HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-06-07t city of springfield 225 n. 5th street information is true and correc E, and Iaccordance with the S Cregon SPFrINGFIELI)tNFoRMATtoN: 726-37s3 INSP ECTIONS:726-3769 \ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION D.USE AT{D CHA"\ACTER OF SIGN: \ rocNtrrY' rNcrurNrar. DOUBLE }'ACE Y stuclu racr AILTI-TACE READER BOARD .BILLBOARD E . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR . .ADD!€SS CITY LICENSE SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS . I TIAVE CAREFULLY DG}IINED ThE completed € Soringfield and all o pring ther ,fieId Slgn 0rdinances for oermify that a Uniforrn S E-and do hereby certlfy 11 work performed shali applicafurther Eioncertl of SpringI further that all be done ltt Ordinance, theof the Ciry Eo E:1e worlr describeu !te^cln. fle 1gn 1d and the Code as adogted by rhe Ct Iaws of Ehe SEate cy ot ofContractor Ll- 8-2-6(3) and 9-7- ty 20 (2).of.Sp ringfield is in full force and effI will requesE all required sign i,nspections liste on the approved cense w percaining'iEh Ehe Ci cert!.fy that rnv ecE as reouired by ,d 51gn Spring field Codes permic. NA},IE (PLEASE PRINT), NAIIE 0F BUsrt'lESS, FrRM, ETc. cA.R c<:LoQ- ffictl.tTtE< rltlpE oF .BvstuEss FatuT-R,Er+lL A.q zlP Qz o'7 7 IL ()TA.Y LOT 7-2L - LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS OIINER OR PROPERTY ADDRE OI.JNER OF SIGI{ CIF OT}INR fl{A}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS LECAL DESCRIPTIOIT '/ TYPE OF WORK: X urrcr ArrER . RELOCATE OTI{I'R B.STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN:. J(rror.l " FREESTANDTITc ROOF PROJECTING l,rARquEE UNDER I.IARQUEE OjrHER C. ARE THERE ANr EXiSTIuc Srclr.s? _yEs xNO G. orr"ro,c srcNs ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. DI],18}ISIONS, DISTALI.ATIOII A CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.II.AL DIMENSIoN oF SIGN HORIZONTAL IIIDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOU OF SIGN IT YES, DI}'ENSION SEYOND PROPEPJY LINE IOTE: IF ?ROJECTIOII IS IIORE ,IIAN 1-f-OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY THE SIGN ERECiORI'IUST TILE WITIT THE BUILDING OrVrSiOrI'qglrEs oF Hrs/lrF.R LrABrLrTy Ar.rD ppop- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP,AI'ICE POLICIES E s: YES -21 No 2l ".-dr I a'-a) TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTI1 DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? 29 '-a, . I.[LL SIGN ITAVE ELECTP.ICAL WIRING? YE 5 IF- tES, Ulrrcg A?pLy? ELECTRICAL SIGii lT[,r.uurrurED (rNDrpJCTEf LrCnrsDt- ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR NMBER Pr:C}IE - ADDRESS DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OP. SHF E T vI ErAI CMI/1\ET. t. K' uorru oF srGN: s t, n . SITE INFOF}TATIOI{ (I"A,TTD USE)oF BUILDIIIC OR LAND (OR IAST Xruooon BLrsrNESs _ourDooR trERcHANDrsnrc PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: J et,*rE--ADTa M-fiar r .. EXISTING USE . usE IF VACANT) SIGNATURE & LISC. tar-tlF-rqt |+e.qgrp-- EAS E R E A D *'tti:t8t:*"Eu$E""""tt""r A separate appllcation Ls required for each separaEe slgn as deflned1) 2) 3) 4) Electrical: Anv oersd-t lssued under thls applicatlon wirl include wlrlng 1r_, or on sign sEructure.EE-suFFIy wires tor co.,r,ucEion musc uu co.rli;e-;;-; erecErical-p-ermig. Elecrricar ionnecEronmusc be made onlv by a scate Licensed erectiicar-iioiir""ror. rllimin;ae.a ,isn: (b-oth lnrernarryell":X::."arrv) irus'c .o',iJ',o E;-5;;;i";"--i:i:i-toi"U'i3i";a g:ilifil?'tn" springaeld stgn or- s) 6) 7) Plans Required: This appllcaElon i? !o be subnitted wlth two comprete seEs of plans showing di-mfi16ffiffi':i9ht of ;i'il;-;Ii"tii"i"g;";;;F-;i-sign; locaEioir of slgn on properry wlth dr-Deilsions ro properEy lines, _scrucrurar detairs-or ;upp8;; i;;;I;;;;;";if,; Iiia'il5Iiiro"i'o.r"r1"r"of consErucuion' roi'sisn-i;d-;is"';irucEure.; erecririir- equipmenu ""a ri!f;.ilt, t:U:"ffi 'lo".rio.of existing.slgn:-on pioperty i6r Ehe.same 6""i;il;;-a11 as required to deternine iomoltance wiEhthe sprinsrrerd sign ordinante (Arricle 7 or tfie--spirigir-ia-ciri-E"aJi.-'ii;;:';nIi"-if,l"rollow-lng tnformaEion on che plot prari (plan showing prolerri tines ila 1;;;1i""-;i-;itf i, ""= -"] i !l* the locarton of arI exfscing slgn(s) aE well as proposed stgn(s).b) show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For walrsigns, show che lengrh of rhe buildiig fionialE.-'c): show the locarion of enErances open to the pubrlc and driveways. wn*en-reguired, because of design, size, etc.. enslneered drawinps end aalnrrlar-{Ah6 ffii.F tr .pared-bv a-ii,lu",ua engineer ;;'"r,"ri"l"ii3; :ltl::if;u"i:iH:5: Sluriil"Xl':i:T"ff:i"!"ri;i:sion Offlce. Plans of Lnsufficient clarity or detall will be returned to the applicant wlth no permit belngLs cued. signs rnust ueet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the sprlngfieldCornprehensive Zoning Code. NOIE: No sien mav be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horizontally or verEically from overheadEfErrtcat c6nductors in excess' oi -zso ,oil"; -;; i;";-;;;-;-;;;;'i;';; direcrion fron overheadelcctrical rines whrch are energized ar ress'tt."-i5o;;il": -eeb r'q*'' I: i"iti ilnou insEalledwithin 60 days after the dare of issue of rhis perrdt. the permir shaI1 8) e)c Site fnspection - to#(rt applicable) maytion is to be ua.de a srcN DrsrRrcr.'7C,rto{t;#--' a) b) c) be made before the 1s placed.Bign Eiuebe urade ac the saroe as the Site the FootLng InspectlonUsual1y,Inspecti on. Ihe Foo ting fnspec-fter hoLe(s) ts e;icavaleci buE prior to the placement of concrete.Final pection: -to be made up9n co"pleEion of all wotk.Ulectrical all electrical must be lnsp ected for electrical hook up after the signls eiEcEed and before the si Eurned on. CATJ. TOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TTIE 24 I{OI'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 signsgn is ZONE DISTRICT TOIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Or SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LoCATIoN _FooTINc OR I,ETIIOD Or ATTACHMENT !8LEC'IRICAI r-4,FIt{AL _0TlIER_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL IMOR}IATION NEEDED BETORE PEB},IIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY: / _L/ ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE:,{b TOTAI.: DATE 9- /7 -da ow IPT SIGN PERMIT JOB -co SECTION: ,4/./ PRINCFIELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE g- z- f, 1