HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-28INSPICTI 726-37 69 L COtlB I APPL I CA IT Job Address f, EIIERGY SOURCES: Hea t Ftg. l.1a n :q.- Ftg. Access._ l-egal Description liater Heater Sq. Ftg . 0ther Ranqe. Value of l,lork: Owner Phone n N o: th i€. t ng e Addres s nce .a -\S \ >s \ 1 ioitt"r.tii-rfl Lender Addres s Phone DES i GN TEAI.I name address lcs. no.ex0 res ohone no. Pri ma ry Struc tura I El ectri cal Mec han i ca I Genera I PI I 2,T c 7 m -7 ger,e PLUI.IB I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL N0.FFF CHARGE NO FFF CHARGF NO FFF Each single fixture Residence of sQ FT furnace/burner to BTLI' s Relocated building (new fix. additional) New circuits alts or extensions FIoor furnace and vent S. F. Residence ( I bath)SERV I CES 'x),t )Recessed wal l Sne.F hpetpr and vent Duplex (| bath) each Additional bath Temporary Construct i on Appl iance vent seoa ra te [.later servi ce Chan rp(i ge in existing dencp Stationary evap cool er Sewer multifamily, conrn. or I ndustri a I Vent fan with sinqle duct Storm Sewer 0f Vent systern apart from heatino or A.C. coHr.{./rND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Instal I /al ter/rel ocate distrib. feeders tlood stove/heater 0f amps. 4\r 7VL '')0 I ISSUANCF 0F PFRI,IT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES 3 TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LlI.'REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical port an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Di ion of this permit shall not be vali'l until the label has been signed by I s 1 on D the comp appl ication for t, and do cert I fy ha t a 'I I 'I t I on he reon is true the City be made 'I der' s and that and correct, and I fu of Springfield and th of any structure with Board is in full forc only subcontractors a rther certify that any e Laws of the State of out the permission of t and all work per rmed shall be do ne I accor da nc with the Ordinances of 0regon oertaining to the work desc ;he Building Division. I further c r I bed here i n, and that I'10 0CCUPAI,ICY will ert ify th basi s used o a t m.y reg I s trat I on vn th the Bui e and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if for exemp t 1 on 'I s noted hereon nd ernpl oyeesrtho are (& [o,, in compliance with OPS 7nl.055 proj ec t . ( S IGNAt,lAt'lE (pl ease pri nt FoP. 0r Zone Const. Uni ts S o. Ftq. l'la'i Value F ire Zone_Pedrooms Load Sq. Ftg. Access x Group Sq. FtS. 0ther-----x r Val Flood Plain Stories r_Va Iue.. TOTAL VALUATION BUILDING PERI.IIT Charges and Surcharges Plan Ck. Conun/Ind 65%/Bldq Per Fee s Deve t.5t, Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Su rcha rges Fence DEmo n n ELECTRICAL PERI,!IT Charges and Surcha rges Sldewalk A/C Paving Curb Cut Total Comb. Permit HECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges TOTAL a36 re Work ( Ga raoe/) (n tli,l I9l qP- opment .Rn COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Referencel7 03 43 PERMIT VALIDATION r4ts/ 2 examol e- 5prr ngt r Lot l. Block 3, Znd Addition to eld EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources air gas E ga it rage ion, II. F. Building permit information:l. example - construct single family house with an attached garage?. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single family residence into FeETi'uFant (change of-use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the' Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be ab'le to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Piumbing, Mechanical, & Eiectrical SchedulesA, Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Divisionl. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated scheduies you should consult theful I schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be de'livered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not authorizedto sign the electricaI labelIIIApplicant to sign and date I'lhenever possible, the initial application wil'l be used as a.worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapp'licant at the time the actuai permit is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. AII other fees and charges are due andpayabie when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLYt,Permit Cle n(n PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI,ICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name Si gn ature date IV. 6 5 It-IVILJob Address l-ejal Description l1' D 5'?-a 'L4 00b00 lilst'[cIluil LlilL 725-37tr9 7?6-37 ii tlfLllY r coilB I ilAT I0N AP I IL 0N/ ilGf {.) P ERM TCAT flIERGY S0unctS llea t t.la ter ltca ter Ra nqe l.lork: 000 .ee Value ,S sq . t- t9 . Acceii .- Sq. Ftq.0ther llerv -Feni -0th, Add A.ce DEilo er r tEi _Chli-ge/ Use 5o. Ftq. l.iain Ptrcne1/b-l -6{' ({I Owner .\rld rc s s e., Build Sing eNQ lle rnl t lnf<r Describe tlork Ga rancIli th Attach[ani I tJu i Construction Lender -----DW ,\drl re s s I'lronc DTSICII IT^]i na ilre address ljcs. no. ) Electrical tlec rl PLUIIB I IIG ELICTN I CAL Each single fixture Res i dence of SQ. FT. furnace/burner to BTl.l' s Relocated buildinq (new fix. additional)/ New circuits altsor extensions Floor furnace and vent ence h F. Pes i STRV I CES Recessed wa I I Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Ternporary Construc t i on Apol i ance vent [.later service Chanqe in existi n!Stationary evao Sewe r nrul ti fanrily, conrn. or Ven t an wi th I S torm 5er.rer 0f s Vent system apart fromrA c0r.1il./lND. FIE0tRS exhausthanca I ns ta I t /a l ler/rel oca te llood stove/heater 0f s. TOTAL CHARGIS TOTAL CIIARGES TOTAL CIIARGES Sl,iltnE AT T F 1lrL RI QU Rt tS tha le cc r ca t{o rk be done Ian ec rby Ct1 no ra toc rC he e ec r a t on rhfshapor rmlbenotpetUNbeat lte ha n Sbet:s ned na IIby ce tr r'lc rSu re rtul)e so d nd toned Buthe d n D s onI llAilE(please print) S I NiIATURE DN.TE 7 fo Ci ty made VT UL YL x Al !c e ed o ()o nolill).lp oc rtil nd11 hedo L.vre ha a fnvnad rntao t heron neoco rre c d tr uednrUrhecerhadrkt./o ranyoe rmed h eb done n co d rlcrd wle h 0rdthe n cesan for0o theedndthn9eLa$,o hc a oteS 0reo DCon r (l n n he rwo k0 d rc bed rehe n and ha ilc OCC 'ArrUP CYrUtcU benyret- lt llo oh r)e rm s on o Iluhe rl s t,rnrl rhe tcer th (l s r ard0oamy o t/n th he 0uunsreQ der srccondacfcearlreOIIS055rc(ltr tiy t lt tr'I cx t the b.r fs roellt)EINDex onOnU no heted onre a handbcnr tvcantorsdoervhoempyereancontca nce wl h ofls 0 055 on rh teco.j zone C,Ce tyoelconst. V-N uni t F ire Tone_Bedrooms _0ccy Flood plain---.._-s,o"io, - l__-.0.., So. Ftq. rra;n ?* 3F , €/ az uat uoaa /b4 sq. Fto. Access x val eroup /-?, sq. Fte. otno"TG-l r---vor TOTAL VALUATI UE ue Db ue 2-r(Z+a 2-on Z?eo * Ind 6 an Ck.5D I .5c VCtems rqe t ooGz,5o 3,/ 3 an Ck es ['er F Fence BUILDIIIG PERTIIT Charges anJ Surcharges PLU',IB I NG PERM I T Charges and Surcharqes Demo SidewalkTLTCTR IC/,1 FtRI:I T Charges and Surcha r9e s DZD b-ae Total Comb. nermitA/C Pavinq Curb Cut IlECIIAI'IICAL PIRHIT Charges and Su rc ha rqe s IOTAL F146 as (F Prima S t ruc tura I l{echanica I P n lrechan i MECHAN I CAL ISSUANCF nF pFnrttT -:r ,ri- I t_t t cert tt sndlr'l s t to I 0i ion tfy ttf s co,.t8INATION AppL IcATTON/pERHII (cAp) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Descriptionl. examole- Tax Lot 100, Lane County l,tap ReferenceTIT-I-Tr' 2. exanrple- Lot-1. Block 3, Znd Atldition to' SFl,rgTield EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION L ex amp I e- examo I e-re toota, hea t/lectrica cet r forced air E. Squa wa ter ter Lr ec r .1 so arge or valuat on' e 2 ex amo I e- exailtTer c h=eal-a d d t250 sq. foot house. i f new project, check 500 sq. foot gara 9enew -if additio n, F. Building perm etc I it irrforrnation: examrr I e - construct single farnily house with an 9a ra gea t tached 44b 2 examo I e exanrD I e rcrnodel existing gara ge into fanrily room residence intoconvert s i n9 I e fanri lyres taurantG. Value of rvork , change of defined use )as in Section 303 (a) of Urc il Structural Speci a I ty Code OESIGN TEAI.I AND c0r{TnAc T0nsTo avoid des iqnDivision Stafi r or constr.uction dela ys,tluilding persons regardi nlust be able to contang design infornration ct a ppropr i a te correc t i ons et or job site I I. Abbreviated pl unrb i ng , I'lechan i ca I E Electrical ScherluleA. Except r.rhe re blank spaces oc cur in the descri s portion of the Mechanical a ption the app I i cant need fi I l- in nd Electrical Sche dules, to the a pprop riate itern(s) only the No. Boxes adj acentB. Futl pl unrb ing to be installed, I'lechanica I ,and Ilectrica l Schedu.lesng Divisionare available at the Bui ldiTo con serve space on the permit fornr the schedules 2 have been abbreviatedIf the icem(s) tthe abbreviated o be i ns ta I I ed a re not coveredschedules you should consul t tl on l'ull schedules he C. BUI LDING OIVISION STA FF t.lILL FILL OUT ALCHARGES OI{ THE S CHE DUL ES L FEES AI{D D. As notetj on the CAP, the label nrust be del ivered to theelectrical cont ractor. for si gnature by his electricalsupervisor. The genera I c ontractor is not authorizedto si gn the electrical I a be'lI I I. Appl icant to s i 9nle, and da te!/henever possiLr the initial a pplication will be use<J ase, Bui lding 0ivision Staffa worksheet onl y. Hhere possiblwill prepare a type wri t ten copy tua I and return it to theapplicant at t he time the ac permit is issued for his IV. s i gna ture. v Fees ancJ CharoesPlan.check feis are due and payable at the tinrc, of theapplication. and no otans11iii'["'rrri"il'lo until thesefees. are paid. AII orner r.., unr.r-.iu;;;;'... due andpayable h,hen the permit is isiueJ. !r'|sr YLJ FOR OFFICE USI OIILY Pernrit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: the Bui I der,s Boarcl because: Permit appl jcant exempt from registration with Infornration:Add i ti ona'l project PLANS REVIEWID BY: da te narne s igna ture a- r D) { Required ln spec tion s .. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIE ITR}4IT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPI.ITUNS ARE MADE AT TI{E PROPER TI}.IE, THAT EACII ADDRESS IS READABLE FRO}{ T}iE STRNET, AND THAT TIIE PER}TIT CARD IS LOCATED AT IIIE FRONT OF THE PROPI]RTY. BUILDING DIVISIO}I APPF.OVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TI}18S, PROCEDURE FOR. REQUESTING IIISPECTIONS: CaIl 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGN TED JOB NIIMBER, job address, type of inspection requesEed and vrhen you will be ready for the insp-ecticn, Contractors or orlrners name and frhone-number. Iiequests received-before 7:00 am1wilI be rnade the same day, requests received after 7:00 am will be nade the following work day. Your City Designated Job NumLer Is R?O6 3 Jcb Address Owner:Phone: Contractor: _ _Phone: SITE INSPECTION: To be made IONS: after excavetion, but prior to setup cf forms. UNDERS LAB P LUl,lB ING,_E LISTRI.CAL & IIECLIANICAL: Tc be :nadc before "ny l'df-Is coverecl. CONCRETE SLAR INSPECTION: To be inspector shall be er ntractor during con following work. A cc ing reports shal1 Building Division. made after all inslab build lng X X"ROOF SIIEATIII:.IC NID NAILING:,@f service equipment, conduit, pipirLg, accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrcte is poured. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATICNS: To be m; after trenches are excavat cd and forms are erected, a1l steel in place, but prior to pouring conc'i'ete UNDERGROUND: Plumbin g, Electricr:1, Gas, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer. Weter and Drainage lines. To be madc prior to covering or fillinr; trenches, UNDERFLOCR:, Plumbing, Electrica:, l4echanical. To be macle prior to installstion of floor insulation. decking or floor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be made pri.or ':o installation of flocr insulation. decking or floor sheating, . FLOCR INSULAI'ION Ii VAPOR BARRIERIi To bc made prior to installation of decking or flcor sheating. I"IASONRY: Steel location, bond b,'ams gror,ttng or verticals in accordarrcc with U.D.C. Section 2415. FIRIPI-ICE: Prior tc placing facing materials and beforc framing i in spect ion . INSUI"^.TI0N I VAPoR BARRIE!: To be made aftcr all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsurn board interior wal1 covering is applied. I:RAMING: To be nade after the roof, il'i-Eiming, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chirnneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and heating wires, pipes and ducts are approved. FIRE 6 SEPARATIoN WALL: Located fl ccnstructeC according to plans LATH ANp/oR_GYISU.M BoARp INSPECJTON : To be rnade after all. lathing and g)'psum board, interior and exterior, isinp is appl lace but b'efore any pl ied or before gypsum boardjcints and fasteners are taped and finished. WOoDSTo\,ES: After installation is compie;;A SI.DEWALK. fr DRMWAI: Required for al1 concrete paving within street right-of-way, to be made after aI1 excavating complete G forn work 6 sub-base naterial in place. CURB AND .{PPROACII APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. PARKIN6. LOT: After gravel is in place but prior to placing asplr1l.! or concrete. STRUCTURAL CONCNETE:F.s'l:-(me;E- STRUCTUR{L h'ELD..C job. (2722 t) HIGH STNEN TH BCLTING:EilffiffiiIticn a;A In accordance rr,ith i.lding Code a special ployed by the Ov,ner/ struction of the py of the special be furnished to the In excess of 3000 Preformed on the During all -tighting Prior NG I'IEC!IANCIAL: No To bc co.'er ed urtil-tlese inspections have beerr made and approved. FIN.q.L PLUMBING FINAI, ELIICTRICAL FINAL I.{ECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTME}IT SI CI'--YIS SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD INSPECTION: operations (306 a.5) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING (u. B. c Stand,ards 43-8) SPECIAT GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLINC: Durinp earthwork. (306 a.11 FCffier 2o) GLU-LAM BEAI.'IS: Inspection Certificate, by an approved irgency, furnished to the City's Builrling Division before beans are placed. (2501-U.B.C. STDS. 25-10,11) i * In addition to the inspections specified hereon, the Building official :nay rnal.e or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertajn conpliance with the Building, City or Zoning Codes Must be requested 2 days in edvance of the date you P '.,j.'suchas1andscaping,parking1otstripingetc.mustbe conpleted befcre iequesting this inspection. FIiIAL BIIILDING: Must be requested after the final Plumbing, Electrical, llechanical anC Fire Icl,artncnt-fr'spections are nade and approved. No Occupancy of the prenises can be made until a t-'ertificate Occ has been issued by the Building Division anc posted on the premises DArE zL" Z-7 7- ,II[ (:ITY'x-,tt,t. ttnNltot.rs AN ) (;r,tiANot,'l's lrtrs't' Rn .\c(]tssIBLIt. An,IUST|III]NT'ro Btl t'tADIt A't N0 cos'r ro ICA A'rTrc_pRAFT SIoPS & CURTAIN WALLS. ,X- lB75 Mohawk Blvd. I 0-25-83 nl tJ I ll F a L itt) i( J rrrrt12J. l875 Mohawk/t 0-25-83 0lt N slt0x ilI G R K T c H E E T TE s F ER E M OY ES !tr"' \ IFrl rt USE PERMIT AND AGREEMENT THIS PERMIT AND AGREEMENT, made and entered into this tRrh of 'lu-].Y--ion, herein-1983, by and between the CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD,OREGON, a municlpal corporatafter referred to as CITY, and Property Management Services, Inc., hereinafter refemedto as PERMITTEE: t^l I T N E S S E T H: FOR AND IN C0NSIDERATI0N of the granting of a permit to use and encroach upon a portion of public-right-of-way abutting the property known as 1875 Mohawk Blvd., more particularly described as Lane County Assessor's Map #L7 03 25 l, Tax Lots 1300 & 1301, and as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, Permittee does hereby agree to the following terms: 1. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the public right-of-way subject to this use and encroachment is needed by City for any purpose, such need to be determined through the sole.and unrestricted discretion of City, Permittee shall remove at Permittee's sole cost and expense, any and alI encroachments within thirty (30) calendar days after demand for such removal by City. 2. The use and encroachment permitted shall consist solely of a 20'high free- standing identity sign projecting 10' from its support and placed in the immediate area of the existing sign. Permittee shall comply with all State and local laws, ordinances and policies while using and encroaching upon the publ ic right-of-way. 3. Permittee shall maintain the public right-of-way within the encroachment area. 4. Permittee shall provide City with right-of-entry and convenient means of access to maintain City's storm and sanitary sewer manhole and storm and sanitary pipe and any other utility maintenance needed at present or in the future. 5. Permittee shall defend, indemnify, hold harmless City from and against any and all Iiability to alI persons and against any and all Iiabil'ity claims arising from personal injuries or property damage which might be occasioned by Permittee's use gf, the public right-of-way as described herein. 6. Permittee shall pay to City $f00.00, the first payment to be macle JuIy l3-, 1983, with a like payment to be made on July LB each year thereafter. 7. In the event that Permittee's use of the public right-of-way results in property tax being levied, Permittee agrees to pay all such property tax. 8. This Use Permit and Agreement shall terminate no later than twenty-five (25) years from the date first written above. Th'is termination date does not iestrict or prevent City from exercising a demand for removal as described in Paragraph 1 prior to the termination date. DATED AND SIGNED the day and year first above written. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICE CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD, a municiPal corpor BY:BY rBY: William R.Paul i NC ATTEST r0n a.35' 400 525 I I a I 52 ,ao' I 3 .5 a I 26 ? 1zo' 5?C ! r -- l.521 .r'. i20 7 I I l:6l>rl" 5tq 0 dt 7t t 3 7 e 6'ts'd o5 t (Jo 2l 5 2 573 5?2 512 oz M T5 ,, P*|^ au. /, E.r+ 1ra.l)' ---71 A^ \ I 0 0 ; ,i \t\ n t E.\I o{LOMOND,O''"=v o t9 -o4 AVENUE EN 2.n. t 't lro(\JE a4e,8. a//a' ol9-c 4. N o*Fzfo(J b "?,o 2,. (J Loo =a co ioozoc) 3Jzo i I i I of (-*sitr \l \I ^i lt q ri I I 509 566 d 570 a 2 567 5 I 569 \568 6a 5 'i5?7 0\ 530 563 ,' 534 535 I ae, t7 Aa' 536 t 537 lq 539 0 '{ 3 5 d8' 40 4t t2 tr lt 542 ?+' ';6 2 528 'j G 562 66 2 zeo' s50 548549 4 547 546 87 7Ea 545 8€€, 544 9ce 543 A9 r.' ? 532 700 0l i.533 54 556 5 4 557 558 559 I 4 tzo.o' .560 q q * o It\ 802 rooo 803 iloo 804 4 t200 s --t .l: E blzt 14odg.tg' E.t - t30? :t I 600 t bvI 23A./; '/ /.9.o 7 I 70J .ii,r/ l4co /'y'4' qb EXHIBIT A 9 5rE 564 a a tsrri: 538.' i7l -9-.' a 5. €e'5 ea' rl l- (529 ?t. 4"' 555 7 '. DATE TO FRO[\4 SUEJECT June 28, 1983 Steven C. Burkett, City Manager Ronald B. C1ark, Superintendent of Building Village Inn Irlotel , L875 Mohawk Blvd.;.Request for Placement of. an Identity Sign in the Public Right @\trR TRANSNfiITTAL N4ENfi@ SPRTNGFIELO - This report is written as a result of a letter of request to the City Council from theVillage Inn Mote1 for use of the public right of way at the above referenced address. THE PROBLEIvI Through ldeyer Sign Company, Property l{anagement Services Inc., owner and rnanager of theVillage Inn Mote1, has recently applied for a sign permit to replace an existing identitysign which was erected in February of 1978. The existing sign was placed Ln the Mohawk Blvd. /19th Street public right of way approximately 7\ feet from the west property lineof the Village Inn. Although the existing sign was erected under a City si-gn-permit, norecord exists of a public right of way special use agreement having been approved. There-fore, it is necessary for a special use agreement to accompany the replacemLnt sign per-mit if the sign is to be erected in the public right of way. DISCUSSION Because of the placement of utilities and landscaping, the proposed sign would have to be located in the motel's parking 1ot if it's placement were limited to private property. The proposed identity sign is 20 feet in height with a surface area consisting of a 40 square foot identity sign and a 40 square foot readerboard sign, dinensions which con- form to the Springfield Sign Ordinance requirernents. Given these dimensions and the topography of the property which slopes to a lower elevation than l{ohawk B1vd. /lgth Street, placement of the sign in the parking lot would substantially restrict its visibility andinhibit it's intended purpose -- that of identifying the motel to vehicular traffic along Ilohawk Blvd./Lgth Street. Please refer to the attached copy of the sign plan and photo-graph of the area in question. As stated in City Engineer, Bob Barrettts June 22,1983 memorandum to Sign/EnvironrnentalInspector, Sally Johnson, the Engineering Division does not anticipate "ny n"u, futureimprovements of the public right of way because of the recent improvement of Mohawk Blvd./19th Street and Marcola Road. Please also refer to the attached copy of the June 22,1g3jnemorandum. !E,COi\t{E}lD-^_TION ACTION RE QUIRED Given the existing utility locations, the difficult topography of the notel property rela-tive to the street location and access, and the unlik"iy-n"rr'future improvemenis of theabutting public right of way, staff recommends approvat of the sign's piu."r"rt in thepublic right of way through the preparation of a special use Agreement with ,r, urrruui fee of$100. 00. Approval of the request by vote of the City Council. The preparation and signing of aSpecial Use Agreement between the City of -Springfield and ir.opurty lrlanagement Services, Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of tsuilding attachments nn^.cT/1L Inc.frnrrld,fu PM$E June 74, 1983 Springfield City CouncilCity Managers Office 225 North fifthSpringfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Entrance Sign at the Village Inn l[otel Dear Council Members: Ife wish to request that a permit be granted under a specialuse agreement to place a new entrance sign per the fotlowing: 1. ''Aerial photo enclosed with notati-ons .' 2. Sketch of proposed sign enelosed 3. To situate sign perpend.icular to Mohawk with the newsign post being placed exactly where the existing signpost is located. The existi.ng entrance si-gn is situated para11eI to Mohawk B1vd.and does not serve to be an effective entrance si.gn. Theproposed new slgn to not be placed as requested, would drasticallyreduce its effecti-veness. Therefore we make the above request. I assume that you have site plans and other pertinent j-nformatlon concerning the matter. If there is anything further you require,please 1et me know. . Additionally, we will agree to assume all liability concerningall matters ari.sing out of the placement of the sign per ourrequest. Thank you for your consideration. s erv, Nai AN/cs Enclosurecci Les- & Bonne Blackmore, ManagersVillage Inn Motel '!l'J4 lv'lain St., Sujie tC,j ' '\tt:.ii--ctj\,ier.v}.ishinilton irSa0-2gtj6 , (206) O7A-ZSZ7 or(503) 2g3-2466 r\,1aiitnr: ,r.O,J-::>:, P r-l r:CX 7 . \,rancg.lver, \{,,asninqlcn gg66i).rlcC7 .lUttI 6i983e' cfl 0F SP??:.lGTIELD ,-;''; :";nagef Enc g U4;ENL, P 6rEL, /87 5 HoHAwKBu/ D- ^tislq N toa^-TloN I ____ _o_::-__=_j:-.;1_rlr=,-.==:*_-=_:=-__==_!_____-::=:_r..:[_ _ tl - -t .., _ a t AflERfl@MAMIDUMf,CITY OF SPRINGFTELD To: From: Subject: REB: I c .Fi I e: ROI,J 2-2 Attachment June 22, 1983 Sa11y Johnson, Environmental Inspector/Sign Inspector Robert E. Barrett, City Engine", f(86 Vi'l1age Inn Motel Sign on Lgth Street As we have discussed previously, the existing sign is located within the North 19thStreet right-of-way, although_it is more thai 50 feet from the curb. if,. "igtt-of-wayis wider than normal at thii location because of the former street alignment"*itf,Marcola Road Because we were tentatiYely_proposing an improvement project in this area, we haveprevi ously contacted al I uti I i ty compani es to determi i,e if,ei r iaci I i ti es in if,i iarea. With the current utility locations, relocating the Vi1'lage Inn Motel iign to 9]eal.the right-of-way wou'ld nicessitate iocating it"inio tte pirr<ing I;i. eii.,the distance from 19th Street, as well as the malure iinisiaplig, I am sure thatrelocating the sign to the parking'lot would be met with lesi tiin enthusiasm. It is my opinion that constructing a replacement sign in the present Iocation wou'ldrequire a "use agreement". This would have to be presented to the Cltv CounCii. Itis unlikely that the City will need to use this riiht-oi-wiy in the near futuresince we have iu:t.completed improvements at 19th Street ini Mircola Road. i Jonot anticipate that staff would object to a use agreement. lr'' /Ot e '..,.\'l.il'.\ litilitltli lli illijii ii .'ii/li .'lL- I li .,1' sT Sr' .l- .\, I .',t tti trtiil d l ir\.\41, Ot' llgrrr.ps I t I t t: \:*\ i\i '11) 412 Itl;tz-A \,t I l1 : i I . ;.7' /7 t,t- lilp zY:p:&'('?,.: '4/t!n -. t,r.t,rELl-e- : :-- '--3-.-.i:_---: (I I I 'V I i I i1-rt 20'r .i i ; I I I I I I I I I I (I PMSI Propertg ffiohog6ment Servic6sJIS_, dot\\u 1983 Springfield City CouncilCity Managers Office 225 North FifthSpringfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Entrance Sign at the Village Inn Ivlotel Dear Council Members: we wish to request that a permit be granted under a specialuse agreement to place a new entrance sign per the following: 1. Aerial photo enclosed with notations 2. Sketch of proposed sign enclosed 3. To situate sign perpendicular to Mohawk with the nerffsign post being placed exactly where the existing signpost is located. The existing entrance sign is situated paral1e1 to Mohawk B1vd. and does not serve to be an effective entrance sign. Theproposed new sign to not be placed as requested, would drasticallyreduce its effectiveness. Therefore we make the above request. I assume that you have site plans and other pertinent information concerning the matter. If there is anything further you requi_re,please 1et me know. Additionally, we w111 agree to assume all liability concerni.ngall matters arising out of the placement of the sign per our request. Thank you for your considerati-on. S e1Y, Na AN/cs Enclosurecci Les & Bonne Blackmore, Managers Village Inn Motel ton 9866O-2980 ' (2OO) 696-2527 or (5o3) . Vancouver, Washrngton 9866o-Qoo7 283-2466 1104 \fiarn S\., Su\te 500 ' Vancouver'Washin$ Maiting Address P' O' Box 7 ,1 7 l-rrlHLqlsE3> sP?r"lGFlELD ,nager