HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-04-19INFOR\TATION : 726- 5753 CIltrTT CF SPF,T,\TGFIEI.,D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI.IGFIELD SIG:{ CONSTRUCTION A.ND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION COIIB INATIOT APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT LocArro.{ oF srcx(AooREssl / S lJ Na h LECAL DESCRIPTI o TAX LOT ! OIi\.ER OF PROPER,TY tlckn y /Nt Urct tzt-,PHONE ,roonrss d I IIiSPECTIOT.' REqUESrS; 736- j;09 ttl Co 7// O'15 AJJu 4 't r ,a J.t P oriliER OF Stcx(IF oTIlER TttA\ PRoPERTY OttllER) L, ],L//APi aoonrss;l-gzJ }IA.\IE OF BUSINESS, Fli /r.u 74 fiPE OF BUSI}IESSrJ-€ TYPE OF SIGN: //- NALI, FIf\I, ETC 7*// 2/ eYecr RELOCATE ALTER CTNIER FREESTA\DING PROJECTIIiG READER EOARD I / torNt'trr PROJECIING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE LE _ NON-IDETTITY SECCND.I.RY ,r SI,r-GLE FACE }IULTI..iACE |IIARQUEE OTHER !.ENC0RS L9r ,.L ofA--J*.. - ___--.__PHoNr ',,' 4 4 - q-;. ;_- __sI-GN EREcroR l: . lr,/ /-ZVJ. eoonsss*: -? e._g 5__-A-*r.tlL- cI'rY LIcs.\-sE suraen :(-/ /- tl. .S16N }IA}IUFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL\\ ERTCTOR) .+,---,.- ADDRESS PHOT"E E IICTRI C.{L CO)ITRACTOR ADDRESS )'i .\\ D TOTAL HEICHT AEOVE 6R,\DE /1,VERTICAL DI}ENSION OF SIGN DI}IENSION FRO}I GR.TDI:TO BOTTO}I OF SIGN qt IIORIIONTAL ft"IDTH OF2 DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PRoPERTY LINE - YES x *O IF YES, DIIIENSIoN !iOTE: IF PROJECTIO)| IS I.iORT, TIIT"\ I2'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SIGN ERECTOR I'IUST HIsPUtsLIcLIABILITY,'"\DPRoPERTYDA}[{GEINSURI"\CEPoLICIES. THIC KNESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN BEYOND PROPERfi LINE FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF IF YES, WHICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGTTTED)il,;,,-t{rLL sIGN }rAvE ELEcTRIcAL NIRING? -vrs $or DESCS.IBE TTPE OF Y.\TERI.\LS SI6}I IS CO}:STP.UCI'F,D OF 4rc atrd .)u PROVI DE UL MJTIBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SI6N SITE INFO&\NTION (LT.\D USE)..EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR ! LA,\D (gR LAST USE IF VACA'\T)'- _54 PROPOSED USE OF BUILDI}IG OR L$iD:,(AfA'E7zt/ CHECK ONE IF APPLI-CABLE ,r"nst 1rs y'{o BUSINESS _oLrrDooR IiERCHA.\DISING IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTIIiG.SIGNS..FoR Ptls.lllEss', EXISTI}iG SIG{S (SIGN CODE): ARE THERE EXISTING S FIRV, ETC.: Al,L EXISTIIIG SI6NS ON PREIIISES(SA.uE TA'{ LoT)X.- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA\IINED the completed appl ication for Perro!'t and do herebY certifY that all information hereorl. is true and be done in accordance w ith the SPringfield S the correct,and I further certifY that all tork perform ed shall sof Uniform Sign Code as adoPt ed Ly the CicY,of Springfie 1d and all other Ordinances of the CitY of SPringfie the State of 0regon Perrai'ni'ng to the work des cribed her ein. I further certifY tha t my Sign Contractors License with the City of SPri ngfield is in full force and effect as requi red by Springfield CitY Cod us b-z-e(l) and 9'7-2o c2).I vill request al1 required sign inspections listed on the aPProved Pernit ign- Ordinance, ld and the law DATE t/ NAME(PLEASE PRI}IT)LI VREPA€ C W llVAil| srcNAruRE *c?,/,Vr.r*' E ONL ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE .FOOTA6E OF SIGN SIGN DISTRI ELECIRICAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: -SITE/LOCATION FOOTING OR }IETiIOD OF ATT.AC}I\IENT FEES: TMAL FEE FOR PERUIT {6 STATE SURCHARCE: AL OTHER SIGi.I PERTIIT f s.oo ELICTRICAL PER.UIT CHARCES C}L\RGES .00 7* BI r EIP. DATE PHONE _ __- ___IICENSE NI^IBER I T \'\LID.\TIO:I l)SeDarste Sign rpplicericn: A seParate appiication is required for each separf,re sLgn rs .lerrneo in the siSn c ode a)s Insoect ion to be made before the s ign is placed. Usually, 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this application will include wir- ing tn or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on Jn electrical permit. Elecrrical connection rnust be made only by e State Licenscd Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internelly and externilly) must conform ro Sections 9-7-4 (4)E(5) and 9-7-tS of rhe Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plrns Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two co,npletesers or plans dreun to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad-vertising nessJge on sign; location of sign on property with dimensionsto propercy lines. structual details of support franing, bracing andfoocings; nrteriels of conscruction for sign and sign itructure; elec-lrical equipoenc end lighting; size and loiation of exi.sting si.gns onpropertr €or the so"ne business, all as required to determine complianceuith the springficld sign Ordi.nance (Article 7 of the Springfieti cityCode). Also. show the following infornation on the ploi piin (plan showing properry Lines and location of signs): a) Shon the locarion of all existing sign(s) as welr as proposed sign(s). b) shov the length of rhe street frontage taken up by che business orbui ld ing. c) shov the location of entrances open to the public and dri.veways. 4) l{hen required, beceuse ot- design, size, etc,, engineered drawings andcatculerions nus! be prepared by a Licensed engiieer or shall cont-ormto design scanderds on r-ile at the BOilding Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficienc clarity or detail will be recurned to rhe ap-plicent vich no pernic being issued 6) signs r:rust meet corner vision clearance requirerDents as described inFig. 9 of thc Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) ryorE: .:-o sicn -nay be erecred which is less than 12 feer horizontallyor,verric:lly fron overhead electricar^ conductors in excesi of 750volts. or less thrn S feet in any direction froo ov"rh"aJ-"I.ctrical' lincs vhich are energized at less than 7SO volts. . B) If a si;n is noc insr:lled rrithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis pernit, the penrit shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: - St sbg +-aoal 1 t ti.ne aarl e conc Foo: ln nsDect (if applicable)may be made at the sameas the S lle nspecEion. The Foot ing Inspection is to beafter hole(s)is excavated, but prior to the placenent ofrec e. b) Finel L-,soection - c) CLERK DATE E!gctricsl - All electricar signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hoor up :frer rhe sign is irected "nJ uutoru ti,"-rigi-ii-"Eurned on. CALL FOR TI{E REQUIRED IlrspEcTIONS ON THE 24 726_3769. HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFOR\!\TIO.Y NEEDED BEFORE PER},IT IIAY BE ISSUED: PI.A,'{S REVIEI{ED 8Y:-zo I1 E / t r I I -{fifril @ %rli.\ HEALTH FOODS G tl V. ^g I -- E I rlI L