HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-02-12'cii'y of springfield.225fidsth street 7,?;Eq SPF|TIvGFIEIJ'I N Fo R,MATtON | 726-3753 INSP ECT toNS r 726 -37 69 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION lzz.tlol-t,t n,h la/ oo A ') zaP TAI( LOT .Jt OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CII OTEER TIIAII PROPERTY OIINER) ILJ^ q) ADDRES . LoCATIoN 0F SrcN (ADDRESS) ADDRESS LECAL DESCRIP?ION OIINER OR PROPERTY . TTPE OF I{ORK: -)ienncr ALIER RELOCATE OTIIER B STP.UCTI'RAL T](PE OT SIGN: .\1_rnrrstANDrlIG ROOT PROJECTING _MARqUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE c.USE AI.ID CT4.RACTER OF SIGN: X roeutrtv IITCIDEI]TAL DOUBLE FACE z1 SINGLE FACE !{I'ITI.FACE PGADER BOARD BILLBOARD D ") aos oare 6- Bo -FS E. O, SIGN ERECTOR ..toDP..ttss CIIY LICENSE III}IBER VENDORS, SIGN I'{ANUTACTURER CIF OTIER TIIAN ERECTOR) ADDPESS ARE TIIERE A}IT E(ISTIIIC SIGNS? YES SI'ZE G. orrrr"o srcNs AI.L D(ISTING SIGNS FOR EUSIMESS, ETC. DIMFIISIONS, UISTALL\TION & SOTAL HEIGIIT ABOVE G&TDE VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HOR]ZO$ITAL I.IIDTII OF SIGN DI}IEIISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!{ OF SICN EOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS I{ORE TIIAN 12., OVER PUBLIC PROPEP.TY THX SIGN ERECTORI'IUST FILE WIII{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIER LL{BILITY AI.ID PPOP-ERTY DA}IAGE IIISUEA}ICE POLICIES E I we 2L*o TJJE- CONSTRUCTIO}I L TIIICrc.IESS OR DEPTTT DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOMD PROPER1A LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LII.IE 't[LL srcN HAvE ELEcrF.rcAL wrnrxcz lVo rF yEs, !,mrcH App:.y? ur.ecrnrcAfircrr _rILI,IITTNATED (rNDrp;ctEy lrcurrp) ELECTRICAT COTTTRACTOR ADDRESS H LISC. l. DEScRTBE TrpE oR yATERTALs srGN rs . VALUE OF SIGN: -u'( K CONSTRUCTED OT. _INDOoR BUSINESS _OUTDOOP. I4ERCHANDIS ING rC J. UDI:BUILDING L{lilD: -. E(ISTINC USE usE IF VACANT) ted-application.lor penoit and do hereby certify that a1I furcher certlfy thar all work oerforined shali be doneOldinance, the Uiifom Sign Code'as adopced by the Cicyof the Ciry of SprinqfieLd and rhe laws'of ch6 Scace oi ( eoruplet, andpring :her field Sign 0rdi.nancesng Eo CiEy 7-20( pringfi I will I IIAVE CAREEULLY U(AIIINED If,1n ononnaEi Erueis and correc It1accordancrhI.,1 SEhe o EorLnsteand1dI1aoef Cre gon ertalnip lrorl:s eocr:-b grn c.!n L fur rh r I nhat ConEra toc Licert!.fy mvcenst,Ie f.sothe I d fu1n 1I forc and ecif.,asE d ldfie dCo es(!eculr prin I9cues1aIL2)dle s :.ns ec Eions by ed,eq requi lls t on che drovesnDAPP8-2-5 (3) andpemi.c. NAI1E (PLEASE NAME OF BUSII'IESS, FIRM, ETC. rr/?F nr:. prrarrrtrc< PB.oPosER PLEASE READ 1) Separate Slgn Aoplicallon: A separale appllcatlon ls requlred for each separate slgn.as defined ln che Sign Cocie. 2)Electrical: Any per-ait lssued under thls application sill lnclude wiring in or on slgn structure,Effiwires ior cor,r,e"tion ruusE be cowiied on an electrieal p-ernit.- Electrical Eonneccion lltrsc be oade only by a Scate Licensed Eleccrlcal ConcracEor. Illuoinaced signs (boch incernally and exterually) unrsc confora co',Sectlons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of she Springfleld SIgn Or- dlnance. 3)Plans [equired: Ttrls appllcatLon ls to be subaicted rdth Elro conplete sets of plans showlng-dt-+..roentlons ana-I'eight of iign; advertlsinB oessate on slgn; location of sign orr ploPerty uith di- oenslons co propErty llnei, sErucEnral details-of supg6rc fra-ing, braclng and foocj.ngs; raaterlalsof construction for-slgn and sign sErucEure; electrical equipmeut and llghting; size and locaEionof exi.sting sigas on pioperty for Ehe saoe busieass, all as required to deteroine coopllance with itre sprrn!-irii8 sien 6iain""L. (Arrlcle 7 of che spirngtretd Cicy code). Als-o,.dhow the follow- tng lnforuarlon on-che plot plan (plan showing properEy lines and locatioa of signs): a) Shon the locaci.on of all exlscing sign(s) as well as proposed slgo(s). b) Show the length of the stleet frontage Eaken up by the business or bul1ding. For sa1l signs, show the length of the building fronEage. c) Show the locatlon of entrances open to the publle and drlveways. lJtren requlred, because of design, size, etc., engineered drarrings and calculations trRtst be pre- pared by a licensed eaglneer or shal1 confono to deslgn standards on fl1e aE Ehe Building Dlvi- slon Offlce. Plans of lnsuffielent clarity or detail will be retruroed to ths appllcant with no pernit being lssued. Slgns oust loeet corner visloa clearauce requlretrents as descrlbed ln Figure 9 of the Springfield Cooprehenslve. Zoniug Code. NOTE: No slgn uay be erected whieh ls less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadEErrlcal cEnduc'cors ln excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in'any dLrection- frou overheadclectrical ll,nes whieh are energized aE less chao 750 volts. If a siga ls not lnstalled wltbia 60 days after the date of lssue of this pe::rnit, the peroit sha1l be void. Insoectlons: 4) s) 5) 7) 8) e) a)Slte Inspection - to be oade bcfore the s lgn is placed. Usual1y, the footing_IE-psStlog(if tion applicable) may1s to be -ode be oade aE the saoe tiue as the Site laspectlon. ffiE-Foocing Inspec- afcer hole(s) ls qicavaEeci, buE prlor to the placeuen! of concrete. b) c) El4allBCpeqtlen,- to be oade upon eoqlecioa of all rotk. Electrical - aI1 electrical slgns utrst be lnspected for electrical hook up after the slgnIffiffi aod before the sign-is cumed on. cArI FOR rnE REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON $rE 24 I{OIR TNSPECrION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT 1- 6/,H ZONE DISTRICT-)- mTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OP SIGN 3/ REQUITED INSPESTIOXE: (i,,"o.o"ro*FOOTINGw OR METEOD OF ATTACI{!,IEMI ELECTRICAI OTITER SPECIAL CONDIIIONS TO BE SATISIIED BEFOBE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAI INFOR}AIION I{EEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY:)-? o//7 Uzf r;d 4 a7 srcN PERMTT{),,. 0v ELECTRICAI ?ERMIT EEE: 4Z STAIE SIIRCIIARGE: TOTCL: + 1/RECEIPT b 0 JOB f- SECTION:SIGN cn -&/4-44-/) -b DATS R!,CIEVED CITY C APFRoVED BY JoB No.0 ZcNn COk OccLrp4p.,tcy GRaup Ur'ilTsL--t---Lo ,(:,ci:l.i p/, l.tcY L(:,AD STcRrEs .--- T),pE CoNsT Le::;nq Pg56p,pa a)2s- ADDREss _CwNER ALTER.o,TIONS ll.:DtCATED tN COLarRtDOR A}.T'8,A. II(]NS MrOE AFT ]i:I !]A1 EAppRovEo Ey rHE Bu rLDtN; Orrtcr j , TtJE ccN-.t.lrs HERE oF HAVE E9EN D, WITH erL CHANG ES BE=\pw i NGFI EL D,,C EGON Dare I o\o t3s --\I I tI I Js oof\a I !I o 9 I e f,It d, i I :F-- f,_i ItICE.N TENNIAL II I I i t I / ! I / h2rta 4 lt {*$ .APPROVED i:u Slgned /\ M N d + r €-- -;;+* I I c't I '*"'-l { t I /6" \ F] SS .-Y---.- - --*.- - -..-:,:r---.- -' - c-' ?,/ ( ,{ I :tlll, III /6" I SPRINGFIELD CNY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION APPLICANT: Mission Mexican Restaurant Date: L/2?/85 ADDRESS: 1220 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield, 0R Case l'lo.: 84-L7 VARIANCE REQUEST: Number of permitted freestanding signs in the Commercial Sign District. CITY REFERENCE: Section 9-7-7 (2)(a)(2) of the Springfield Sign Code At the Board of Appeals meeting held on December 6, 1984, the Board of Appeals rendered the fol'lowing decision regarding the above referenced variance request: APPROVED FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The design of the proposed signs will have less of surrounding commercial area than the one freestandi Sign Code. ne s a ng ative impact on the gn permitted by the g 't 2 The proposed signs wtl'l not present a public safety hazard in that they will not block traffic vision in the proposed locati.gns. r. S0 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726'3753 t 1220 l'lohawk Blvd. Mission Restaurant January 7, 1985 840791 --.] '1 ,/ , -'{t-a 'i [flssr0]rfi I I : I II L / ,l r*"ti il .- 11 ffi F /t E \ ) 1220 I'lohawk Blvd. M'i ss'ion Restaurant January 7, 1985 840791 n Ld P CONST' \r- 7 :l : MISSI -llr f-t___ (--____----J A - 7al:aaa