HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1986-05-08__ t\ city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A. SPFTINGFIELE' SIGN PERMIT APPLTCATTON INFORMATTON: 726-3753 INSPECTIONS' 726.3769 ffi@ LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS)/f 70 4a l.'t-.t,1' lzt LECAL DESCRIPTION OTINER OR PROPERTT TAT. LOT ? PHONE ADDRESS OIJNER OF SIGI{ (IF OTIIER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER) zE q 72oy' ADDRESS /.<- ),1 fr,.r/.,n"-ll /1,.PHONE 7EA - /()c) NAI'IE OF BUSII{ESS, FIRM, ETC . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED rhe completed ainformation is t rue and correc t, and I f,accorda nce with the fieSoringfield and all Ord TYPE OF .BUSIIIESS F'" ..u.' /- ,1s/n Spring other Id Sign ].nancesCregon Ordinance, the urther cert pplicarion forifv Uni ,PE tha fonn S rmit and do het all work reby certifv formed shaliper that all be done inasadopredbyEhe City of Scace ofof the Cicy of ign Codeld and r, 8-2-6(3 oerrainingith Ehe ci ) and 9- Ey to Eile worli clescrib request all required cense w ed ictcrn rld is in full force and effec taspermic. NAME (PLEA,SE Sprinqfiefurther ce rt!.fy thaE mv 11 he laws of p:n Cortractor Li- the reouired byions Iisced on the aporoved Springfield Codes . TTPE OF WORK: ERECT ALTER ,.4roro* B OTH}iR STP.UCT,IJRAL TYPE OF SIGN:, z_ttttt FREESTANDilTG ROOF _PROJECTING MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OrI{ER c.USE AT{D CHA"RACTER OF SI,GN: IDENTITY -*arrrr*o, - DOUBLE FACE ./SINGLE FACE ]_**rr-"o., READER BOARD BILLBOARD D. E . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN <- -J CITY LICENSE III'.['BER. 1'? ? EXP. DATE SIGN I.IANUTACTURER CIF OTIIER TI]AN ERNCTOR) ADDP.ESS /n E DU.IE]TSIONS, UISTALI.ATTbII A CONSTRUCTIO}I G . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE AIIY EXISTIT]G SIGTIS? TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT}I OF SIGN BJIi8,:rsil FRoM GRADE ro TIICKIIESS OR DEPTH {' (" \ES y'{n40" 4-r(v'AI.L EXISTING SIGNSrOR EUSINESS, ETC://' ?4 P!^E!_!lcN PRorEcr BEYoNDPROPER.TY LINE? YES II_I_ES, DTITENSTON BEYONDPROPERTY LINE *{H NOTE OTEE PROJECTIOII I S IIORE TTIAN 12PUBLrcPROPEP.TY TIIE S ICN ERECTORl'rusT rI TF I^IITI{THE B UI LDING ^t'coP IES OF HIS D IVISION ADDRESS ERTY }IER LIAB ILITY AI'ID P,ROP- DA.I.IAGE I}ISUP"AI,ICE POL I CIES LISC. NUMBER l. DEscRTBE TypE OR YATERI}I,S SIGN ISOF ,,,/,./;L y'1 ^ -,{ {,t C La ../n s K . VALUE OF SIGN: ' !Ir! rNFoFt{ArroN .(I,ArlD UsE) -- EXrSrrNc usEoF BUTLDING oR LAriD <on r.e6r u$"i; vAcANr) J BUSINESS -OUTDOOR I'ERCHANDISING PR.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDING OR LAND: l--rsn-, SIGNA 7-20( of Springfie2). r will (. sign insoect DAIE q -aq -91 t i . PLEASE READ 1) Seogf3tg-sler!-4oelication: A separace appllcatton ls required for each separare slgn.as deflned1n Ene srtn Cooe, z) Electrical: Any PernLit issued under thls application will include wiring Ln or on slgn scructure, - the suPPry wires for connecti.on rrusc be coviied on an electrical !'eruit." glectric"i-to.rrr"ccionDusc be oade only by a State LLcensed Electrical ConEractor. Illirminaced signs-iu"lr, incernallyand exEernally) must conform co Seccions 9-7-4 (a) e tsl -and 9-7-rt-;i-;[e-;;;i";;i;id-si6 o;:'dlnance. 3) Plans Requiled:. Ttrls-applicatlon ls to be submltted with Ewo corrplete secs of plans showing di-IDenslons and height of,sign; advertising message on sign; IocaEion of slgn on pioperty with"di-mensions to proPe-rEy 1ines, -structural details of supp5rt framing, bracing and-footings; raarerialsof construction for sign and slgn sErucEure; electritil equipmenE'and ligEcing; size ind locaEionoF elisting slgn! on proPerty fgr the same busienss, all is iequired to deteriinq comoliance withthe Spllngfield Sign ordinance (Article 7 of the SprLngfield Cicy Code). Also,.dhow the follow-lng informaE,ion on the plot plan (plan showing propert, tines and location of signs): a) Show the locacion of all existing slgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the buslness or bullding. For wallsigns, show che length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open ro the publlc and driveways. 4) I{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered pared by a licensed engineer or shal1 conforn to design s sion Offlce. s) 5) 7) B) e) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs nust Eeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sisn urav be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead E-I$rrical c5nductors in excess of 750 volls , or less than 5 feet in any direction fror: overhead elect.rical lines whlch are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perrait, the pernic shall be void. Insoeccions : - a)SiceInsoection-tobem.d'ebeforethesignisp1aced.Usua11y,Ehe@#(tr apprrcaoteT may be macie_ac the sane Eime as the SiEe Inspection. Tne rootri:g rnsPec- tion j-s co U" 6.a.'"ii"i hole(s) is e:icavaEeci, bur prior to Ehe placernent of concreE,e. Einal Insoeccion - t'o be made upon coryletion of all work' Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after rhe sign ffiecEea and before the sign is turned on. b) c) cArL EoR TllE RXQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON T1lE 24 HO1IR INSPECTION LIIIE AT 726'3759 SIGN DISTRrcA _. - 1) fr.k( ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SrTE/LOCATION -FOOTTNG oR METITOD oF ATTACHMEM v ELECTRICAJ. _FINAL OT}IER SPECIALcoNDITIoNSToBESATISTIEDBEFoREERECTIoNoFSIGN: ADDITIoNALINFoRMATIoIINEEDEDBEToREPERMIT}4AYBEISSIIED: and calculations umst be pre- on file at Ehe Building Divi- DATE F - gC- drawings Eandards SIGN ORDINA}ICE APPROVED BY SECTION:6-a-t/ i ELECTRICAT ?ER}TIT FEE:,i /- tl TOTAI.: RECEIPT CLERK j t'' - t ,-*'at'- ,-. 8-81"€ SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB # 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: A.iL .y ;_1.