HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-02-10 (2)L Job Address Legal DescriPtion Erener SoURCES: ileat eLEc-T, :{arer Heater €a€c7. Ranqe Access . - Sq. Ft9. 0ther - llerv Add A1 ter P'eP ' -Fenc6 Demo Change/Use inFtq Ftq Sq. !q. rkuuof€Va oo&.?Owner ld Singlei€. rDesc thI t i denceAddress //aC Construction Len \ -R N \ \ Addre s s Phone name El ectri cal Hechani ca I MECHANICALELECTRI CALPLUHB I NG /ra Residence of FTSQ 7 6oroac: furnace/burner to BTLI' s o €oaoo Each single fixture -rt Relocated building (new fix. additional) New circuits alts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent s SERV I CES Recessed wal I Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent ,[.later servi ce ??.'o Cha in existing tationar-v evap. ,Sewer s.multifamily, corrn. or 7 nw th 6 /&'S rm ,f 0f da systern apart from hea n r t90 7n cor.lr.r. / IND. FEEDERS nical exhaust I ns ta l I ,/a i ter/ re I ocate l'lood stove/heater I of lda anps./d.Oc;,5a/sb 2.,a6 ISSUANCF OF PFRI,IIT ?@,4TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES HHERE STATE LAt, REQUIRES that the Electricat worksha'll not be valiC until the label has been signed by be done by an Electrical Con an Electrical Supervisor and tractor, the electricai portion of this permit returned to the Building Division S IGIIA'o any of Ci ty made ng st 0regon the Buiof any Board YL e tethec0mp ca t no rfo tapr)permi here rt a n tforma 0ntb.y hereon truesfyandcorrectanderfurthcerthattandfyarkworfoDEsharmeddobenenccWIrdancetth0rdhena nce ofs thetdSpriandLawsthefSthetatertanntokpetherwoderscbedsherendanatthNOOCCUPAI,ICY w1 beructure'thoutwl the ss on f di Di stvt onng fu certirther tha s titra vrIontfyreg theth Bumy ssfulforcndae permi ffect a s requ red ORS 055701 tha fbyt f bas fheexempts o r ont'iexemp henoted reon a nd tha tonubcontrs'ly to'ac rs nda who areempoyees ncea thwicomc 7010Rs 055 wl be ed th0n s ectUSproj llAl.lE(please prin st. TOTAL VALUATI ,-ZorG .rVa ss x Ftg. l'lainits So Flood Plain Stories Fire Zone Bedrooms rcaaE?E_sq. Fts. Acce e"oup 4.3 sq. Ftg. othe ueZ742r/. --...-.-..- Pl an Ck.n teris e 5/, opmen aaBUILDING PERI'lIT Charges and Surcha rges 7 3. f,o an Ck s Per Fee Fence 2EPLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges 2 €O.'a /o .ro Dgmo Sidewal k 2?O,za.8aELECTRICAL PERIIIT Charges and Surcha rges --l?S=a--.?o A/C Paving /60 ,a Total Comb. Permit // q/.26 Curb Cut 2!'I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges TOTAL 5 236. ol (ON 726-J/ 5J COMBl LI IT )e I I^lork Ga raq Z.tatt*p1,/4Z- CayS Z Z:afrlLW,4e nr+*.rP o;g .92=>t bDrq6Yelh*lzT. a (o'I irc noACTORS ,Uv.-t^r> Tzos ,t€C,t t ./ iz tD-a. lop z:;74,/.22=rPGenera I <v.?B** .f 2.SzI/s.*1a*?. Otyrr ,a-E2 L /f p,'. /oq.a 5E.so der' -<lo ?2q,1 Pd D,t1r'f. ftlrv B3vra,... t e* 4hsz>te;T t,/.gg COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal oescriptionl. S!g!lS: Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference1/ 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSlrTffiield Estatesq. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources 1 cal n r forced air qas'solar ,0.-r*, garage - if addition, 2 r e ecE. Squa luat 0nIexamp l e- examp I e- check add 1250 sqif new foot 500 2 project, check new, etc.F, Buiiding permit information:1. example - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. examp_le - remodel existing garage into family roomJ. exampte - convert single family residence intorestaurant (change of use)G. Value of work ai defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. OESIGN TEAI4 AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construct.ion de)ays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropr.iitepersons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated P)umbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where biank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the app'licant need fill-in oniy the No. Boxes adjaientto the appropriate.item(s) to be instailedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare avai lable at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consuit theful I schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF I.IILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The generai contractor is not authorizedto s i gn the el ectri ca l 'l abel Applicant to sign and date Hhenever possible, the 'initial app)ication will be used as a worksheet oniy. I'lhere possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to the II III app sig 'licant at the time the actual permit is issued for his na ture.IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT VALIDATION L-lo-% IaZ/"OL*tdZ4D3 Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information PLANS REViEWED BY: name si gnature date SP]rINGFIELD CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Mr. DeWayne Wafford Pac'ific Builders 3033 Gateway Street Springfield, 0R 97477 REB: SH:1 c February 28, 1,984 Subject: Sewer Connection Charge Dear Mr. Wafford: We have reviewed the circumstances that led to confusion over the sewer connection charge for your property at the southwest corner of 19th and 'Q'Streets. l,le agree that our oversight in not assessing your property at the ti.me you conslructed the Grocery Cart resulted in the property being assessed at the present higher rate, rather than at the old rate of $0.03 per square foot. Therefore, the connection charge for this property will be computed at the old rate. The connectjon charge is $1,058.37 ($0.03 x 35279 sq. ft.). Very truly yours' 61-^*e4alrL* Robert E. Barrett City Engineer 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' 5O3/726-3753 ( (, ( ( ( (. ( T CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springlield, Oregon Deparlment ol Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( ( No. B 62511 Date Rec'd For: Amount Received 19 -. i:):.i.. .',-,...-,,r:i.,.ir.ri:;:..,;j.,;1... ( ( ( t ( L 'iIOO' PRINTERs/LITHOGRA?HERA. EUOENI. ONIOOT' ( ( (, q Trunk Sewerc/s ED 120 REV 2/81 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 8408309 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND APPLICATION FOR SEWER HOOKUP t^le, the undersigned property owners, request permission to connect the following described property to the sanitary seule-.r owned and maintained by the City of Springfie'ld. We therefore agree to pay a charge o6<-f;/f per square foot of the benefiting property for the first 150 feet of depth as a deposit against future assessments for sanitary sewer. Tax Lot No. t7oszs24oosso Receipt No. Property Description:Address: 1930 Irtohawk B1vd. *SEE ATTACHED*74e6A001 03/0e/84 REC *r0 0 04*r 8.0 0 35279 sq. ft. @ $.OS per sq. ft = $1,058.37 This agreement does not include the cost of a house connection to said City sewer, sewer user charges, connection fees, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by theproperty owner. Ihe app'ljcant agrees to waive al1 right to remonstrate against an improvement project for santiary sewer to be du'ly initiated by the City Council, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicantto bear inequitably or unfair'ly upon said property of Applicant; NOI,I THEREF0RE, the City agrees that if Applicant complies with the terms of this agree- ment and with all other applicable laws of the State of 0regon, Lane County, and the City,the said Applicant shall be entitled to connect the existing residence to the public sewLr systems. The covenants herein contained shall run witbinding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, adminhereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit anThis agreement shall be recorded in the Lane Coun ht ist da he land herein described, rators, and successors of burden upon the property Deed Records. and shal I be the parties herein describedty WHEREFORE, thE CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD parties have set their hand and seal this zg*r day-.'if February r 199g_. {ls )c--ur*-rector o u c Wor S STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE 0n this 29th above do cumen ay of February , L9 84 , there personal'lJ, appeared before me and signed the My commission Expires: 8-18-86For Finance Depa ) ) ) d ss. Vn H- *cs t Information: Lateral Sewer /y- 1s3 '- {;-q 840830q- :- .:-. ato rt,totvoou aIxrr.,Tl.oatxcc otiGoL tr.la torlrar.a. I IPLANTS & BRITTON. tNC. 34 CGxrrHr{tAL Loo? EUGENE. OREGON 9740t lotlaa..trt I Doc. 2'1, LgT) DESCRIPTION: Peclflc Bulldors church Proporty - souih ploco - property urlth church on The abovo doscrlptlon 1s baaod on Iano Corurty Surveyoro offlce rlght-o!-r*qynap lnfornatlon end 1a eubJect to tltlo conpaDJr conturronce. B:qfr-f"e at a polnt on tho Wostor\y rlght_of_ray llno of }gth StreetNorbh 88o I3r o5r! west l+5.0 feot from a p"rn[ on tho tenter]Lno, eald polntboing South olo I+6t 55" WesL 92.o foet frorn tho Southwost cornor of tho Fo'l{xscott Donation Land claim No. !r, Townshlp 1l souLh, Rar8o 3-wost of thol{{'l'laa6lfe Morldien; thonco South OIo l+6r- 55n West "topg-u.ld Weoter\r rlght-of-way llno I05.67 f.aet to a polnt; thenco along the arI of a 6?I.zo -roof--- radlus curvo rlght (tho chord of whlch bears souttr o8o o5t ].9" west 14?.59feet) rl+?.89 feoL to a polat on the Northor\r rrght-of-ray LLno of r-Io!;thenco along eaid Northerly rfuht-of-rray line ttri fou-oriirg flvo coursos anddistancost r)'south L7" 35r g!,r west 2i.BB feei, ijl""ti-,::'{. sl r o5,, west 29.75 feet, 3) Norbh 680 05/. 55" Wost 19g.55 teei, i*) So"un'Zt"- SOr it_, Wurt ?9.55 fooL, 5) North BBo 06r O5'r West 35.OL feot to tho Eastorly-rfght_oi_*ylino of tho 19th Stroel connector; rthonco along the said Eastejy "iti,t_of-iiyrlne the forlonlr,g slx coursos and dlstancos: 1) arong th;-;;" of a 34g.3Ifoot radluo curvo loft (chord -.North ]B.o l"O' 33; past-32.?3 iiuij jZlii"tZ.U,2) North 1!o 2gr J8" East r5o.95 feot, 3) ;i.r8 tho arc of a 2BB.3r foot radluscurv6 rlght (chord - NorLh z)" 55r 40, fast g4l5g ru"ii gA.ig-t""[, rrl "f"rrg-'the arc of tho 288.3I foot radlus curvo rlght (chord:'lorttr-31" 35r'j4,, glg1"87 foet) r.s?-{uu!r 5) a}ong tho arc or Ius 288.3L root reoius curvo rlght(chord - Norrh 50" o2r !g" pait r?r.48 feetj L?L)2 foot, 6) south ,Io orr 2gnt-"t.59-'g)-foot, to tho polnt of beglnnlrgr-1n Sprlngrloia, Ia,ne county, Orogonlrt boing ln sectio\ 25, Tovnshlp r7 sout,[, Ra'ng; ] woct oi tr,u 1.1ilrnrn6lfleMerldlan. The boarlnSs ln this descrlptlon aro-baaed on the orogon Stete Gd.dCoorrllnato System, SouLh Zono. Tho trect es doacrlbod abovo contalls 60515.14 Equaro foot or r.39 acroo,Doro or locs. I I I I t ENG!NEERING SURVEYING PL,INNTNG (Tt-jg) 840830e State of Or€gon. county of Lane--ss. 1, the Coun:y Clerk, in and for the said County, do hereby cerLify that the uilhin 'nstrunent was received for record at e UAR 84 tor 06 Ree 1 Lane county OFFICIAL Records Lane County Cl'erk By c 30-53 L286R P c \ \ ) -e- \ \s \( \\ \