HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1987-10-29SPF|INGFIEI-.E'city of springfield 225 n. 5th street . LoCATIoN 0F SIGN (ADDRESS INFORMATtoN: 726-37s3 INSPECTtoNST 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION i I I A 30 Vil-^{uJ-) LEcAL DEscRrprrorl / '7 -O 3 -*z s-.3 O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS oIINER 0F SIcr{ CIF OTTTER THA}r pROpERTy OWNER) ADDRESS )7a ?*-^A SIGN CITT LICENSE }ITItrIBER TA)' LOT ,/o ,/O OpA 2 ZTP PHONE !{AME OF BUSII,IESS, FIRM, ETC. 4 . '* 2 A', NPE Or.BUSITIESS i' E' vsllooRS, CoNTRACToRS: '.il -/a /Z_ zw 774a z- ExP. DArE c brlS? E SIGN I.'ANUTACTUR.ER CIF OTHER TI{AN ERECTOR) ADDBESS TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEPJICAL DI],IENSION OF SIGN IEXISTING SIGNS 4 t0 ,, Szoo ARE TUERE ANy Exrsrruc srclls? Xyns uo so AIL EXISTING SIGNS ToR ,EUSINESS, ETC. IIORIZO}$AL WIDTII OF . . DT}IENSION FROM GRADE i NOMOU OF SIGN i:. ! TIIICKI{ESS oR DEPTII Sh y/XtL tnSIGN TO BEYOND a? t.) tt -i-_i DCES SIGN PROJECT I PROPERTY LINE? . IF YES, DI}IENSION. PROPERTY LINE BEYOND NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12', 6VEE ruerrc pRopEp.Ty rHE srcN snscion I'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES Of HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI'ID pp.Op- ERIY DAI'IAGE I}ISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yATERrArd srcN rs CONSTRUCTED OF. { 'VALUE 0F SrGN: L4e ,, -a 'I HAVE CAREFULLY E)(AIIINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that allinformation is Erue and correct, and I fuither certify that all work perforined shali be done inaccordance with che Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code-as adopred by Ehe City ofSoringfield and all ocher-ordinances of the Cicy of Springfield and Ehe laws-of rhi Stace of Cregon oercalni.ng co Ele worl:. <lescribed nctern. I further certrfy thaE mv,91gn Contraecor Li- cense lrith Ehe Ciqy of Springfield is in full force and effecc as- required by-springfietd Codes8'2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will requesc all requlred sign LnspecEions' listed-on'the'apgrovedpemic. NAIIE (PLEASE PRINT) . TYPE OF WORK: X eRnct ArrER B . RELOCATE STPJ'CTUML TYPE .OT SIGN:. _lrAr.L x rrcrsrauotrrc ROOF PROJECTING }{AROUEE " ITNDER I,TARQUEE OTEER C.. USE AIID CHA.\ACTER OF SIGN: Y rornrrrv INCIDEI{TAL X poust,e racu SINGLE FACE , I{ULTI-TACE D -BILLBOARD BOARDP.EA . I.IIIJ, SIGN HAVE ELECTF.ICAL IIIRIT{G?H SIGN LISC ADDY W' LIGITTED) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTPJ,CTOR IF YES, IJHICI: _ILLIJ}TINATED 'SITE INFOF]{ATIOU GanTO USE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDI}IG OR I.AND (OR IAST USE IF VACANT) _f,ruoooa BUsrNEss ourDooR t4ERclrAuDrsrNG PROPOSED LISE OT BUILDING OR I.AND: J SIGNATURE o / . OTTIER jt , UISTALL1TION &tfoi YES rl no j I I I : PLEASE REAt) %s.*-.3jirFqa-*, I iEa-. .xil.at is-i1-f-fr1.+, -__-1.. .{3:: DAIE ,/D' 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 5) 7) B) *w:Aseparateapp1icatl,onl.srequ1redforeachseparates1gn.asdefined Electricar: Anv pe:rrit issued under thts appticatton wirl incrude wiring ll or on sign rarrr"a,r.",Ere suPPIt wires 'fo;;;n;;;tiJ"-ri"c u" "or!i"a-;;-;; erecrricar-p-eruir. Electrical connecEionmusc be made onrv by a state Lrcensed gr..iii""r-iioi"r""tor. rrlurninared signs (boch inrerncrlyand exEernarlv) irust contonu Eo-5ii.rio""-i:i:i-i+i"i'i5t-""i g:i-iiioi'.n. springfierd sign or-o:.nance. Plans Reguired: Ttrls.applicaEion i? !o be submitted wtth Ewo corrpleEe seEs of plans show.ing di-menilns?"Ti'eighE .f .:,Iil;-;ii."ii"i,,s ;";;;;;-;;-"i;;; i;;";i;I^;i="1g., on properry uith di-Inenslons to properEy lines, sEructurar t.taiis'or-""[g9=E framing, bracing ancr footing5; naEerialsot consErucEion for'sign and sign "trrr"Errru; erectiiEar-equipmenE and lighting; size ind rocariontf;":*irffriil":r;r,lti,*li:rriiii:.Ltil;:iil;;*ilir:til'i;li,:";#,i*f ii!'iii;:ji' a) show the l0carion of arl ex'scing slgn(s) as well as proposed slgn(s)b) show che length of the street frontage Eaken up by the business or building. For wa1lsr-gns, show che tengrh of rhe u"iraif,! i;;;;d;.-c) show the l0cacion of enErances open Eo the publtc and driveways.I'Ihen required' because of design, "lf":-::c., engineered drawings and calculations urust be pre-3i5ioo?l.l"rieensed engineer oi in.ri.i";i;; il"il;is" standarEs o.,-tir. aE rhe Buirding Divi- Prans of tnsufficient crarity or detail will be returned to the appllcant with no perurit beinglssued. signs must loeet corner vision elearance requireuents as described in Figure g of the springfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. Yv 'eYqlEuE*Lr gure 9 of the Spri N9TE: No sign uray be erected which-is less than 12 feet horlzontally or verticarly from overheaderectricar conducc-ors. in excess of 750 ,roir";--;; i;""--;;;-;';;;l'ii'"Iy direcrion fron overheadeleccrical lines whlch are ;;;;gi;"e ar iess than 750 volrs. ff i"ilT t: lot installed within 60 days after the date of r.ssue of this perrair, the penrir shall 9) InsoecEions: a) Sice rnsogc,rior.r - to. be m1d,e before the sign is placed. usuarly, Ehe Footinq rnsoectionlrirj-FTi-ca-Drfi mav be made-at the sane tif,e as-_!n. iiie iiJp-i"-ti.r,. mo-;;g:sp"c-. - tion is ro be oade'afrer n"re(s)--ls-.ii".iiiIa, buE prio, to .tir" placer:enE of concreEe.b) Final Insoeccion:- to be made upon cornplecion of all work.c) Ylectrical - arl electrical signs oust be lnspected for .l""tricaI hook up after the sign. is erecced and before the sign-i" i"."a-o;:-r----* 5sr Eae(;Lr CAJI FOR TTiE REqUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIIE 24 IIOUB, INSPECUON LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRTCT _ zoNE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FoOTAGE OP SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATIoN ^oorwe oR METIIoD or ATTACHI.ENT ./sr.zctltttcg. rrltAl OTHER 1q 19 8o SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERXCTION OF SIGN: ADDITIOIIAL INFORI,IATION NEEDED BEFORE PER}TIT MAY BE ISSIJED: APPROVED BY: 55 ELECTI.ICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE TOTAI.: su$uncr {-o0 JoB # SIGN oo ,o?o ( bSECTION:SIGN ORDINAI{CE 2q-tr7 \VLPU lourt 5/ G ,tr 9 YSz'An s:// a f ?/,+,u ,F,.( u TE z u X ts F.lSr 7 il oT*a I 37 a t-/ o,/t',4 w/( t1 L v O c10 t// ,1. 3ol //, /4 f-.J'"* Ei X/57// f/6.1/S S/fufPt,tra Cfrfr*R Z-E,u.a u7-s *- Ff ST pltTa- /7ja, /*?o/,twt< RtvA ( Ftsr Ph'To\ l/o ffi w/r' RLt/o /18 v f ro' 1.. Vty I