HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-12-12city of springfield 225 n.5th street A. 5T'T-IIN GFIEI..E' StGN PERMIT APPLICATION I N FO RMATION: 726-3?s3 INSPECTIONST Z26-3769 ',jr,lz71 L'$1210.LOCATIOI{ OF SIGN .(ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I O}INER OR PROPERTY [,t I ADDRESS 1arp*.ztP OTJNER OF SIGI{ CIF OTIIER TIIATI PROPERTY OWNER)3alu+ NAME OE BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC.a=LFF+.rJl/b{-V<*n or .Busrl:Ess' b)' tv; D. uss AND cHA.\AcrER oF srGN: r r.il , -f,rncruEurAr.;t/ _&DouBLE rACE ,SINGLE FACE YTTLTI-TACE., ' P.EADER BOARD.- -BILLBOARD . i.. . STP.UCTUIiAL TTPE'OF SIGN: ROOF PROJIICTING HAROUEE I'NDER I{AROUEE OTHER -[t*toroNDrucIIALL .8. ryrs oF r.loRK: ALTER -f,rnnmRELOCATE OTII}:R crry LrcENsE rlJnBER ' qdo545 ' ''' ' . E aa*e-SIGN I,IANUTACTURER (IF OT}IER TIIAN ERECTOR) . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: ./.DDtrss SIGN ADDP.ESS : gta"+J A', ARE NIERE ANY EKiSTIIIC SIGIIS? KYNS .' NO H' ,r"" srcN rlAvE ELEcTpJcAL l{rRrltc?# LISC.NT'I{BER ,n-14 '7U t^r.3 G. *rrrr*c srcNs UJ\LL. +LqJ' ELECTRICAL COTITRACTOR /\LL D(ISrING SIGNS rOR BUSINESS, ETC. IT YES, UIICI: -ILLT'}TINATED APPLY? )( SLSCInTCAL Srcll (INDIPJCfEY LIGIITED) -1z>1*u-ta Y1ET4€E DU.IENSIONS, IIISTALITTIO}I & CONSTRUCTIOII TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GITADE YEP.TICAL DI}IENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL l.JIDTt OT' SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? YES IF YES, DI}IENSI.ON BEYOND NOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS tlORE TILAN 12" O-vEn puet.rc PRoPEP.TY THE srGN EREcroR I.IUST FILE }IITII T}IE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/IMR LIABILITY AI'ID PP.OI'- ERTY DA}IAGE ITISUPI'AI.ICE POLICIES. /"'-i ,4n dt 4q'0:# X*o E TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTTI. Il. DEscRTBE TYPE oR vATERrAr,s srcN rs t CONSTRUCTED OT.fiAN t/ OUTDOOR IIERCTIAIIDIS INC_llrnooon DUsrNEss os utNo, %.t4ePROPOSED USE OF RUILDINGO. VALUE OF SIGN:K tp . I ITAVE tnforma accordaSoringf Cregon cense L, 8-2-6(3permlc. NAIIE (PLEASE.,P SIG .i' :' l r.or. .l 6 1() I *tSe;uE t(o) 1', u:w IJ'srrE, rNFoFl{ATrotI (tltlD usE) -- ExrsrrNc usE oi'uuiibiNc oR-iJ\fit (oR IASr usE rr vAcANr) PLE .' ' .-; "t r i ASE READ Separate Slnn Appltcatlon: A st.n Elre srgn code. t ,i' "l "l"1l'1 '': ',' .,{. , , , a,.'ruj ",: ,. ...r.. !,, ) i'..,, '" Ll'i!ri;,...1 eparaCe applicaElon' ls re Electrlcal: Any permlt lssucd under thls applicaclon vrill lnclude wtrlng Ln or on slgn scrucEure,che supPIy wtres for connecEion musu be covlrcd on an electrical p-ermit.- Sleciri""i-3o""".tlon ..mus.c be made-only by a sEace Llcensed Electrlcal concractor. rlllrninace<l signs-i[""t-iii-C"rnirryand exEernally) musr conform ro secElons 9-l-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 or ctru-a;;1";;r;ia-!'ign or-'dlnance. Plans Requlred: Ttrls-appltcaclon ls co be submltted wlch -Ewo complete sets of plans "tot.rrr,g af- --- mensions and helght of-sign; adverElslng message-on slgn; locatlon of slgn on piop"rti-'ritf,;af- T":191:_Eo-Property llnes, -scructural deEails_-of supp{rc framing, braclig and'folcinls j-rnarertatsot conscrucEion for sLgn and slgn strucEure; eleccrltil-equlpmenE-and 1lgficlng; sf;; ina tocautono.f existlnq.siqn:.on pioperty fgr the-same b-uslenss, all is i"q"i..J-to'dererrntne comrrllance sr!hIl9 fprln8flerd slgn. ordinance (Art,lcle 7 of the Sprlngfleld Ciry Code). AIso,. jtrow tire-follow- - lng lnformatlon on che ploc plan (pIan showing proleru! ltneg ani locai:ion .i ii6i),--.- a) show the locacion of, all exlsElng stgn(g) as welL as proposed slgn(s)b) Show the. length of che sEreec frontage taken up by the buslness or bulldlng.slgns, show rhe lengrh of the bdldfng frontagl. ' iJ,:' - t '.: ... ',', '',', ,: t;,t;l;';, qulred for each separate slgn as deflned For ualI "' Pre-Dlvi- 1i; 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B) .9) Plans of lssued. t I c) show the locaclon of entrances.open to the publlc and drlveways. . When-r-equl'red, because of deslgn,- slze. etc., englneered drawlngs and calculations unrsc bepared by a llcensed englneer oi shall conform Lo-deslgn srandarts o"-fir. ar-iie luirJi"l,elon Offlce. lnsufficlenc clarlty or detall w111 be reEurned to the applicanE wlth no p"io,ia being;, : I . . i .r', lon clearance requlrernents as described ln Figure 9 of che Sprlngfleld Flnal In spec E lon ;- to be made upon coopletlon of all work. CALL roR TllE REqUIRED INSPECTToNS ON A]JE 24 lrorrR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726-3769 srcN DlsrRrcr e ,LYl lL zoNE DrsrRrcr (/rYl.L mIAL SqUARE'FOOTAGE OF SIGN io REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: Slgns urusc Deet corner vls Cooprehenslve . Zontng Code. IE:_, I9,"1ry,""y be erected whLch 1s less chan 12 feet horlzonrallyjor verrically from'overheaderecErlcar conducEors j.n excess of 7-5Q volt,s, or less than 5 feeE, in-any dlrecEion'froo overheadeleccrlcal llnes whlch are energized ar less'than 750 ";i;.: If i"ili *: i:. lnstalled wichln 60 days af te1 the dare of ..lssue of rhls ,.T. .Ehe peruriu shalt fnspecclons: : S,Lte InfeecIlol - to be roade before the slgn ls placed. Usua1ly, Ehe Footing Inspecrlon(itappIicab1e)maybemade-a!!hesameEimeastheS1ce1nspection.ffi. t'lon is co be uade after hole(s) 1s excavaceci, buE, prior ro th. pticemeni ;i-;;;3.;i;:-- b) c) a) #l+# -_all-electrical-signs must be lnspecred for elecrrical hook up afcer rhe signls erecEed and bcfore the slgn is t,urned on. SITE/LOCATIOII ( ELECTRICAL/ ------------ OR METIIOD OF ATTAC}I}TENT SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED DETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDIIIONAL INFOR}TATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: ,: I i' APPROVED DY: ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STAI.E SURCIIARGE: DATE bS Ad RECEIPT SIGN PERMIT FEE: JoD # SECTION: '.,11 ELD SIGN ORDINAIICE I I :. l r r , r; , 1 ., , , ,.|1,,] 't I'