HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1991-09-06city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRTNGFIELE' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION INFoRMATtON; 726-37s3 INSPECTTONS: 726-376s A' r.o.orroN oF srcN (ADDREss) 1441 Y\o***rtv- putv or.JNER oF srcr.r CrF or[ER THA]I pRopERTy owNER) €l$Jhr\r3 AJNTe]r )?oc> OT .BUSITIESS PHONE FLsff rul'a*r v8t|^v1 (.t TA"Y LOT -JtLECALr? o \ Li 7+ NAME OT BUSIIIESS, FIRM, ETC. ADDRESS OI"INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS SAME STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: _xluell FREESTANDTIIG ROOF _PROJECTTNG MAROUEE UNDER I,IARqUEE OTIIER c.USE AI{D CHARACTER OF SIGN: K ronntrty -INCIDENTALDOUBLE FACE _srNGLE FACE MTILTI.FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD D.TYPE OF WORK: _liennct ALrER RELOCATE OTI{IiR B SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TIIAN ERECTO*' SAPI&- . DATE E P}IONE nan ol6e1-ac . AhhDrcc'r^UU^AJJ CITY LICENSE III]]"1B ADDP.ESS . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: srcN EREcroR Dq5oP Slc+JS tt4o 'oa€v*J ff. EXISTING SIGNS ARE T}IERE ANY EXISTI}IG SIGITS? H 5o$ (8t,,to...o ot.., €ooP G. lI0 \.tfl ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR BUSINASS, ETC. IILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL T,'IRING?-J!O IF YES, !il{ICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _rLLrlt,rrNATED (rNDrp-EcTffi Lrcxtso) LISC.NT'MBEN - PUC}IE _ H. ELECTI.ICAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS DI],IE}ISIONS, UISTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI}'{ENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL }IIDT}I OF SIGN DII.IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE TIIAN 12" NEE punIlc PROPERTY T}:E ,SIGN ERECTOR I'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PROP. ERTY DAI'IAGE I}ISURANCE POLICIES. ,*ll lGt lol lL lro E YES , TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTII. DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? I,F YES, DI}IENSI.ON BEYOND PROPERTY LINE J'rr* rNFoF]{ATroN (,AND us,) OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I,AST X.ruooon BLrsrNEss -ourDoo^l l'rERcHAt'lDrsrNc PBoP0SED usE 0F ,Erffil*r, /'1u b*srr*r€5> .- EXISTING USE USE IF VACANT)DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OT. f'tE>a Pt-1r.,;oo1z t. . VALUE OF SIGN:K 4** I-'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI1INED rhe completed applicaEion,for permiE-and do hereby certlfy thaE all informarion ls true and correct, ind t fullher certify that all work perforined shali be done in accordance with-ihe spii"eii"ia'sig" ordinance, ctre- uirif-tt-sigt Code-as-adopted Fy..l" CLty of Sor:-nefield and.lt olher"orainancEs ;i-iil; ciiv of-sprinefielE.and the laws-of chL srate of Cregon percalning-io ii.r" worli aescij-bed ne!ern.- t fuithei-certlfy that mv fgiS: C?',!:actor Ll- cenJe with rhe dltv'oi-'spii"iri"ta-is-in furl force and effecc as-required by springfield codes 8-r-6(3) ana g-ililO(rt.' i rlff requesr all requlred sign inspectiond listed on Lhe approved \ TE 7-6 -7/ a SIGNATURE t6tslS permit. NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT) I I 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7). 8) e) PLEASE REATZ SeoaratesienApplicaEion:AseParateapplicationisrequlredforeachseparatesignasdefined th the Sign Code Electrical: Any permit issued under thls application will include wirlng in or on sign sEructure' EEsupffy wires foi connection musE Ue covllea on an .ft"tii""f p-ermif'- Electrical connectlon must be made onry by a state Licensed Electrlcal co"tra"ioi. rrrir*itaued signs (both incernally and exEerna*y, mul'r;.#;;;;-5;;;i";i-i:i:i-?ai-E-(5i-ila g-z-ra or the springrierd sign or- dinance. plans Required: Thls application is to be submitted wlEh t'wo compLete s ft.-*L"-ff"-"fff"igitt-or-'"ii"; "a""rtising message-on sign; l-ocaEion 9f "+ mensions Eo properry 1ines, -strucEurai Eetafts-of supp6rt framing, bI"'i of consErucgion for'"iE"-..rd.ign stiucture,; eLecrrlthl,equipment and.li of existing signs o"-pii-p"ity f;.\ the same busienss, all as required to the Springfleld siin biainanle (Arrt]I-i-oi-itrJ spirnzrield Citv Code) ' ing inforrrariol orrtth;-;i;";1",i--ipi."-ttowing prolertj lines and locati eEs of Plans showing di- gn on pioperty with di- ilg and' fo6tings; materials sEtlne: size and location Xeteriine comnliance with Also,. dhow the fol1ow- ,on of signs) : a) show the location of aL1 existlng slgn(s) as well ""' p.opo""d slgn(s) ' b) Show the lensth of the street frontage taken uP by the busLness or bullding' For walI ;i;;s; ito, [t. length of the building frontage' c) show Ehe locarion of entrances oPen to the public and drlveways. WLren required, because of design,. size, etc., englneered drawings and-calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed englneer oi strau-ioniom to-a."1gn-standatE. ot, ftle at the Building Divi- sion Off1ce. plans of lnsufficienE elarity or detail will be returned to the applicant wlth no permit being Figure 9 of the SPringfield or verticallY from overhead any direction' fron overhead be void. Inspections:_.+-a)?t+="..,l,it#t,.i,..|"ql"#i3:"!"|fi",:}::ig:*li:ti;'ii:iiili.I1"ffi- rion is .o u" i"i!'"il"i-ilJr;i"i--r"-;;"v.c.a, but prior to the placemenc of concrete' b) Final Inspeccion,- to be made upon coryletion of all work' .; E1.;".1 - all electrical signs must be lnspected for erectricar hook up afEer the sign ffia and before the sign-ls Eurned on. cAr,L roR .rHE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726'3769 SIGN DISTRICT -M*-L, ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Or SrGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: 4 issued. Siens must Ineet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Coiprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: I,lo sign may be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horlzontally ffiitr".r-"6"a""tot" i.r.*"""s of 750 vo1ts, gr 19:! than 5 feeE in electrical fines wtrich-are energized at less than 750 volts ' If a sign is noE installed within 60 days after the date of tssue of thls permit'the permit shall \- SPECIALCONDITIONSTOBESATISFIEDBETOREERECTIONOFSIGN: ADDITIONAT. INTORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY: DATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEEI 57. STATE SURCIIARGE TOTA].; DATE ')< O CLERK aleqlqt RECEIPT A SIGN PERMIT FEE JOB # SECTION: J*N SIGN ORDINAIICE SITE/LOCATTOI{ -FOOTTNG OR METHOD 0F ATTACHMENI -ELEcrRrcAL y!r** co