HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-02-04CI[trTf OF SPH,IISGFIETJIf If,lF0R.'(\TI0N : 7 26- 37 33 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CIfi OF SPRINGFIELD SIG:\i CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION COTIB INAT ION APPL ICATION/ PE R\ItT I);SPECTIO.\- REQUESTS: 726- j:69 LoCATI0N OF SIGN(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OI{NER OF PROPERfi z€TAX LOT f PHONE ADDRESS zlP oliliER 0F SI6I(IF OTHER T[LL\ PRoPERTY olrTvER) AI]DRESS NA"\IE OF BUSITESS, FI[\I, ETC.E OF BUSINESS PHONE PROJECTIN6 INCIDENTAT DOUBLE FACE 6 ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTHER -l toeurtrr NON- I DENTITY SECONDARY !' srxcr.e rnce I\ruLTI- FACE VENMRS. CONT&\CTORS: 7 GN CHECK x I{ALL .. R00F - MARQUEE OTHER FREEST]T\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD SIGN ERECTOR PHONE A.DDRESS CIfi LICE.T-SE l:LJl.lBE ExP. DArE 2:4F- 8/ SIGN }iiI"\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL{\ ERECTOR) A.ODRESS PHONE / ELECTRIC.\L ADDRESS LICENSE NUTIBER L TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE CRADE VERT ICAL DITIENSION OF SIGN ',J?l HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SICN_/'-Z THICKNESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN ?,,DIIIENSION FRO}I GRADI TO EOTTOI\I OF SIGN 11, DoESsIcNPRoJEcTBEYoNDPRoPERTYLINE-YEsX*oIFYES,DIl'lENSIoNBEYoNDPRoPERTYLINE- IiOTE: IF PR0JECTI0N IS l.lORE TllAr\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERfi THE SIGN ERECIOR itruST FILE ltlITIl THE BUILDING DMSION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILIfi Pg\D PROPERTY DATIAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. wrLL sIGN HAVE ELECTRTCAL lvrRrNG? l#ss _No DESC9.IBE TYPE OF :I.\TER,I.T\LS SIG}I IS CO}IST9.UCTED OF CAL SIGN ILTUI\IINATED (INDIRECTLY LICHTED)IF YES, ITIHICH APPLY? PROVIDE UL NU}IBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE oF srcN 2 o S-''r SITE INFORIIATION (1tu\D USE)--EXISTING USE oF BUILDING 0R LAr\D (0R LAST USE IF yACANT); 'i .4sSd 7rf F/tlt.aatl2,r.a.1 fa pRoposED usE oF BUILDING o* t oT{iisoa,z*< 4rtzuc/ll S&arc AS- CHECK oNE IF APPLICABLE: VINDooR BUSINESS 0L[D00R IIERCHtu\DISING EXISTING SIGIS (SiGN CODE): FIR."I, ETC.: ARE rHERE EXTSTTNG SrGNS? XYES _NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXrST-ING SIGNS. FOR lqS.lIESs, AtL EXISTING SIGNS 0N pREr"rrSES(SA\'E TAX LoTJ i.a4ta4-' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED rhe conpleted application fot pe:mit and do hereby certify that all inforrnation hereon is true and colrect, and I further certify that alt uork perforned shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopred by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that roy Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by SprJ.ngfield City Codes 8-2-6(,3) and 9-7-2OCZ\. I sill request all required sign inspections listed on the approved perrdt, NAME(PLEASE PRIMT)2aert/ *t SICNATUR;DATE /-2 ?-'?/ SIGN DISTRICT INSPECTIONS REQUIRED DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE ,FOOTAGE OF SICN ATTACH]ENT ferrcrnicrL $lNrr. FEES rorAl FEE Fon PERI'IIr:I [ 5.te STATE SURCHARGE 00 OTI-IER SIGN PERMIT CTIARGES:#6,01 ELECTRICAL PERI\IIT CTIARCES: rtoNE IT I'ALIDATIO}iKEAD 1)licetion: A separate application is required for each seParsfe slgn as in the Sign Code 2)Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wir- ing in or on sign structure, the supPly wires for connection nust be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be nade oniy by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externelly) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)6(5J and 9-7-lS of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Required: This application is to be submitted with two complete foocings; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equipnent and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the sanre business, all as required to determine compliance nith the Springt'ield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, sh6w the following informati.on on the Plot Plan (Plan showing property lines and location of signs): n) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the locarion of entrances open to the Public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, because of design, size, etc,, engineered drawings and calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficienc clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant vith no perrnit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) !iOTE: lio sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally 6i verticrlly from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less th3n 5 feet in any directi.on frou overhead electrical Iines which are energized at less than 750 volts. ' B) If a si;n is not installed rvithin 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the pernit shall be void, s)Insoect ions seii ot plans drewn to scale, showing r vertising message on sign; location of to property Iines, structual details o: CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 726-3769. dimensions and height of sign; ad- sign on property with dimensi.ons f support framing, braci.ng and a) b)Final Inspection - to be made upon conpletion of a1l work Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, @ (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site lnspection. The Footing Inspection j.s to be aade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of conctet e. CLERK DATE c) Electrical - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign i.s turned on. HOUB INSPECTION LINE AT !l t' SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE IED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: 7t SAT1SF 2LZ,a-4 '&tr, ADDITIONAL INFOR.\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT BE ISST'EDIVIAY * dqA,L_ '-dt-//?t///- 1/t-d 0 ; A / €, brzfrnL 6t*t/" /,{nAql' a*/- d / /.'U o / PI.A,NS REVIEIfED BY .L c(rt t 1 z-z \ II|F0RMATION: 726-S7Ss CITT T OF SPF,I}TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRINCFIELD SIG:{ CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRICAL I:.JSTALIITION CO}IB INAT ION APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT IliSPECTIOrl REQUESTS : 7:6- j:b9 LOCATIoN 0F SIGX(A0DRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTIO},I OI{}IER OF PROPERfi a'.TAX LOT F PHONE ADDRESS ZTP oliNER 0F SICI(IF OTHER TttL\ PRoPERTY otrlvER) AODRESS }IA\IE OF BUSINESS, FIR\l, ETC. x ERECT RELOCATE ALTER qNIER E OF BUSI)IESS .l, toeurtrr NON- IDE.\TITY SECONDARYPROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE !i sr"-cle recr }ruLTI-FACE RK:TYPE OF SIG]\ i RooF MARqUEE OTHER FREESTA\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD x $IALL VENDORS SIGN ERECTOR A.DDRESS CITY LICENSE / PHONE ExP. DATE 2 -/r-8/ SIGN NiL\UFACTURER (IF oTltER TtL{\ ADDRESS PHONE ELECTRIC.{L ADDRESS PHONE NT.I}'BER TorAL HETcHT ABovE G&IDE ,V l/'VERTICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN ?, ?,,HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF stc[_/f l2/: CAL SIGN ILLUTIINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGTTED) DIIIENSI0N FROII GR\['[ T0 BOTT0ll 0F SIGN ICIilESS OR DEPTH OF SiGN DOES SIGN PRG]ECT BEYOND pROpERfi LINE yES x NO IF YES, DI.\IENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE I:OTE: IF PROJECTIO)i IS:.|ORE TtIAfi 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR },ILIST FILE IVITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OFHIS PUBLIC LIAEILITY A.\D PROPERTY DAIIACE INSURANCE POLICIES. r{ItL SIGN HAVE ELEGTRICAL t{IRI.r-G? !!rS . XO DESCP.IBE TYPE OF Y.\TERI.\LS SIG}I IS CO}ISTP.UCTED OF IF YES, IIHICH APPLY? PROVIDE UL MJ}IBER IF APPLI VALUE oF SIGN 9 o S-'" SITE INFO&UATION (LA.\D USE).-EXISTING IJSE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF YACfu\T) pRoposED usE oF BUrLDr,\c * ^*oTrdasj)Jzf:i 4;aztv€/u/ sEZ D? ii CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: VINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR TIERCHfu\DISING EXISTTNG 516{5 (Si6N C00E): FIR.Y, ETC.: ARE TjERE EXISTING SIGNS? 5iVrS _llO IF YESI DESCRIBE ALL EXTSTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ALL EXISTING SIGNS 0N PREIIISES(S,LUE TAX LOT) id.4t 4/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EX/I.\IINED the corDpleted application for peroit and do hereby certify that all infornation hereon is true andcouect, and I further certify thac all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordi.nances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of 0regon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that Ey Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(J) and 9-?-2OL2\. I will requestall required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAfiE(PLEASE PRI}I-T ,TURJ SIGN DISTRICT zZONE DISTRICT INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED SITE/LOCATION -FOOTING OR METIIOD OF ATTACHIIENT TOTAL SQUARE IOOTAGE OF SIGN -l! '' , . .. i ,=' " -- r, ELECTRICAT VTTNIT!-F \.'i\f'-aP/., FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PER}IIT:I5 .t-\D STATE SURCHARGE I'o0 _01}IER SICN PERMIT CHARCES: ELECTRICAL PER,\IIT CII.ARGES:"4t i ,4sSa €;aDr Frtuz.tzc,2./ fa- l. I l- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Holl Springlield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works ( OFFICTAT RECEIPT ilo. B 55'869( P KEII) 1)s","'"!" !lu l!o'lllilii'i. tnl'Eili':":::tt'"""n is requir seParsEe jlgn 35 oetrl Electrical: Anv permit issued under this aneti^catl11,:1ll^l ffi^,iin.'.'u".ure,thesupPlywiresforconnectron covered on an electrical peimit' Electrical connection must onty by 3 stale r-ic"nl"i 'giectri"at ,contractor' Illuminated internitly ,nd u*tu.nliiyi-*t:st^"ot'forrs to sections 9'7'1 (4 9-z-fs ot-'the Springfietd Sign ordinance' L \.rd ALkt rs, '.gn Do 2) 3)Plans Reouired: This aPP I icat ion is to be submitted with tw Rec'd F ffipians dravn to sca le, showing dimensions and height vertising r:le5sage on sign;location of sign on propertY with to prope rty lines, structua I details of suPPo rt framing, bra fooc ings;DJterials of construct 10Il for sign and sign struct trical equiPnen t and lighting; size and loiation of existing p roPertY for the sane business, all as red to determine Received For:requi wirh rhe spri Ordinance (Article 7 of the SPring Code) .AI so, ngfield Sign shiiw the fo llowing infodaation on the plot Pla ( showin g property Iines and location of signs) ir).Shoythe]'ocationofallexistingsign(s)aswellaspro b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the b bui ld ing. c) Show the locati'on of entrances open to the public and dr l{hen requlred, becsuse of design' size' etc" engineered dra calculetions r.lusr be p."p"r"a 6y'a licensed engineer or-shal to des,.gn standards oi-tif" tt ihu Building Division office' Plans of insufficienc clarity or detail will be returned to pii."n. t{ith no Perni't being issued' Siqns must mee! corner vision clearance requirement's as,desc fiil-9 "f-.he-springfield Comprehensive Zoni'ng Code' I(OTE: lio sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet hor #t"tai..iri rtot overhead electrical conductors in excess "ifit, or leis th3n s feet in any direction froo overhead el lines vhich .r" "n"tgiiJJ-"i t"tt than 750 volts' ' If a si;n is no! installed rvithin 60 days after the date of ir,ii p"ioit, the Perjnit shall be void' Ine(. G, (.. " 4) s) 6) 7) Irit Amounl Received 8Y B) e) Z€O SIGNATURE SHELION.TURNEU!L FRINTEIS ' EUCENE, Oi 974Ot 5A5!!'' CLERK DATE Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed'- tua @ (if applicable).may,be made at t! time as the srte tnrp"=.iio"" The Footing Inspection tt F--:--:. iaJ" "fter hole(s) ii excavated, but plior to the Placement ot concreE e. Final Inspection - to be made uPon complerion of all work' Electrical - All electrical signs nust be insDected for electri- Ei-f'oo,, up "rtu, tr,u'^rigi'it-!tt"t"d and before the sign is lurned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 726-3769. 24 HoUl TNSPECTToN LINE AT a) InsDections b) c) la -- SPECIAL COXDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: 7 ADDITIONAL INFOR\IAT ION BEFORE, PERMIT I"IAY BE ISSIJED: / r- 1r *-- --{---, - --- aL-L/ /- NEEDED /. ,,/ ., .-t.. LUI:1:dj it(' /(.--" *{ r. { }-'' -.y'-, !-- €i-:l1 s-:/7"^"' /1 _- *t .i/ -;' DATE PI,.A,\S REVIEI{ED BY: t ( ":!t \