O;atr*qCt*C 225 FTYTE SlBEEf, SPRIICFIBU), oREGol{ 97 zoning, and as submftad has approval.roquiro specrfic land c. B. BIJSTRICAL PERTTIT APPLICATION City Job Nunber EEE SCEEDT'I,E BELOS Nev, AI teration or Extension Per Pane1 SPflI}IGFIELO Authorized Signatur 1.OF INSTALI.ATION A. IJGAL JOB DESCRTSrION //1)6ruM Pernl ts are non- lf vork is not s of lssuan ceorl 180 daYs. 2. CONItsACIOR INSTAIJ'ATION ONLY B' Ele c t r i cal Con t rac t o r Phil ips-flrec'f-Lj-c't- Inc' Address INSPECTION RBOIIEST: OPPICE: 726-3159 Cit! Frrgeno Phone 91402 bb8'012/ Supervisor License Number ^71qs Nev Resldentlal-Sing1e . or iiiiti-r"tilY Per dverling unit' service rncrudedt ,a"rs cost 1000 sq.ft' or-Iess S 85'00 iu"t ".iai tional 5oo-ss. f!.or portion g 15.00 Each Hanuf'd llome or Services or Feeders ii"t.ii"tion, Alterations or Relocation: HIUiifl ,*:"ii::,ll'li"li'i"1o"" t ion ifli]ii ;;i',[,'1ffi.*" l"1ail =Over 600 amps ol Branch Circuits 7 L0/e5 Sum ffi:ffiI.'Jl':id=|,Hfi < ExPiration Date Constr Contr' Number 20-179C Expiration Dat Slgnature of ing Electrician Ovners Address cl Phone DATE: OVNER INSTALI'ATION The lnstallatloir ts beirig made on Droperty I ovn "ttiitt-f! iot lntended i;;';;iL' lease or rent Omers Signature: ', one Circuit / Each Additional-Eii"rit or vith service oi ru"der Permi t Hiscellaneous (Service/ f eed -n."tt lnstallation iii[zottiine-Li ght lns- liilit"a EnergY/Res et0 D f $ 35.00 3s $ 2.00 -er not included) $ 4o.oo $ 40.00 ,$ 20.00 $ 36.00 RBCEIVBD 5.STIBTOTAL oF AlovB ^ = ?€o=o= #";;;; iu'ct'"r!" 1,2 + rQl--fu not g nq v1 D,a and exPlre