HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1993-05-26slGN PEI{lvll r /\l'l'Llu/\'rl0N 225 Frrtlr Street Slrrirrglield, Otl 97 477 LOCATION OF PTTOPOSED WORK 5l,allNoFlcLo JOIi NUMB .rspection Line: 726'3769 Oflice:726-3759 ASSTSSORS MN P /7o= as2/TAXLOT:5'{rlh PHoNE: 6 *9-D"3 A ADDIIESS: _ /S lo {rou ?g ,1,/,--r CII Y f-uc><*.< BUSINESS ]'IAME, FIIIM ETC.: STATE: Oa-ztP ?Z4oz 4 DESCIIII'tlON OF ['ltot'OSED SIGN(S]: (plcase clrct:k irnd oornplete all appropriate informationl --_--_ Wall __ Frcestanding __-_-_ Proiecting _ Rool _ Marquee _..,_-__ Sirrgle Far:r:y' Dttuble Face -r/Billboard _ Other Srluare Footagc:Total Height above Grade:35/ Vcrtit:ol Dimcrrsion ol si /2 Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure:a/ Electrical lnstallation: / Y",NoDirnerrsion lrorrr to bottorn 0f Sig Mitterial Sigrr is (lf yes additional perrnit is required)VALUE: tcd of dc 3{ Last ALL cxisting silrnage arrd attach a photograph of eaclr sign (rrI Tyltc (r:) I'yllrr Sq. Fttr. Sq. Ftg. (b) Type (dl Typc Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. COI{ TRACTON/INS'TALLEN ADDIIE:IS: /DDD Ol-, o. S,d.-a" PHONE: LZ3-3Q, CITY CONSTI]UCTION COIJ TNACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER STATE:O,uq+*-ztP: 8Z4or-' EXPIRES: EXPIHES: {l OFFICE USE Sigrr District: Zoning Sign Perrnit Fee REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _---_ Site to be made prior to siUn plar:enrent Land Use: Code Section: Approved By: Ouad Ao U ooorr,o ilalto ptacr:rn-ent of concrete Altachment altcr fasteners are L{7ri,,,, ffifition ot sisn installatiorr *#Electrical energizing installed/prjor to c Adtlitional Cor lrl.rrctrls arrtl Conditi 1 8y sigrr turtl, lstirte artd a11rt:e, that lhave carelully exarttiltcd ttre completed application and do hereby certify that all informatiorr hereirr ls lrue illtr, correcl, artd I lurthcr certily that atty arrd all work perlorrned shall be done in accort.lalce wittr the Ordinances of the City ol Sprirtglielrl, artd tltr: Laws oI tlte State of Oregorr pertainirtg to the work described herein. llurther certify that only contractors arrd errtllloyrles who are irt currr;rliarrce with ORS 701.055 will be used orr this project. llurther agree to ellsure lltat all recluired inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, tlrat the perrnit c:trd is located at the lrorrt ol tlte property, artd the approved set ol plans will remain on the site at all times duri6g the installation ol the sigrr(sl. Sigrrature Zn-*--Q&,,/z)Date = 1,, /rS Validatiorr: [1ecei1lt Number O Beceived By Anrount Received:Date Paid: "/l J ic t \c\\\Phft Irt OWNTTI: r ( SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the reverse side needs to be cornpleted entirely. lf you are the sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City ol Springlield Business License Number and the Begistration Number lrorn the State of Oregon Constructiorr Contractors Board are listecl on the application alotrg with the expiration date of each. lf the sigl you are proposing is illuminatec!, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either , srp"rri.ing electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owrts thc building in which you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. lf there are existing wall and/or lreestanding signs, a photographlsl of each existing slgn n6eds to bo attoched to the application. The size of each existing sigrr also rreeds to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit lor a sign permit, you need to prepare two cornplete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, lotal lreight, and a plot plan indicatirrg where ihe proposed sign will be located. ll you are installing a freestanding sign whiclr exceeds 20 leet irr total height, the looting detail needs to be prepared anrl starnped by a registered engineer. Af ter the platt review process is cornple terl, and, it your sign(s) is approvetl, one set will be returrred to you. The approved sel ol drawings rreed to be at tlre site when an inspection is requested lor the inspectors relerence' INSPECTIONS Dcperrding on your sign(sl, you may be rcquired to request one or all ol the following inspections dttring llre installatiort of your sigrr Site: Attacllment Electrical: Firral: Footing To be requested after indicatitrg orr the lot where tlre proposeti sign will be located but prior to arry work being performed lor the irrstallatiorr of the sigrr. This irrspection is required if there is a questiort orr the location of the ProPosed sigrt. To be requested after excavatiorr and the lclrms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. ll tlrere will lre electrical conduit placed irr the lootirrg, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspccl'ion' To be requested when all lasterrers are installed but prior to Gover. To be requested after the elcctrical conrrection to the sign is made, but prior to energizirrg. After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complclc' The inspections that are required lor your specilic sign will be indicated on the application durirrg the plan review process' Failure to request ANy of the required irrspectiorrs could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. To request an inspection, phone 726-3769. This is a 24 hour recording. on tlre recording you will need to lcave your city Designated Job Number, location ol where the sign is being installed, the type of irrspection you are requestin(|, and whttn you will be ready lor the inspectiorr. All inspections callerJ in to the recortler prior to 7:OO a.m' will be nratle tlre sante working day, all inspections phoned in alter 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day' lf you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please leel Iree to phone the Building Salety Division at 726-3759. City ol'Springlicld lluilding SlfctY Divisiort 225 Fil'th Strcet Springlield, Oll 97477 aCITY OF OREGO'V SPFING"€LE, DEVELOPMENT SENVrcES DEPARTMENT can be erected once the CitY has and, the billboard located at removed. Mr. Conklin agrees t (10) days to request an insPec 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 FAX (503) 726-s68e This is an agreement betveen the City of S and Bernard Conk]in, 3M National Advertisi construction of a billboard to be located pri n8, ngfield Building SafetY Division c a te perm to has been o con ac t vrs10n v i thin ten tion once the billboard has removed. i/-e ,/qs Date