HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-03-31SPRTNGFIELf,'
Department of Public Works
March 31, 1982
Itlr. John M. Carraher
3873 West Manitch
Salem, Oregon 97510
RE: Occupancy Inspection at 1408 Mohawk B1vd., Springfield, Oregon
Dear Mr. Carraher:
At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted an Occupancy
Inspection of the structure located at the above referenced address.
The proposed use of the structure as an amusement center will categorize that usage as a
A-3 Occupancy. The following items shall be installed or repaired before a Certificate
of Occupancy will be issued.
1)A11 wa1ls sha11 be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction terminating
at the underside of the roof sheating. S.S.C. 505
2) A second exit must be provided in the back of the building. The corridor serving
that exit shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction with door
openings being protected by a door assernbly having a fire protection rating of not
less than 20 minutes. The doors shal1 also be of an automatic or self-closing tfPe.
S.S.C. 3304 and 4306
3) The rear exit door shall swing in the direction of travel and shaI1 not be provided
with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. S.S.C. 3315 (d)
4) A locking device other than panic hardware may be used for the main exit door pro-
vided the locking device is openable from the inside without the use of a key and
there is a readily visible sign adjacent to the doorway stating 'TTHIS DOOR MUST
5) An illuminated exit sign shall be installed clearly indicating the direction of
egress from the rear exit corridor. S.S.C. 33t2
6) Separate restroom facilities shal1 be provided with a ninimum of two water closets
per restroom (50% of mens may be urinals). S.S.C. Table 5-E
7) The lavatories in restoorns of A-3 0ccupancies sha1l:
A) Be equipped with outlet devices which linit the flow of hot water to a
maximum of 0.5 gpn.
Q--i-.-S:': " nnnnn a (tfl/EG^sFPi225 \Iorth [rli $i1csl q
Mr. John M. Carraher
0ccupancy Inspection
1408 l{ohawk Blvd.
March 30, 1982
Page 2.
B) Be equipped wigh devibes which linit the outlet teilperature to a
maxinum of 110-F.
C) Be equipped with self-closing valves that limit delivery to a max-
imum of 0.25 gallons of hot water. S.S.C. 5308
g) The restroom facilities shall be provided with a mechanically operated_ ventilating
system that shall be kept continuously in operation during such time the building
is occupied. S.S.C. 605
1) The main service shall be sized for the alnperage load required and shall provide
adequate spaces for the overcurrent devices for each circuit. E.S.S.C. 23A-74,94
2) The wiring method for all exposed wiring shall be netallic raceway. E.S.S.C. 330-4
g) All electrical equipment shall be listed by a qualified electrical testing labora-
tory. E.S.S.C.90-6
4) Receptacle outlets shal1 be provided adjacent to all cord connected equipment.
E.S.S.C.210-so cb)
S) The lighting feeder demand load shall be 100e, at 2 watts per square foot. E.S.S.C'
Table 220-2 (b), 11
IIOTE: An electrical contractor shal1 compute the total demand load for the
lighting, motor feeders and the service equipment and shall be approved
by this office.
1)A11 openings into the drainage or vent system except for -those where plumbing fix-
tur.es are properly connected shall be peinanently pfugged or capped in an approved
manner. P.S.C. 3t4 (c)
The drainage and vent piping for the existing laundTy tTay shall be removed or re-
paired in lccordance with approved code standards. P.s.c. 501
The existing water heater shall be provided with a 3/41' gate valve, supply flex- con-
nectors and a pressure relief valve piped to an approved drain. P.s.c. 1007 Ce)
The sink drain that is connected to the roof irain downspout shall be removed and
the hole properly plugged. P.S.C. 410
Water closet bowls for public use shall be elongated bowls equipped with open front
seats. P.S.C.901
It{r. John M. Carraher
Occupancy Inpsection
1408 l.{ohawk Blvd.
March 30, 1982
Page 3.
The above items are requirements for the existing building on1y. Other itens such as
parking and required licenses have not been addressed as part of this initial inspec-
tion report.
Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753.
V.--/c-..- a\\).\-
David J. Puent
Building Inspector
DJP/ 1s