HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-06-08city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRIn|GFIELO SIGN PERMIT APPLIGATION I N FO RMATION : 726-31s3 INSPECTtoNST 726-37 6s OUNER OF SIGI'I CIF OTITER THA}I PROPERTY O![NER) ADONSSS PHONE . I{AME OT BUSII{ESS, FIRM, ETC. IYPE OF BUSII;ESS SEAaI cE SfrI"* Q22o t A. I { TA.X LOT b./ ? ?/. f)l a rJrtpN /noo LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ADDRESS OHNER OR FROP LEcAL DEscRrPTro* I -7 O3 >z^ -=,'z- _ .B. rwr oF woRK: AI.TERX ennct RELOCATE OTH}:R STP.UCTIIRAL ffPE Of SIGN: -IIALL XrtsssrANDutc 6t(is ROOF PROJECTING -*n *- I'NDER I,IAROUEE TEER D.use Al{D cLA.RAcTER oF srGN: j&rormrrt 6cronrrar trfiouatE srcz SINGLE FACE UTTLTI-FACE P€ADER BOARD BILLBOARD y']fft;yi /*" ,,/| cADt*;/ Vl E/t7//t? ?,/,4,, E;.rt, SIGN I.{ANUEACTUR.ER CIT OTIER TI1AN ERECTOR) E. 6 n0/ CENSE III]}{BER EXP. DATE ADDP.ESS PIIONE ?4az- - /76VENDORS, CONTRACTORS:afsSIGN 'to 5 ADDP.XSS CITY LI E(ISTING SIGNS _/ ARE TITERE ANy Exrsrrlr. src*s? y'rrt I ,-{'r6' G. NO 6 SIZE IN SO AIL EXISTI}IC SIGNS FOR DUSINIiSS, ETC. x6' 'r.ELL srcN HAVE ELEcrp.lcAL wrnr:tcz fASIF YES, !.IIIICE }.PPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLTJ}fTNATED (rlrDlplxClffi LrcEtSp) ELECTRICAI CONTP.A,CTOR H LISC. ADDRESS DI]'fENSIONS, :.}ISTALIATION & CONSTRUCTION TOTAI. HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT1I OF SIGN DI}IEI'JSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!4 OF SIGN rIIIC:GIESS OR DEPTIT NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE TILA.N 12" 0VER puel"rc pRopEp.ry rr{E srcN EREcroR I.IUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDINC DIVISION COPIES OF HlS/}IER LIABILITY Ai.lD PP.OP- ERTY DA]-IAGE I}ISURAT.ICE POLICIES. ID, E 1/JA YES zlo /Q" _/' DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERIY LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BSYOND PROPERTY LINE l- DEScRTBE TypE oR yATER.TALs srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGN:K o CONSTRUCTED OP.l;{ 'srrE rNroFi.lATror{ (raND usE) -- gtrsTrNc usE _TNDOOR BUSTNESS trtUtOOOl. ITERCHANDISTNC //o J OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND 52/?Y/ LE (oR r-AsT usE Ir vAcANT) svlxlrL PB.OPOSED USE OF tsUILDStkrreE I)rc 0R I-AllDs{a/ 'I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAI'IINED the compleced applicacion for pernit and do hereby certify thac all information is Erue and correct, ind I fuither certify thac all work performed shal1 be done in accordance with Ehe Springfield Sign Ordinance, che Uiriforrl Sign Code-as_adopced !y tfre City of Soringfleld and all other-0rdinancEs of the City of Sprinqfield and the laws of che Scate of Cregon percaining to t:1e worli. describeo ire.ern. I further certLfy chat rnv !1grr- CorEracEor Ll- cenJe wirh rhe Cicy of Springfield is in fu1l force and effecc as-requireit by-springfield Codes 8-2-5(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will requesE a1I required sign insoections listed on che aporoved a6-/-NAME (PLEASE PRINT) pe:mit c. L 1) 2) 3) PLEASE READ Separare Sign Aoplication: A separate application ls required for each separate stgn.as defined#t.n Ene srgn Uode. Electrical: Any perolt issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign sErucEure, Ene suppLy r,rlres ror connection rEusE be covlied on an electrieal p-ernit.- Electrical Eonnection Eusc be oade only by a Scace Licensed Electrical Contractor. I1lr:rninated si.gns (boch incernally and exEeroally) must conform Eo Sectlons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe Sgringfield Sign Or- dlnance- llqns lqquired: Ttris application ls to be subultted erlth Ewo coEplete sels of plans showLng dL-+..oenilont-and-Feight of sign; advertisl.ug message on sign; location of slgn on proPerty wtth di- oensions to prop-rcy ltnei, structulal decails-of support franing, bracing and footlngs; macerialsof constructi.on-for sign and sign sEructsure; electrical equipment and lightlng; stze and locationof existing signs on pioperty for lhe same busienss, all as required to detertrinq compliance wlth the SprlngEi.eft Sfgn brdinante (Artlcle 7 of the Spiingfietd Cicy Code). Also,. sihow Lhe follow- lng lnforaacioc on tbe ploc plan (plan showing plopertry llses aad locatloo of signs): a) Show the location of all exlsEing sLgrr(s) as well as proposed slgn(s). b) Show the lengch of the stleet frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the locacion of entrances open to the publlc and drlveways. l,ltren requlred, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and calculations ErltsE be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or sball confo::u to dasign standards on ille at the Building Divi-sion 0fflce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returoed to the applicanE wlth no perrdt being lssued. Signs uust neec corner visioo clearance requlrements as degcrlbed in Figure 9 of the Sprtngfteld Couprehensive Zoning Code. N0TE: No sign nay be erected whtch !s less than 12 feec horizontally or vertically froo overhead L-Le-6cr1ca1 cSnduclors ln excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet, in'any dlrection' froa overheadeleccrical lines which are energized at les8 thau 750 -'ro1ts. if a sign is noE Lnstalled wltbia 60 days after the date of Lssue of this pezait, the peruic shall be void. Inspections : Sice InspecEion - to be uade before the sign is placed. Usually, Ehe Footinq Insoection CifliplicEEfe) may be oade at the same tlme as the Sice Inspectlon. fhe FooEing Inspec- tion is to be uade afcer hole(s) ls qicavaleci, but prlor Lo the piaceuent of concrete. b) c) Final Inspecclon,- Eo be oade upon co4tetion of all work. Electrical - all electrical signs utrst be lnspected for electrlcal hook up after the sign fsJJ-Ar-ffifi and before the slgn-is turrred on. cArJ. roR rrrE REQUTRED INSPECTTONS ON $rE 24 EOrrR TNSPECTToN LrNE AT 726-3769 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a) ZONE DISIRICT cSIGN DISTRICT TOIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS -srrE/LocArrot{ ](oort*" onfug :I ATfAgInsF }"r.or.* /r** OTI1ER SPECIAL CONDITIONS T"O BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECEON OT SIGN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I{EEDED BEFORE PERI{IT I4AY BE ISSI]ED: APPROVED BY: f(b ,o DATE ELECTSICAI lrrufit Frs, ) 14,0 c 47. STATE SIJRCT{ARGE h,0 c RECEIPT + SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB # IOTAJ.: lQ SECTION:o SIGN ORDINANCE b-1 - cro