HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-12-01.. RESIDE,. f IAL... APPLICATION/PERIET 225 North |th Street Springfteld, )regon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26- 37 53 Job locaticn: Aesessorc Map # SPFIINGFIEI..D Tc,s lat # Subditision: 'lsner: Address: NeiJ )0M lur (uM Additicn Hemole L jeneraL ?Lwbing "[. Desez.Lbe l,lork: L Val-ue \a/ 1 ,,oorrn ro " Date of A lz-l -gb Date t1 )VLb Phone: Picr:; lLectricaL ;.!echar.icaL Cons-Fuetion_Lendg!_ -t ie the respoaribilitg of tte penrLt holdet to aee that aL! inspections ee nade at lhe proper time, tkat ecch addrees i5 vsn;n'^'-; 'rlont the atreet, and tlldt theEuiUing Nuiciotz approt:ed p petttrit eatd ia Located at the fzont of the WoDe"ty.ian shcll remaan on tlv Buildina Site at aLL times. )2OC!DUP! FOR III,PECTTOil PIQWS?..CALL 7 'equesxeci anui u,zen 'gou uiLL be reaay foriLL be made the sone dcy, requests mcde 26-3769 (tecotder) state Aou" City designated job ntzi;ber, job aii.tess, type of irsoee--icn 'insoeetion, Cont"aetc?s ot, Oumers none cnd. piane nwtbet. Peques-.s teceixed befcte 7:00 ,; after 7:00 on viLL be rade the nest wrking daE.. / vott" citv Desisirated. Job Nuibe? ,", EU 085- L l l l l l l l l l M IIISP1C?f)N: Io be nade afterezcalr;ion;fr prior tc set up of forns. AilDERSLAB PLALIBI\IG. ELECTPICAL & IECHI\IICAL: ?o be natie beiore ang ,totk is eotteyed. PC)TINC 8 FOUNDATICN: ?o be nlaCe afxer irenches are-etcatsated and forms are erected, but ptior to pourLrq ccnerete. UND1RGPOUIID PLUI|BINC, S9WP. W,ATER, DRAIIIAGE: Io be maie pri.ot, to fil-Lirq xrenchee. UTIDEPFLOOR PLUI.IBING & IiEC!]ANTCAL : To be na<ie prior to installation of flooz, insulction or decking. P1S? AllD BEAI4: To be nade priot, to installaticn of floot,insulation or decking. RI)I-ICH PLT]'!EI!|G, ELECTFICAL & IIECH: AIIICAL: ilo uo?k is to be cotset,ed GliT-these inspectiors haue been made arui approoed. FLPEPLACE: Pt-Lor to plactrq factngmdtetials ard. before franing inspee- tion. FRillItlG: btust be request.ed after approuaL of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALI roofing bracing E chinmcys, ete. trust be . conpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eart- . cealed until this inspectLon las 'been made anC approued. FTilAL PLU!.IBIIIG FTilAL IIE'HAiIICAL FINAL EL':--ICAL INSULATTOT\ /VI-POR BARRTER ITISPICTIOII : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn el required oqor borie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsum bcatC or uaLL cotseri.ng is applied, attd before ory iraulation is concealed. DRWALL LNSPECII1N: ?c be made -. aftet aLL <ityuall is in place, but prior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouti.ng or verticals in aceordorce tLth U.B,c. Section 2475. WO1DST)VE: After instalZation is anrpleted. CURB & APPRCACII APP)N: After fonnsee ereeteC but prior to pourLng concrete. SIDEWALK & DR[',EWAI: For aLL con- l crete patsing uithin stteet right- of-uny, to be maCe after aLL esea- oating canplete & fozn tel,k & sub- base naterLal in plaee. ?ENCE: h4ten conPlete -- fuouiCe gates or motsable seetions through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such aG the i.nstallation of st?eet trees, co:pletion of tie requ.ired Landsccpirg, ctc., nast be satisfied before the BUfLDIilG FMAL can be requested. FIttAL B:IILDIN7: The Finat Building fnspection mtat be requested clter the Fi.nal Plubittg \J Electnical, otC Mecharical, Inspeetzons laoe been made arui aoprooeC. DEt.icLruror oR Satilug se:ser capped ct propert! Lire Septi.c totk p;.u2ed and filled ttth gratei Final - I{hen abctse itens ate ccnVleted and uhen Cetnclition is eomplete o" st,.r.t:- tue moDei oc prerrLaes cleanei up. llobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up r Plumbit.g eonnections -- sare? d. ualet Eleetriccl CdnTzection - Bloeking, set-u: and plwnoing ccnnections m;st be apprct;ei before requesting eLectrical inspec)io:': Aecessory- Building Final - After pcnches, skirting, decl<s, etc. dre eompleled. Pa-ce 7 of 2 l .ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSA!!3:]I TO BE I.IADE !.? I]O C3ST TO CIIY -l T. e;,L T T \ ]\ )n nn L!-r 4 ,-7q 0 I q1z .8 .roe ruo Vi (1,(z-/- soLan oc -SS REQ.-u-co * Lot Sq, Ftg. 7 cf Lct Coverage i of Stories Total P.eight ?opogrqhy G"eJ): Intericr Corner Panhan"d.Le CuL-de-sac Lot Faces -lnerat So:lnees Setbaeks ieat P.L il ous e Caraoe Access Hate" !caierNortit i'ireo Laca South Hooaaiou^e llest Beitcor.s -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pennJt is granted. on the esp"ess eond.ition tlnt the said. constntctionsltall, in aLL respects, eonfonn to the Orditrance edopte,C. py the City ofSpringfielC, l-neluding the Zoning Crdinance, requlctittg the ccnstructicn dnd use of buildings, cnd mey be susoend.ed or reuokeC at e.ty t:.ne upon uic- Latton of dn! prcoisions of said 0rd.ir,ances. enFla- TOTAL VALUE Puili:.ng Perzrit Iotcl Ci,Dnaes Date Paid Receipt # X L'aLue tr,Ci:AF.c:i'Plumbing Permit No pe?son stnZl conshaet, instaT.!, aixer oy, ehanpe dn! neL\ cr e:istir.cplunbin1 or dtainage syste:n in uhole or in part, inlesi sueh person;s clc'Legal possessoz, of a oalid plwnbet,'s License, ese€Dt tizat a pe"son r,a,1 ioplunbing uoz,k to p"opevty uhieh is ouned, Leased or operaxed by the cppli-cant. Tesid.ential (1 bcth) Seter D7.,-;:-- D^;- 1 6 t4.b0 'et,/Zcteni Cttc"tits Total Eiectricol Permit Were State Las teouites th.c.t the eleety,ieal uotk be d.one by an Electr:-ccl Conx?actor, the electt4cal aortion of this Dermit sizc.LL r:ox be uai.ii ur.t;.Lthe label ?ns been signed. by the ELeca,ical Contlcetor. I\{echonicol Permit :hanst EooC ent Fo1 codsto:se )iesalk 'nac nieal bile Hane Perrit fssuxnee Mec'nct:i:2l- Penmt -- Ei,]C;|CACHI,!E:,'7 - - Tctcl. Cncrccs Plant Exoniner I HAW CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the cornpleted aoplication fot, permit, cnd dohereby eettif.y that aLL info:,nation hereon is ttue anC eorrect,, anC. ffurthet, certifr- that any ard aLL uork pez,fot-ned stall be <ione i, o"=o*-dance:rith the Ordtnances of tlrc City of Springfieid, aoC thc Lc;s of thestate of )regcn pcrtainino to the uork ceseribed hcrein, cnd :int No cccu- PANc.y tttll be nnd.e of any st?ueture uithout permission of the Buitdir.g Di.-uision. r further certifi; that otly eontrae'tops at;d. e:,tplcyees uho arb ineo:;pliance DLth ORS 70L.(55 r,si.7.7. bt .,t,-:l .t this projeit r;t C:!;NCE ) - ^U tut:Ju.t - -6@ Signe<i Date u\,60 ^i )0