HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-10-04"98 TeA Lane County za,ttott fort SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEI^I EOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit # Applica L,?CIE RAIIGE 1,1.3.l, SECTIOT'l 1,01,5 TAX LOT I-lorrr oF SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (if APPIiCAbIC)LOTlPAlia x:BLOCK ,ERCFOSED USE OF PROPERTY X[ nesidential l-l tndustrral f]el,uri.C(,rrLnerciaI 33A5 MONTEBELLO AVE.. SPRINGFIELD" OREGON-9?q?? T.CATION ADDRESS (--I',:',Y ZIPSTFi.EET TAKE HAYDENN BRIDGE ROAD T0 N. 3r'lTH'' TURN RIGHT T0 ]I0NTEBELLO'' TURN RI6HT'' THIRD H0USE 0N THE Y ON PROPERTY G SINGLE FAI1ILY DIdELLING, GARAGE HAND SIDE OF ROAD PTION OF PROPOSED IVORK - BE SPECITI Srpuc INSPECTIoN FoR LoAN REVIEW - OF BEDROO!4S NA # OF SToRTES NA # O]I EI'IPLOYEES NONE {./ATER S ProposedRAINBOLJExis ti LY O;TNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBERTELEPHONE SAllE CCNTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR # SAT1E AS THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NTJMBER ?q?-r+35b P'R.I'IIT TO BE MAII,ED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) SA]IE AS THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NUMBER SAIlE x( aIIit nf orma onLi 1Shereon andtrue correct thatand I duthor zed ntage ance of Lane theand LawsCouty the ofState Oregon w1 outrh the ofon Bui.the ur-pem Di vt onlding red oRs .05701 ifthatby forthebasi.s exemptexempt ild arewho n WI oRs 70employeesconpliance bewi 1l onused lhis ct 1 READHAVEprojeis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. OR LOAN REVIE[,J**NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED Installation Specifications Da te I rr.eus TION COM}IENTS: Date: NA T of S COM}lENTS k Parcel +a8-s& RLH I seurtatrou, s. r. *B. P. S (;rour, Use ON IiAS BEEN BASED ON THE Date: COI,L\ENTS intertcrr NG CONDITIONS: Partition #Parcel * Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of t)l:air:f-ie Id READ THIS SECTION CAREPULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZA Installation Record Issued? fl r.r f! w" !,taximum Depth fl pmuuruc,zzoNrNG Minimum Setbacks: zoneJ- c", fto.a-. SEPTIC INSPECTION F c", "id..rear BY ORS 6 DATP PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVIS]ON, 687.4061, 125 AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LANE COUNTY SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATION cl4-2s R* t- fr,/6- 'rut{i\5H1P IJIRUC!IONS 1'O 5I'18 JORGE &- DENISE SARDUY, SAT1E AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE \ I tr SE?BnCXS AliD OT:l:it CC::ll1T.lO:1.3 OF APPROI,/AL I1UST BE STRIC":-'i Oi:ER\.'ED. \'IOLATION CAr" R!SULT IN REVO- Cn:rOli OF T:lIS Pllll}lIT, CIT;.lIC:; U:lDrF PIIOVISiONS OF L;\\E ji)L::lY'5 INFRT1CTION OF.DI:i.lNCS,;rND/OR OTIISR RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAI^J. hHEN FEADY FoR I:.iSPaC?ION, CA:a 68i-i065. ,\ rlIl-IilU:] OF,ir LEAST 21 IIOURS.\DV.\:::E NOTI.CE FOR INSPEC- -f-': R-Ea'..ESTSltasT-nr r;iV:-::.--l:re tir.- loIIorinq inic:::tron.ef,dy:- iernit number, job address, tvpe of i.nspeccron, uhen at wllI ire ready, your name anC.hoic ruicer, and aa)'s?eciaI Circctions to site- BUILDING DIVISIOT{: R'QUTRED 1}:SPECTIONS : I. Foundatio[ ]I:!SS!r!1, To be made after trenches are exca!'ated and forms erected and ilhen all nffi;ls io;-il;--lilndation are (lclivered on ihe Job. iiherc concretc fron a ceatral mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be useC, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrere Slab or UnCer-:l.oor InsDection: To be nade ai|-er a1I in-slab or under-floor buil.ding 56:re e;-urpnmt,-cmurt, pf[in..1 .ressorfes, and other anci]-lar]'equipments itens are in place but be!ore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulatiol Inspeggions: To be made aiter the roof, aI1 framing, fire blocking, and EI;cInS arE--in rface aid:1f pipes, fireplaces, chimne_vs, and vents are complete and al-1 rough electrica] and plumbing are approved. AI1 waII rrlsulation and vapor barrier are in piace, 4. Lath and,/or Glpsun Board Inspection: To be made air-er all lathing and qypsum board, ;nterior ano ei:crior, -ls-inlilrce Eu-5ETue any plastering is applied and before gypsw board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final InspecLion: To be made after the buildi-ng is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No uork shall be done on any part of:he builCing or'it.u"tr.e beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtrinrng the approvaL of the building otfrcial. Such approval sha11 be given cnly after an inspection shall have been made of each successive stepj.D the construc+,ion as indicated by each of'-he inspections requireC. NOTE: AlI buildi-ng permits requj-re inspections for lhe uork authorj-zed, such as but' not limited to: A. Block l^Ial-L: To be made a:t.r reinforcing is 1n pLace, but before 3ny gEout. is ooured. This InEll6ciToi is required ior each bond beam pour. There uill be nc approval until the plunbinq and electrical inspections have been nade and approved. i t r l'food S love : compfe ta To be made after lnstallation shall conpletion of nasonrj' (if applicable) and when instalLation is be in accordance wi-t.h an approved, nationaLly recognized test.ing agency and. Lhe manuiacturer's instal-Iation lnstructrons. llobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or sept.ic sl,'stem for setback requirements, bl.ocking, footrng connecLion/ tiedowns, skirting, and plmbrng connect.ions. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundatlon requirements for nobile homes or as recomended by the nanufacturer- 2. $obil-e home ninimum linish floo! eLevation slrall be cert.ified when required by a fLood- plain management Ietter. .uob.i1e home tiedouns, when required, and skirting shalL be i.nstalLed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be instalLed per enclosure. D. Swiming PooI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrele is poured. Above grade when pool is instal,Ied. APPROVE}PI"ANS IIUST.BE ON ?HE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERI{IT WI].L EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITIIIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i'lAY OCCUR IF THIS PERTIIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POII,'T OT REOUIRED INSPECTIOIJS WILL DO SO AT THETR OWN NISK. SIJBSUREACE AND ALTERNATIT/E SNh'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: t. Pernits shall be effective for one year fron the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon completrng Lhe coistructlon for which a permit has been issued, the perm.it holder shaLl notify Lhe Lane Count:/ Decartment of Planning and Comsunity Developmcnt by submitting the installation lecord forn. The Dcpartrent shall.inspec! the consLruction to detcrmine if it complies uith the rules contained i.n thi.s Cj.visi.on. If the construction does comply uith suchruIes, the Dcpartment sha1l, issue a certificate of satisfactory completion tc the permiti holder-If tire construction .loes not compLy with such rufes, the Deparhent shsll nottf!" the.pormithoLder and shaIL require satisfactor),completion before issuinq thc ccrtificJte. Failure tomeet the requiremonts for satisfactory complctlon wtthin a rcasonable time constilutes a vto-latron of oRs 454.605 to 454-'745 and this ru.Ie. ig!!j"I" - Subsurfacc scralre ql:lasaL Scptic Tank Drainfield : .oni lrtcrror properti, lincs 1.0' iO'ECie o: road rliirt-of-way 1C, I0rRiriioinq ioli.lat:an 1C'ilells, othcr water sources 50' l0O' 3. Lf, q,i6-'4P,i. E copree c( plo* plan cL4b6, l-/+/N€Couuf Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property X Hor"" EI Barn Qd.c"r"eeE [[obile. Home E Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEDxYes No Water District CITY not sma r- not uma af tboya) Lican$ , cl e zlP Qrutl "1 boxes, lf possible.Please complete all lines lnside white 325 l.-Lo'n*e,b<-tlo $;ar -kt ;l:F -Lr5qb on trr mrpa ln th. A.a..rm.nt & Tultlon fcrnrhip Rrng. Sction 'l/a S.afion Tu Lot -*-, p-- *-F =rc-;- r iffi ......lur.o-i- t0 D.pt)6J#,#J,- PARCEL NUMBER -tFEi- OZ hrnga Dlrectlons to slte Cct-r L\l i-k cbro3 from ztP SITE ADDFESS RMIT For Moblle Home Placement Only No. of Tip-outs- No. of Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size & Land Management Dlv. staff can not be held responslblE for evaluatlons or recommendatlons basEd on false, lnaccurate or lncomplete lnlormatlon prain Fie\d5 s."n,f*^q,^ (- t-lsr,J< hilchen Lu,'5 A*.^- +2 +t &d*.s 9o,-t" i l I tooo$ o e"O QN541 CLLIQ-. cR qtL{-rl Flcu\ = \D58 $+.e Uoturne- = tbAt l+5 Rrrs PLOT PLATV EXAMPTES The following PLOT PLANS are used for all development applications.lf you have 2 acres or more, use BorH example t hnd example 2. lfyou have less than 2 acres, use example 2 only. /r\ Cou Lane Proposed Drain Field Septic Tank Tax Lot 42 00 21O'x27O' I -. COUNTRY LANE O Set-Oacks 20 ft from road or street rights-of-way 10 ft. from property lines These ligures may vary for some non-rural zones O For set-back dimensions for septic tank, drainfield, and /t ITE House Barn 30x50 1 50' Replac 70' \ em enl Drain Field Area I --.-\ \*",, Shed 20x30 replacement drainfield check with the Sanitarians at counter #3. 20.5 ACRES D