HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1978-11-14tllrt,All tMl tlT (11 l)tll\l I t \',I()llKli'^''' iirrlt,1i1qr1 \)rv\t,\trtr l\l'l'}\.1(,,\t t()l't I (rll Sl0N I't'llMt I 1|r't'trtit lltr \ 3P) ) '\tr\rr\ ',(\. \\ "d'Ql"- l',',,,,'' , V,, t"" 't" 3? *? I t)r' lrrt' l't't t\tt t {5 '0 Q ' ,l rrl I il,l,,1 tr*i iil ,i "i Appl ication i s herby tttadt-' to a sitltt acc0t^tlittq t0 1;1tt't.if it;,rt.iorrl 'lltrl rlt'''tIipt'ir rlivert belotv .lncl clcLailtlrl l)l(llls stllrtrli t.t.ttl'I oca terc Locatjon of Sign (Address)../'//'? ' Zlhct'z cy'o7raru t0mts E(rp €fr/t/H?'/ a, t2 0wner of S'i ress).. ilorl i/,;l'3nu St ?t!., /tr?, .Sign Erector.(N ,tl ,, I,i : i, DII'1TNS IONS, CONSI t{IICI' vert. lieight of Sj in,.E,'-,.6.,"...,. ttoriz, Total Height Above Grarle ...../2:: .... I0N & INSIAI-t_ATI0N Illl'01il,14t I0N / WjrlLlr of Sj tt,r.,/,?.I'lri t, / Material Sjgn is Constructed of lry'oo Type r:f 5'irrn (Clrock App'licahln Itcrrrs) ldent,ity Sjgn..,,d,,... Iiirrglr: l:ace Non-ident'ity 51gn... Doulrle Face.../. Billboard Flulti-Face t| ..... t l'r'o,j ectirtn Brt.yrlttrl l't'rl;rot't y ?. .. Pr?.<zt=../.:. . I^la I I l)ole Roo f S igrt. Sign. S i tyrr. C[.trt'.,,, 111. lr,,pl l1 t-irrc.2.4f:. i I'larr1ur..r: Sirpr. . . l't"o.f cc Ir trr] 1; iclrr 0 t. lrr: r rhI 0 f C I agree to erect a sign accordjnq t.the above description, attac.lred plarrs and specifications and the El ectri ca'l a e Ci0Lt ty of Springfield, 0reqorr Applicant Sign l1e 'q(... /A 1r... Plrtrttr: Nrrrrlrr.' l./a:t?.$ IIOTES: nd Sien Codes o(fr/..{;.-ra.4.ct., sr.r. ppl ication 'is lo be sul:rnitted rvith two cornplete seLs of pl(tns perrrtit isstred undar tlris alrplic.rt.jorr r,r'ill irrclurlo r.ririntl irr t r t,:r sit:r'r '' structune.. The su1;p1y wjres I'or cbnnect.'iorr of sicllt nlust [re coverr.'rl or'] .l. permjt.," Electrical cohnection nrust be nrade only by a Springf ield Licens Contractor. ca1e, s Itowirtg ditrrerrsions and heighI of s'irln; adverLisin(l n]essa!te on sirrrr: loc- propert.y witlr dirrrensions to property lines; st.r"rrcf-rral dot-ail: of c,;irDOr^'- and footingls; tttateriais of constrrrction for sirin anrl sign.,t.r'ucl-urc; ent and liqhl.jnq; size ancl loc,ttion of exisl.inrl sir;rrs or) llr'ol)o't,,,for 1 as rerlui recl Lo rleternlirre corrrp I iarrce rv iLlr t.lrc S;lr"i rrttl' j r:ltl (l j t.r' r t,,1Lt tic'le 30 of t.lre Sprinqfield Conrprr:hensive Zorrirrq (.ode, ign on ci nq and Ar parate appl f cation i s re(lui rcd for caclr separate s itrr dSnI ication: A se ri t-. l r'r'l r i t:,r l cd I lr:ctrical . Plans Requ'ired:' This a equipnr o o cln Sectiorrs 1d Cornpreherrs ive 2 *.1.1.:.t.1. . .1 .Y. PE RI'II T I SStIt lr nv. '. .tt"A/ i;;1.: : : : : ::;. ri;it.1r: : based ringfie proved ) ati ono frami ng e I ectri same', bu Chap ter ,b 3.nt, Sepa ra te-Si l3it:6i+:: erec vuc, /09ltl trAl{ |t,[ ilI rtl t,illtl I (] t,l0[t'- llrt i lrl ittrl l)iv l'i intt API'l InAf l0ll l0ti SIGN I'L[il'lll' \I'r't rtt I I llrr. \ lrtlrr I ',t1. ll l rr l.nl V,t l tr,": . /5Q.e'-e* t-rc ror' l,r'r rrr i l lF&g.* ZO4 App'l i cation i s herby nrade to , a sirln accorrlitrr; t0 slrr.r.if icatiorrs arrrl rlcsr:r'i1rt.i, qiven beloyi artd clct.,rjlcrl lrl;rrrs sutrrrri t.t.t:tl.( rcl oca te ) I I I i .Location of Sign (Arldress).'..f .(.?.3....d,daua O/ao, Name or Business and A<jcrres ,.. C//?P.Q.A.A...fu.01 . . .a/gil ('. ,,a,lo 0wner of Sign (Name and Address) ,lrnn Erector. (farle and AcJrlre rrl ..f.7?d re Pnr's,./(q,) . t)IMFNSI0NS;. CoNI;Tl{t'Cl ION & INSTAT tATl0N Iill r)rrr.l^U0ilI Vert. l'leight of Si gn.. ,e,!*t . llonz. WirlLh of S j(Jn. . . Total Height Above Grade..../f Pro.jec 3?Tlricl lrr\(,(, (lrr'ltllt # l\rlp1't'lY littr' t^lall Silrn Material Sign is Constructerl "r...V,/,rt.tlr l llrtt,;) Sirrgle [:ace.. /2 I'larrluee Sirlrr. l't"ri.jcctin,J Sirpr. . . .. . . . 0 Llre r' /,i Typo ol S1ftn (()lr i::: l::t.i li!; ;,':nry^' , Billboard Doubl e Face [,ol e Siqrr. . l'lult'i-Face 11.... Roof Sign.. I agree to erect a siqn aCcord jnrl 1.o ttrc above clescr.ipt.ion, att.ar:horl plarrs artrl st)c(jitir.ations and the.Electrjcal and Siqrt Cotlcs of the 0il.y of slrriprlf ir:lrl, 0r'r:'lorr. Appr'icanr siqn rere ,,(fi4{,nrf ',riif,,7t,,..fur?,1:,,/((.., r,r, ,, , r,rr rrr,,r 7ra-1?fi NOTES: 1., Electrical:Any perrrrit jsstted ttttrlr:r t.lris aplllicat.iorr yrill irrclrr,lr. rvirirtrl irr ('rr'c'r sr,lrstructure. The strl;p1y wires f'or connection of siqlt nltst [,e covr-,r'trl orr air el r.r.]tricalpermit. Electrjcal conttection nrusb be nrade only by a Sprinltficltj Licensed ilicLr^ical Contractor. 2. Plans Requi recj:This allplicatiorr is bo he srrlrrnitterl with tr,ro cr.rrrrplr,rt-o sets of 111,rrs drawn to scale, showjnq djtrtensiotrs and heiqht of sjrtrr; adverl-isirrrt rrressa(l(] orr sirrrr: lr,c- ation.of.sign on,property wjttr ditnensions to prr:pert-y lines; sl.r"rrcl.rral rlnLail:; r:f strpport framing;trbracing and footjncls; nral.erjals of constrrrctiorr for siryrr antl sirlrr strrrr trn.t.l electrical .equiprrtent antl I iryhIinry; size arrrl locaI jorr of cvislirrq sitprs orr pt'()i)(.r't.\ lt)]. sdnre'busin6ss, all as rerlttirecj t.o rieternrjne corrrJrliarrce rviLh t.lrr: Syrrirrtrt'icld (;jtl,Cotlc Chhpter:lX..and 'Article 30 of tlte Sprinof ield Conrprchensive Zonirrr; (.r.rde , J 'B '.::l3., Sepsrate Sign Appli-eq!-ig_[: A separ"ate application js defined in the Sign Code. i:H,1:4:?:: ,approved based on Sections ;,,. . .0f Springfield Corrrprehehsive .i rer;rr i red f or e PEtiI,IIT LSSIIT I) rry..L,\,S.;. [)a te. a clt s e ptl t'ct t t'si.r,r its Zon t". //. /,1:.7./i.(,.t1.'18