HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-12-27city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFIINGFIELD SIGN PERMIT APPLIC I N FO RMATION : 726-3753 TNSPECTTONS: 726-3769 Cuuopy'\ rNu\L srAnS" ATION A.LOCATION OT SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTIOI\T O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS or.JNER 0F Slcl'r CIF OTHER THAIr pROpERTy OWNER) LOT PHONE -ZTP 17zto ADDRESS r.rAME oF BUSil.rEss, FrRM, Erc.TErrAO Sr=SaaE Gryrqrrru Sm,rr SrrorolOF BUSIIIESS TYPE OF WORK: X rmcr ALrER RELOCATE OTHI'R B . STPJ'CTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: j;luar.l FREEsrANDrllc ROOF PROJECTING },IAROUEE T'NDER I,IAROUEE OTI{ER USE AI.ID CI4RACTER OF SIGN: ,( IDENTITY INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE X. sruclr racu I{TILTI-FACE PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD c D. SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTIIER TIIAN ERECTOR) E Irt ,E ADDP.ESS - ZIP - EXP. DATE . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: CITY LICENSE II[,]'1B .ADDP.ISS SIGN E +YE.S Ep. YES 4ro L G. ,*rr"r*c srcNs ,(oo HORIZONTAL I^'IDT}I OF S tr-5 ?lt'rl* rHnRE ANy Exrsr,]c srcrrs? DI],IEIIS IONS, UISTALLATIOI.I & CONSTRUCTIO}I CTRICAL SIGN LIGI{TED) ADDRDSS LISC. NI'MBER ALL EXISTING SIGNSrOR EUSINESS, ETC. Igig'_IF PRoJEcTIolr rS lfoRE THAN 12,,g_yER puBr,rc pRopERTy ruR srol inscion!rusr FrLE r^irrr{ THE surron{c orvi5ioll 99!-rE_s oF Hrs/IrER r.rnsrt.iri .cNo-ipoi;_ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"ANCT POr.rCrrS. -..-- DII.IEI.ISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? f lt|l -oatl rtloeep IT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE 'IILL srcN HAVE ELEcrF.rcAL wrnrHcr *k3 TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEP.IICAL DI]"IENSION OF SIGN IF YES, WHICH APPLY? _ILLU{INATED (INDIpJT ELECTRICAI CONTP.ACTOR DESCRIBE TYPE OR I.{ATERIALS SIGN ISCONSTRUCTED Or.r{Etql aIFFF v tuuuuetr.nrrG> t. . VALUE OF SIGN: K tt r\ 'srTE TNFOFT{ATTON (LA}ID USE) _ oF BUrLDrlrc oR LAND 1on rabr BUsrNEss llourooor rrERcHAuDrsrNG J Krnooon - EXISTING USE USE IF VACANT) LAND:PF.OPOSED USE OF BU ILDINC O DATE ercalni.ngrh rhe ci t and p ty NAME . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}I INED thE completinformation is irue and correcaccordance with the S pringfield Signther Ordinancesfield and all oSorinq Cregon to t:le r,rorli describcense wi of Springfield is8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will lequepermit. SIGNATURE - t, b) Final Inspection, - to be made upou coryletion of all work. 1) 2) 3) PLEASE READ *ffi:Aseparateapp1icationisrequ1redforeachseparatesignasdefined Electrical: Anv oermic issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign scrucEure,EEe supFlt-wirei tot "o""""ti""-"ir"c u. corliea-il-; "i."tii""i-;";i;. Etecrrical connecrionuusc'be made onlv by a state Licensed etectrical-coniractor. rllumi.naced signs (both internallyand exEernarlv) irust conform io secrion" i:7-+-i+i-E-i5l-""i g:7:rii-ol-rt. sprtngfietd sign or-dlnance. Plans Reouired' TtrLs-application ls to be submitted wlth two coutpleEe sets of plans showing di-mE$:igla or-'"ien;-"a""t[i"itg r";;;;;-;; sign; tocatlon of slgn on properry wirh di-mensions to ProPerty 1ines, -structural details-of supg{ri fraoing, bracif,g ."a'ioltinls; macerratsot construcEion for sign and si8n structure-; elecrritil-;qui;il;E'."a-rigf,ri"i;-"ir.-iia lo""c1o.,of existing-slgn:.on pioperty f{f Lhe-same 6";i;;;;-a11 js i"q"ir"J-to deteruinq comoliance wirhthe spr-insfietd Sign.Ordinante (Arrrcle 7 of the -tirngtiera-ciii-coa;i.--Ai;;,.'Ir,.i''Ir,i-fo11ow_ ing lnforuration on-che plot pran (pran showin! pr.i"iti rrnJ"-a.,1 r"."iro" oi-r:.g""j,---- a) show the location of all exLstlng slgn(s) as well as proposed sign(s).b) Show the. lenglh of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show che length of rhe building frontagl. c) show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. l'ltren-required, because of design,- size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Erust be pre-pared-by-a licensed engineer oi shall conform to-design srandaris." fii"-.r-ih;-B"ilain! oivi-sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficient. clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingis sued. !ig." must Eeec corner vision clearance requirements as described tn Figure 9 of the SpringfieldCouprehensive Zoning Code. I9Il: ,!9,=ig",nay be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horizonrally or verrically from overheaderecErlcal' conducEors in excess of 750 voIts, or less than 5 feet in'any direction- froo overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less than 750 ,ofis. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit sha11be void.. , Inspections: a) Site Insoection - to be rn"de bef-ore the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinq Inspection(riaPPriEe-orerTaYb.enade.aEthesametiieastheSiternspection._ffi-tion is to be made after hole(s) ls excavaEeci, buts prior to the placemenE of conErete. 4> s) 5) 7> 8) e) c) Ylectrical - all electrical.signs nust be Lnspected for electrical hook upis erecEed and before che sign-is turned on. CALL FOR TltE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON Tr{E 24 HOrrR TNSPECTTON LINE AT 726-3769 .ra"r the sign FOR OFTICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE 'ffiT "" REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: srTE/LocATror{ _FooTrNG 0R MEIIOD OF ATTACHMENT -ijrlecrmcal. -FTNAL_orHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ,. a'."/€ ADDITIONAL IMORMATION MEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: Ifi, APPROVED BY i,/: _to','+\(/ DATE SECTION:SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE Too v ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: ,u' TOTAI.: RXCEIPT CLERK JOB # 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: SIGN PERI,IT FEE: . ..1r-, I city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFlINGFIEL.O lN FO RMATTON : 726 -3753 lNsPECTtoNs: 726_3769 -STANDSIGN PERMIT APPLI CA ON J . SITE INFOF]{ATION (LAND USE) -- EXISTING USE0F BUlLDIlrc 0R LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) x rNDooR BUSTNESS KOUTDOOP. rrERcHAr{DrsrNG PR.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDING OR LAND i _ =+rr'^E tA.+ +I'^r ttE completed application for rmit and do hereby c that all ( t. K DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED Or. . VALUE OF SIGN: . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA'INED IhEinformation is true and correaccordance with the SprinsfieSorinqfield and al1 oiher"OrdCregon oerEalning Lo t:1e worli.celse wirh rhe City of Spring8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). 'r wi'permic. ct, ,PE thaand I further certi ty t all work performed ertify shal I be done in of es descri-bed ileretn I furtlrer certi fy that nrv X16n ContracEor I-i-field is in full force and effecr 1d Sign Ordinance, the Unif orm Siinances of rhe Ciry of Sprinqfie I gn Code as adopred by rhe Cityd and Ehe laws- of chl Scace oF 11 request all require NAI'IE (PLEASE t TA.Y LOT * OT BUSII:ESS A PHO}IE F ZTP U , .LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) OIJNER OF SIGI'I CIF OT}IER THAII PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS ADDRESS NA}IE OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. LECAL DESCRIPTION OIINER OR PROPERTY STP.UCTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: rrALL J(rnresreNDrtrc ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,'ARQUEE OTI{ER t+t.Vraa*cn a.ppFAEElv/# - ffa*-lg c.USE AI{D CP}RACTER OF SIGN: X rornurY INCIDEIITAL DOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE I,ITILTI-FACE Xnraonn BoARD BILLBOARD D. SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TI1AN ERECTOR) B. E ?r{ EXP ADDP.ESS CITY LICENSE }IIJ}IBER .}.DDPJ SIGN ERECTOR TYPE OF WORK: X umcr ALrER RELOCATE OTHXR =rE\-L ff,rEE,I€ EiaEeFktlt VENDORS, CONTRACTORS DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LrNE? _YES ,l:.lloIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE ,il* 12"-OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TI]E SIGN ERECTOR/. l.rusT rILE WITIT THE BUILDING DMSIONt..u,, COPIES oF HIS/IIER LIABILITY Ar,rD pp.Op-\ ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP,AI.ICS iOiiCIL.SI LISC. NT'MBER E G NO Ia b t E(ctrli SIIA}CDNC,u.lilt aEcor, g\(*)I H hr.orl u so @fyb*r YES ADDRESS I]IJHBEP. AIL EXISTING SICNS FOR EUSINISS, ETC. DI]"IE}IS IONS, I}ISTALLATIOII & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI],{ENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL WIDTII OF SIGN DITIENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICK],IESS OR DEPT}I *, att 'r.lrt.t, srcN HAVE ELEcrp.rcAL wrnrucr {IiS IF yES, !mICH Appl.y? X mecrnrcAl. srcN _ILLU{INATED (INDTP*EfrE lrcxrro) ELECTRI CAL CONTP,ACTOR . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS? ( SIGNATURE a d siqn inso\o$zo S DATE QT rl 1l 1) 2) 3) SeparaEe sisn Aoolication: A separace application ls required for each separate sign asfiffi""''","::,:-..-,:"^--'...:,^_,,::'-.,':'":":.":.."..''1asdefine(r Electrical: Anv oernlt issued under this application will lnclude wiring in or on sign sEructure,Ere suPErt-wires iot "o"""";i;";;;i be covliea-o" "" i,r."rii-""i-p-";;i;'. Electrical connecrionErusc be made onlv by a Srate Licensed Electrical Coniractor, Illirnrinated signs (both internallyand exEernarry) irust conform to sJ.rior," g-t-t-74j-e-i5l-""a g:7-ril oI-rt. Springfield sign or-dlnance. Plans Reouired: This-application is to be submitted wlth two corrplete seEs of plans showing di-Eensions and height of sign; advertising message-on sign; locatioir oi "ig"-o" p'..p"ir,y--"itt-ai- i:":i9!: to.ProPerty'lines, -scructural details-of supg5ri fraoing, Ur".i"g ancl foorinss; narerialsol conscrucEion for sign and sign strucLure.; electritll equipmenE'and ligf,ttng; siie !'na tocationof existing-siqnt.on pioperty f{r the-same 6-usienss,-aL1 is i'"q"ir"d-to deterroinq comoriance withthe Springftetd sign ordinante (Article -7 of rhe spiinEiieia-ciiy-coa;i.--A1;;;.';r,.i"'ir,!-follow_ing lnforrnaEion on the prot plari (plan showing proi,erii ri"""-."h roc"iion oi iig">,-'-- a) show the locatton of al1 exLsrlng stgn(s) as well as proposed sisn(s).b) Show the. length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show the length of the building frontagl. c) show che location of enErances open to the public and drlveways. When-required, because of design,- size, etc., englneered drawl.rrgs and calculations Erust be pre-pared_by-a licensed engi.neer or shal1 conform to-design srandaris on file at rhe r":.fai"! Divi-sion Office. Plans of lnsufficLent clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingls sued. !ig." must roeet corner vision clearance requirements as deseribed in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NPTE: .No.sign.may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically froo overheadelectrlcal conducEors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in-any direcEion'frou overheadelectrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts PLEASE READ not lnstal1ed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall ( Final Inspection; - to be made upon coryletion of all work. 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) If a sign isbe void.. , Inspections : a)Site inspeclion - Eo be m"de before the sign is placed. Usually, Ehe Footinq Inspection(ifappIicabIe)mayb.eraa9e."qFh9sanetimeastheSiteInspection.@-tion is to be oade after hole(s) is e:rcavaEeci, but prior to ihe placement. of conlrete. b) c) CAI,L FOR tllectrical - all e.lectrical-signs rrust !e inspected for electrical hook up after the signis erecEed and before the sign-is Eurned on. TnE REQUTRED rNSpEcrroNS ON A',HE 24 HOUR TNSpECTToN LrNE AT 726-3769 m SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT r'' L' TOTAL SQUARE FOOTACE OF SIGN REQUIR-ED INSPECTIONS : - sIlE/LOCATror{ _FOOTTNG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT .,/ ELECTRICAL _rrNAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: / f ., i;.*-ltr ADDITIONAT INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORX PERMIT MAY BE ISSTIED: DATEAPPROVED BY: SECTION: i- RINGFIELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE J 4 L C /- ELECIRICAI PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTAL: RECEIPT o SDATE CLERK JOB # SIGN PERMIT FEE: 4-- _4 ./-4 -#!,G-r\