HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1994-03-03,,IC'TY OF S PR'N Onec o |f 5a't arna(iI-rr,LI, A! 22s FrFTE srr,EEf, ll;, : ,, SPRTNGFTEU), OREGON 9747Fu'',', " INsPEcIIoll RBQUESI: 726-3769 OFPICE: 726-3759 1. inn n:..taal as submlttgd hes the tollowirg iri'.., 1E?.BGIRICAL PBRilIT APPLICATION,u .ruao lrui iuqeirg sPecfilc Ctty Job Nurber Q 902lS c,u--Q$.lg'1 - 3. couptam BBB scEEDULB BBtov ..,....i. ...- ,i- '1.-J!.r'!ir.. r! r.EcAL DBscRrprro' I?2\4 OM.IEN rISTALIJITION ;li,i liltTl"l, fnoil hT"fi, lto.ufor sale, lease or rent. 0mers Slgnature: Nev Resldentlal-Slngle or llultl-Fanlly per dvelltng unlt. Servlce fncludedl A JOB Permlts are non-transferab 1elf vork ls not started vl thlnof lssuance or lf vork ls suspended for180 days. 2. OOT{TBACf,OR INSTALIJITION OI{LT Electrlcal Contractor L.R. BRABHAI4, INC. Address 68 $1.,,Q" sT .t I tems t , 1000 sq.ft. or lessflB Each addltlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof Each Hanuf ,d llome or -Modular Dvelllng Service or Feeder Cost $ 85.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Sum ctty SPru phon" 747-6639 Supervlsor Llcense Ndmber l4Z3S Explratlon Date 10./l /95 Constr Contr. Number 09699 Explratlon Date 12/18/94 _ l: X Slgna of Supervlslng Electrlclan Owners Address I Ct ty e 4r ;055 B. Servlces or Feedersfnstallatlon, Alteratlons orRelocatlon: 200 amps or less $ 5O.OO201 amps to 400 amps l-- i OO.OO401 amps to 600 amis l- irOO.OO6ol amps to t0o0 ai,ps]- Srso.oo Reconnectonly - iqo.oo C. Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallat lon, Alterat lon -oi-n"fo.atlon 200 amps or less $ 4O.OO201 amps to !00 amps ] $ ss.oOover 401 to 600 "ri" ] S 8O.OO0ver 500 amps or rbool6ft-s I."-;i; aE6F D. Branch ClrcultsI3 Phon Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel one circutt / $ 35.00 35,00Each Addttlonal Y J- Circuit or vith Servlceor Feeder permtt / S Z;oo d,/!0 Hlscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not tncluded)-Each lnstallailon xrii:l'il'*'= iiltr =3 E DATE: a RECEIV}D 5 SIETOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z S_tate SurchargeTOTAL : 00