HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-07-08COM M ERCIAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fiftn Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 SPRINGF]ELD q7lo3tJOB NUMBER INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE:726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK:^^-v K ASSESSORS MAP:725 nv TAX LOT tffi) OWNER: ADDFIESS: CITY: PHONE: STATE:ZIP: VALUE i TION - DEMOLISH OTHER DESCFIIPTION OF WORK: NEW - BEMODEL -X. AFICHITECT: trr trrrf ot/.a I . NAME ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS PHONE 772 EX 7 ta 33ot CONTRACTOR'S NAME G EN ERAL: PLUM BI N G: MECHANICAL: CONST. CONTBACTOR # PLUMBING NO FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg (new fix. addtl) Water Service ft Sanitary Sewer ft Storm Sewer ft Backflow Device I I TOTAL PERMIT MECHANICAL NN trtrF EHA RG F Furnace/burner & vent <100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >'100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Statlonary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duct Vent sy" AC tatn aiart or htg.from Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT - OFFICE USE - ZONING: LAND USE HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLAIN LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER: * OF UNITS: OCCY GROUP: I OF STORIEST QUAD AREA: I OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: DATEPLAN CHECK FEE BYRCPT# /6,xo BUILDING PERMIT )t1 rn t4. tIt)PLU M BI NG DEMOLITION 5"/. Slate .z-> C,l^t Surcharoet )ht lhh rih .75 t. t/€5% State Surcharoe MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE $ 5% State Su rcharoe SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITS PAVING CURBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL SQ. FT. 3 Yao $/so. FT.VALUE SQ. FTG MAIN SO. FTG ACCESS 5u. r ru ul htrn x X x TOTAL VALUE OF PROJECT- 7,7a1 rnlgnature L /S hereby oertlfy thFt accordanco wlth t descrlbed hereln, er certify that ohly v rsst l! rcadable lrom thr remaln on the slte at all f- By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefull examlned the completed appltcailon and do all lnformailonherein ls true and correct, and I further cerfl fy that any and all work performed shall be done tn he Ordlnanceaof the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and the Laws of th e State of Oregon pertalnlng to the work and that NO OCCUpANCywill be made of any structure wlthout perml sslon of the Bulldlng Safety Divlslon. I furth contractors and em ployeeswho are ln compllance wlth ORS 7O1.OS5 wlll be used on thls proiect. I further agree to ensure that all requlred lnspectlon! arc requcrtcd at tha proper tlm€, that projsct addstreet, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wllltlmes durlng constructl -inw RECEIVED BY:lAn AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT *; DATE PAID: \) VALIDATION:a- It is the res ponsibiilty of the permit holder to s REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ee that all ln spectlons are726.3769 (recorder), state your City des ated job nufor lns pectlon. Requests ign the fol lowing work day. received before 7:00 a.m. wil SITE ype of inspectio requested and when you will be ready made at the pro pe r time. To request an ln spection, callmber, job address. tI be made the same worklng day, req uests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made n To bemadeion, butp rior to setup of fo rms. UNDERSLAB P LUMBING,ELECTRTCAL &MECHANT CAL: To be madebeforeany work ls covered FOOTINGS &FOUNDATI ONS:To be made after trenc hes areexcavatedand forms areerected,all steel in place, butprior to placing con crete. CONCRETF SLAS: ro ror'taOe after M_ECHANTCAL: No work isoe covered until thesernspections have been madand approved. 4TT!C DRAFT STOPS &CURTAIN WALLS ROUGH P LUMBIN G,ELECT RICAL & FIREPLACE: PAVING: After gravel is inplace but prior to placing rrete.asphalt or conc INSPECTION: after excavat to faci ng materi framing ln spection. FRAMING:To be made afterthe roof att ; iir, ' r ' s :,':'j"? 311:i:' 3:',I 'IONS: tn ac cordance a special ins State S peci alty CodePector shall be employedby the Own erl Contractor du ringconstruction of the follow in g work. Aof the special testi ng reports shallrnished to the Buil di ng Division. STRUCTURAL CO NCRETE:Inexcess of 2500 Ei,. t 1306 a..1) E SPECIAL INSPECTSection 306 of the piping,accessories and otherancillaryequipment item s arelnplacebutbeforeanyconcrete ls placed. ROOF SH EATHING ANDNATLING:Prlor to lnstalll ng and b raclng are ind all pipes, Lhim neysand vents are complete andthe rough and mech electrical , plumbing anical are approved INSULATION &VAPORBARRTER: To be made aft er alllnsulationand required vaporbarrlersare in place b utbeforeany lath or gypsumboardlnterlorwall covering isapplied. STRUCTURAL WELDS:rerrormed on the job. (2222 I) service equ all inslab buildipment, condui blocking place an ing t, U.NDERcROUND: ptumbing, etectrical, gas, sanitary i"iLr.storm sewer, water an6oratnage llnes. To be maOeprior to coverrng -oii,;ii;;= trenches. UNDEBFLOOR: ptumbing, electrical, mecnanical T6 h6made prior to instairiiroi Iif toor i nsularlon, o""[rni' "i,floor sheathlng. POST & BEAM: To be madeprtor to tnstalratron?.ii6lllnsutalon, deckinf ;; ii;;;sheathlng. MoR tNsuLAflON &VAPOR aannren$ io-oemade prlor to lnstallailoi ofdecktng or ftoor "n"rinlnol, MASONRy: Steet locailon.bond beams grouilng oi",verilcals ln aCcordan-ce wlthuBc 2415. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL:Located ano constiu;t"e-..according to plans. BOABD: fo Oe made-itter arrIathtng and gypaum Ooari.-"Intertor ana 6-xieiJi i"'T.,",place but beforC "nv'- ", 3ll**',tJ#Ell,"i or lef o re fasteners are tipea anJ- f lnlshed. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY:Requlred tor att concieie IJar'ing with,n street right ofway, to be made afteriti -. €xcavaflng complete and formworx and sub-base matertat inplace. CURB AND APPROACHApRONS: after formiare :p_oleq but prtor to ptactngconcrote. SPECIAL GRADING EXCAVATTO N ar.r-dir r_ r-rru c,Durtng earthwork. (306;:1i&Chapter 29) cLU.LAM BEAMS: tnspectionc_eruftcar6 oy an appiJv-e;," , aocncy, furnBulrdtns Dt"l:ilXd torth€ clty's 3?fl3: ff#'"".' t-jstii u' ec' STRUCTURAL MASONRy: (306a,7' Durin g alt boltightening o perations. (306a.6) 9PRAYED O NFIREPROOFING: U.B.C.Standards 43-B 'ln add Itlon to th;lnspec.tlons HIGH SIREN GTH BOLTING:t installation an d Offlct the Bultdtn s other lnspect ke or requ lrelons of anyconstrugtlon work to ensurecom speclf led, al may ma any roof coverlng, Clty pll or ance wlth theDevelopment Bullc,tnO, Codc.FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 9lIF PIAN REvtEw BoAHD: Muor the date you wlsh lnspectlon, lii9.::l,eltq, parkrns tot stripins,requesilng thls lnspecilon. !.t..bc rcquBotcd 2 day! ln advanceAli project condltloni such asetc. must be completeO Oefoie FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the ftnal ptumbing, electrtcat,mechantcal and Flre oepartmeni-i"i:p"JiiJ"" are made andapproved. No occuoancy of the pr"rni"""'irn be made unill acertlfrcate of occu'oanry nas oeln'is"-rJo"6v the Buirding Drvisronand posted on the irremlses. DATE PLANS REVIEWED BY 7-