HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-09-245f'fflN(il: lf,: t_l)JOB NU ct I ection Lirrc: 726'3769 ( . rcoi 726'3759 IGN i',f I-ilul'r API.'LIc/\TloN 1r,., l: rltlr Strcct prirrglit:ld, OR 97477 CCAI'ION OF PROPOSED WORK 11,o3?5 z U? ELID: TAXLOT:,SSESSORS fr4AP: )WNER:?7-- A 647 ll o Afi r&? AVe e ,e\DDNESS ]ITY:STATE o?.ZIP:4 73 2-t ]USINI:SS Nn ME. flnM ETC ?-z ,5 )[scnll,TtoN oF pnoposED SIGN(S]: (plcase checl< and r:ornJrlcte all appropriate inforrnation] { *0,, - Freestanding _- Proiectirrg - Roof ---- Single Face - Double Face -.- Billboard X Otnu, Square Foota0e .)irrrcrrsir-rrr f rorn Grirrlc lo bottonr of Sign 0 Elcctrical lnstallation: -_ Yes _ No (lf yes additional pernrit is requiredl _ Marquee Vt,AtlL Total l-leight above Grade tZt Florizontal Width of sign ermla:ue ,, VtxYc VALUE: 5 I q'\/ eS A/J A,.4l rrq 1Q 3' 21 l, eo Vlirtcri.rl Sigrr is corr$tructed of hut*tr*tg , looo'co l-ist Al-L cxistirrg si1lrr:rgc arrcl attach a photograt)h of each sign (a) Typc (c) Typo (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTNNCTOR/INSTALLER:PHONE:495- 55+b ADDNESS CITY: _STATE: AZ CONSTI iUC-TION CONTNACTONS NEG ISTNATION NUMBEN b Za?oz EXPIRES CITY IIUSINESS LICI:NSE NUMBER:4 z obTe ZIP: q -71-oZ o- | -"3 EXPIRES: 7- 2A -17 OFFICE USE Sigrr District Zorring I Sigrr Pcrrrrit Fce Nt.OUITI[D INSPECTIONS ____._-__ Sire to l:e rnade prior to srgrr.ltlacerrrent Footing prior to placernerrt of concrete nr tcners are installed/ltrior to cover Electrical -Kr=inarcompletion of sign installation d Use: Code Section: Approvcd By: Ouad Area n -, DATE xaller las Arlrlitit.rrral Cornrnrtnts arrd/or Conclitions: []y si1;rtature, lstat(] arrtl agree, that lhave carelully cxarninecl tl're completcd application and do hereby certify that all informatiorr lrereirris trtttl atttl correct, arrtj llurther certify that arly irnd all wort< lterlorrned shall be done in accordance wittr the orctinarrces of tlre city olSprirrgflold, atld tlte L;rws of tlre state of orcgort pertainirrg to the work riescribed hereirr. lfurther certify that only contractors anrJrlrrlDloyeres wlto irrc irl compliance with OnS 7O1.055 will be usetj on this project. llurther aoree to ()nsure that all requirecl inspections arer requcsted at the proper time, that prolect address is reaclable from the street, thartlte pcrrrtit card is located at thc lront of the propcrty, and the approvccl set of plans will remairr on the site at all times cluring the installationof the sigrr(s). Sigrrature Date n- I +-qL Anrount Roceived: Receipt Nunrber: )2,q2 Date Paid l bqlaVirlitllrtiorr l"3D Received By €8 ) oro*r' t -frA Ll./ J/499241LAr'f 0tNlL -b&- Sq.Frs. 9"o.4 Sq. Ftg. prior to energizing - SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION -l lur irll,lic.ti()rr o1 tlls rcvcrsc sicle rrccrls to lle cornpleted cntircly' lf you arc tlre sign corltractor/irrstaller' or iI you ore lrirr,g a co.tr.rctor, you need to rnake sure tlrat bcltlr itre city ol Springliekl Business License Nurnlrer and the Registratiorl Nurnber lror]l the state ol oregon corrstruction contractors Boarrj are listed on the applicatiorr along with the expiration date ol eat:[t. lf tlrc sigrr you are proposirrg is illumirrated, an electrical perrnit application also needs to be completed and signed bv either a supcrvisirr0 ulectrician, linritcrl sign olectrical corrtroctor, or il you oro the buslness ownor who also owns tho builtllng itt which you are occupying, arrd you will rr. puiiorring ine ot.rtrical installation yourself, you maY sign the electrical application. lf there are existi.g wall ancj/or freesta.ding sigrrs, a photog.raplr(sl of each existing sign needs to be attached to tlre applicatioll.TlresizeoleachexistingsignalsonecrJstobelistedontheapplication. PLANS r.o subrnit Ior a sign permit, you need to prepare two cornprete sets oI drawings showir.rg all dimensions' total height' and a 1rr.t prarr irrdicatirig *r,"r" ir.." proposed sign wilr bc rocated. rt you are institting a frecstanding sign which exceeds 2O f t,:ct irr totar tlei0ht, the rooting detair needs to tre prepareo an,-t sta,ipeJ uv o registered engineer' AIter the plan review pro(:cssiscor.llleted,r,.,l,ir'[ursign(s] i'"pp^'itr"orresctwill bei"t''nlotoYou' Tlreapprovedsetof drawingsnccd .t0 l)c at tlrr.: site wtren an'irrspcotiori is rcqucsted for ttre irlspectors refcrence' INSPECTIONS Dcpcrrrrirrg or-l your sigrr(s), you may rre rcquirr:d to re(lucst onc or all of the Iollowing inspections during the ir.rstallatiorl of your sigtt: Site:ToDerequestedafter.irrtlir:a-tirlgorrttrelotwheretr,eproposedsignwil|.belocatedbutpriortoanywork being perforrned lor tfre irrstaiiltio,r of tne sign. fnl'i"lpttiion is required if there is a question on the locatiorr ol the ProPosed sigtt' Foorirrg: To rrc rcquesteti arter excav.tiorr ar*l the forms are installecJ, but prior to pouring concrete' lf there will be ele(:trical conduit placed ln ,rr,, ioo,ing, it rnust also lle in place prior to requestillg this inspection' Altacl.llnent:TotrcrcquesterlwherrallIasterlersareinstalledbutpriortoCover. tilcctrical:Tolrerequestedaftcrtheelectricalconrrectiorrtothesignismade,butpriortoenergizing. Firral:AfterallrequirerJinspectionsarcConcluctedandapprovedandthesigninstallationiscomplete, The inspections that are required {or your speciric sion,ryilr !e,idicated on the application during the plan review process' Fairure to rcquesr ANy of the required insplctro,,s courd resurt i" ,ig;r";ovar in order to in'p"-"t the sign at the required ir'ltervals r:[. work' .r-- _^^^.,$nn Tq request trrr irrspectiorr, phorre 726-376g.,Trris is a 24 rrour recording. on the.recorgrp^-r", wilr need to reave your city Designatecr Jot-r lrunrr:ei,'rocation or whcre rr;';;;;i.1,ei,,g iusta'co, irre rvpe of inspecriorr you are requesting' and whctt you wi, be ready ro, in"'i^*".tion. Ar-ins;;;;;; "rrrJ,r in to rh;';;"";l;Jr-p'ior'to 7:00 a'm' will be made the same workirrg rlay, all i"rpe"iion, phoned in ,rt", i"'60-o.m. wirr bc rnarle the lollowing work day' rf vou rravc any questions regarrring the applicatiorr, requircd prans or inspections, prease feel free to phone the Building :;,J;1,' ;;:;,i,1-i zo sz ss. City rtt' SPrirrgl'ieltl lluilttirrg Sll'cty l)ivision 225 lrillh Strcet Slrrirrglicltt, Oll 97 4'7'1 I i tCITY onEGorud s1'tUNGFII:LO \ o;ect se submittetJ has the following e lpecilic land use % 225 FIFTE STRBEf, SPRTNGFTBU), oREGON 97477 INSPECf,ION REQUEST: 726-37 69 OFFICE: 726-3759 EI,^BCTRICAL PER}IIT APPLICATION City Job Number qRl COHPI.,ETE FBE SCBEDUIJ BBLOV A. Nev Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Hodular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: ].. LOCATION OF INSTALI.ATION l lao ttto ttAul< 6LVP. JOB DBSCRIPTION I Luun TLATED eNTPa>r-E Aq:N t,ttal Permits are non-transferable and expireif work is not started vithin 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COI{TRACTOR INSTALI,ATION OM,Y B. Plzrttr4(\ 6Y o'( Xttlt' v*to Electrical contractor 6.4blE gtclN & A''"trtt1 /4AW OAILPMCA LP. City €u.tE ,/€Phone 1O5'5576 Supervisor License Ndmber lto ,f Expiration Date 3- t)-77 constr contr. Number LZ1o7 '47;n Expiration oate /o- t -1 * Signature of Supervi Electrician cit Phone C. Temporary Services or Feeders )o Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 Over 401 to 600 amps _ $ 80.00 0ver 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrBrr above 200 amps or Iess 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 amps to 1000 amps_ 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect On1y One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit STIBTOTAL OT ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL t s s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 $ 2.00 40-@ Sum Address lZt o owners n"r"0f\Fr 0+-, f -rd, . D. Branch Circults Address \(D *fn,A .S"<-Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel $ 3s.00 OTINER The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intendedfor sa1e, lease or rent. ovners Signature: DATE: RECBIPI E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $Sign/0utIine Light ine ^r€ $Limited Energy/Res g Limited Energy/Comm S 00 00 00 00 40. 40. 20. 36 2. oa RECETVED BY: q 5 42, oo W_ SPEINGFIELO LCOM M ERCIAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fitlh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP; efr, JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LIN E: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 TAX LOT:056 d> ,5 4 zo - 8677PHON E: \ LbAill q-7) ztSTATE:ZIP:o? I to TlttW AUE 9, E. CITY: ADDRESS: OWNER NEW )( REMoDEL ADD|IoN / @o.oo 4ut4,1 VALUE: INDESCRIPTION OF WOFIK DEMOLISH OTHER NAME ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS PHONE Ct Zo 3-t7-5flL o b CLfuTbc.AI.PLt R( dT ta-t o'? CONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT; lvttGll+tl{{€A{.: EXPIRES /o- PtlJuS{*i€: G EN E RAL: CONST. CONTRACTOR # MBING NO.FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new fix. addtl) Water Service ft. Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer ft Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT NO FEE EHA RG F Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall oill,cor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate nary evap. cool r Vent Fan/Single duct Vent from System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct ActN t Nq Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT _ OFFICEAuruu)HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLAIN ZONING LAND USE OCCY GROUP: * OF STORIES: QUAD ABEA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE; LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATEB: * OF UNITS: SO. FT.$/SQ. FT,VALUE (22O. aoTOTAL VALUE OF PROJ X X X SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER PLAN CHECK FEE RCPT#DATE BY BUILDING PERMIT PLU M BI NG DEMOLITION 5% State SUrcharge 5% State Su rcharge MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE $5% State Su rcharg e SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITSPAVINGCUBBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL L ft. .:4(,i,.31) T q3 4C DATE V REOUIRED INSPECTIONS J It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, call 726-3769 (recorder), state your City designated job number, lob address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work daY. SITE INSPECTION: To be ROUGH PLUMBING, PAVING: After gravel is in made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & place but prior to placing prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete. be covered until these UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, inspections have been made SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: ln accordance ELECTRICAL & and approved. section 306 0f the state Specialty code MECHANICAL: To be made a special inspector shall be employed before any work is covered. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & by the Owner/ Contractor during CURTAIN WALLS construction of the following w6rk. A FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: E'DED| A^E. E copy of the special testing reports shall To be made after trenches are FIREPLACE: Prior to placing be furnished to the Building Division. excavated and forms are facing materials and before erected, ail steel in place, but framing inspection' STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: ln prior to placing concrete. FRAMINGT To be made after excess of 2500 PS'|. (306 a1) coNcRErE sLAB: ro be $:#:L i[J'i['Jlfl;t]i ," srRUcruRAL wELDS: made after all inslab building place and all pipes, chimneys Performed on the iob' (2722 l) service equipment, conduit, and vents are complete andpiping, accessories and other the rough electrical, plumbing HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: ancillary equipment items are and mechanical are approved. During all bolt installation and in place but before any tightening operations. (306 concrete is placed. INSULATION & VApOR a.6) BARRIER: To be made after all UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, insulation and required vapor SPRAYED ON electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, barriers are in place but FIREPROOFING: U.BC. storm sewer, water and before any lath or gypsum Standards 43-8. drainage lines. To be made board interior wall covering is prior to covering or filling applied. SpEC;AL GRAD;NG, trenches. UNDERFLooR: Prumbins [l::']""=^'fHJ3[H]"' 5l;iJt'l:il#ll:'5J:'i]''l electrical, mechanical. To be according to plans' Chapter 29) made prior to installation of rr^,n D ^vncrri, GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnspectionfloorinsulation,deckingorLATHAND/ORGYPSUM floor sheathing. BOARD: To be made after all Certificate by an approved lathing and gypsum board, agency' furnished to the City's posr & BEAM: To be made interior and exierior, is in Building Division before prior to installation of floor fiace but before any beams are placed' (2501 U'B."' insulation, decking or floor plastering is ippflea or before STDS' 25-10J1)' sheathins. /sv'\ Y PJ*:lli:ilo,lil$",ilo srRucruRAl MASoNRy: (306 f inished. a'7) FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made Prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with uBc 2415. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but Prior to Placing concrete. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to installing anY roof covering. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating comPlete and form work and sub-base material in place. "ln addition to the insPec' tions specif ied, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT SITEPLANREVIEWBOARD:Mustberequested2daysinadvance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot stri ping, etc. must be completed before requesting this insPection. FINALBUILDlNG:Requestedafterthefinalplumbing,electrical, mechanical and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and Posted on the Premises' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: NS REVI BY By signature, r state and agree, that I have caref uily examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct,"anj I further certify thit any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ordinances of the city of springf ield, and the Laws of thestate of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that No occuPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 will be used on this proiect. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that proiect address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Signature DateilL ?-1542 VALIDATION os 4laulq 2, ()3 RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID:AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT #