HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-04-02TNFORMATTON | 726-37s3 NA}18 OF BUSII{ESS, FIRM, ETC.OT BUSII:ESS SPFrINGFIELD A PHONE G?+ INSPECTTONS: 726_376s SI GN PERMI T APPLICATION TA.Y LOT "" .<f,oO ADDRESS 4z'zz / .LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRNSS)-2 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street oi.rNER OF Slcri CIF oTHEli. THAIr pROpERTy OWr.rER) ADDRESS + ft PHoNE I g LECAL DESCRIPTION OHNER OR PROPERTY B. rype oF woRK: ATTER RELOCATE OIHIIR $--t*.t STP.UCTT]RAL TYPD OF SIGN: iIIALL :{ TR.EESTANDI}IG ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE _orHER/ ' Aaa>J-S/f4 an <r>7e"-/ab C.USE AT{D CHA.RACIER OF SIGN: -IDENTITYINCIDEMAL SINGLE FACE !{TILTI-FACE y' nraorn BoARD --T- BILLBOARD D. {-oourr.n FACE 777-i',7qq I E DA sS rp ?>lo G . ,ADD?.ISS CITY LICENSE }IT'},IBER . VENDORS, COMRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR SIGN I,IANUTACTURER CIF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS '3Q- ?c* ca,l t. I YATERIALS SIGN ISDESCRIBE TYPE OR CONSTRUCTED Or. . VALUE OF SIGN:K o 'SITE INFOFI{ATTON (LALO USE) -- EXTSTTNG USEoF BUILDTNG OR LAND (OR LAST USE rF VACANT) v_INDooR BUSINESS OU?DOO.I, I4ERCIIAT,TDISING PF.OPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR I"AND: J z 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIINED Ehe complerinformation is true and correct, lnaaccordance with the Springfield SignSoringfLeld and aIl other"OrdinancEsCregon percalning Eo t:1e worl: clescrj.bcense vrith rhe Ciry of Springfield is8-2-Q (3) and 9-7-2be). 'r witt requepermit. ed-application for permiE and do hereby certifv rhat a1lI further certify thar all work oerforfred shali be Jone inOldinance, the Unifornr.sign Code'as adopted by the City ofof the City of Sprinqfield and the laws'of rtr6 St"r. oied hetern, I further certLfy that rnv ,9ign Cortractor I-i-in ful1 force and effect as-reouired by*Springfield Codesst all required sign insnections Iisted'on'the'appior"a 2' NAI'IE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATUF-E ARE TTIERE ANY EXISTI}IG SIGIIS? YES G. ,*rrrrroc srcNs AIL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINISS, ETC. DII,IE}IS IONS, UISTILI.ATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIO}I TorAL HErcHr ABovE GRADE 2c I VEP.IICAL DII,IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL I.IIDT}I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKTIESS OR DEPTTI DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YESIF YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12,,OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TITE SIGN ERECTORI'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION 99!1ES OF HIS/}rI:R LTABTLITY AtrD ppop_ m-47, ,' /o' - {uo . IILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL hIIRII.IG? ELEcTRTcAL cor{TRAcToR 2 ADDRESS ' - LISC. NUMBER_--PIIo]IE SIGN LIC}ITED) IT YES, W{ICE _ILLI]MINATED PLEASE READ 1)$eparate Slgn Application: A separate application is required for each separate sign as definedInW Electric?I: .Any permit issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign strucEure,the supply wires for connection musE be covered on an electrical p-ermit.- Electrical fonneccionmust be made-on1y by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. IlluminaEed signs (both internallyand exEernally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe Slringfield Sign Or--dinance, 2) 3)Plang Requirsd: _ Ttris -application is Eo be subrnitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing di-mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign; locaEion of sign on pioperty r,rith-di-mensions Eo proPe-rEy 1ines, -strucEural details of support framing, bracing and-footings; materl-a1sof consEruction for sign and sign strucEure; electrical equipmeni and ligtiting; size ind locationof elisting sign!.on property for the.saBe b,usienss, all as iequired to determinq comgliance withthe Springfield Slgn Ordlnance (Article 7 of the SpringfielC Ci:y Code). A1su,. it'ow i:he fo11ow-ing infor',,i:ion on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and locaEion of signs): a) Show the location of all exisEing stgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(s). b) Show the_ leng.uh of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wallsigns, shoe, the length of the building frontage. c) Show the Location of entrances open to the public and dri-veways. When required, because of design, sLze, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Eust be pre- pared^b-y a licensed engineer or shal1 conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi-sion Office. Plans of lnsufficlenE clarity or detaiL wilL be returned to the applicant wLth no permit bei-ngis sued. Signs must meet coxrler vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. N9TE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadelectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 vo1ts, or less than 5 feet in any di.rection frou overheadelectrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. -If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shallbe void. Inspections : a) Site Inspection - to be rnade before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection 11.fl€jj-ic;6le)'may be made aE the same time as the Site Inspection. ffiE-Fo6Eing-InEpec-tion is to be made afeer hole(s) is excavaEeci, buE prior to the placeuent of concrete. 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) b) c) Einal I4spectfo4: - to be made upon coryletion of all work. Electrical - all e.lectrical signs must be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signi-recEea and before the sign-is trrrned on. cAr.L FOR THE REQUTRE.D TNSPECTTONS ON T1{E 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT es{ FOOTAGE OF SI ZONE DISTRICT C C TOTAL SQUARE GN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: 4rn,tocArro* 6oun"H**r"* K**OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT OTI1ER SIgCIAL coNDITIo.\s To Bs SATISF:ED tsEFoRn EI€CTioN oF SIGN: S/r^,/ ZtetT@ 7a -?atft6arl€7e*D€- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERI'IIT MAY BE ISSUED APPROVED BY:DATE {/ / ..> ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 0 TOTAI RECEIPT CLERK DAIE 4- 2 .h 44 SIGN PER},IIT FEE: JOB # 47. STATE SURCHARGE oa O-o o {r- !a SECTION:RINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE {6