HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1981-11-25.- RESIDENTIAL -- COI,IB INATION / A.PPL ICATION PER}'IIT ,,LCEIPT iI SPRINGFTELD CITT O? S?RIiICFIELD ,q < 1,4ffi cro caz?fF sPRIllcPrE D, 1RECON 97477 tsuildinq Dtvisiot 726-37 5i It,oo Qa-, It_ls 8( Job Location: Subdittision: Tc Lot llAssesso,,.e ltq # Asner et.oru tt\Adteos ci Deeertbe I'lork n AdZition Rqtodel ,ontmc'tors il@E Add*sa scil il GeneraL llectria,L l.t*iunia,l, Cottstt uctiptr Letd,et Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is thc responsibility of the perrnit hclden to sce th3t a.].L irspcctions are nade at th6 ProP€r tiDc, that each addrass is readable frcn the street, and that tha pcrrnit card is located at the fiont of tho proPelw. a .{11 nanholeg and clcanouts ara to bc adJusted at no coat to th. clty STTE I}ISPEC?ICN:;ffi;Eii?To bc nade aftcr p:rior to set up of TIREPLACE:;ir-ffi Prior to placing facing and befanc franing inspee- HOODSTOVES:iffii-retea.After instalfation r forns.tlou U}IDERSLAB PLUI{BING. ELSCTP.IC.qL t MECHANICAL: To be made before any i6iEi-s co.,ercd. @,approval ltust be requcsted after of rough plurabing, electri- CIRB 6 APPROACH APPON: After fonas cal 6 mechanieaL. A11 r'oofing, bracing 6 chinreys, etc. must be c@p16ted. No rork Ls to be con- ceafed uDtil this inspectioc has bean nade and apgrovcd. are erecEaEt prlor to pcuring conctete. FOOTIIIG 6 FoUIIDATIoN: to be made after trenches are e::cavated and formc are .rect!d, but pricr to pouring @ncPete. SIDEHALK 6 DRIVE!{AY: For alL con- ffi street right- of-way, te be n:ade aften al.l exca- rrating ecmplete 6 form work 6 sub- base material in placc. I'NDERGROUND PLUI{BING, SEWER, I{ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prior to f5.l- ling trenchcs. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSP, ECTION : To be nrade after all iusulation and ncquired vapor bariers a.re in plaee but before any lath' gyPsrlD board or IJNDER,ELOOR PL'JI,IBING 6 MECHANICAL:@or walJ. covering is aPPIied, and any insulation is conccaJ.ed. : may be reguired Building Code, floor insulstion or decking.to be indicated ln ;la::s or bY no- tj.ce frorn Building InsPeetor. POST T BEAU:G;GffiN To be nade prior to of floor insulation @'after all dryrall is To be made in placet or Cecking.but prior to .rny taPing. ROUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.IC.',L 6 HECH- AllCIl\L: No rork is to be covered iEffthese inspections have been nade and approved. }IASoNRY: Steel location, bond Effi, grot ting cr verti.cals ln accordancc with U.B.c. Scction 2rr 15 . rINAL PLUHBING All project conditions, such as the instal1ation of st?6et trees' conPletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before thc BUILDING FTNAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building fnspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been maCe ald apprcved t.. llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and app:.oved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPANCY HAS EEE!'I ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SION AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES. E:NAI. ELECTRIC.{L PRoCEDURE EoR INSPECTIoIT REQUEST: Call nunber, job adCress, type or inspection 726-37 69 )stat e your ci,ty designat ed ob iequested and when you will be resdy for lnspec- tionnill day. , contractoas on orners nanne and phone nunbers. be made the same day' requests made aften 7:00 YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBEF. IS: Requests before 00 a ro. FINAL HECHAI'IICI.L a will received the next rorking (reccrder e2 REFERENCE NI]I,IBERS L-CO4 .iJOB NIDIEER, TY?E / COI'ISTRT]CTIOI{OCCLIPANCY CROUP BEDROO}1SZONE No"th South tlest :,'.te" Heq,ter Setbacks 0thet Lot Sql4te Ytg.Lot ?A?e Intetior Cortter i', eJ' Lot Couered! of Stories ictal Eeiah! -r?ogPq4! FEE.S Th.!.s peflnit is granted on the esp"€ss catdi:':on thct the said consintct.:on shall, in ali nesTecte, eonfon to the M.ina.ces adopted by the Ci:1 o;' Spnngiield, ineluiittg the Zoning 2tdinowe, reqtlat')ng =)e ccn- stptction ad uee of btildinqe, oti tay be s.s;erd.ed, ot te,toked a! ory tune upon uiolaticn oi' dtl ptati- eions of daid Ctditouee. BATLDTilG VALW/PERIIIT PLqt CTteck ?ee Date Paid RecEtot # i No person elall conetn/ct, inatell, altet ct eltotge cEtA netrt or eziattng plunbing o? drzaTage sga;an in ulele or in pet, zatkse such pereotc ia :he '.egal poaaesao" of a ualid plutiber's Licerae, euceat that d pe"son nay Cc plw,tbing uo.k to p?cre?:! u?::ch is otned, Leased or operated by the apilicott. PLU,IBING ?ERI4I? Saner swdt.qL ?OTAL CITARGES l{hete State Lo, vequitee tlgt the e"ect=tcal uotk be done bg an Electm)cal Contractor, tha elecL*)cal pot- tiorr cf tlrta permit alull not be ualtd uzt-Jl the la- bel las been sigzed by the ilectric:L Ccn*c2!o". The Electrical Safetg Lan daee not rcqtire c le?son to obtairt a Lieense as @t electrtaian atd./cy elee- Lrica! contya,ctc" b truke ot electtical ina::LZcticn on Wo?eptA uhtch i.s ctlned brJ hinae',i ot a -,f.tbet of kta ilnnediate larrily akich is ttot ltten:ed ;':r sale, Lease ct rent. ELEffRTCAL PERILI? llai o? TOIAL CHARGES Colstluciion SAETd!AL MECEAIIIC.4L P8IfiT Veat Fqt SAB?ATAL CE.4RGE I HAW CA-RE?UUY EXAMINED the conpleted qplication fot permtt, d1d, dD herebg certify tlat al,L infonatioi hereon is tmte otd. corteet, old. Ifi.otlet ce?tlfy that oty cru{ aLL wrk petforned slull be Cone in accor-dance utth the hdittotces of the Citg of Sp*ingfield, attd, the La,ta of theState of 1rcgot pertaining tc the lurr:,k dee*ibed h*ein, aid tlut NO OC- qry4ilCy tiLL be nade of dty etrucfuue tyitlout pennlarica of the BuildittgD.i,sieion. f further certifg ttat onlg contru,ctors od. enployees ulo ar:ein canpliance wilh ORS ?01.bSS tnill bA u.sed on:his ptojebt.- Seatity PLot Eratriner ilectvieal b.bel Diuision apptated plan shall rancin on the Building te at aLL,|ALAL N^OUIIT DUE E:'lCROACHTIE!ff Date Si.da,talk Bui&)times i.laincnatee !07!tL A!,!ou!lT DUE Peflrit l-ot Faeee: !.!ous e 'rA?X.o1 ttcc.JS$ ?O?AL CIL4RCES