HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-04-04city of springfield 225 n.5th street A.LOCATION OT SIGN LECAL DESCRIPTIOI\ O}INER OR PROPERTY SPFlTNGFIEL.E' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION S)/z-,//kd 1N FO R.MATION : 726-37s3 INSPECTtoNS: 726-3769 TAY. LOT ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGI'I CIF OT}IER THA}I ADDRESS /L a NAME OF BUSII.IESS, rIRM, ETC. VENDORS, sae ztP 7 7 /'L, ITPE OF .BUSITIESS SF(Vb6 D. usr AuD cPrRAcrER oF srGN: t4rr*rrn INCIDEIITAL DOUBLE FACE rz-stltcls rlcsl*rrrr-"o., READER BOARD BILLBOARD 7 -/761 @-ruE-ZI?lz- 4.,lLIs 5t _t e E owNER)J u12 5 2- E. l)SIGN ERECTOR .ADD!€SS ,0 CITY LICENSE SIGN Idq,NUFACTURER CIF OTITER T}IAN ER.ECTOR) ADDP.ESS 2f il)/tL!, PIIONE . TYPE OF WORK: ERECT AI.TER B ' >( nmocers OTHI'R G*, STP.UCTURAL IYPE OF SIGN:. _IIALL FREESTANDTITG . ROOF PROJRCTINGT**nu*- I]NDER I,IAROUEE OT}IER C. EXISTING SIGNS ARE IHERE ANY EXISTII]G SIGIIS? H' ,r", srcN IrAvE ELE.TRT.AL ,t,"t*cz .y'Ed IT JES, WIIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII.rztr.rulfiwerED (rNDrpJEcTffi LIqHrro) ELECTRTSAL CONTpJ,STSR t'ot// /+.D't// tE 72- G. y'vr.s uo LISC. ADDRESS trur.rBEP. ALL D(ISTING SIGNS rOR BUSINESS, ETC. VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WIDTII O!' SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OT SIGN DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES _NO IF YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12" 6V:n- puslrc pRopEpJy IIIE srGN EREcroR I.IUST FILE }IIII{ THE BUILDINC DIVISION COPIES OF }IIS/}IER LIABILITY AI'ID PPOP. ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. ,l/6 E & TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPT}I DI],IE}ISIONS, UISTALLATIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE & CONSTRUCTIO}I. ea^o'/ II. DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN 15 l . VALUE OF SIGN: L+ K O L co OP . SITE INFOF}IATIOII (I,ATID T'SE) .. EXISTING USEJ E rr vAcANr)OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND l'1 OR LAND:2//CE OUTDOOR T,IERCHATIDIS ING-{frooon BusrNEss PROPOSED USE OFuc/z 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXATINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify thaE all information is true and correct, ind I fuither certify that all work performed sha1l be done in accordance with Ehe Springfield'Sign Ordinance, ttre Uiriform Sign Code-as-adopted !y ttre City of Springfield and alI olher-Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of che Srate of Cregon per'taining to tile worll <Iescri.bed nctcrn. I further cert{fy that rnv 51gr'. Contractor.r.l- cent. rriEh the CIty of Springfield is in ful1 force and effect as- required by-spring,fietd Codes 8-2-5(3) and 9-7-2-0(2).' f wltt requesE all required sign inspectioni listed-on'the-approved permit. NAME (PLEASE SI C 0s DATE 2T ", PLEASE REA'D 1)*w:Aseparateapp1icaE1on1srequiredforeachseparatesign.asdefined 2)8.1:"!ti!?r: .Any permit issued under thls applicarion will include wiring in or on slgn sErucEure,t'he suppry wires for connecEion musE be covlied o" "" "i..rii""r-p=.i*iE." Er.;-.ri;"i^3".,i""rior,musc be made onlv by a state Ll.censed grectiic"r-dolrrr.ror. rllurninate.d "igr.l (boch incernallyill;:::'"ally) irust conforrn E;-a;;;i.;;-i:i:i-tai-['tr> ""a g:7:iiior-rr.u sfringrield sign or_ 3)Prans Reouired: Ttrls appllcation is Eo be submltted wlth two complete sets of pLans showing di-trrensEnfi;af,eighi "f-;i.il;-;Ii..ii"i.rg r.;;;;;-;; sign; locatton of stgn on properry wich di-mensions Eo ProPerEy 1inei, structural details""e suppiri ei"ri"il ui.!i.,g anct fooEings; r;aEerialsot consEruction for sign and sign strucEure; elecrrit"t-Jq"iprE"E'."a-iigf,ring; ;i;;;;j locaEionof existing.slqn:.on pioperry fdr rhe-same 6r;i;;;;-au ;;-;;;rir.J-ro derermins comollance wirhthe splinsfield sign. Ordinante (ATtlcle 7 ot *re-spiingii"la-ci.y-c.aJi.--;i;;;.';h;"1f,;'follow-ing lnformation on-the plot plan (plan showing !r.i.i$ irn."-i"i t;;;[i."-;i-iiiiiJj,-"- a) Show the location of al1 exlsting sign(s) as well as proposed stgn(s).b) show uhe. length of the street frontage taken up by the business or butlding. For wal1signs, show the length of the buildiig frontagl.-' c) show the locacion of enErances open to the public and drlveways. I{hen required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and,calculations Erust be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi shall ionforn t--a."ig." srandarts ""-rii.-"t-;;;";"iili'i oiri-sion Office. Prans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the apprLcant with no permit beingissued. signs must ueet corner vislon clearance requlrements as described i.n Figure g of the Springfi.eldComprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No sign qay be erected which Ls less than 12 feet horLzontally or vertically from overheadelectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, oi i."" than 5 i";i-i;'any direction fron overheadelectrical lines which are energized at rese'tt""-750 ;;il.:If a sign Ls not' installed within 60 days after the date of lssue of this perrnit, the permit shallbe void. Inspections : 4) s) 6) 7) B) e) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing rnspectionGf€ii-IicaTfeI may be made at the same tif,e as ihe sire rnspectlon. ffiTq;-ring rnspec-tion is to be made-after hole(s) ls excavatea,-aui-pri;;;;-ih; pracement of concrere.b) Final rnspection:- to be rnade upon coryletion of all work.c) tjlectrical - all erectrical."rg.r" must be Lnspected for electrical hook up af;er the signffi;ecEed and before iti"-irgn'I" E"r.a-oil- CAi.L FOR TITE REQUIRED INSPEGTIONS ON TIIE 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 : SIGN DI TOIAL SQUARE'FOOTACE Or SIGN REQUIRED ONS: r,-zsrrslLocATroN udr.ecrRrcAr L.zioorrlrc oR METrroD or ATTAcHMENT-/Frruar, OIIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAT INFORI,IATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: .t APPROVED BY:DATE 0 ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 4Z STATE SURCTIARGE r TOTAL: I oa! .2o DATE 4ln I sot l SIGN PERMII FEE: JOB # t'7b 3c,75 SECTION:SIGN ORDINA}ICE qlusa