HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-07-10iFIRE DEPARTMENT !NSPECTION OCCUPANCY NAME ADORESS PERSON CONTACTED SPNIi'CFIELD PHoNE 7.1.1. .t,? l.r- UFC SECTION YIOLATION REMARKS /?r:r- rtl aa V. ,/ ti,,,,f i.- tt,rrti t.tl ,.:t: /'..i,t i,-l /i. ,-,' iti-'t *cl A-l 1,. -..f'ltt"t -- t). r- t- ..^/:; > r; f :.i -, / t l.i, I\ r ,; /.- '7, , <, r- ^,j3' -, xi /-'rt s7 <, J.-- Pr:pp, 'T ELerrina t- ll,ts PEdnP TlrJ A al A< u Eri,* Er.,t et.ds 7)t 6, rT< ,).r -1 tr-rl<, . t 1.404 't 1.404 11.404 'I 1.404 A ELECTRICAL { 1. Discontinue us€ of €xtonsion cords in lieu of permanent ryiring. 2. Each outlet box shall hav€ e cover taceplate or tixture canopy. - 3. Mainlain 36" cl€arance ln front ol electrical panel. E l. Maintain wiring in good condition and protect trom damage. 3. EXTTS _ 1. Remov€ unapproved locks or lelchos lrom exit doors. 2. Unlock all exit doors during buEinees hours. - 3. Remove obstructions lrom exits, aisl6s, corridors and stairways. - a. Rgmove obstruclions from smoke doors and maintain to operate properly. - 5. Repair or maintain exil door and herdwara to operato prop€rly. C. CXIT LIGHTING _ 1. Mainlain lighting for €xil signs. _ 2. Prwide lighting for corridors, stairwsys and oxtBrior exitways. _ 3. Exits lhall b€ illuminated Et all timos lhe building is occupied. O. FIRE EXTINGUISHENS 1. Provido .xlinguishsr(s) ot e minimum rating. - 2. Mount eiiiilfisher whero readily avElliSl6lEiifi:i6p not highor thin 5 to€t. _ 3. Post signs indicating location whero extinguisheB ar6 not readily vlsible. -x 4. Service and tag €ach extinguish€r annually and after use. E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTETS 1. Maintain access lo and operation ol standpipos, tiro hos€, sprinkler valves and firo hydrent(3). - 2. lnsp€ct and tB3t sprinktor system and mainlain records. _ 3. ldentity 3prinkl€r valvos 8nd standpipB and socure in open position. _ 4. Provido spar€ sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. _ 5. lnspoct and s€rvica hood and duct extinguishing syslem over cooking equipmont. _ 6. Replac€ damag6d, corroded or painled sprinkler heads. F. F!RE SEPARATIOT'S t. Romove obslructions trom ,ire dooB and maintain to operate proporly. - 2. Seal unapproved op€nings with approved mat€rial. _ 3. Ke6p attic access and scuttle openings closed. G. FLAHHAALE LIOUIOS 1. Beduce Class I to 1633 than 5 gal. inside or 10 gal. outsido without permit. - 2. Reduce Class ll & lll to 25 gal. insido or 60 gal. outsido without pormit. - 3. Bemove liquids not storod in original containers or closed motal containers. 4. Romove flsmmable liquids not usod for maint. in assombly bldgs., offices, apts. or motels. - 5. Oiscontinue uso of Class t liquids (gasoline, etc.) tor cl€aning. - 6. Stor€ liquids away trom cotridors, aisl€6, gtairwayg and exit areas. - 7. Discontinue dispensing trom containeB excooding 5 gal. or provide pump taking suction trom top. _ 8. Oiscontinuo the discharge o, liquids into drains or on tho ground. H. HEATIilG APPLIAXCES l. Removo combu3tibl6s and storage from hoater lrea or room. - 2. Provido cleerance b€tw€on h€at producing eppliancs and combustiblo.malerial. r. HOUSEXEEPIHG 1. R€movs or storo rubbish, waste malerial, oily rags in cloEed metal contaln€B - 2. Clean groase tilters and hood duct syslam over iooking epplianco. _ 3. Provid€ approved wasto containers for combustiblo wasle. J. STORAGE _ L Romove rtorago lrom exib, ti3los, corridoG and on or under ltairway3. _ 2. Arrange storage in orderly mannor rnd provido for exiting and tiro departmont eccrss. _ !. Remove 3torage to 18" below lbvel o, sprinklor (36" lor storagc piled over 12 foet high). _4.Reducostora9€h€ighttoltleer1two'*tboldc6iling..].:'. K PGRTITS .' J ),.. 12.1 04(b) 1 2.104(b) 12.1 03(a) r2.105(r) 12.104 ,2.1 l3(c) 1 2.1 13(a) 12.1 13(a) 1 2.1 03(6) 11.zG)(b) 1 1.203(b) r 1.203(b) ' {.101' 4.102(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301(a) I0.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.3r3 1 0.302(a) 10.402 10.401 11.408 79.103(1 ) 79.103(2) 79.104 79.402(b) 79.1 11 79.402(a) 79.1 09(a) 79.1 10 1 1.406(d) 11 .406(d) 11.201 (b) 10.313 1 1.201 (b) 't3.101 10.208 10.207 74.107 _ 1. Obtain a pormit lrom the Fir€ Provontion Butoau, or disconlinu€. X. OTHER , th€ st. fronting proporty. of product. .YOU ARE vroLAT!oNS WtTHtNNOTIFTED 3878 DAYS. .; : TOREFERRED PR EVENTION , .l DATE ,1 1 FIRE .r -,. a'' ED-70 SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM TO Electrical Inspector Plumbing Inspector Build'ing Inspector Mechanical Inspector Invironmental Inspector Date of Referral 1- t2-- I3 Inspe ction Number Explanation of Referral trLgclw.c uL Pnaae6Q,r.<-S ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) Date 2- | a-82 3 {