HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-21Job Address l-egal 0escription I,ra. AP L coilBI ilA IISt'tCIIOII L 26-37rr9 ilE t tJ PE TRMITCA l.,ater l.lea ter Ra nqe -3753 IAT:.:I E!IERGY SOURCES: llea t 0wne Val oo tg. Iiain_ 3q. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Ftq.Other llew Add AIler.-ltt-Jenie_Dfro Chln-ge/Use 0ther Addrcss hon e 0escrridtfIiri o e., Sui l ng e Cons t ion Lender ,\ddress Phone na s S t ruc tura I Electrica'l Elec r1 ttechani PLUIIB I IJG ELECTNICAL rc!NO FFF CHARGF ilo. Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT. furnace/burner to BTtl' s Relocated buildinq (new fix. addjtional)New circui ts al ts.or extens ions Floor furnace and vent S.F. Pesidence lL bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Ouplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on ance ventApo l,la ter serv ice Change in existing res i dence Stat onar.y evao Sewe r multifamily, contn. orIndustrial rm Sevlers 0f .amp s.system apart from cor.fl,t./IND. FEEDERS irlechan ica I extraust hood and ductIns ta'l I /a I teiTiet ociti di stri b. feeders l/ood stove/heater amp s.0f ISSUAIICF OF PFRIIIT bytri T OT,AL CHARG 5E ALTOT C HARGE c LTOTA CIIARGE SIlEl.,,tE s TEA I,r SRtREQu hat tlt Ele eI tc ir ac I wor bck nedo na E e tC Ir IcahasI raCon t torcnot the e ec tribeIIun1 c Ia rt on'|it I Ihet po of t '|h sbeahsa trfil5beenipenaIEbyecgnedacIjrsoSupeandtotheBudIDiIIson aa.e ^/^/2 apn t rue 5o*) YE the conrpleted cation rrerni t, and doand correct, and i hereb.v certi -y that allfurther cer nfornration hereon istif-v that any and al I rvork ne rformed shall beof Soringfield and done in accordance withthe Laws of the Ordinances of the City l,l0 0CCUPAHCY rvi I I be made the State oi 0recon oertaini nq to the workof any structure described herein and tha twi thout the f),ermission of the 0uildinqect as required by OnS 70 Division. I fur0oard is in full ther certi i'y that tration vri th the Builder,sforce and eff my reqis1.055, that if eonly subcontracto xenrot the basi s for exemn t irs and emplo on is noted hereon. and thatyees who are in comcliance with OPS 701.055 r.ri ed on th llAilE(please print) SI GiIATIJRE be an Ck.I temss rqe I opnlen t .Tyoel Con s t So x S q0cc.y Group Load So _ l.lni tsZone Value Val ue l{ain S tori es Bed rooms Flood Plai Fire 7o Ftg Fto Fts x Value TOTAL VALUAIIOII BUILOIIIG PERTIIT Charges anC 5u rcha rge s Acce s s 0ther an Ck Per F Fence PLUI4BING PERMI I Charges and Surcha rqes Sidewalk TLTCTRICAL PENI:IT Charqes and Sur6h3 7gg5 A/C Pavinq tal Cornb. termit Curb Cut ,lECIIAIII CAL PEIII.IIT Charges and Surc ha rqe s TOTAL Prima llechanical MECHANICAL Vent fan rvith sinole duct I re turned ng Demo ttob3 PERMIT VALI DATION lbu s & COMBINATION APPTICATION/PERI,II I (CAP) I. Appl icant to furnish A B c 0 Job Address Legal Descriptiont. gluqptg: Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Referencel7 0t 43?. exanrple- [ot l. Block 3, Znd Ad<Jition toSpFingfield Istates Name. etc. of owner and construction lenderEnergy Sources 2E. Squa ec luation, 1250 sqif new foot house, projec t. check, etc. I ceili or forced air as e ec r ca or dr 2 examo I e- Axame- ah=e;E add 500 sq. foot ga, new - if addit ra 9e ion , Bui lding permi t information:l. glamp.le.- construct single family house with anattached gardge | _gl+glg - rcrnodel existing garage into fanri ly roomJ. exatnpte - convert single fanrily residence.inio .. - restaurant (change of-use)Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specia I ty Code OESIGN TEATI AND COI,ITRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building0ivision Staff must be ab.le to coniait'aiiropriatepersons.regarding design infornratjon or job sitecorrections, etc.Abbreviated Plunrbing,. Mechanical, & Electrjcal SchedulesA. Except rvherg urinr< spaces-;;;r; ;;-;;e descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electricaf Scneluiei,the applicant need fill_in onfi ine No. Boxes adjacent ^ to the appropriate i tern(s ) to -be .insia l.led8. Fult plumbing, l,techanicif , .ra-it"liilcal Sche<iutesare avai lable at the Bui lding Divisionl. To conserve space on the permit iorm the scheduleshave been abbreviated?. f.f tne item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consutt-ini't'ul l schedulesC. EUILDING DIVISION STAFF I.IILL FILL OUT ALL FEES ANDCHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES0. As noted on the CAp, the labe.l must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signal;;;;; his electricalsupervisor. The general con[.acto. is not authorized- to sign the electricaI labelAppl icant to sign and date l,/henever possible, the initial application wil.l be used asa.worksheet only. Where possibte, Auilding 0ivision Siaiiwill.prepare a type vrritten .opy ina-ruiurn it to theapplicant at rhe time the actrii puirii-ii'tssreo for hiss i gna ture. Fees and Charges PIan cneck fees are due and payable at [he time of theapplication, .and.no plans rviil-be p"oceifio unti l theserees are paid. AII other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F G H II III. IV. V PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Bui lder,s Boarrl because Additional Project Inforrnation : Permit Clerk PLANS REVITWED BY name Si gna tu re da te SqBM FIRE DA},!A.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD \\DATE:-\b*g q TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: Building DePartrnent Springf ield Fire DePartment Structural Damage to Building Address or location of building \ q:o tn or rJ \c Name of owner Tyoe of building (Dwe1 1i ng, Store, l^/ar ehouse, e tc. ) Estimated value of bui'lding Estimated loss to buiiding Date of fire Location of damage ng (Rcof, hJall, Exter ior, Interior, etc. Structural weakness as a result of the fire (tsurned raf ters, 3eaiis,Joists,etc. ) Additional pertinent jnformation Electrical Hazard ('llirinq, 0utjets, etc cc: Sjqned R [.;.[ \ s \,\\\o s a Pw t -^t rq ef / o/r ,/bf 1982 EOITTON 330r3306 protected by a tight-fitting smoke- and draft-control assembly having a fire- protection rating of not less than 20 minutes when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 43-2 without the hose strezrm test. The door and frame shall bear an approved label or other identification showing the rating thereof, the narne ofthe manufacturer and the identiflrcation ofthe service conducting the inspection of materials and workmanship at the factory during fabrication and assembly. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or shall be automatic closing by actuation of a smoke detector in accordance with Scction 4306 (b). Smoke- and draft- control door assemblies shall be provided with a gasket so installed as to provide a seal where the door meets the stop on both sides and across the top. EXCEPTIONS: l. Viewports may be installed if they require a hole not larger thart I inch in diameter tfuough the door, have at least a %-inch-thick glass disc and the holder is of metal which will not melr out when subject ro temperatures of 1700"F. 2. Protection of openings in the interior walls of exterior exit balconies is not required. 3. Patient sleeping room doors in hospitals need not be self-closing or fautomatic closing. 8 2. Openings other than doors. Interior openings for other than doors or ducts shall be protected by fixed, approved %-inch-thick wired glass installed in steel frames. The total area of all openings, other than doors, in any porrion of an interior corridor shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. For duct openings, see Section 4306. EXCEPTION: Protection of openings in the interior walls of exterior exit balconies is not required. (i) Location on Property. Exteriorexit balconies shall nor be located in an area where openings are required to be protected due to location on the property. Stairways Sec. 3306. (a) General. Every stairway having two or more risers serving any building or portion thereof shall conform to the requirements of this section. EXCEPTION: Stairs or ladders used only to attend equipmenr are exempt from the requirements of this section. (b) lYidth. Stairways serving an occupant load of50 or more shall be not less than 44 inches in width. Stairways serving an occupanr load of 49 or less shall be not less than 36 inches in width. Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than l0 shall be not less than 30 inches in width. Handrails may project into the required width a distance of 372 inches from each side of a stairway. Other nonstructural projections such as trim and similar decorative features may project into the required width I 7z inches on each side. (c) Rise and Run. The rise of every step in a stairway shall be not less than 4 inches nor greater than 7 /z inches. Except as permited in Subsecrions (d) and (0, the run shall be not less than l0 inches as measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the furthermost projection of adjacent treads. Except as permit- ted in Subsections (d), (e) and (l), the largest tread run within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than % inch. The greatest riser height within 551 tr: Z EPfflaN a? Tr+F 5*::9)ob #il7 AC, ) Tu^t rt,f|m,,ffliah,p ff::r{ff;tr'" 46d€ t o*' ) <TAirE, ....',.'..,--,,.'':. ti... ::'. 71)I I I I I I I i 1982 EDlTloN 3306 3306 uNlFoBM BUILDING CODE any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than % inch' EXCEPTIONS: l. Private stairways sening an occupant-load.of less than.10 and stairways to unottrrpi"a i*ft *ay be constructed with an 8'inch maximum rise and f-inch minimum run' 2. Where rtre Uottom iser adjoins a sloping public wav' walk or driveway having an established grade and serving as a landin-g' a.variation in height of the bonom riser of not more tt .n f incf,eiln evlry 3 feet ofltairway width is permitted' (d) Winding Stairways' In Group-R' Divis.ion 3 Occuoancies and in private stairways in Group R, Di;;il i bttupuntit'' winderi may be- used' if the reouired widrh of run is provided at a poini not more than l2 inches from the side ;?-H:;#;;;;;;; ili"'d;;;il narrower' but in no case shalr anv width or run be less thin 6 inches at any Point' (e) Circular Stairways. Ci"utut stairways m.ay be used as an exit' provided theminimumwiatnorrunisnotlessthanl0inchesandthesmallerradiusisnot less than twice the *iatn oitiit-'tuirway' The largest tread width or riser height ;i,hi;;;y fri;ht of stairs it uii not t*tttd tht smallest by more than 3/8 inch' (D Spiral Stairways. In Group R, Division 3 OccuPancies 'ld-]:- P:t-1t-: ,t#r.ir-*l,rrin inoi'iOuui 'Js'oiC"p R' Division I Occupancies' spiral ;;;t *;i,; muy ue instutt.o-'sutn titi*uyi *uy be used for required exits when the area s.rved is limited to 400 square feet' The tread must provide a clear walking area measuring atleast 26 inches from the outer edge of tne suppoitffiofut'n ti tt't in"er edee of the handrail ' A run of ' atleastlV2inches is t" b.;;;;'id;ui u point I 2 inches-from where the tread is the narrowest. The rise musttie sufnclenfto proviOe 6-foot 6-inch headroom. The rise shall not exceed 97: inches' (g) Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the *id;;;d" ;i;il;y' such dimension need not exceed 4 feet when the stair has . st.ri;;;;;. e Jooti*inging over a landing shall notreduce the width of the landing;;i;;; ;il;;. half i-ts r-equired width at anv position in io t;G;.ay ,nor.,lnun iintt'tt when fully oPen' See Section 3304 (h)' EXCEPTION: Stairs serving an unoccupied roof are exempt from these provisions' va, and a stairway to an upper (h) Basement Stairways' When a basement starrv story terminate in the same exit enclosure' un upp'outd barrier shall be provided to prevent Persons rro, toniinuinf on inio tt't'6asement' Directional exit signs ,triff U" provided as specified in Section 3314' (i)DistanceBetweenLandings.Thereshallbenotmorethanl2feetvertically between landings. () Handraits. Stairways shall have handrails on each side' and every stairway ,.qYirJio u. more than'88 i"tt'tt i" widrh shall-be provided.with not less than onl-int..rn.oiut. t,anar.ii for each gg inches of reouired width. Intermedlate handrails shall be rpu..a'piio*imaiety equatty across with the entire width of lhe stairwaY. EXCEPTIONS:l.Stairways44inchesorlessinwidthandstairu'aysserving one individual dw.lli,g;;ii ilffuup R' Division I or 3 occupancies may have one handrail, except that such stairways open on onc or both sides shall havc handrails provided on the open side or sides. 2. hivate stairways 30 inches or tess in height may have handrails on one side only. i. Stairways having less than four riscrs and serving one individual dwelling unit 552 552.1 I INSPIL'IOII NI.NT]URS (C\u'r'r:nLly In Use) INSPEIOR Nul\tsERS (For Reference) 01......Dan Smith 02. . .. ..Ilarion Johnson 03......Roy Bordeaux 04.. .. . .[,ee Colden 05. . . .. .Jim Matteson 06......Neil ElIis 07. . .. . .Char1ie lfatson 08......Sa1ly Johnson 09......Dave Puent 1.0......Iorne Pleger 11. . . . . .Henry }.lackenroth 72,.....Bob Andreason 13......Gary Karp L4.. .. ..Bd Brath 15. . .. . .l,like Iludman 16......Dick Yates 77......Steve Roehl 18......Stan Esler 19......John Culver 20., .. . .Denny Bordeaux 2t......Les Craigmile 22......Don Herschel 23.,....Lisa Hopper 24......Dick Sellers 25.. ,...Don Moore 26. . .. . .Roger lfisernan 27......8i11 Schaub 2[3......Ralph Sl:arv 2Er......Dennis Shew 30......Dick Evenson 05 08 09 10 15 2l 25 27 28 29 30 Jim Mzrtteson Sally Johnson Dave Puent Lorne Pleger ilike Ilutitntt Les Craigmi).e Don Moore Bill Schaub Ralph Shaw Dennis Sherv Dick LVenson 16-/ 2 bl- oq-;* f I i I 1 I l I j tA 2b o I Iob ol- of{ { N- $r e *{ sq ..1. 2 a u ,(€ .il.r'2t 2 I_l 1lr(! -o t I -t... i 9( n 4Y 4 -"..-- r i II ,t>, I I -+ J r : i ilI ! , ,i, E (,L h,nw ,) t I I T,///'' Lt ,ft d 4r ?.,t2t.r -14 1 I ,P I 2 I ,',? 2at;i I 1o r w rJ lz )z l)'l rlc , ,5 r, ')(2,,,l?tg ,o"y.l 'I / la I ?t l/.t ln'e,5Ll 7 t L I (,L 4t,b^ZI (451 /, a ,7,;5 // 2.2 q(21.)(5)/7 I\4 7 ? /,-c/'/,tt tt/v ,,/o,1 /t I 7€Ig L 74 4 r -/,L4 t,A,tC $tl,c )a I ,l 41,gv I lfr . l,tlt do -5({c rtl,(t,7)1 Cr. e 1 5,r)'L r, A1-, /I '?4 y',? /lc.,t ,'"ol )I ))tr "} I w t 5 a 2 -.-- i - r -?.':_- 'o t 4( f?l j 1 i -I D;C l,9i 2,'r7Y l - -*1" I i I l!. ,l I I r- hb( I I i i I I ; I I i I I I a , a { ! t q4 : 1 I ii -i I , . i. i-- ,t-* L!' af: 55 tnrF' ('r, /z). ,/, r l i . i h, ,7' t.ts /,2,s I I--t- i If' i : i No, 7 fr FOuu E>.4 gPtrP71 i i i : I I i l I I I IJ. I i I ! I t I i I : 1 ! l : $\ \ v $\u \ a D \ No u_ i.ou- ci 5..U r .t .. + I J"-. *J L t),BtF V/A or1i.'f- : t I '€a(2 11e 7//7Q2, t1.;1 oCLL b (t ),s 4 tO /, L'td I ,/ 3Q vt to v,,/ z-t/r/ I *-1- I ' t- I I I I1 I -- Gl,?r_I (,) {J I ,do l_tZ,: t- ) (,40 ^* Ilt ,,1 | li ? t171 J L,b I //t', I I //,t \5 ,qY 'q Tol- G i I I Itr2?L w 4 I t1to' I Cat I /I (I /(7 2tl P,/,)t I ,tlO rT +"-- - I I I I I I I I .<,/.dr /t, ,SC ,u /4 lL ??t,ca li 7 /-) +t1 ?20 ,6 I L, ':7"'( Itl.t t 7, / ) " ^-1"-*"'r*"i I t*-"t { tr, 5r. I f? , 'J,.ot, L.) / t / ,/' --+ 2t t o2urt? No. 5 9.t ht'- a(shret b'/"-,r0 { l'e 't ./ y'rr' r .- lE c7=,/54 i I I I I i 1 i !' ' l' I i -b5 b V/, t9/ v/t, ,r{ : /z /z l. ,r/rI o c 4>Es+ I --t .( /,I L.,0' a-' /e *r1 t /t" I$/' LgJ t) tr ,)) I I' ,t-\v/rd Itr ^I 6tt.-T F s N ,i<7 v7 a -! )b 4 Y v f,N A 1/2, I'a -l (:?l,t) toA 'ty 5a I ! ,ol a tr '45 I 1-E n/rr Vtc /1'iir i'**cl.'A /. +Z )c24, 4P ;b fu Vr/,//) t a lrtl @ ii * I t I t i -i"-I II'*'.i*"-"- I l-+*- I"}-- I I I I I ii f Lfi/, / C/.A a* t) // / (E F ,bt7- I-f i I r i I I I l i - -t.' a'. 1 i No. I I I..t: i I I I I *-| 7. ,/_ u'l- t-- I -a ! rnl I AfZ "-!-., I q q *, @ 6)) LL,' €8, / /? I L07 5 Otr 7 v' .. t. i /ZZh l / r* , I | .,-'l; I + * t-1 C,7,r) t t/2 or = '?74/t ,t 0'Ita-t ottLt g /rt ss I t ("2t i r a vl E ad/, T- lgua t ? a a9 A Z/ t V u j ,0 E E l I o ( -- t , c/oz +E r i I 1 1 I I ,' '''i I E. *Er zla*4 r-? (e>+l t l i i / i It*" L *L I I*,L-i I 1 -1 : -.t t, I i -,? I I -+*- I *"-- I {porc' ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL I NSTRUCTIONS AIA DOCU&',ENI C7-10 (lnstructions on reverse sjde) PROJECT: Tzzyt s Pizza (name, address) Springf ield, OR OWNER: Pacific Builders TO: Hy.land Brothers (Contractor) Owner Architect Consu ltant Contractor Field Other Pacific Builders Bill Berry Hyland Brothers m E E m n E n n Covalt Public Enterp r es, Dept. of ks ARCHITECT'S SUPPLE INSTRUCTION NO: DATE OF ISSUANCE: Aprit 25, 1984 ARCHITECT: Brun Moreland Christopher Arehitects pc 8 CONTRACT FOR: New Consrruction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7300 The work shall be carried out irr accordance with the follor,ving supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance rvith the Contract Documents rvithout change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance rvith these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions ior minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents ancl return a copy to the Architect. Description: change per owner request: Room Finish Key dated ll/lo/94, item H,under nwal I s, wainscot Tr im" to olympic 208 semi -transparentstain. Add dark grey tint to grout at f loors in women's, Ments, Back Bar,Ki tchen and Dr ive-up. In lieu of f inish specif ied in S,rpplemental Instruction #7, item4, Toilet Room, office, Storeroom, Dough Room, and double swingdoors into kitchen may be stained by subcontractor to match oaitrim at beer cooler. AttaChmentS I /llere inseil listing o/ (rocumentJ that support rlescription ) 1 z 3 ISSUED: - I { (1, . d,. ACCEPTED BY'' ,/1'1,f\ ,ifi\&fii8":il-? ( . Chrls STOPHER topher Architects pc Contractor Date AIA DOCUMENT G71O . ARCHITICT'S SUPPLENlENTAL INSTRUCTIONS.,1979. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 17]5 NEW YORK AVE N1ARCH 1979 EDITION . AIAO N.W., WASHtNCTON, D.C. 20006 c710 -1979 BY n ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAT INSTRUCTIONS AIA DOCUMINI C710 (lnstructions on reverse side) Olvner Architect Consu ltan t Contractor Field Other E Pacific Builders E E Bill Berry ffi Hyland Bros. tr E Covalt Enterprises, DepE ofPublic Works, Ci ty of PROJECT: Izzy's ptzza (name, address) Springfield OWNER: Pacific Builders TO: Hyland Bros. (Contractor) pr ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 05 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 9 March 1984 ARCHITECT: Brun Moreland Christopher Architects pc CONTRACT FOR: New Construction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7300 The Work shall be carried out in accordance rvitlr the follou'ing supplenrental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents rvithout change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance n'ith these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: 11 Pursuant to approvals-made by building of f icials of the City of Springf ieldr for alternate means of attic ventilation, provide ventilation to the atticarea and mansard area as one contiguous space within each roof draftstopped area by means of a 2'x3' screened, louvered vent in each of twocupolas, as shown in Brun Moreland Christopher Architects d.rawings detail6, sheet 81 in addition to screened soffit vents at the lower ed[e of themansard, as shown in detail S, sheet 8. continuous air flow to be provided by 3"x4" openings spaced 4'-0,the exteqior wal I gyp. sheathing. The solid tlocting at each studthe ceiling line, as shown in detail s, is approved fir. blockingsep?rating the wal I cavity from the attic ventilation. AttaChmentS: (tlef e tnsett listing ol documents that support tlescriptton ) ISSUE ACCEPTED BY BY Architect Grigsby, o.c. in space a t t,Brun I'loreland 6y11s1 Christopher opher Archltects pc Contractor Daten G710 -1979 AIA DOCUMTNT G71O . ARCHITTCT'S SUPPLE,\,1ENTAL INSTRUCTIONS . NIARCH 1979 EDITIONE1979. THT AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITTCTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINCTON, . AIAC D.C. 20006 Architect's Srpplemental Instructions No. 05 Page Two Additionally, provide draft that the maximum horizontal 10 feet. mansard space at 10'-0n the mansard space does s tops in dirnension the in o.c. r so no t exceed /^ ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAT INSTRUCTIONS AIA DOCUNTENT C7'10 (lnstructions on reverse side) N Pacific Builders N E Bill Berry @ Hyland Bros. u ffi Covalt Enterprises, Dept. of Public Works, City of Orvner ,'\ rch itect Consultant Contractor Field Other PROJECT: IzzY's Pizza (name, address) Springfield ARCH ITECT'S SU PPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 04 n OWNER: Pacific Bui-lders DATE OF ISSUANCE: 9 March 1984 TO: Hyland Brothers (Contractor) ARCHITECT: Brun Moreland Christopher Archj-tects pc CONTRACT FOR: New Construction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7300 The \\/ork shall be carriecl out in accorclance lvith the Iollow'ing supplernent.rl instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents rvithout change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance lvith these instructions, indicate your acceptance of tlrese instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: Frame cupola assembly to roof structure, as shown in detai I Z, sheet5, Brun Moreland Christopher Architects drawings. Mininum bearing foreach rafter tail to be 3rl" or the Iength of the Simpson A35 framingcIip, as shown in detail z. Block and edge-nail plywood roofsheathing (for the sloping portion of the cupola) at the intersectionmeeting the roof sheathing of the main roof . This blocking will subs ti tute f or Zx4 blocking shown at the glu-lam in detai I Z. BIockand edge-nail sheathing for the main roof above the cupola sheathingas shown in the detai l. AttaChmentSi (Here insett listing ol documenls that suppotl description ) ISSU E ,^\CCEPTED BY BY Architect Grlgs Brun Moreland Christopher istopher Archit.ects pc Contractor Date AIA DOCUIIENT G710 ' ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' NTARCH 1979 EDITION . AIA@ 41979'THE ANIIRICAN INSTITUTt OF ARCHITICTS, 1715 NE\,V YORK AVE., N.\V., \t'r\SHINCTON, D.C.20006 n G710 -1979 ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL I NSTRUCTIONS AtA DOCUMINI C7'10 (lnstructions on reverse side) PROJECT: IzzYt s Pizza (name, address) Springf ield Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other Pacific Builders Bill Berry Hyland Bros. t Ente ES Dept. o E E E E! E ub1 , city OWNER: Pacific Builders ARCH ITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 06 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 29 March 1984 TO: Hyland Brothers (Contractor) ARCHITECT:Brun Moreland Christopher Architects pc CONTRACT FOR: New Construction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7300 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance lvith these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: 1 . Overhead Fan Cl ar i f i cat i on: Accord ing to Larry, manager of Vancouver lzzy's, the fan operates wi th the I ights. Seasonal ly, the fans are adjusted to direct air downward or upward. He had no problem with the installationl therefore, the wiring shown on Kraus & Dalke is correct. Advised Van Houten 3/29/84 a.m. via telephone. Z. Exterior Stain: Darker semi-transparent stain, Olympic 7LL, should be on trim. Lighter semi-transparent stain, Olympic 707, should be on siding. Advised Van Houten 3/ZZ/84, Interior Stain: Clari f y proj ect manual "Room Finishes K.y, n dated 7l/10/83, paBe 1. Under walls item H: Olympic 704 semi-transparent stain should be appl ied to wainscot trim, door and window casingr columns, beams, rai I ings r and bases. ISSUED ACCEPTED BY Architect Grigsby 3 BY Brun Moreland Ch t Christopher opher Architects pc Contractor Date q _rt-b-l AIA DOCUMTNT G71O . ARCHITECT,S SUPPTEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS . MARCH 1979 EDITION . AIA6 @1979. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OT ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINCTON, D.C.20006 G710 -1979 NORTHWEST TESTNNG LAtsORATORNES 2?'88 m NUGGET wAy EUGENE oREGoN st403 a(-N:lR!,! IrrrN rNsll(-1 l!)N $A': RrAt :, \5t'ELTTCTN .:H: \1 ( A- A\ALY5,: ;,rrt . At f t\rr\!; NON.DE5lIIU(:] IVE TESTING WELOING CERTIFICATION SOIL TESTING A5SAYINGFebruary 11, 1984 Hyland Brothers Const. Co.P.0. Box 7L25 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Projectt lzzyt s PLzza l93O lvlohawk B1vd. Springfi.eld, Oregon Re: Periodic F il1 InsPecti.ons Gentlenen, At your request, oD February 9, 1984, our representative obsenred the excavation and removal of an existing foundation and slab which was encountered at the northeast corner of the proposed buildlng. The existlng foundatlon and slab was removed, and the area was excavated approx. Jr to native undj.sturbed soiI. The bar rrrn gravel was placed ln 6tt lifts and was compacted with a vibratory pJ.ate cou- pactor. Respectfully submltted, NORTIIWEST TESTTNG I"ABORATORIES, fNC. €. U,!!r*-/m Steven E. Wilder, Manager Eugene Office Report No. E-4O5O? cc: Pacific BuildersCity of Springfield SW/cn , &. trxtl tvrt, ra '-'_i - I .. a;-, --;i 1, .:,: \ aro rartowo()lJ aTnra,ttolatacC Ota/Oo.ra arala torlrar.a. I I Bgqrr-rrre 8t I polnt on tho westor\y rlght-of-r€y rlno of Lgth stroetNorth 88o I3r o5r' West l+5.0 feot from a -por"I on the Lentorllne, eald polntbeing South ol'" I+6t 55" WesL 92.0 feet frorn the Southwoat cornor of tho Fcl{,sscott Donation Iand claj:n No. Jr, Tor+nshlp rf soubh, Rango-j-wu"t of tho!f{1}n66lt,o Morldian; thonco South O}o 46r-55n Wost ito1g-u"ld Weater\r rlght-of-way l:lno 105.62 foet to a polnt; thonce along tho ari of a 6?1.201.;;"---radlus curvo rlght (tho chord of whlch bears Souttr Ogo O5t 39" Wost 14?.59foet) rl+7.89 fooL to a polnt on the Northor\ rrght-of-way LLno of r-]o5;thenco along said Norther\r rlght-of-way li.nl tne fol:-owiirg rtvo coursog anddistancosr 1)'South 4?" 35r Olu Wost 23.88 feeL, itl."tir:n7 nr O5,,trtest 20-.72 feet, 3) Norbh 680 06. 55" West I9g.55 teet, i*) So"utr-if" 36' i4, Wost ?9.55 foot, 5) North 88o 06r O5'. Wost 35.OL- feot io the Eastorly-r1ght_of_waylino of tho lgbh Stroet connoctor;'thenco along the said Eastoriy "igtt-ot-GyIlne the followlng glx coursos and dlstancos: 1) a:-ong tfr"-aic of a 34g.31foot radlus curvo loft (chord =.North 1B.o IOr 33i n"st-32.?3 tietj jZlii'7r.t,2) North lJo 261 56', trast }5o.9d feei,J) ;i.r* tho arc of a Zie. Sii;; ;;;i*curvo rlght (chord - NorLh 2j" 55t 40, iiast 84168 fu;ii Aa.ig-t""-t;4i-.fo1*-'tho arc of tho 2BB.3I foot radlue curvo rtght (chord =-porttr-31" 3.5,'j&u f"Et1.87 foet) I.&7_foou, 5) along tho arc of [no igg.3l foot red-iua curvo rlght(chord: North 50" o2r !6,, rait t?t.48 footf-L?L,L2 teez,6j]outn 5rc olr 29,,East 59.83 foet, to tho potnt of beglnnlnSr-ln Sprlngrloia, Lano Coulty, 0rogonlu !ul"g ln section 25, Townshlp r7 sout,[, Ra.ru; ] wort oi ttu wirlanottoMerldlan. Tho boarlrr8s 1n this dosorlptlon aro-baaed on the 0rogon Stato Gr{dCoondlnato Systou, South Zono. The tract es deacrlbod ebove conteirts &5LI .J4 Equara fsot or r.3g acrcs,Boro or loao. The abovo doocrlpLlon 1s based on lano Cowrty Surveyoro offlce rlght-of-r*qynap laformtlon cnd 1o oubJect to tltlo coupary conturronce. PLANTS & BRITToN. INc. 3{ CCNTTXNTAL Loo? EUGENE. OREGON O7'Ot tot/aaa.tlt I Doc. 27, LgT) DESCRIPTION: Paclflc BulLders church Proporty - south plece - proporty rlth church on ! { I I 1 II ENGINEERING . SURVEYTNG PLANNTNG (lt-591 tcALE l'L UO:'o"- $ $ lzzrs a )t 1- ,d ,0 iry U 0u \$ 1.,t\ in + $) I 7r-l U o' G I o, Or a + (1 r(r Jr.. .,li i'0 l 'i,\] -:r i. f\, r. is- *_ I a,' I 't ,50'q" I \il,0 LJEB. t ( \.\. '.4 sA $s. ;l ;t :l + i- \ a F. Z I \ zir f( ,NrQ b*qs \ -/==-c (o rh/NI3 /I I I \l \\3 ,r-O \--,1j1'..Jib i.t, --*0 iT- +7- -.tr1.,t,t:itli)q!1,* r I o (, '"/ ,Jt,, ,,, i ..'ih/n tn ,., la' 10. .t0 /4:4 1 ( q \h * h\^ ! .b* rl I I I€}s_p'1 r*e.oe.- ,./ ,/ \ I I I I i -\* I i I IiP- i0 -+ tt) Ii"ta 10lvIO s\) a\\) +. l I 2 't\ I q GJ + ! l I I I &;B ,,4 .b I '/ xbt I I I t. t I I I I I i'// /I ,XSr,G_rl /ooF ,6Ey',,tttE trB-t t,o2-t--R*Q" ?4toq oq w ,) I t It i I I i i t" I 2 ? ? ,Z/, f' , ( -t----1* '-L l !) I*& I I5 ?u Iv It II I I +**-.. -t r. 2el/",A'l/t ,,,2 AI l> Io l//4 (a '/z \y't ,/,2,a //, ! ,z/t-, )*7/ Fa "-rq 0 \124o ,.or' V a v/i ./, lt, o4 ?2, I 2 t I /-l,n 4n ei t5t L4 '') /) Z')Ll1 ',5'i' : : i ?qt lZ,)z Wi >,ft A +l 2,lt I I t t$'4ol I t\1 \ J. g : 22,,? tt .t I +,q t I P 4,\) /y, b I t ).{'/4,P L 0 6n I I{ 4t vc ?l-t ), s 7(?t',/A f b lt/. 7eI'at t )''tal 1r $, ,2 ); ,'),/,Ib, F t,'lrt I a,3 J, a qt a .t1 ?'l,$') 1,.,)h a t9t, ,y', ,Pl0 A )z 1?I lz't ,"t ,4 lcrt I a 11 S;,,t-t ,Dt(,,rl I I I abo .bt /4 el ?:;,/?,9.1)1, ab I lrz 5 (,,. 'c ?:'t rt ,t, I E< tl ,a c/1I i I I /1 I .t I t a l {,. 2 ) y'o /,8' J I "i IE,a l,Jt _1". T-r- 2 I '/?l e.' 24, )/at 9,4'2,. t ? VES't 7.1 o /r_,(, Y ll (t U I (2v rr' )74 i9r L -r, 2 (l e I ' lr I /,t l-1It Iolt5tr*N7\,'!&N .N( 'th ZIulfi .!s,j 3y, IOI:;r l-t* I I IItt+*+tt (7Q 'lz )Zt /y' 7g "11 /,t1,/t,,l u9 'L ")q Z'I t1 / I,L a2 l/t-iI ,1 I i h qZ,?'/:ii Lqi 2a IAa 4 4t(9S z b ,,,,L q t0 l r', I I-1-*-k /'/7 u (lt.) ?;<tll a (t/,,l '=rl tA 7,1,'l q/)aI I 1 I I ?7-,'l ),n'. a 7 ll ,9 -c,v rbh ,l .J.t //46 '13 ,ae ? al al ,6',?z g r lr'2 i(-I I . (( n/, ,,9 -Z' L( J *2 .,,'' ! ,l 2 a I Vc -I ,I ,l)/2l h'a J 4 ,z 47 /.'/ ,Ve /t 2 (?,j(,lL )b (a t/I C-a ,, b,irt ,91 )tz t4 1?1 t2 z ( he 1,,u)qzl l.r'2 cl,) tU t a 1t 7f,/L e/t / -1 -{) c.'9 t iitlz(zl bo 9t lr /r1 nlJ Al+ e I I o 'r.a -tfi ?)t9 Y7 r a -i lto'"1 9r/, *+-, I I {. *^l I ".J *-.-?Ds r..! Fs$ -\lb > _$o Jo 7 , i d* t I -l , ) ').-^-- i ! I I'-*-1- "'v2 --t ) n I 1zt II I L a { :- "1 i - i- It I|-. L i -t- -"i"- :i +- "-I /'eJ t --t- -i I I I ! 1 . 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(1 ,)cl I F /At ut4 E. 3I 2o I l'b t a,?, //.: I g V It o ta / i/ I zE V .Li E1,L 1t/31 '/2 L t7 7 7/1 'AA t5r I ,,D l LD1 )e1 t//.LL (/-r o )P,i L/.I 4rt 't-t'/2)L?l7v31,!DU aE ltt tf)I fiA .H /"-1 n)L )4 ,7 /l I a. t.o q tt ///7,7 '(zL , fr. t/ -l I,/6',li 'gl o/z I 'l /r5 '/a ,,4 u tol ,4,r 2/o2 , ! la ,Dfi 3 u 'rlr/' ,5e 4 Zt' (/t 7)A tlt o t1 ,r4,CI,?uL l)7.0va u//r , Ltl /.t I ,DA '/o tAt2 zi 'P7 '/4 A 't 6.@ E )l I I /2,a 'o(4q I tql t?C t9,),tz7 ae'I 14r-otz2O,I : i !F.4,,ri -,.77 /r?, ?o 2l '/!Lln 6: /tz */32 , ZI il d,Z+--r/, )Ec e9 ,,l tL<)?)t tvl frI l-fi 'n)I rtl ,#z ,t)? r t///i0,a ,t/,An /,t4 //4 t ,//,ta I ,AAa .rrtfb t. ,€*til ),lrv .r1 x"s c C tyt a ro ?n)/v I /ee lA,/a?a // ul t./ *+- +-t3 i a *c- (-> , ) FA, '_1 fc t3 I tHt)t €t, I LO / It I t ) 'Jt I I ,/, I iMftrBt Iti E N(( fr,itbel J"I rol ,E;r MINUTES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION BOARD PAGE 1. D.C./l 83-14PROJECT I lzzy 's Pizza Restaurant DATE: November 28, 1983 Meeting Information A. Staff Members: Lorne Pl eqer " Bu'i I di nq Safety Di vi si on ; Les Crai qmi I e, Eng'ineeri ng D'ivi si on; Dave Brown, Traffic Djvision;Gary Karp. Planninq Department ; Mjke Hudman, Fire Department; Bob L'inahan , SUB El ectri cal Department ; Tim Hanley, Rainbow Water Djstrict. B 1 Applicants Present: Owner(s): 2. Agent(s)Grigsby Christopher, Architect 3. Others Present: o.c.{l_ B}$ _is ( ) Approved Gt) Approved with conditions (see Section 18. 02, Springfield ZonLng Code).( ) Denied - you may appeal this decision to the Planning Commission.. Reason for Denial ()Continued until - more information is necessary.( ) Referred to the Planning Commission Reason: APPEALS A decision by the Board may be appealed to the Planning Corrnission. The appeal may be filed in writing with the Planning Department within ten days of the Board's decision. The decision of the Planning Commission shall be fina1. REVOCATION Development Coordination approval or approval with conditions shall be auto-matically revoked if any development and/ox construction is not commencedwithin 2 years from the date of approval, Conditions of Development Coordination Board Approv4l: 1. The sanitary sewer lateral was stubbed out beyond the edge of the existing asphalt paving when Grocery Cart Market was constructed. Please show the sewer lateral and point of con- nectjon on the construction drawings which will be submitted for a bujld'ing permit. 2. The storm sewer lateral was also stubbed out beyond the edge of the existjng asphalt paving when Grocery Cart ltlarket was constructed. A C'ity catch basin is also available in "Qn Street as shown in your p1ans. Please show these sewer laterals and proposed po'ints of connect"ion on your construction drawings. 3. Coordinate water serv'ice requirements and charges wjth Rainbow tJater District. 4. Extend the 7 ft. wide curbsjde sidewalk to the south west corner of your property per City standard spec'ifications. 5. Install 24' driveway approach with B foot flares. 6 7 Development Coordination Board l,linutes Page 2. At1 landscaping within the vision clearance triangles adjacent to the driveway approaches alongrrQrrstreet must be of the 1ow growing type, not over 2t6tt talT at naturity, so vision clearance will not be obstructed. The existing transformer was oversized at the time of installation for proposed development. Submit specific electrical load requirements to SUB so reliable service from this transformer can be assured. Redesign the parking spaces adjacent to both l,{ohawk B1vd. and "Q" Street to maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from the property line as required by the Springfield Zoning Code. Coordinate sign requirements and permit application with the City Building Safety Division sign inspector. The conditions were transcribed by Lorne Pleger, Secretary to the Development Coor- dination Board. B I t INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Izzyts Pizza Restaurant, Springfield, 0R Novenber 10, 1985 Construction Document The construction documents which comprise this project encompass the efforts of several professional consultants working over a period of twelve nonths, and include the followng: Kraus and Dalke Consulting Engineers drawings and specifications for a smabuilding in March of 1983 pr 11 epareder restaurant Brun Moreland Christopher Architects (gl\,lCa) scope drawings for a larger building, and rstructural and interior finishes November 1 Jack Carrnichael, Food Service Consultant, ;food service layouts for a larger buildingL4, 1983. prepared evi sed, 1983. repared 0ctober Due to certain tine linitations, a conprehensive set ofconstruction documents is not avaiLable. Therefore, thebidder nust, acting on good faith, bid this project usingthe following hierarchy of document information: 1. BMCa drawings supercede: Jack Carmichael drawings. Kraus and Dalke drawings and specifications. BMCa drawings are sufficient to obtain a buildinpermitr- show correct plans and elevations, provirevised structural layout, and provide finiShschedule. In addition, BMCa drawings provideguidance in locating electrical and-melhanicalfinish itens. oo de 2.Jack Carruichael drawings supercede:Kraus and Dalke drawings and specifications. Jack Carmichael drawings provide all kitchenequipnentr. food service fixtures, and tablelayouts. Page 1 In addition, electrical and nechanical require- nents are shown and scheduled. At this time, however, tro cabinet or stainless steel work orspecial details are included, and no specifica-tions are available. Kraus and Dalke drawings and specifications conplete the package by filling in the gaps of the documents above in the following areas: Drawings: o Architectural interior details, sheet 9.o Door and Hardware Schedule and Door and Win- dow details, sheet 10.o Electrical layout, sheet 11, which must be bidder designed and modified for the largerbuilding and the new kitchen layout. o Mechanical Layout, sheet 12, which must be bidder designed and modified for the largerbuilding and the new kitchen layout. Specifications:Specificaitons should be referred to forInstructions to Bidders, Supplemental Conditions, and General Requirenents to set the quality stan- dards and naterials (unless superceded by BMCafinish schedule). The Construction Docunents, therefore, include the following: Brun Moreland Christopher Architects Instructions to Bidders, dated November 10, 1983. Brun Moreland Christopher Architects drawings, sheet 1, Site PLan Developnent Coordination Review, dated Novenber 10, 1983 Brun Moreland Christopher Architects drawin through 9, and LZ, dated revised 27 Sept. 1 Brrrn Moreland Christopher Architects Room Material Schedule, dated Novenber 10, 1983. Brun Moreland Christopher Architects Special GLazing, dated November 10, 1983. 3 gs, sheets 3 983. Jack Carnichael drawin dated November L4, 198 gS r sheets FS 1 through FS 4, 3. Page 2 Kraus and Dalke drawings, sheets 2 through L2, dated June 1981. Kraus and Dalke specifications, sheets L through 32, dated March 11, 1983. Kraus and Dalke addendun #L, date stamped March 28, 1983. Page 3 1 z. SPECIAL GLAZING lzzyts Pizza Restaurant, Springfield, 0R November 10, 1983 Refer to the Kraus and Dalke drawings for locations of special etched and stained glass gLazing. Solicit bids from the following list of bidders fani-liar with lzzy's Pizza buildings: Peter 6 Dee l{endel Stained Glass Mystery 703 N.W. 11th StreetCorvallis, 0R 97330 (sos) zs7-8081 Tracy Gunn FqG Stained Glass 4096 45th Avenue, Sa1em, 0R 97303 Inc. (sos) sgs -73L3 Studio, N. E. Janet QuinnTrilliun Glassworks 661 Main Street Lebanon, 0R 97355 Gary Sumner Sumner Stained Glass 1658 East Z4th Avenue Eugene, 0R 97403 (sos) +a+- 2768 (s03)451- 1357 or 451- 2639 Page 1 ROOM FINISHES KEY Izzyts Pizza Restaurant, Springfield, 0R November 10, 1983 FL00R Al.lD BASE A. B. C. D. E. F. IIIALLS Ceranic Floor Tile: Thonpson Tile itffi Quarry Tile: Thonpson Tile Marx "Burgundy Redrr 6[x6,t. Carpet: Trend carpet, Dupont Zepel nylon "ArcticCircle-Alaskan Rust.'r Sheet Vinyl: Arnstrong vinyl Corlon "Palestra.'r 1x6 V. G. f ir. 4tt rubber base with core. G. H. I Wainscot 3/9" resawn fir plywood, sawkerf 8rr o.c.Olympic 7L7 semi-transparent stain. Wainscot Trin: Resawn fir, Olynpic 704 serni-transparent stain t ,f\l* Kitchen Wal1s: trlariet- "Frost White" i10 S08ZSS. Feature Wa1l at Service Bar: Ceranic tile, ThompsonTile l,lKS 11, 3\"x34,,. J. K.Mosaic TTile HY i1e at S 202, 1'rx ervice Counter/Sa1ad Bar: Thompson 1ltr. CERAIvIIC TILE WAIN SCOT L. MenIs Toilet Room: united Tile Kolornatts 'rExpresso,KH 620, L-7 / 8,,xL- I / 9,, . M. woments Toilet Room: united Tile Kolornatts ,Mexican Sand'r KH 400, L-7 / B,tx1-7 / 9,, .>4.,'..t-- :is-';- tj',' '-, ,' --' ':N. Basic Wallcolor: Ameriton Zg4 G 'rSoft lvory." 0. Accent color: Ameritone z84o B nGrand canyon.'r Page 1 P. a. CEILINGS Men's Toilet Room Wal1s: Ameritone 297 G rrNeutral Tint. rt Vinyl Wallcovering: General Tire 'rFashonrr preciousmetals, pattern ttStar Showerr'r color number FR 0L42. S T R. Paint Co1or, Ceilings:Ameritone 290 E 'rAlpaca.'r Ameritone 2840 C rrCherokeeAccent Co1or, Ceilings: Rose. tt Paint Color,rrDutch Creamrr Toilet Room Ceilings: Ameritone 293 H U.TEG 5/8x3-1< Cedar Ceiling: Semi-transparent stain,0lympic 718. MISCELLAI.IEOUS v I{. x. Metal Toilet Partitions: Fiat, or equal, colorselected by architect. Plastic Laminate: Ments toilet roon, Nevanar ttBeigstt textured S-2-19-T. Plastic Laninate: Woments toilet room, Nevamar rrDove Grey't textured S- 6- 3-T. Page 2 .lzxt2 ?vax Ke;yru<26l't' 2frirw FlEtp *I t ' ,o'e, ROOM MATERIAL. SCHEDULE ROOM NO'S. trooJt! lu ct) o WALL ozJtu() Or-z.- =E[u [rJOI REMARKS ?FEoz J.t-fo U) F ct) IJJ Fa uJ = ]-ooaz =YezTlbuua WAITIN?A E O a a a e H R ppailT Q)R A E c H IY ?lNDYr_ I C e a a a a o H U A a a a a a d rr Xa fg,tlu?Etf2 F$rfiE, 614, C e a a 4 a @ H U,r FtN. T @cumoa *o#?Ep arsc Folo PtNlNa +o F a a a a e H F aAtrtfr A E o o o o I ItAl-L A tu N N N e H 6 Wo*tEN D D N N N N u T Nft-I D F r ?r r L T heCX *. :'D D N N N N eil N r'OnE: FEATOFE V{I.L ,ttAll- DF FtNrSrr A' HTcfleil E c ,,t I T I w ,>fln16 'U?D D N N M A/Z W OI'FICF ?ToRAeE,P F N N N N N W tuual &A I F T T I T I tv %uN MGE,lr\^tP 6frRtgTo?n*AruH,'tecT1 ?e ?*|U*NP, cE . 22.2 -9-7 2 7 i SPECIEICATIONS for IZZY' S PIZZA RESTAURANT Vancouver l{ashlngton Prepared by: Kraus & Dalke Conaultlng Englneere Albany, Oregon llarch 1983 I PAGE 2 D A.1 INVITATION TO BID 1. Notlce to Contractors: Sealed blds wlII be recetved ln the offlcee of Covalt Enterprlses, Inc., ltl05 Paclflc Blvd., S.8., Albany, Oregon, untll 2:00 p.m., P. S.T., Friday, Aprll 8, 1983, for the conatruction of a new reataurant bulld- 1ng ln Vancouver, Waehlngton. Blds recelved after the tlme of the openlng will not be considered. 2. 319!1! to Reject Blds: The Grner reaerves the rlght to reject any or all of the bids, and to waive any Informalltieg wlth respect thereto. A-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Construction Documentg: Each contractor wlll recelve 3 getg of pIans, fotil'ich a depoEft offil00.00 ehall be made, ln the forn of a check naae payable t,o Kraus & Da}ke Consulting Englneers. Additlonal Bets of plane may be obta- ined on the palznent of $40.00 to the above party. Upon the return of the ori-ginal 3 sets of documents in good condltlon, the check for $1O0.OO wlll be re-turned. There will be no refund for addltlonal sets of plans. Bidders who re- quest constructlon documents for biddlng, and then do not bld, will also forfe-lt the $100.00 deposit. 2. Baeis of Bid and Conpensation Package: The format, of conpensatlon ahall bebased upon a cost plus fixed fee wlth a not, to exceed maximum dollar amount. Any resultant dollar savings under the naxlrnum amount btd will be shared by the Owner and Contractor based upon a 70t/30t split respectlvely, excluding any changes aa a result of Change Orders. The Cont.ractors Compeneatlon shall be based upon the Direct Labor and On-Blte Supervisory Personnel Costs, ag well as the actual cost, of materialg aslnvolced for t,his project, plus a flxed fee. Direct labor costs shall be lnclualve of actual wagesr palrolI taxes, andfringe packages. The Contractor's Bid Pro;rosal shall llst the crafts and the respectlve stralght t,lme and overtlme rates for each classlflcatlon of craftpersonnel to be engaged on the proJect. The on-slte supervlsor.s compensationiates shall also be listed. On-site eupervlsory personnel la deflned as a worklng forenan whose BoIeresponslbility is the labor and matertalg coordlnation, constructton supervls-ing and actual physical partlcipatlon ln the congtructlon of the pioject. Management and off:si_te supervisory not expressly assig,ned to the project wj.l1not be compensated for under Direct Labor. Each palment request shall be accompanled by a certlfled payroll sheetcovering the entire perlod for whlch payment ie requeeted. Materlals and out-side equipment rental expenses shall be pald by the contractor. Any palmrentdiscounts shall be passed along to the owner and so cred,lted to the project.stotal cost. Copies of materials lnvolces shall be furnlshed to the orrner wiEheach payment request. The contractor shall 1lst aII equlpment pteces requlred for the complet,ion l PAGE 3 of the work whlch are not ln the Contractorrs ownerahlp and thua requlrlng out- side rental. Equlpnent which w111 requlre outslde rental shall be llgted with- Ln the Bid Proposal. Fixed fee shall be conpensatlon to the Contractor for the naLntenanee of an on-site project offlce, temporary utlllties, telephone, Contractor owned equlpment, off-site adminlstratlve and corporate supervlsory pereonnel, as wellas Profit. The fixed fee shall be expreesed as a lump surn item in the Bld. The flxed fee shall be partlally payable ln the monthly payrnent requests bagedupon the percentage of work completed, but ln no event to exceed elghty flvepercent (851) of the total fixed fee until the project la complet,ed and accept- ed by the Owner. Distrlbutlon of any monies due the Contractor as a reeult of flnal con-gtructlon actual expenses belng lees than the l,taxlmum Bld Anrount ghall be pald by the Owner ln a lump surn wlthin ten ( 10 ) days aftser the explratlon of thelien period. Form of Contract: The form of contract may be the AIA "standard Eorm of Agree- ment Between Orrner & Contractor" or other suitable document. 4. Subnlssion of Bid ( I 3 dressed to 6vEIE Prooosal: Enclose the Proposal ln a sealed envelope, ad-Enterprlaes, Inc., and clearly mark the enveloge "lzzyrg Van- 7 couver, washington Bid Proposal". The form of proposal ueed shall be ldentlcalto the copy of Ehe one included hereln. 5. Performance & Palrnent Bond: It r11I be at the Orrner.a optlon aa to whether or not a Bond will be requlred. If a Bond ls required, the cost of the gond rl11be added on tso the total contract prlce. A copy of the Bond form is herein in- cluded to inform Bidders of lts content and wordlng. 6 Co$.lgtlol Date: Contractore shal} eubnlt startlng and coapletlon dates alongwith bids Bids: Bids are to cover all labor, naterlals, servtces, aupervtslon, and per-formance of all other work necessary to complete the project aa expre6sly apec-tfied by, and in strict accord wlth the drawlngs, plans, and apeclflcatlons. 8. Manufacturerrs l{arranties and DLrectlona: AII and equipment shall be applled, inetalled, and conditioned as dlrected by the Manufacture nished Lhe Owner on complet.lon of the work. 9.Prawings q ?pecirication conflicts: should a confllct occur in or betweendrarrings ina-spEiilcatioE tne Contractor "n"ff consult Lhe Building Deslgnerfor clarlfication. otherwise the order of precedence shall be as follows:a. General Requlrements b. The Specificatlons c. The Scale Drawings Igtr g Materialg Not covered in Spgclflcations: Any item of work necesaary tott" pi"pEr co.lr.Ei-6nJE6isEuEtion-unEFE[is conrracr which 1s nor specifi-cally covered j_n t,he drawlnge and Speclftcationsr Bhall be performed in a manufactured artlcles, materlal connected, erected, used, cleanedr. All warrantles shall be fur- '10. 12. Other Contracts: The Orner - connection wlth thls l{ork. sonable opportunlty for the execution of thelr work and theirs. PAGE 4 reserv€s the rlght to let equlpnent contracte ln The Contractor shall afford other contractora rea- lntroductlon and storage of thelr snterlalE and the ehall properly connect and coordlnate hls rork yLth a I nanner deemed good practice of the trade Lnvolved. 11. tl$flqeleq Danasess should the contractor fall to conprete the lfork or anypart thereof, in the time agreed upon ln the contract or wlthin such extra tlme as nay have been allowed for delays by exteneione granted as provlded |n thecontract, the Contractor Bhall relmburse the Oryner for the addltional expense and damage for every day, Sundays and holldays included, that the contract re-mains uncompleted after the date of completlon glven therein. It le agrreedthat the aurount of such additlonal expense and daurage lncurred by reaeon of fa-ilure Eo complete the l{ork is the per diem rate of One Hundred Dollars(9100.00) Per day. The said amount is hereby agreed upon aa liquldated damagesfor the loss to the onner for expenses lncurred in the emplolrurent of archi-tects, lnspectors, and other employees after the explration of the tlme forcomplet,ion and for the value of the operation of the works dependent thereon.It is expressly underetood and agreed that thie amount ls not to be consideredin the nature of a penalty, but ae llquldaeed damagea whlch have accrued aga-inst the Contractorl and the Owner le authorlzed to deduct the amount of da.o-ages from any monies due the Contractor for work perforned or naterlal fur- nished under thls cont,ract, and the Contractor and hls euretiee shall be 1l-able for any excess. If any part of th€ Contractor'a rork depende for proper executlon or re-sulta uPon the work of any equlpnent contractor, the Contractor shall inspectand prompt'Iy report to the Archltect any defecte ln such work that render lt,unsuitable for such proper executlon and results. Hle fallure to so lnspectand report shall constltute an acceptance of the work, except aB to defects which may develop ln the other contractorrs work aft,er executlon of his work. The general contractor shall coordlnate hls work wlth the egulpment con-tractore to facllltate the total projecte completlon wlthln the t.lme schedule.Equlpment contract.ora are antlcipated to be most. active durlng the final twoweeks of work. A-3 SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITI oNs At the time of startlng'constructlon, the contractor shall furnlsh a complete listof sub-contractors and supprlers to the orrner and ehall areo provide verificationof the ordering of critical materials, so that no delays will be encountered durlngthe course of congtructlon. PAGE 5 EXPERIENCE QT'ESTIONNAIREfor Name <, s d 1. How many years has your organLzatlon been In buslness as a general contractor under your present buslness name? 2 How many years experi.ence tn conatruct,lon work hae your organlzatlon ?had: (a) as a general contractor , (b) as a subcontractor 3. what exPerLence hae your organlzatlon had ln conetruction of restaurants? 4 - what comParable projecte hae your organlzatlon completed wlthln t5e years? paat three I Contract funount Type of Work l{hen Completed Narne, Address & phone No. of Orneq or Contractor 5. Have you ever falled to complete any work awarded to you? If eo, where and why? 6.List at least two corporatlons, lndlvlduals, for whom you have performed work,and the nanne of t,he lndlvldual to whom you refer. rnclude address, area code andphone nurnber for reference. PAGE 5 7 what ls the conetructlon expertence of.the prlnclpal lndlvlduale of your organl- zation? Indlvldual I s Name Present Posltion or Office Magmltude E Type of l{ork In Wtrat Capacitv? List the major itena of use on Ehe proposed uork YrB. of Construc- tlon Experience 1 L e. whlch you own or whlch w111 be avallable for8 .V eeulgnEat PAGE 7 PROPOSAL Covalt Enterprlees, Inc. 1405 Pacific glvd. Albany, OR 97321 ATTENTION: FRED JANSEN Gentlemen: Ilaving carefully examlned the plans and speclflcatlone for the constructlon of a rea- taurant bullding for Fortler Enterprlsesr Inc.1 Vancouver, lfashlngrton, ag well ag ln- spectlng the premlses and condltlong affectlng the work, the underalgned hereby pro- poses to furnish aII labor and materlals, and to perform all work regulred by and in strict accordance wlth the above docunentg, fotr the followLng sune: Base BLd for BuLldlng and Slte Intprovementa Alternate "A'walk-In Cooler (Dlvlslon 13) Alternate xBi CounterB, Draulngs and DetaLls 1>rovlded by Jack Carmichael (Phone 643-5767) under separate cover Alternat,e "C" Replace Genuwood Floor coverlng with Ceranic TiIe TOTAL BASE BID & ALTERNATES FINANCIAL STATEMENT e PERFORI,iANCE BOND: The undersigned agrees to execute and dellver a Performance Bond to the Oerner if 1t ie requlred, upon notlflcatlon of acceptance of hls bld. A bid breakdown of materlals and labor shall be provlded to the Grner upon hls re-quest. Such breakdowns' wlll be requested from each of the Ewo lowest, bldders and will be reviewed by the Owner for Contract Award. $ I s s $ Total Hourly Rate PAGE 8 TotaI Overtlne Rate PERSONNEL COI,TPEISSATION RATES Salary Frinqe!r-jss! Poreman Carpenter Flnish Carpenter l4ason ElectrLclan Electrlcian Apprentice Plumber Plumber Apprentice Painter Laborer PAGE 9 EQUIPI,TENT RENTAL REQUIREMENTS taI tors. The General Contractor ehall lIet all pleces of equlpment requLrlng outsLde ren-for the completion of the project, excludlng work to be performett byEE6itrac- The Contractor shall Ilst all portlons of the work whlch w111 be completed by subcon-tractors. COMPLETION: If awarded the contracE, the underslgned agrees to complete the work, ae requlred In Eire Instructions to Bidder. Starting Date:_Completlon Date: ADDENDUMS: Receipt of addendums nurnbered la hereby acknowledged. Nr'tte of Firm By (slgnature) Tltle Address Telephone Date PAGE 10 DIVISION 1: GENERAL REQUIREIiENTS A. LOCATION OF WORK 7615 East MilI Plane BIvd., Vancouver, I{ashlngton 98664 The owner referred to ln the follow1ng speclflcatlona, ls Fortler Enterprlses,Inc., and the owner's representative ls Kraus & Dalke Coneultlng Engineers, 276 NW Hickory, P.O. 8ox 725, Albany, Oregon 97321. C. GENERAL contractor shall furnlsh and lnstall all materlalg and egulpnent shown, llsted or descrlbed on the Drawinge or ln theee speclflcatlons, subJect to qual.lflcatlone,conditions or exceptione as noted. Before ordering materlal or commenctng work whlch Is dependent for proper sizeand lnstaIlat,lon upon coordlnatlon wlth bulldlng condltlonsr.Contractor ghall verify all dimenslons by taklng meaaurenents at bulldlng elte and shall be rea- ponslble for t,heir correctneaa. A11 work of every character and descrlptlon shall be lald-out on premlsea or ottr- erwise by contractor. Contractor shall be responslble for provldlng and malntalnlng all tenporary utlI-ltles, etc., whlch may be needed during conatruction. D. PER!iiITS, ETC. It ahall be the responelbillty of the Contractor to obtaln and pay for all per-mits and fees and to Pay for the hook-up of all utilttles. To expedlte the be-glirnlng of constructlon, plane may be submltt.ed to governmental revlew agenclesand utility companies by the owner, prlor to t,he eelectlon of a Contractor andsigning of a Contract. Rev1ew fees, permlt fees or any other fees of the above Eype pald for by the orrner prlor to t,he elgnlng of t,he Contract shall be deductedfrom the first months progress payment. E. MEASUREMENTS & DIUENSIONS Before ordering material or comrnenclng work whlch ls dependent for proper slzeand installation uPon coordinatlon wlth bullding conditlons, the contractor ehallverify all dimenslons- Any dlecrepancles between the drawlnge and/or speclflca-tions and exist,ing condltlone, shalI be referred to the owner,s repre-sentativefor adjustment. B. OT{NER & O}'NERIS REPRESENTATIVE PAGE 11 F. INSURANCE AlI contracEors and thelr subs, worklng on the job, shall be licensed, and ahall maintain such insurance as will protect them and Ehe owner from clalms under Idorkman's Compensation, or any other llabillty thaE may arlse out of, and durlng operatlons under this contract. The contractor shall carry publlc llablllty ln- surance not less than $250,000 for lnjurles to any one person, lncludlng acclden- tal death, and not less than 55001000 for any one accldent. The contractor ahall aleo carry property damage lnsurance of not lesa than $I001000 and storm and flre insurance for the amount of the bid. G. CLEAN-UP The Contractor agrees to keep the premLees clean of hazardoue debris at all timesr ind to promptly remove excese debrls frorn the job slte. On c.ompletion ofthe cont,ract, the contractor shall arrange for the complete cleanlng of the bu- ilding, lncluding floore, flxtures, wlndowa, etc. H. PAYUENTS Palrments on the contract ehall be stated ln the legal contract between partles, with an ltemized statement being subultted Lo the owner'a represent,atlve for ap- proval before the 'l0th of each uronth. I. CHANGE ORDERS The owner may order changee ln the work withln the general 6cope of the contract, consistlng of additlons, deletlons, or revlslons, wlth the contract eum belng ad-justed accordlngly. AI1 such changes shalI be executed by wrlt,ten change orders, signed by both parties. J. JOB PHONE The contractor shall install a telephone at the job site, and keep it ln service from start to flnlsh of the job. PAGE 12 DIVISION 2: SITE I{ORK A. SITE SELECTION The buildlng slte ls restrlctlve and llmltlng. The Contractor ehall be responsl-ble for the exact placement of the bullding on the pad. AII cornere shall beIaid out by a registered Surveyor and the foundat,lon walle ehall be checked whencompleted to Prevent posslble encroachment lnto the right-of-wayB. proof of com-plj.ance shall be presented to the Owner by the Surveyor. B. EXCAVATION Provlde all excavatl-on and backf l1l neceaeary for Becrer, rrater, power, etc.1which shall be requlred accordlng to the PIot PIan, Sheet No. l. protect andrnaintaln conduits, dralns, plpes, sewer aystem, and wtreg whlch are to remaln onthe property, or which are to rernaln untll new permanent installatlone are coo-plete. Excavate to elevatione and dlmenslons lndlcated plus sufflcLent apace to pernlterectlon of forms and lnspectlon of foundatlons. Eoottnga and foundatlone shallnot be placed on earth filr. Any exceaa cut under footlnts and foundations ele-vations shall be fllled wlth concrete only. Before backf illing, remove all forme, debrls, and ot,her loose mat,erlal frora flllareas' BackfiII promptly after footlngs, foundatlons, and other related work hasbeen complet.ed and approved. AII trench backfill shall be flrmly compacted. AIIneceasary fill under concrete slabs, shall be deposlted in tayere and well com-pacted 3/4"-o crushed rock under the concrete as called for on the Drawlnga. C. DRAINAGE AI1 roof drains, downspouts, and drain Iines shall be located aa shown on thePlot Plan-Roof Drainage plan, Sheet No. 1. Roof drains sharl be 16 lnch smlth 1020 generar purpose dralns wlth 3 inch eteeldownspouts as shown ln DetaLL 5/5, sheet No. 1. The downspouts shall be direct-ed into t,lght-joint,4 lnch ABS draln and extend five teet i5,) beyond the curb-line lnto t.he parking lot. PAGE 13 DIVISION 3: CONCRETE A. CONCRETE MIXES Concrete shall be a nlnlmun 6 sack nlx and have a compreeslve etrength of 3000 psi @ 28 days. Maximum aggregat,e slze for footlnga and stemwalls shall be 1-1/2 inches. Maximum aggregate size for elabs shall be 3/4 inch. There shall be a 2" to 4 " slump and the concrete shall be alr entralned 4 to 6 percent. B. PLACING A11 fonns shall be set, stralght and tsrue to llne and ehall be properly braced ln positsion when concrete is poured. AII surfaces shall be practi.cally free from offsets, bulges, fins, honeycomb, and other objectlonable defecte. Provide 1ns- tallation of inserts, drains, hangers, metal ties, blocklng and all requlred dev- ices for attaching other work. Do not, remove formg unt.ll the concrete has atta- ined necessary strength to support lts own weight and conetructlon loads. A1I concrete shall be cured ae requlred or ae noEed for a perlod of not lese than 7days. Promptly upon conpletlon of thle portion of the work, remove all debrls, forms, and surplus materlal. C. REINFORCING A11 relnforclng shall be placed In the manner and alze lndl.cated on the drarlngs. D. TESTING Testlng shall be as requlred by bulldlng code requlrements. E. FINISHING Exterior concret,e finiah shall be standard anti-skld texture, broom or to match- ing existing site work. Interior textures shall be as required for finish matre- iaIs. F. CURING AND SEALING All lnterior concrete floors shall be cured and eealed ualng Grace Horn one-Kote sillcat,e hardner placed at the rate of 250 sq.ft. per <JaIIon. place hardneronly when the concrete ls dry to the touch and hard enough bo walk on. G. MOISTURE BARRIER Place a 55 pound roofing paper molsture barrier under alL concrete floor slabs.Over-Iap panels by three inches. PAGE 14 DIVISION 4: !,I.ASONRY A. GENERAL The work under thls contract Bhall lnclude all labor, materlals, gervlce, e{ulp- ment and scaffoldJ-ng requJ.red to complete this project in accordance with the plans and speclfications. The work shall be properly coordinated with that of other tsrades. If any deviatlons are to be made from these plans and speclflca- tions, the Engineer shall be notified and his approval obtained before proceding with the work. B. },I.ATERIALS Bricks -- Face brick shall be standard, remanufactured used brlck as supplled by Mutual Materlals Company. the brick shall conform to ASTM C 216, Grade t'{!{ requirement,s. Mortar -- Mortar shall be type S, 1800 psi uslng I part Portland Cement, 1/2 part Hydrated Llme, and 4 -1/2 patt-s mason sand, well graded. Uortar Jolnts shall be lightly raked. 3. Anchors & Ties -- All tles and anchors shall be of the slze and placement aa required by the governing bulldlng code. A11 relnforcement shall be as called for. Back-up for brick columns shall be hollow concrete masorrry units of the klnd and size regulred. The same shall apply for below grade veneer block. AIl materials shall be dellvered dry and ln good condltlon to the job and shall be protect,ed so that it ls ln the same condition when used on the Job. 4. Dampproofing -- All exterLor maaonry aurfaces shall be dampaealed by epraylng one application of Thorocleat 777 at the rat.e of one gallon per 150 aguare feet. of surface area. PreparaEory work and appllcatlon shall be ae per the manufacturers recommendations . A1l work shall be laid true and plumb to llnes, and shall be lald out ln advance so that no brick less than 4 inches in length occurs. Brick shall be laid withfull mortar joints. Units shall be Lald ln a et.andard runnlng bond with soldler courses as indicated. While laying, the cont,ractor ehall make every effort to keep the exposed faces of all unit,s free from oortar and other mattera that may t,end to stain. Saturate aLl masonry surfaces wj.th rrater immed,lately before cleanlng. Apply a solution ofSure Klean Lime Solvent freely, reapply as necessary, then rLnee Ehoroughly wlth wat,er immedj.ately following. 2 C. WORX}TANSHIP PAGE '5 DIVISION 5: LUIIBER & CARPENTRY A. GENERAI Rough Carpentry -- ProvLde all materials and equipment and perform all opera- tions required to properly complete rough carpentry ae lndlcated in the draw- ings or required for proper completlon of the work. Supply all framing lumber, exterior trim, plynroods, underlalrment, aII rough hardware and metal fastenings, buildLng paper, and all wood backing and Bupporta for work of other trades. AII frauring shall be true to liner plumb, Ievel, and square h,ith alI components properly fastened and braced in accordance wlth Ehe best practices of the trade. Do all necessary cut,ting for pipes and vente. Set all jolsts and beans wlth crown edge up. Warped or bent etuds not acceptable to receive wall cover shall be replaced. Finish Carpentry -- Provlde all materlals and equlpment and perform aII oper- ations reguired to properly complete finish carpentry as indicated in the drawings or requlred for proper completlon of the work. Carefully erect ln- Eerior woodwork with closely fltEed Jolnts and free from hammer markg. l.llter exterior angles, butt and cope intertor angles, and 45o niter all runnlng jo- lnts. Alt exposed millwork shall be machlne sanded to a emooth fintsh wlthall joint.s tight and formeil to conceal shrlnkage. Set all flnlsh work atra- lght, plumb, and level in true allgnment. Where nails are exposed counter- slnk. B. PROTECTION OF I.TATERIALS Deliver lumber and carpentry traterials ln a dry condltlon and store lumber to ln- sure proper ventlLatlon and dralnage. Protect aII lunber from the elements. Protect millwork from lnjury and dampness durlng and after delivery. Do not store or install millwork in the bulldlng untll concrete and other rel-ated work is dry. C. LUIIIBER Contractor shall furnish aII materlals, Iabor, and equlpment neceaaary to con- plete the work, including all rough hardware, installation of finish hardware where called for, and miscellaneous specialty ltems. All millwork shall not. exceed 12t molsture cont,ent. All framing lumber shall be 2 and betster Douglas Fir, klln dryed, except as noted. AlI Iumber in contact with concrete shall be wolmanlzd pressure treated. AIl roof canE strlpa shall be Cedar. AII lnterior flnish lumber shall be clear grade Douglae Flr, Alder, Hemlockr oE Cedar of the Eype and sizes tndlcated. 2 PAGE 15 D. LAI.TINATED BEAI{S all lamlnated beams and posts shall be ag lndicated on Ehe Roof Eraning Plan, SheeE No. 4. tiaterlals, manufacture and quallty control shalL be ln conformance with Voluntary Product Standard PS 56-73, "structural Glue<l Lamtnated Tlmber." AII rnembers shall be not less than grade combinatlon 20r'-V2 except the thlrty foot ( 30' ) long beam on the eaaLern column ahall be of a grade comblnatlon of 22r.-V3. Exposed beams and posts shall be ArchLtectural Grade wLth a llghtly re-sawn sur- face on all exposed faces. Non-exposed beam may be a etandard industrial grrade beam. AII beams shall be dellvered to the Job lndlvidually wrapped. E. PLYT{@D Each panel of constructl-on and industrlal pllnrood shall be ldentified with the approprlate grade-trademark of the Anerlcan Plywood Assoclatlon, and ehall meet Ehe requirements of the lateet edition of U.S. Product Standard ps'l. Cupola roof sheathing shall be 5/a inch APA-CDX interlor plyrood glued and nalled to jolnts. Alt other roof sheathlng ehall be 1 1/8 inch 2-4 tongue and groove underlayment nailed and blocked as requlred. Curbing for roof mounted HVAC shalI be with 1-1/4" APA-CDX plyrood. Raised floor areaa shall be eheathed wlth 5,/8 inch APA-CDX lnterlor tounge and groove (T&G) pllmood glued and nailed. AII exterior and Lnterior aidlng (andr/or wall panellng) shall be 3/8 inch Cedar pllnrood with a re-sawn face, 303-5 grade. Exterlor panela ehall be plaln pattern and intertor panels shall be T1-11 wlth grooves at I lnches o.c. F. TRUSSES Manufactured wood and eteel trusses ehall be of the shown on the Roof Framlng PIan, Sheet No. 8, and No'. 5, 6, and 7. Trusses shall be eupplled by the Box 10488, Eugene, OR 9?401. Manufacturer shall aII bracing, connectors and other relevent detalls. Eype, eLze, and epaclng aa ln the sectlon detalls Sheets Trus Jolst Corporation, P.O. supply a shop drawlng ehowlng G. VANIUES Tuo restroom vanities shall be constructed as lndlcated In Lhe detall Sheet No.9. Plastic laminate shall be ae per llated in the Materlal Color Finlsh Schedulein oivision 9 of these specificatlons. II. BASE AII wood base shall be 1 x 6 inch Alder. drawings.See Finlsh Schedule, Sheet '10 of the A PAGE 17 DIVISION 7: THERI{AL & I,IOISTURE PROCECTION R@E'ING BuiJ.t-up rooflng to be Evans Products Roof Type !l-20-Sr, Clasg A. Materlals shall conslst of: Permaglas Comblnation Base Permaglas PIy Sheet Permaglas Cap Sheet Thermal White Roofing Asphalt - plies Roofing Asphalt - surface 1 prv 2 plles 1 prv 16 lbs. 15 lbs. 78 lbe. 64 Ibs. 25 lbs. Nal.ls and tln caps aa required. Asphalt ttelt Polnt 185o8. A11 wood decking cracks greater than 1rl4 lnch and aII knot holes ehall be covered wlth eheet metal nalled eecurely to the deck. Aephalt ghall not be heated above 425oE and shall be applled at temperatures between 275c and 350'8. Apply Per:nraglas Conblnatlon Baae at right anglea to contlnuoue Jolnts of gurface and Iapped 3o flow is over or parallel to the lapa. Lap thls sheet 2 lnchee on aides and 6 lnchee on ende. NalI each 9 lnchee on center through the laps and 18 inches on center along llne 12 inch dlstance from each edge. turn up minlmun 2 inches above cant, at all vertlcal surfaces. Apply Permaglas PIy sheet parallel to th€ baee sheet and lap ao water flow ls over, not agalnst lape. AII end lape ehall be 4 lnches and adJacent end laps staggered at least 12 inches apart. The full width of each aheet ehaLl be enbed- ded in hot asphalt at the rate of 30 lbs. Per square. These Iayera shall be lald ln shlngle fashlon lapped 19 inchee wlth a 17 tnch ex- poaure. Starter strlps shall be provlded to lnsure all eaves have 2 Iayera of ply sheets. Underlying eheet of all ply sheetg end lape shall be nalled with 2 rows of nails, 3 inches apartr 5 inches on center, staggered. Apply Cap Sheet Surfaclng parallel to the underlylng rooflng and lapped so the flow of water ig over the laps. The underlying rooflng ahall be mopped wlth hot asphalt at the rate of 25 Ibe. per square. Cap sheet shall be neatly aet ln place provldlng a 2 inch elde lap and 4 inch end laps. Adjacent end laps shall be at least, 12 inches apart. B. SHAKES Mansurd facia and Cupola sloped roofing ahall be Vl lnch handspltt cedar shakes lald 10 T.W. Shakes shall be 1, medlurn but.t and shall be nalled with two (2) galvanized rooflng natls spaced 1 inch from each elde. Do not, depress head lnto wood. PAGE 18 C. INSI'LATION Dellver materlals in aealed packages, nanufacturer's labele thereon. store lnau-latLon and other materi.aLs ln a dry area off of the ground. Ridged perimeter slab lnsulatlon shall be 2 tnch zonollte styrene foasr or See typical detail.a, Sheet No. 8. equal. All other lnsulatlon ehall be Owens,/Cornlng kraft, face bat,t tneulatlon of Ehesize and R-value as shown on the Drawlngs. Note that all Rest Room walls ahallbe fllled with 3- 1/2 Lnch batt lnsulation. PAGE 19 DIVISION 8: DOORS e WINDOIIS A. GENERAL A11 doors and wlndows shall be as lndlcated on the floor p1an, door echedule and wlndow schedule. Each door shal} be accurately cut, trlmned and fitted to ltsframe. Allow clearance for paint, posslble swelllng, and for weather- strLpplng where specified. AII doors shall operate freely without blndlng and all hardware shall be properly adjusted. B. I.TETAIT DOORS Metal doore shall be fLush-faced, seamleas doors by Steelcraft Corporatlon, Model L2O-4. Doors shaIl be preprlmed and predrlIIed. c. w@D DooRs All wood doors, frames, and sldelltes shall be as shown uslng Hemlock stlles and ralls, PIr or Hemlock janbs, and Natural Blrch veneera. Doors shall be staln grade as manufactured by the Simpson Door Company. D. HARDWARE Hardware shall be of the tl1per slze, and quality as noted on the Door and Hardware Schedule, Sheet No. 10. AII hardware shall be color coded to match. AII hardware shall be protected durlng lnetallatlon and untll the Oerner accepts occupancy. Locks are to be keyed allke and according to owners lnsEructlone. E. WINDOWS Wlndowe shall be job bullt and lnstalled accordlng to the llindow Schedule, Sheet 10. AII stain glass wlll be provlded by the Owner and wlll not be lncluded in th; Bid Price. The contractor shall be responsible for all clear glass and tshe installation of both the clear glass and the staln glass. AII finish lumber, caulking or glazlng compound, and fastenerg shall be of the hlghest guallty. All clear glass shall be float glass unless otherwise specifled See door glass i nsert. "Stain Glass" shall aiso lnclude the etched glass for all above notes. B PAGE 20 DIVISION 9: FINISHES A. GENERAL AII materials shall be the best of thelr respective klnds and sultable for the lntended purpoae. Materials shall be dellvered to the slEe ln their origl-nal contalnera with labels, and stored ln dry areas only. Finlshes shall be as spec- ified in the Room Einlshes Schedu1e, Sheet No. '10. Applicatlon of materials shall be by strlct adherence to the reepectlve manufacturerrs epeclficat.ions. Refer to Materials Color Finleh for speclflc color and manufacturer's deslgma- tions. SHEETROCK,/GYPSUM BOARD All Gypsum products to be manufactured by U.S. Gypsum or egual. Palnted aur- faces shall first receive a llght blown-on stlpple flnlsh. All other surfaces shall be left smooth for waII paper or paneling. C. WATL AND CEILING PANELING All Iumber and plynrood used for paneling of the interior ehall be as noted on the Drawings and on the Room Finish Schedule Sheet No. 10. AII lnterior wood panel- ing shall have Class III flame spread classlficat.lon except lt ehall be Class II in the Air Lock, Entry and Games area. D. PAINTING AND DECORATING The Owner's detailed decoratlng schedule for each room contalnlng epeclal wall coverings, finishes, colors and etc., ls a parts of these apeclflcatlona. In areas where nothing has been specifled by the Orrner, the followlng shall apply: A11 exposed, unprlmed, exterior metal shall be palnted withr an approved metal primer and then gi.ven one addlElonal coat of trim palnt. A1I exterlor sldlng, Erlm, and etc., ehall have two (2) coats of Olynplc or equal semi-transparent stain. Backprime all boards before atEachment to structure. All walls and celllngs ehall be sealed wlth a PVA gealer. A11 walls and celllngs not receiving special flnlshes shall be palnte<l. Palnt ehal.l be Fullers or equal semi-gloss enamel or lnterior trim palnt as required on the schedule. A mlnimurn of two (21 coats of semi-gloss enarnel shall be applied where noted and aII wood shall receive one (f) coat of new wood prtmer and two (2t additlonal coats of trim palnt. E. SPECIALTIES A specialty item shall be the Orvner supplled flre treated fabric ceiling cloth for dining area 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for Lhe lnstallatlon of PAGE 21 this ltem. F. I.I,ARLTTE T{ALL PANELS Bath and kltchen wall panellngr capa, and Jolnt ruoldlng ehall be l.tarllte as nanu- factured by the l"lasonlte Corporatlon. Colors and/ot patterne ehall be choeen by the Owner. All lnstallatlon shall be as speclfied by the manufacturer for wet and warm conditLons. G. CERA}TIC TILE The back counter wall of the Servlce area shall be ceramic tlle. Tile shall be 4 x 8 inch New Decor Serles or equal produced by the D;rllae Ceramic Company.Installation shall be accordlng to manufacturer's speclflcatlons or lnstructlonsof the 1980 handbook for Ceramic Tlle Inetallatlon. H. CARPET AII surfaces shall be as noted on the Floor Plan, Sheet No. 2. Carpet shall be a good quality commerclal grade, jute back, glue down material as speci-fled in . l.laterials Schedule. Carpet shall be lnatalled to provide a kick band around din- ing booths. I. SHEET VINYL Sheet vinyl shall be Arnstrong Palestra Vlnyl Corlon or equal aa chosen by the owner. Place alI vlnyl accordlng to manufacturer's speclficatlons for water re- sistant appllcations. Cove vlnyl up the wall 5 inchee where requlred. J. QUARRY TILE Quarry tile shall be Sumnit,vlLle or approved equal ae choaen by the O*ner. TlIe to be standard 6 lnch nominal x'l/2 i.nch. Set tile according to method F114-80 of the 1980 Hahdbook for Ceramlc TlIe Ingtallat,lon. TiIe shall have a single ap- plj.cation of Horn Clear SeaI 150 for hardenlng and duetprooftng. K. WOOD FL@R l{ood flooring to be Genul{ood II wood floorlng/vlnyl bonded aB manufactured by PermaGrain Products, Inc. Material shall be Walnut tJ-'l00A and layed in a randomplank pattern. Install directly over concrete subfloor according to manufacturer' s instructions. L. CONCRETE AII exposed lnterior concrete surfaces shall be emooth t,rowr:l flnlehed and treat- PAGE 22 edl wlth two l2l coats of Horn Clear SeaI 150 ag a hardenlng and duetprooflngagent. Appllcatlon ehall be as per the manufacturer's recommendation. M. WORKUANSITIP AII work, and those areas adjolnlng the work, shall be protected fron da.urage,pal.nt droppings, etc. Surfaces shall be prepared by cleaning, sandlng, aeallng, filling, to insure a smooth and uniforu flnish. AIl hardware ghall be removedbefore flnlshlng. Palntlng and etalnlng work shall be done by brush or rolleronly, unless otherwlse stated or approved. Upon completion of work all eurfacee shall be cleaned and any damaged eurfacesshall be repalred. PAGE 23 IZZY' S: IiATERIAL COLOR FINISH SCHEDULE EXTERIOR A. ENTRY LrcnTS - tc-5615 (Anber Cathedral-Bra88) Progresa Llghtlng IMIERIOR A. CEILING 1. Entry - Game Room - Office: llartln-senior Semiglose Enamel: Teddy Bear Brorm I.f-{3-036 2. Dining Room - Cupola (t e C Cedar): Ollzutptc 705 Staln 3. Restrooms - Prep & Scullery - Eutployees - Storeroom - Dough room - Kitchen - Servlce: a. Norlux Serulgloss Enamel A-16 Antlque t{hite b. [tartin-senior Semigloes Ename1 Antlque White c. F'uIler Semlglose EnameI Antlque White 4. Dining Room Draped Fabrlc:(Furnished by Owner.) B. FLOORING 1. Carpet.: Trend Carpet Dupont ZePeI 'Arctlc Circle- Alaskan Rust" 2. Kitchen Tile: Quarry TlIe, 6"x 6' Textured Surface 3. ttenrs & Women's Reatroom: Vinyl Corlon 86505 Armstrong 4. Dough Room, Offlcer Store Room, Enployees Room: Vlnyl Corlon, Color to be selected by Owner c. wAr.Ls tlall Paper: Vll-11-272 Wallpaper, Inc. Ki tchen-Of f ice-Storeroom-Enployeee-PreP & ScuI lery; Norlux,/Fu1ler/Marttn-Senlor Sernlgloes Antlque White Men's Restroom: 'llarlitet Gray Carrara - 34 1 508259 Abirtbi i{omen's Restroom: 'Marllter Autunn 50A262 AbltLbt Prep & Scullery-Employees-Kitchen-Doughroom: Marlite - Frost !{hlte 310 508255 Wainscot. & Panelj.ng: Olyrurplc 707 Staln Posts-Beans-Trlm: Olymplc 711 Staln Rail ings : Olyrnplc 707 Staln KiEch Tile: Caribbean Aruba - 171 Anerican O1ean Tile 1. l,lenrs and lilomenrs Restroom Counter: Valencla D-19-VF Eormica by t{ilson lrt. 2. Men's and !{omenrs Partitlons: Orange 411 Stock Knickerbocker 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 4. 5. D. COITNTER TOP : ETC. PAGE 24 DMSION 10: SPECIALTIES A. SKYLIGHT Skylight over dlnlng area 4 shall be a Lane-Aire, or approved equal, gelf flaeh-itg, double dome unlt with insulated curb. Dome shall be thermo-formed fromPlexiglas and shall be clear. B. RESTROOM PARTITIONS Tollet partitions shall be Sanyrmetal Nomandle and as lndlcated on the Floor P1an, Sheet No. 2 and the Detsalla, Sheet No. 7, Provlde all backing and in- stall according to manufacturer's speclflcatlons. Unit colors shall be as Ileted -in the l,laterial Color Finish Schedule, Dlvlslon 9. Provide each restroom wlth a 48'x 48" plate glaea mlrror aecurely faetened to the walls as required. Provide each restroom wlth one Bobrick 8-3944 recessed paper towel dtspenser and wast,e receptacle. AII grab bars shall be Bobrlck 8-550 serles wlth concealedmountlng. Place all grab bars according to Uniform Bulldlng Code, 1979 Edltslon. C" RESTROOM ACCESSORIES PAGE 25 DMSION 11: EQUIPI'{ENT A. TELEPHONE The building shall be pre-wired for telephone to accommodate at least three tele- phone lines, (circuits). Phone locatione are designated on Sheet, 11 of the draw- ings. The Owner wiLl instruct, as to clrcult distribution. B. FLOOR SAEE The floor safe wlll be furnlshed by the Orner for Ingtallatlon by the Contractor. C. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT The kitchen equipment and cooking equJ.pment are not a part of this contract. The supplier of Ehe equipment has not. been determined, however the voltage and Amper- age loads of major equipment components, as installed in the Bend Izzyt s ( 1981), are indicated on Sheet 11 of the drawlngs. The rat,lngs listed are for the con- tractors general reference purposes only. Final installatlon may require minor changes as the equipment selections are finalized. Adjustments and familiariza- tion with equipment, components shall be the contractors responsj.bility. D. GREASE INTERCEPTOR Install a grease interceptor wlth a mlnLrnum 20 gallon per minute flow rating and and 40 pound grease capacity. Installation to be complete with valving and ap- purtenances necessary for operation and servicing. Provlde shop drawJ.ngs Eo En-gineer for approval. The grease interceptor shall be installed within the con- crete floor with the top to be even with the tiled finished floor elevation. E. HOOKUPS Plumbing and electrical hookups for food aervice not ln contract. Subcontractors may be responsible for those hookups but wlII be paid by Pereonnel Compensationrates on page 8 under Change Order. t a PAGE 25 DMSION 12: FURNISHINGS (OI,TITTED) t a PAGE 27 DMSION 13: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION WALK-IN COOLER A. GENERAL The walk-in cooler shalL be of the slze ag indlcated on Sheet 2 of the drawlnge.Cooler floor shalI be of Ceramic Tile as epeclfied in Dlvlelon 9. The compres-sor, colls and electro-mechanlcal equlpoent shall be capable of malntainlng :rneven temperature throughout the cooler. Equtpment shall be alzed to malntati tfrecooler temprature at 34'F with the resteraunt. abinent temperature at,72oE. B. CONSTRUCTION walk-ln shall be constructed of modular panels conslstlng of preclelon formed in-terior and exterlor metal pans bonded to "foamed-ln-place" urethane lamlnated tothe metal "skins'. Inorganlc seml-rigld flber glass may also be ritlllzed forspectfic applicatlons. Panels shall be joinid togetler utllizing rugged steel cam action latches, Permanently embedded in each sectlon. cam locks shall allowsections to be hooked together and tightly eealed. Speclal access ports shalt beprovlded through whlch the cam lock unlle are act-lvated utllizin!--an iir"nwrench. Access port,s ehall be sealed wlth a NSE approved preseure type cap. C. INSULATION Three Types Avallable: Standard fiberglass lnsulatlon shall have a denalty of 1.07 pounds per squarefoot wlth a 'tKrt factor of 26. coopresslve strengttr ahatt coniist of 11 pounds wlth 25t deformatlon at normal thlckness. Flberglasa shall be lnor-ganic and non-combustive. 3 Standard "foanned-1n-place' urethane aha1l conslst of olen non-burnlng ure-thane accordlng to ASTI{D-1692-58 and shall. be approxlnately 2 pounds percubic foot in denelty. Holsture vapor transmlsslon ahall egual 1.7perms-inchee; the rKr' factor of .118. The foaa shall be 9gt closed cillwith a compresslve strength of 32.6 pounds per square lnch. Class I urethane shall be rated aa eelf-extJ.ngruishlng and flre retardant witha f lane spread of 25 as Per AsTlt-884. Ineulat,lon shal,l malntaln a denalty of2 pounds per cubic foot wlth a molsture vapor transmisston of 1.5perms-inches. Class 1 foam shalL naintal-n in "K, factor of .12,9gt closedcell and a comPresslve strength of 26 pounds per square lnch. This lietlngrefers to the uL classificat,lon eystem and le not lntended to reflect hazardspresented by this or any other materlal under actual flre condltlons. Thenuroerical flame spread ratlng le not tntended to reflect hazarde presented bythis or any other materlal under actual fire condrtlons. I 2 a PAGE 28 D. FINISHES Interlor and exterlor surfaces shall conelst of the followlng or any comblnationthereof: stucco emboesed aluminum, stalnlese steel, baked on whlte enamel, whlteplastlc larninate. E. DOORS Standard doors are fully lnsulated lnfittlng-type, bullt lnto one of the modularpanels. Every door sectlon lncludes heavy duty hardware wlth cam-llft hlnges andsafety release latches with recessed lnalde plunger. The door shall lncludepilot llght and switch wlth vapor proof llght. optione shall lnclude thermometerand pressure rellef port. AIl freezer doore shall lnclude door frane heaters constructed of extruded aluminum fraoes with encloeed heater wlre and thermostaE. A11 door frame heaters shall meet the Bp€clflcatlone of, and be approved by Un-derwrtters Laboratorlee. F. FL@RS Kitchen Tlle; Quarry Tl1e, 6' x 6' textured aurface aa speclfled ln the SectionB Flooring l,taterials Color Elnlsh Schedule, page 21. A11 walk-lns rlthout floorsshall be provlded wlth floor screeds for accurate allgnrnent and leveL lnstalla-tion. Insulated plte ahal1 be eupplled aa requlred for apeclaL appllcatlone. G. SHOP DRAI{INGS shop drawlngs shall be provlded by the contractor of all equipmentfor the Engineers review and acceptance. and systens H. LAITDSCAPING The Contractor's propoeal shall contaln a 95r0OO budget amount for completlnglandscaping areas as lndlcated on the attached sketch. Landscaplng shall be ln-cltisive of a t,imed, electrically controlled sprlnkler aystem as well as shrub,tree and sod installatlon as per an approved plan. payment under thls item willbe on a time and materials basis. The landscape plan wlll be completeri by EheOwner and provlded to the Contractor at a later date. I PAGE 29 DMSION 14: CONVEYING SYSTEMS (OI.IITTED) PAGE JU I c DMSION 15: ITECHANICAL A. GENERAL Purnlsh and lnetalL all of the below lleted equlpment and flxtures, and any ltemerelated to the hook-up of the same. AII work shall be according to code, 1g7gEditlon. Any necessary permlts shall be furnished by Mechanlcal Contractors. B. PLUMBING 1) t{ater Service - water service shall be from a 1-1/2 Lnch meter location aa shown on Sheet 1. The meter lnetallatlon and water tap will be made by theurater company. I The Contractor ehall be responslble for connection to the meter with acurb-stop and insEalllng a 1-1/2 inch diameter, Schedule K, copper service line to the bullding. Class 200 PVC may be substltuted for the Schedule K Copper 2l sanitary Sewer Servlce - Sewer lateral ghalL be extended flve (5) feet beyondthe curb l1ne as ghown on Sheet 1, vlth 4 lnch dlameter caet lron or duct,Ileiron pLpe. Servlce lncludes a clean-out wlthin three (3) feet of the bulLd- ing. Connectlon to the sewer systen w111 be by othere. A.B.S. pipe may besubstltuted for draln plpe lnstallatl.ons as approved by current butldlng codemodlflcations. 3) Gas Servlce - The gas meter wtll be placed by Northwest, Natural Gasas indicated on Sheet 1. Company 4 ) Underground Irrigatlon - System shall be lncluded as package and not lncluded as a part of thlg bld. part of landecapl-ng 5) Plpe - All waterlines shall be Ln copper with alr-cuehlons ln all flxtures.l{astelines shall be cast lron no-hub, wlth vent stacks counter flashed at theroof. Roof drainage llnes shall be as lndlcat,ed ln Dlvlslon 2. Alt interior water Iines shall be Schedule L Copper plpe. 6) Hosebibs - Exterior hosebibs shall be Acorn Frost proof where shown. 7) Hot water Heater - The heater ehall be gae, Natlonal paragon N1o0-16gc, tOOgallons, 199 r 999 BTt ,/H with 168 gallon per hour recovery at .100 oF rise.Installatlon shall be accordlng to the manufacturer's speclflcatsions. Theinstarlation sharL be comprete wlth relief valve and ventlng. 8) InstaII a delux washer machine valve and trim in the Employees area. 9) Lavatory - Install an Aruerican Standard hand washlng, wall hung lavat,ory De- clyn 0321.075 with Moen 4420 slngle lever faucet,, I places, l.e. Dough Room. 10) Restrooms - women's restroom shall be complete wlth Amertcan standard Circlynlavatories (2) 3201.035 with Moen 4400 faucet, only, no llft rod or waste as- a t , sembly. ilnerican Standard Elongated l{ater Saver Cadet tollet ( 1) .9468.018 with Church seat 5321.112 and Sloan Royal 110-3 flush va1ve. American Stan- dard Water Saver l'{adera tollets (2) 2222.016 wtth Church aeat 5321.112 and Sloan Royal 110-3 flush valves. Menr s Restroom shall be complete wlth Arnerlcan SEandard Clrclyn lavatorlee (2) 3201.035 with Moen 4400 faucet only, no lift rod or waste aasembly. Anerican Standard Elongated Water Saver Cadet toilet (1) 9468.018 with Church Eeat 5321.112 and Sloan Royal 110-3 fLush valve. American Standard Lynbrook urinals (2) 6530.018 wlth Sloan Royal 180 flush valves. All flxtures shall be whlte unless otsherwlse stated by Owner. Restroom floor dralne shall be J.R. Smlth 2010 5-inch floor dralns wlth 6 lnch grate. AII other floor dralns, funnel drains, and floor sinks shall be J.R. Smith or an approved egual. C. HEATING AND COOLING Provide all materials and equipment, and perform temporlng system as'indicated In the working drawlnger Sheet 12. AII equlpment shall be General Electric aas he- ating and electric coollng as shown. Controls shall be as llsted in the PartsSchedule and General Notes. The unlte shall be roof mount,ed by the Mechanical Contractor and shall be placed on lsolatorg. The location of all reglsters and flxtures ls shown ln the drawings. The con- Eractor shall be responslble for systern balancing deslgn and installatlon of dampers to assure conat,ant, and even temperature ln all rooms. All naterlals shall be new and the best grade of lte eeveral klnds. Upon comple- ti.on of rough plumbing, pressure teet water system for minlmum of two hours at 125 psi. Hydrostat.ically test waste system for at. Ieast 15 mlnutes. Upon completion of heating system test, balance to lnsure a constant 70o in all rooms. Provide all material and equipment and perform all operatlons required to com- plete the electrlcal installation as lndlcated ln the drawinge. AII wiring shall be in conduit or Romax as required by code. A11 wlring devLsed, plates, and fixtures shall be as indicated on the Elect,rlcal Plan and Electrical Legend, Sheet No. 1 1. Check load on each phase at each panel and service equlpment and make necessary circult adjustrnent to insure proper balance of road on arl grhases. rdentify all wlring when terminated on clrcult breakers or control devlces. AIl fixtures, outlets, switches, etc., ehall be as shown on the Elect.rical plan. I D. ELiCTRICAL a PAGE 32 tY the Owner shall supply those flxtures as lndicated in the drawJ.ngs. T.he Electrl- ca1 ContracEor shall supply all other flxtures and bulbe for both Owner and Con- tractor supplied fixtures. The Electrlcal Contractor shall hang or set all flx- tures lncluding those supplJ.ed by the Owner. A nuslc systeo will be supplled by the O,tner and sha1l be lnstalled by the Con- tractor as directed by the Owner. This portlon of the work shall lnclude responsiblltty for complete technlcal de- sign of Ehe electrical system ln confomance with all pertlnent codeg and regrula- tiona. All uraterlals shall be new and the beet grade of tts several klnde. Repalr or replace any work of other tradee damaged by thle operatlon, and renove from the slte a}l debrls, waste and eurplus naterlal of thle operatlon. Supply and install parking lot Ught, etandards and flxtures consiEtant wlth lighting decor of bullding and owners reguLrements. Wlre llght lnto same clrcult with monument signs. The Contractor shall provlde an electrical circult Eo gervlce a Becond, owner furnlshed, monument sign to be located on Delaware Street as shown on the elte plan, sheet 1. Said circul-t to be wlred through the aame tlmer-swltch aa the prlmary slgn. I a ARCHITECT'S iUpplrn rENrAt I N srRu crlo NS AIA DOCUN/ENT C710 (lnstructions on reverse side) KPacific Builders SNsirt BerrY E tiyland Brothers f, BCovalt EnterPrises, DePt'' of ?ublic \{orks, CitY ot Orvner ,\rchitect Consultant Contractor Field Other -TpffEt PROJECT: Izzy's Pizza (name, address) Springf ie1d, 0R ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 7 o 1 z OWNER: Pacific Builders DATE OF ISSUANCE: APril 4, 1984 TO: Hyland Brothers (Contractor) ARCHITECT: Brun Moreland Christopher Architects pc CONTRACT FOR: New construction.ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7300 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the follorving supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance "vith these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: Clarification: Gyp. board ceiling to have a light gypsum spray finish.Walls to be smooth. Advised Van Houten 4lZ/84.Clari ficat ion per Van Houten request: Al I hardware US 1O-B oi I rubbedbronze. (This eliminates inconsistency in Kraus Dalke drawings.) Deadbolt on front door may be set at BHMA standard 60n+.Clarification: Bottom 6x6 beams should be llZ" aboie bottom of false maibeams. Clari ficat ion: Finishes for interior and exterior doors, please seeat tachment . AttaChmentS i (Here inseil lisring ol documents that support description ) rss ED ACCEPTED BY BY itect Gr y S. Christopher Contractor Date BRUN CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS pc AIA DOCUMENT C71O . ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS . MARCH 1979 EDITION . AIA6@1979'THE AIVIERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHTNCTON, D.C.20006 3 4 o G710 -1979 Add the following schedule to page Z ,ROC,[,I FINISHES KEYN DOORS FINI SH Exterior side of HM doorsand f rrmes: Interior side of HM doors and f rames at Game Room, Ki tchen and Dr ive-up: Both sides of HM door and frame at electrical closet and hot water heater: Both sides of main entrydoor and vestibule door includes side lights: Both sides of Toilet Room, Off ice, Store Room, and Dough Room Doors: Door frame and cas ing Ameritone 19ZA Bungalow Brown Arner i t on l9ZA Bunga I ow Brown Amer i t one L9ZA Bunga I ow Br own Olympic semi-transparent 700 and one coat of polyurethane varn i sh. Olyrnpic semi -transparent 704 and one coat polyurethane varn i sh. Watco golden oak stain. Both sides of double door into Kitchen and and cas ing: swi ng frame